Do you wanna be different?

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"So... how did it go?" I ask.

Stan sighs.

"Pretty well, i think, Thea's nice."

I laugh.

"Sure that, she is."

"Pretty also."

"Hands off, you have yourself one already!"

"I didn't mean it that way."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it so rudely."

"Aw.... do you like her?"

"Honestly? I have zero clue if I do. If she asked, I would go for a date but I am not capable of understanding what I feel exactly... I do think I like her but I'm not sure, I don't think I've liked anyone in a while."

"Does it feel the same as what you felt for Kelly?"

"Yeah? I think so?"

"And you liked Kelly?"

"I did."

"Well then, you might just like Thea as well."

"Oh shit, I don't really have the energy to deal with that idea right now... you know, one sided shit is not my stro—."

"I'll tell you a secret... if you ask her, she won't say no," he says, smiling.

"Oh....OOOH. Should I?"


I laugh.

"I probably should then," I say.

He nods.

"Gary! Kyle! I gotta talk to you!"

He drags both of them away. Oh now I gotta......

"Hey, Bebe!" I say.


"Where is Thea?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Stan told me something."

"Don't use her, please."

I roll my eyes. This is a common mistake from people, people even closer to me than Bebe...

"I won't. I'm just thinking and I just... wanna ask her out or something. Obviously with my money situation, I mean like doing stupid shit and fucking around."

Bebe nods.

"Just by, over there I believe. That being..... well Wendy and Cartman are around as well but I don't know where exactly so if you run into Wendy, can you please tell her to get her ass to me? I have a lot of questions I need answers to, now."

I nod and walk ahead. Bebe says a Thanks before continuing to walk off.

"Hey Thea!" I say.

She smiles and waves at me.

"Hi Ken! Is there a problem at work or what are you here fo—?"

"Stan talked to me a little."

"I... um...."

"Spill it!"

"Wanna go out? Like, nothing interesting. Just fucking around and walking but I wanted to ask."

She smiles.

"I'd love that."


"Stan was right... wow... the girl shouldn't have doubted him," Thea says.

I laugh.

"They think I don't get attached... do they?"


"Well then, that's understandable actually. I haven't liked people in ages."

~POV change, there will be one after this.~

"Hey, Cartman."

I roll my eyes and turn to Wendy.

"How's my favourite emotionally unstable person doing?"

"I'm your favourite?"

"I don't know anyone but Kahl whose like you and you know.... quite obviously, I like you more than him."

"Kyle is not at all emotionally unstable if it's compared to this jealous bitch."

She points to herself.

"May be."

She sighs.

"Look, I heard you apologised to Heidi."

"Oh, days ago. Don't talk about it."

"Dude.... you know nobody expects you to apologise to anybody... it's nice and human and society needs it but most of us thought you're a sociopath."

"Haha. That would be beautiful."

"Do you feel empathy then?"

"Yeah, slightly. My empathy is broken but I do feel it nowadays."

"What means nowadays?"

"Since my mom............... ya know, no, scratch it."

"C'mon, you know I don't fucking gossip. Tell me, I wanna understand how you're different from what you were just a year ago or so."

"Look..... I don't know if you wanna know."

"I do."

"Fine... my mom has cancer."

"Oh shit, I wasn't expecting—."

"A later stage... it would be stupid to try to do surgery... but honestly, she is going to die. I don't have that money and won't work it up, we are kind of relying on charity on that front."

"Oh shit.... I'm so sorry!"

"If you caused her cancer, sure, but you didn't.... so I don't have a single clue about why you are apologising."

"It's-it's polite. When you heard someone has lost someone or someone's sick, we say we're sorry for it."

"But you didn't do it. Why the fuck is it polite to apologise when you're not at fault?"

She takes a few moments.

"You.... actually don't understand that?"

"No. If I did, I would not ask."

"Wh—wha—why didn't your mom teach you that?"

I chuckle.

"My mom hasn't taught me anything. Not to share, not to be sorry, not to play nice... nobody gave an honest fuck about that after they heard that I physically lack those things... when I was probably three. Nobody fucking bothered."

"Wait.... you need to be taught to be sorry? That's just straight up something that sounds like sociopathy!"

"I'm not sociopathic... I prefer to call it something out of the ordinary... or I don't know, relates to trauma anyway. I don't have access to that part of my brain without me trying my damn best and even then, I have no understanding for why I'm sorry because nobody ever told me what I need to be sorry for. I can be sorry but because I simply can't understand what I'm sorry for it always sounds insincere."

"Holy shit..... do you feel anything?"

"Yeah, I do. I feel sad my mother's gonna die, I feel some empathy towards Kenny for having such shit parents..... I do feel, I strongly believe that I do."

"But why the fuck have you done so many bad things then?"

"Because I don't have a moral code, that's completely locked.... and I never taught a single moral in my life. We copy from our parents, my mom didn't give me any morals because she didn't bother. She wasn't above bringing a guy home and fucking in front of me... that's why I'm so traumatised by the idea of my parents having sex. I fucking learned from Stan that it was fucked up."

She looks down.

"Do you wanna be different?"

"I believe so."

"You need help... seriously. Maybe you still can be fixed, medication or something... therapy.... I don't know. But that's fucking scary and I'm almost certain it's scary for you too."

I sigh.

"You asked about what I'm like by talking, and yes, it's scary but I've learn to live with it because, yet again, nobody bothered to get me any help before I was too gone for help to help."

"You're not too far gone, you can change, I'm sure of it... because you said you feel sorry and that's a sign that you are change. Are you better off if we stop talking? I mean, I'm so mentally unstable I doubt it's good I'm here if you're like that,"

I roll my eyes.

"No, I don't think I am."

"How come?"

"I didn't think i'd say this but I like it when there is someone that laughs at my stupid jokes... has got to be one of my last reasons to not go full into the whole villain persona. I'm never going to be a goddamn angel, most definitely not. I will never care for anybody the same way someone else would.... but I do care for people. I hate to admit but I care for you."

She smiles.

"Okay then. But still, we'll get you actual help, someone to give you pills or something, someone that can help you catch some morals," she says.

"Okay then," I answer.

~Last POV change of the chapter.~

"So, hi," I say.

Gary waves back and we sit down.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine... you?"

"I'm great! Thanks for asking."

I laugh.

"Sorry if I sound really bored, I was with the girls last night and they had me up all night."

He laughs.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't even notice before you said that."

I nod.

"Girls are aliens. They were up all night and next morning they got up at six. SIX. With all the energy I get from sleeping for two days."

"Oh I don't think that's girls, you might lack vitamins. Would explain a lot about you if you did...."

"Oh shit... I didn't know that was an option."

"Are you cold often?"

"Well now that you mention, yeah."

"You're lacking vitamins. Look into what you eat and how much more vitamins you need... it's a very common problem... especially in households that aren't all that into the whole 'eat healthy' thing."

"Oh thanks, Gary."


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