Then it all begins.

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(Five thousand words excluding these notes. FIVE THOUSAND! This is for the starting chapter. I would never do this for any other chapter. As well as that, there are headcanons in here. If someone complains about that song, fuck you, it's great.

The silence fills the classroom as Wendy and Butters, the student council people, walk in after their clearly long moment of being elsewhere.

"Alright, so.... our Santa Claus got sick, like the one our school promised to do...."

"I can go," I say.

"No, you have things to do here for the play."

I nod and look around the room for someone.

"Sorry, I'm already in something else," Stan says as a lot of people look at him, honestly, he has the same excuse as me.

Slowly everyone starts backing away and trying to think of something they have to do.


"I don't have a minute to spare. Speaking of which.... what homework do we have? I have to go now."

"The pages we read."


He speeds out the room.

"Honestly.... is nobody gonna do it?" Wendy asks.

"I can—," Clyde says.

"You already have a lot, babe."

"Eric?" Butters asks.


"Oh c'mon, it's good for you to do some kind of a job."

"I said no. I have a right to say so."

"Yeah but I also have the right to tell the principal about how you haven't done work experience this year," our teacher says.

"So what?"

"That'll lead to a lot of trouble for you."

I laugh, oh I have to see this shit.

"I'll fight you if you don't," I say.

"Fucking Jew..."

"Indeed. Now, I did a double to keep the register up... which was shit. So I will sue you for emotional damage."

"Oh is money are you give a shit about?"

"No, your suffering is way above money in my life, I have a scholarship coming."

"Oh fine, I'll do it," Cartman says.

"Thank you, Eric," Butters says.

"Yeah thank you, Eric," I say, saying his name with the most hatred I've heard in my own voice for a while.

"Now, Eric, we need you to try the costume and learn everything. Your next chosen class will be notified."

Stan and I both chuckle.

"Which one gets the camera that day?" He asks.

"Dude, we have phones."

"I wanna hang it."


"Because it's blackmail material."

"Ah now you're talkin'," I say.

I get my bag.

"Let's go, drama next."

We start walking, both. Stan took drama with me because I wanted to take it and I took music with him because he wanted that one.

"How much that you're going to be either the goddamn one that 'kills' Jesus or some female?"

"Dude, I'm not betting, I'd absolutely lose."

"I just kinda hope I can be the one that poured water on Jesus."

He laughs.

"With your luck, you're gonna be Jesus."

"Nah, they wouldn't."

"I'm almost certain they would though."

"I'm Jewish."

"So was Jesus."

"Everyone in this goddamn play is Jewish. The bible is full of Jews!"

"But they killed Jesus."

"With, for the time, an appropriate punishment for fear mongering and a lot of other crimes."

"I know but still."

I roll my eyes and open the gym door.

"Are the roles chosen yet?" I ask.

Our teacher, Vitunjoulu nods. Both of us sit down and after a few minutes of waiting, the others come around.

"Alright, in order. Tweek, you are the one to put belief into Jesus because I can't remember the name of the ceremony."

I sigh. Well there goes my hope role.

"Stan is playing Pontius Pilate."

Stan laughs.

"I get to wash my hands! And say a cool line!"

Oh of course the Atheist can't be bothered with the fact he is the villain... kinda.

"Cool line? Which one?"

"'I am innocent of this man's blood; see you to it' and 'What I have written, I have written.' They're both so cool!"


Let's go. I better get Barabbas or something.

"Is playing Jesus."

"I TOLD YOU!" Stan screeches.

Well fuck me.

"I, quite frankly, would like to trade with Stan."

"Not a fucking chance, I would rather stay away from being anything resembling a Jesus effect."

"Jesus effect?"

"Basically the chosen one effect but with religion. Jesus is the 'chosen one' from the moment he's in the lake in that one scene."

"Didn't he kill hundreds of pigs though? Why does a guy that murdered them have to be the chosen one?"

"Yeah, I think he did? As for the Jesus being the chosen one. Haven't you seen weirder cases.?" Stan asks.

