Chapter 4.5: Dreams of the Past and the Future

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(A/n: Credits RocketFourze2 and JesterX3)

???: Where... am I?

Surrounded by dark space is all around him. A boy wearing Celestial Being's Gundam Meister blue uniform, has a silver hair and golden hazelnut eyes . This is Y/n, wearer of  the battle suit size of Gundam Exia and Celestial Being's Gundam Meister.

He then saw a mirage sword, floating on the water floor.

Y/n: What is that?

He then walks on a floor made of water to approach the floating sword. When he gets close enough, he touches the handle and he is suddenly pulled into a memory.

A memory of the unknown past: A dark place where no life and colors bloomed in the fields, only a dull colorless historical place but also a graveyard for the dead. A place known as the Fyxestroll Garden. During this time there was no futuristic systems and devices from IPC or Genius Society.

A snow white haired girl with a pale looking face and crimson blood red eyes staring at a dark entity in front of her.


A knight in crimson steel wielding two great swords; one emitting a fire that symbolizes its will to fight and the other a cold breeze that symbolizes its cold demeanor. Combining it with two great yellow eyes as it faces the woman before him. He then gets to his stance as Kallen was familiar with who it is as the smoke surrounding the dark knight, revealing the armor and the person.

Y/n: Is that... me?

The woman is clenching her wounded hands as blood drips down from her palm, denying everything that she sees, she feels and everything else that she believed in.

The smokes of fate have begun clouding her mind but she resolves herself as she points her sword towards her foe.

???: No... Get it together, Jing Liu... This is but an illusion; My illusion. I seek redemption, and I shall have it...

The woman named Jing Liu now opens her hand in front of her and summons her sword. As she brandishes the blade with her bandaged left hand, emitting a bright blue light from it and swings it and takes on her stance to fight the darkness.

Jing Liu: Even if I have to face my deepest and darkest fears!

The two entities clashed together and engulfed the fragment memory with a bright light, covering hiss eyes with his hand. He then heard the voice of a sad woman as he saw who it is.

"Of six people, three must pay a price; the two will create a greater price than before, one will commit the greatest and the finals will fix the prices and burdens of all."

He was then pushed out of the memory as it ended. He was sweating bullets in confusion and shock.

Y/n: Who... Who are they? Why do they feel...

???: Familiar? That's because that was a memory of the past. Or to be precise, my memories.

A figure appeared behind him as he turned around. Y/n paused at the man in front of him as he looked at him. He's wearing a long dark coat with the designs of the dragon scales and fire feathers of the phoenix. A wolf pin is attached to the collar of his coat and he wears a visor and his hair is slicked back.

In another dreamscape, Kallen Kaslana is standing all alone in a realm where the floor is metal and a fog of smoke is around her.

Kallen: Where am I?

The smoke starts to form around her and turns into a huge hangar as she walks around.


She then heard a ginormous roar as she suddenly felt like someone pushed through her.

Himeko: The Doomsday Beast... It's really here.

She then saw their battle, a red haired woman with a bowgirl, a man holding a spear, and a silver woman alongside a boy who transformed into her own Gundam form.

Kallen: Is that... the Strike I used before?

She then saw the glimpse of the battle as they attacked together. Until everything went white. She covered her eyes from the brightness until she heard a male voice. When she tries to get a clear vision, she saw the individual who speaks at her.

The one who wields the Judah will travel through the stars, in search for understanding of the universe they live.

Until everything turns to a white light, not even knowing that both of these dreams are an interludes towards their upcoming departures.

(A/n: A small chapter... But worth the info)

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