"Okay truth but I really wanna talk about the pig. He drove them to the lake to get rid of an illness, that's the reason pigs are seen as filthy.... honestly, why pigs? ," I say.

"Mrs.Vitunjoulu...... can I talk to you for a minute?" The religion teacher asks, timidly.

"Oh sure.... play nice, kids."

I sigh.

"I'm probably gonna refuse the role," I say.

"I *gah* wouldn't."


"Because this is the second to last play this year. Obviously it's three scenes and five minutes but it's *gah* still most of your grade. I already tried to get out of doing this."

"Oh shit."

"Plus, you get the *gah* main.... can't be that bad."

"I get to open your grave!" Bebe says.

"I don't know if that's a good thing, Bebe."

"C'mon Kyle. If one of us had to open your grave, which one would you like it to be?"

I laugh.


"What about him excluded? He's gonna die before you."

"Nic probably."

"What now?"

Nichole looks at us after asking that.

"If Stan couldn't open Kyle's grave, he'd like you to open it," Bebe says.

"I'm......honoured? I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to say? I'm gonna take good care of your body?"

I laugh.

"You're pretty enough to be an angel anyway."

"Shut up."

"Aw come on, it's a bit of joke-flirting. Nothing you haven't heard before."

"I know, exactly why I was blunt with what I said."

I smile. Damn, I like this girl.

"Small part of me was hurt."

I put a hand on my heart and pretend to be hurt.

"Smooth," Stan mutters, look everywhere but at the two of us.

He looks on, jumping up and hiding his face.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Hey! Stan!"


Gary sits next to him, leading to Stan looking at him.

"How are you?" Gary asks.

"I'm good? You?" Stan answers.

"Ah, I'd prefer not to lie. Pretty bad!"

"How so?"

"Lot of these kids haven't changed the slightest.... it's been like 6 years and still they can't stop being all up in my face."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it.... you aren't like that anymore, are you?"

"I'm afraid the only goddamn thing I'm feeling is a cringe attack. So yes, I'm no longer like that."

"That's good."

"I'm so sorry, I was so childish back then."

"You were a child though."

"I know, I should have known better, no matter the age," Stan says.

"Hey, the important thing is growing up and learning from what you did in the past, even if it makes you 'cringe' sometimes," Gary says.

Stan nods.

"Thanks," he mutters.

"For what?" Gary asks.

"I was expecting you to not have forgiven me."

"I'm used to it. People regret it later, everybody does. But as always, you need to be kind to receive the same kindness."

"I guess, like, I'm really sorry about the possibility I offended you at all."

"You're really giving yourself too much credit. I don't let such simple things go into my head, that's the best way to wind up dead, I'll tell you that fact."

"I know."

"Really. You worrying about my reaction is sweet and all but I have been beat for being like I am......... really, someone that's extremely confused doesn't hurt longer than a week."

Stan nods again.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm changing back to this school for the last semester."

"Oh God... you should have come back in January," Nichole mutters.


"You will stick out really badly."

"I don't think so. And if I do, why is that bad?"

"It kinda leads to unwanted attention."

"How many times do I have to say that I can handle unwanted attention for you to understand it? I'm sorry, if that sounded impolite. Just, it doesn't really matter to me, at all."

I nod and look at the door. Mrs. Vitunjoulu is taking awfully long.

"I don't really understand the whole idea of this 'high school drama' scene. It's kinda just 'Oh, I'll just move along' to me and you seem so concerned with it. We're here to get an education, that's the simple purpose. Why does it need all these dramatic twists and turns?" Gary asks.

I look back at them.

"I don't understand it either but it's just—we take social status really seriously," Nichole says.

"How seriously is that?"

"Eh, just the groups and anyone who isn't in a group doesn't have a very good social life. We have the classic 'friends since middle school' and all those rumour bitches, you don't get it but it's easy to get out."

"That's..... honestly stupid. What happened to 'take everyone along'?"

Nichole shrugs.

"I just wanted to tell you that, in case you needed that information."

"I really don't."

Stan finally looks away.

"You've changed," he states.

"Did you know me well enough to say that?"

"I did to some degree. You're using stronger words in normal speech and aren't extremely scared of offending people."

"Is that a good thing then?"

"I think so, yeah. I've always envied people who can express their opinions before it's the explosion point."


"Is that really the only thing that has changed?" Nichole asks.

"Yeah? I believe so? Am I missing something?"

"For staring so long, you'd think you saw Jesus Christ."

I laugh, nodding.

"Isn't that an expression for—?"

"No that's seeing God," i say.

"I don't know, he could have seen both," Bebe says.

"Shut it! I most certainly did not see either of them!"

Gary just laughs.

"I don't really care what you saw," he says.

"I didn't see anything. I'm just painfully awkward and watch people body language for way too long."

"Let's *gah* pretend we believe you," Tweek says.

"Babe's got sass!" Bebe says.

"Not really. I don't know how that was sassy but thanks *gah* I guess."

Mrs. Vitunjoulu comes back with the religion teacher.

"This play isn't offensive in your opinion, is it?"

I roll my eyes.

"I would have told you back in November when we had read though all the lines and pretty much memorise them," I say.

"You're Jewish, it wouldn't offend you at all."

"Oh I assure you. If it was offending to someone, it would be the Jewish person," Gary says.

"If you *gah* won't take it, I'm Cristian and couldn't give two fucks if *gah* someone payed for me to."

"See? It isn't that offensive!"

"You do understand that Christians will be mad Jesus is played by a Jewish person. I'm simply trying to save you from backlash."

"Jesus was Jewish. In fact, many called him the king of Jews. Him, is someone, should be played by a Jew," Stan says.

"But not many people remember Jesus was Jewish, they just blindly hate Jews more than anything you could think of."

"That's not my fault."

"I'm trying to save you from the backlash.... please, we have enough lawsuits for the last Spanish teacher as it is, we can't take this one, we'll shut down. Don't do this play.... I beg of you."

"I remain with what I chose to be fit. And if that leads to a lawsuit, I have legal documents issued."

"I don't know, Em—."

"My decision is made."

Holy fuck, these two are full of fighting.

"Now please leave us, we have practice today."

He leaves with a one last 'I tried to warn you.'

"Alright! Bebe, we need you to wait for a minute, seeing as you are in the last scene alone. The ones that are taught by Jesus, come here. Kyle, you too. Stan, keep Bebe company."

~~~~Kinda the idea of this thing to switch POV's.~~~~

I run in and out of breath start changing to my work clothes.

"I'm not late... am I?"

"If you can get ready in a minute, no."

I nod and put my work clothes on, leaving my school shit in the lockers.

"Okay. Am I on dishes again?"

"Yeah, you are. You better be fast, we're having more than a few in an hour."

I nod and get to the machine. The wonders of technology: it washes the dishes so I only have to put them in the right place.

"Alright, it's on."

I nod and take the gloves from above the thing. As soon as I get to it, plates start coming out. I take most of them into my arms and put them into the right place, running back to catch the rest and to put the few glasses on their own shelf.

"Forks and knifes coming!"

Oh yay, my least favourite. Eh, i can just put them in them in the right place. Let's make it awardable. If I get it done in a minute, I can go on break later.

"Do you need any help?"

"If you have hands."

I smile as she takes the plates, putting them on top of the ones I put in.

"The plate cart is starting to go full enough."

I finally get the forks and knifes done, putting them into the machine again so I can do them over. Glasses next.

"Oh shit, you're quick."

"Still don't understand that I'm a fast runner with steady hands?"

I chuckle and continue to do the job.

"How's your sister?"

"From what I know, fine. She's going to a friends today."

"Oh okay. How about Kevin?"

"Nothing interesting, work."

"Still doesn't have enough to move out?"

"He's 19.... do you expect him to have enough at that age?"

"No, I just mean... wasn't he working to get enough?"

I nod.

"He is. Probably won't get it for a while though, he's got a lot less money than you would expect by now, borrowed my dad some."

"Borrowed? Why would a child borrow to their parents when they still live in the house?"

I laugh.

"We all do it."

"Why do you do that then?"

"Because we're in poverty... you know this."

"I do, I do.... it just seems utterly useless as you, while living there, go on your parents house... something they pay for."

"Oh don't worry. When you hit 17, we pay rent."

"Wait..... why?"

"Because that's simply the best way for them to have some money."

"But.... out of your kids?"

"Who else?"

"That's just.... terrible."

"It isn't, not really."

"No, it is. Do they expect you to immediately be able to move out?"

"No, they just need the money and can't find any other way to get it out of us than rent. Kids borrow to their parents all the time."

"Not when they're poor as well! Good luck if you get out before they die."

"Theresa.... don't worry about it so much. Your family isn't the best either, when it comes to money."

"Yeah but at least my family isn't like that! And we aren't that poor!"

"I love that it isn't the worst part and you are already on it to hate my family."

"They're not abusive.... Ken, please say they're not."

"I....... never mind."

I just put the knifes on the right place.

"It's full," I say.

They take it outside. I smile at Theresa.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You don't have to."

"You can't be so passive all the time..... grab the bull by the horns, Ken. Don't you want to get out?"

"Look. This is exactly why I don't talk about all that. I want to but it's more complicated."

"How is it complicated? Get them reported, leave, I don't know, there are options."

"No, I can't."

"You can! It's just a report and everything is done!"

"Things aren't black and white, Theresa. I have Karen, she's 13. My dad isn't in the health to deal with anything right now and my mom is trying to help him get better without taking him into the hospital. This is not the time."

"You're gonna just take abuse?!"


I put the plates on the next cart.

"There isn't a thing I wouldn't take for my siblings," I finish.

"You're that close?"

"Yeah, we are. We're a bit beyond the kind of sibling relationship you have if you're spoiled."

"Not everyone who gets more than you is spoiled."

"Look, we survived, first of us is an adult. That means we got what we had to get. So yeah, it's being spoiled."

"No it's really not. You're not what it looks like when someone isn't spoiled. You're far under what is considered the line!"

"But it's what you learn to appreciate."

"I know. But really... don't you want to get a good job someday? Do you want to be in the wave of people who follow their parents footsteps? Do you want to be a clone of who your parents are?"

"What does that even mean?"

"Addictions, mental illness, money situations, actions.... if we don't try, we're a broken record all the way through. We are all going to end up like our parents if we don't push in the direction we want to go! There is a reason people that had druggie parents took drugs, nicotine addiction runs in families.... we're all gonna be shadows of our parents, if we don't follow the path that will fucking look like an impossible one! Don't you understand that? You have to step up for this line to STOP. You need your steps going in the other fucking direction!" Theresa says.

"Is that true?"

"What do you think it is? Because I, for one, believe that you gotta take the path that looks hard but will reward you.... and nobody has gone that exact path yet. Close, yes. But that exact path you make as you go through it... that's how you make other people choose paths that are their own."

"Good Lord," I mutter.

"Think about it. If you become the change you need yourself, you're going to do great! Do what you want to do, do what you're good at.... and you can close the goddamn circle you will repeat and repeat as long as nobody steps up!"

I actually start crying.

"Is everything okay, Ken?"


I put the last plates left on the same cart.

"Ken..... really—."

"I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm not smart enough, I'm not good enough to do anything my brother couldn't do."


She looks utterly terrifying.

"What I'm saying is that your brother might not be able to do this.... you're smart and more than that, you're crazy determined! When you put your mind into it, it's better than whatever someone else could do. So don't doubt what you can do, do whatever you wanna do, do what you're fit for. And if not for anybody else, your sister and your brother will both take the example! Just because you're younger than someone doesn't mean you can't inspire them to do things better, to do things at all.... and you can do it, I'm sure of it, Ken."

"I don't know if I can—."

"You don't know if you can do anything before you have done it! It might just take ages but you can do it, everyone can. Everyone naturally has enough to fucking destroy their old life for a better one because everyone excels in something. Everyone can better something already done or make something completely new someone else adds to. We're of a social nature, we are meant to do things together. That's exactly what we're going to do! All of us! Including you! Nobody can do everything but we can damn become a team and do things bigger than we are!"


"No, I won't stop pressuring you. Not until you realise that you can do something about this! About everything that's happened to you.........and I'm here to help with that, if you need it."

I nod. She might be right........

~Oh time to move onto the main story I guess. Is this going to be 4000 words? Holy shit! By the way, POV change.~

I sigh as I step out, in costume. Why the fuck did I do this again?

"You look great!"

"Oh I'm going to be the laughingstock of this damned town."

"No, you're really not. It's charity work, I'm certain they will be fine with it and forget this," Butters says.

"Butters, shut the fuck up, you don't know them like I know them. Stan and Kyle are going to bite back and the others are going to turn a blind eye. Just because they would forget you doing this, not me, I'm a very different case to even the kindest people."

"Shouldn't be a nazi. Plus, it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice," Wendy says.

"Alright then! Eric, Wendy, you probably should learn about what your roles have in them."

"She's going to be something?" I ask.

"Yeah, I agree with Cartman. I'm going to be something?"

"Oh did your second go?" Butters asks.

"What did he make me do?"

"Craig didn't say anything about it."

"No, please.... don't tell me I have to be an elf again."

"No, not this year."

"Oh thank Lord! I'm too tall for that!"

"So the feminazis wanted Mrs. Claus to be a prominent part of this year—," the teacher starts.

"NO! NOPE, NEJ, I'm sick those days!"

"Aw but Wendy, you yourself said, and I quote, 'it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice'. Are you going to go back on your word?" I ask.

If I have to suffer, I'm dragging her down with me. That's just the way I am. If it's possible to bring down someone with me, I will do it without a thought.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it then."

"Great! That's great!"

I can't help laughing under my breath. Oh I'll make this hell for her, she was involved in dragging me in and I can make her pay for that. I could be playing fortnight by now but no, I have to stay here and walk in these shoes..... which is my first problem.

"Why are these so goddamn big?" I ask.

Wendy starts laughing loudly.

"Trouble walking?"

"Yes and if you don't shut your ugly mouth, you'll find that you might have some trouble too."

"Oh yeah, the other costume!" Butters says.

"Why did having hard time walking make you think of that? Should I be scared?"

"I'm praying for you."

"No you're not, Cartman."

"I'm praying about you."

"And What is that?"

"I kind of hope you're gonna have something worse than this."

"Hah. That's impossible!"

"Oh you just wait," I say.

They come back and Wendy nearly screams at the horror of the shoes, I would too to be honest, since it's not me, I'm just laughing.

"Why heals? And why are they so high?"

I chuckle. Thank you, God, for being on my side.

"Go on, put it on."

Wendy rolls her eyes and takes it, walking towards the bathroom.

"Oh Lord, I hope it's way worse," I say.

Wendy comes back, without it.

"No way."

"Remember what you said? The thing about 'it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice'."

"Can I wear pants under at least? I haven't worn a skirt and shirt since I was 12."

"I mean, sure, leggings or something."

She nods.

"But you can show it without them.... nobody is going to laugh here."

"Ya sure about that?" Wendy asks.

She points towards me.

"He won't. Right?"

"Can't promise a—fine, fine."

She goes back and then comes back. Holy fuck she is tall.

"I was expecting.... far worse. Don't get me wrong, that's as hideous as this but you're making it look less like shit," I say.

"Is that a compliment?"

I shake my head.

"I think it is. Thank you."

"But it literally wasn't."

"I don't give a fuck to be honest."

"I can see why you wanted pants though. Dear God."

"Something wrong with them?"

"Did you fall somewhere?"

"Wh-? Oooh, yeah, soccer practice wasn't very fun."

I nod. There is something else than that going on but let's pretend that I believe whatever she said, wasn't really listening.

"Alright, you get leggings. But anyway, you both can just stay in role with a few easy steps. Always smile—."

"Even if a kid wants to commit cannibalism with me?" I ask.

Wendy laughs. Everybody else is the room is just straight up silent but she laughs, along with me....
.....those two were never really the people to get jokes anyway.

"Yeah, even then."

I sigh.

"Second, never do anything that looks slightly sexual with these kids."

"That's a hard task, considering Santa is clearly a pedophile... I mean kids sit on him and he asks what they would like for Christmas."

"Oh you ruined by childhood," Butters says.

"I'm simply stating facts!"

"And no banter like that in front of kids."

Oh the only thing I was looking forwards to was that.

"And most definitely no arguing in front of the kids. If you need to argue about something, there is a bathroom, where you can both go."

"Hear that, Wendy? You're not allowed to beat my face in!" I say.

"Shame. Isn't that exactly what the feminazis would have liked? A woman beating a man to death?" Wendy asks.

I snort, trying not to audibly laugh. She is kinda funny, that's nice to have. I would rather have someone that's kinda funny working with me than someone who just has to get sand up his vagina every goddamn time I even slightly talk about Jews.

"Lastly, you need to act like a happy couple. I'm sorry, that's simply how it goes as you are a married couple for this."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah Wendy, I am."

Oh I can use this.

"Come on, Wendy. Like you said, 'it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice'."

Wendy sighs, loudly.

"Better put some money into cancer research...."


"I agree with her," I say.

The only thing I regret talking bad about her for is the time she spoke up against breast cancer........... nobody really knows the fact but my mother got diagnosed with a later stage of Pancreatic Cancer a while back... people say it would be impossible because we aren't weak to it, not more than others. But they later thought it might have had to do with the things she ate, some sort of smoking history and/or BRCA2 (which was exactly what Wendy talked about seeing as that's associated with breast cancer)... I think they asked if she was Jewish? It's common in those people to have some sort of mutation of BRCA2, more common than Christians that is... was it 1%?

"Alright, just remember, this is for Charity."

I nod. I mean if it's for something that could be helpful for me, sure. They strongly doubt me getting the cancer in question but you can never be too sure of it.

"Okay okay. Can I change now? I feel fucking disgusting with how hot this room is," Wendy says.

"Sure, you two really need to come early tomorrow though," Butters says.

"We will, we will."

"I'm going to put all of us in a group chat so I can send more details. And, the costumes? Take them home, we don't have time to go by to get them."

Wendy nods and starts walking again.

"Do I need to fucking be more of a stereotype for you to approve?" Wendy asks.

"Might need some red lipstick if we are on that theme."

Wendy groans.

"Now remember what you said, 'it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice'."

"Shut it or I'm gonna make you do a London Bridge and fall down.... you are not going to get up in that outfit."

I shrug.

"It seems warm. Might change shoes and just walk in this."

"Good for you, my legs are fucking freezing."

"Need help?"

"Fucking perv."

She smiles slightly though before leaving us. I sit on the chair and take the 5 sizes too big shoes off my feet, putting on some that fit for once.

"Weren't you embarrassed by that?" Butters asks.

"I still am but quite frankly I couldn't bother less if I tried. So really, my laziness goes beyond my embarrassment."

I stand up and take my bag, putting my actual clothes and these shitty shoes into the bag. They.... barely fit but fit nonetheless.

"We'll see you seven sharp, we'll go by bus from here."

"Oh shit I think Wendy left already. Can you tell her if you see her?" Butters asks.

I shrug and just leave the goddamn school, finally. However, when I do see Wendy, i can't help taking the opportunity.

"Ho ho ho, see you at seven sharp, bitch. We're taking the bus."

Everyone looks very confused but I just smirk. Wendy sighs and looks like she'd like to hit me.

"No, remember the rules, I see kids there. Don't hit Santa in front of them."

"Couldn't give less of a shit."

"You should though, you were the one that said 'it's for charity, you saying no wouldn't be very nice'."

Wendy sighs.

"Thank you for telling me. Now, can you fuck off."

I shrug.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes, very much so."

I laugh.

"Goodbye then!"

She stays silent.

"Look. When I fucking say goodbye, it's very impolite not to answer."


I nod and just start walking. There is a lot of confusion going on, exactly like I wanted there to be. Gotta make the best out of this.

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