Prologue: Angel's 3rd Advent

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Before time began, there was: the Honkai. A reoccurring cataclysm happening in this world. It comes in such different forms; a climate change, a disease, monstrous beings known as Honkai Beasts, and many more.

But in the grand scheme of things, it is a form of a natural selection, cutting away the weak worlds from the branches of the Imaginary tree, to ensure that only strong worlds survive.

A person would say that this is a form of seeking communication or dialogue. But this is way more from his experience. It requires an action of someone who has a way to speak through them but also to call upon its apostles, "The Herrschers", to seek dialogue about their actions.

One man did the impossible, and changed the concept about the Honkai; it even goes lengths to defy the Will of the Honkai itself and label him a cursed Herrscher of Infinity for the Will of the Honkai.

That Herrscher's identity is...

Setsuna F. Seiei

Astral Express: Simulation Car

In the Astral Express, all of the crews except Himeko and Stelle are inside the training simulation car. This was built per request of 141 as they would need it to get stronger and sharpen their skills and more.

The Astral Express crew are in an observation room filled with navigation and scanning devices. She then asks Welt what they are doing here.

March: Why are we here, Mr. Yang?

Welt: Well, we're here to observe Y/n going into a new universe inside a virtual reality.

Dan Heng: May I ask what is Y/n planning of going into a new universe?

Welt: If you do remember Dan Heng about his and Chall's battle against that void dragon, he has a hunch that it came from another universe way far from Amber Era.

Dan Heng: How does he know, exactly?

Welt: It was originally a human who transformed into a dragon and it knows of him. He has a hunch that data inside the device might have some answers as he can feel there is a sentient energy calling to him.

March: Wait, doesn't that kind of concept seem scary?

As they continue to talk, a door opens to see Himeko with Pom-Pom entering the observation room.

Himeko: Well, considering that it might be responding only to him, we all fear that this is risky so I call some extra hands.

Himeko pulls out her phone from her pocket and connects it to a docking device for their phones and it shows on the big holographic monitor to see the cute avatars of persons in the call.

Herta's voice came through with her cute purple avatar.

Herta: Are we all in, already?

Then the male voice of the green cute avatar answers her question.

Screwllum: All set.

March: Umm, who is that person in the green avatar?

Screwllum: Oh, apologies for that. My name is Screwllum, a companion of Herta's. It's nice to meet you, Astral Express.

Screwllum is a gentleman for everyone who has met him and also sees him fight by battle of brains and brawn against the Stellaron Hunter and Gamer, Silver Wolf.

Welt: It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Screwllum.

Screwllum: *chuckles* Please, let's drop the formalities. I've heard about the crisis that happened in the space station 4 hours ago but it was thwarted in the next 2 hours after the crew and squadron 141 intervened in this invasion and destroyed the frightening Doomsday Beasts.

March: Ehehe, don't worry, we have it rough after that fight.

March was elbowed by Dan Heng as she's being too carefree and doesn't even have a respect for the way she speaks towards him.

Screwllum: I'm sure it is. But let's get to the topic at hand. A small device with the same power of the Simulated Universe is in Y/n Seiei's hands, you say?

Herta: Yes, and it also seemed to be responding only to the hybrid after the crew and the others touched it and tried to summon the energy.

In the testing room, Y/n is preparing himself for the testing and the rest of the squad with the help of Eri and Suletta are making checks for the VR Device as it is attached to a power outlet and it's only waiting for the wearer to wear it.

Herta: According to the 141 squad, they discovered that this VR gear has a full-dive functioning system and that's the energy emitting. Y/n fears something might go wrong here so he specifically asks for the two of us and the whole crew to observe him.

As they're done they left him alone except Eri as she stayed for a little longer to give him her blessings.

Eri: *holds his hand* Please, promise us you'll be alright.

Y/n looks at her eyes and can see the worry in it. He remembers the time he only saw that look in the eyes; back when they battled each other at the Quiet Zero.

He holds her hand holding on to his own and looks at her.

Y/n: It's ok... It's going to be alright.

The device came down as Welt spoke to the outer coms.

Welt: Y/n, listen to me. We're going to activate the systems to power it up. If anything goes wrong let us know immediately.

Y/n: Okay... Do it.

Welt and the others began to power it up. A headgear device was put on his head. He could see the visor brightening up and seeing the HUD of increase synchronization.

Dan Heng: GN Particles are slowly going to an increased particle rate.

Himeko: Device is still looking good and functioning.

Eri: Twin Drives are functioning at normal levels.

March: Suletta, it's going well.

Suletta: Well done, Y/n!

Eri: 120%. 230%. 260%

In Y/n's position, he can see that it's exceeding the synchronization rate as his ELS and Innovade powers are feeling a familiar sensation.

Y/n: What's happening...

In the observation room.

Herta: It's exceeded and passed the 360% rate.

Welt stands up in shock.

Welt: What?!

Screwllum: It's truly amazing...

141 looks at them as they can feel the sensation from their position too.

Dan Heng: This feeling... This power rivals an Aeon.

Herta: So that's the Twin GN Drives and a Hybrid Innovade synchronization looks like...

Y/n: Is this the same sensation when he ride the 00 Raiser?

He mutters from this as the whole place brightens up in white light with all of them covering their eyes from the brightness.


Multiple footsteps are echoing through the empty halls. In the city of Nagazora, multiple Honkai Beasts and zombies are on a rampage towards the city with sounds of footsteps getting louder as the person who's running gets out of the hall.

???: Out of my way!

Two bullet holes shot through the Honkai Zombie who's in the way of the shooter. 

A white haired girl named Kiana Kaslana who's wielding two pistols. 

She's with a purple haired girl named Raiden Mei holding a shotgun are running through the chaotic, doomsday theme city.

Kiana: If you're already dead, then get out of our way!

They shoot multiple zombies who are in her way or even running towards them. But then a Honkai Beast rams through a building going in a hot pursuit to the two girls.

The girls look at each other as they turn around and shoot it until emptying their mags. The beast was dazed from their attacks but it wasn't down as it woke up and it surprised the two with a bash of its fist on the ground but they dodged it's fist attack.

Mei: Our guns aren't even scratching that thing!

Kiana: And this monster won't give up! It's always after pretty girls like us! What a perv...!

But then, another person was running on a rooftop as it muttered.

???: Target locked.

It leapt off the building and the two girls looked up to see who it was. 

To their surprise it was one of their friends, Bronya Zaychik, engaging the Honkai Beast who's been tailing them for a long time.

Mei & Kiana: Bronya!

Bronya: Project Bunny 19C.

A white energy emitted from her and summons a mech and sliced the beast with just a swing of the mech's sword-lance. After that, she hopped off from the mech's shoulder and made a perfect landing.

Bronya: Mission Complete.

Mei: Right in the nick of time, Bronya!

Bronya: Thank you!

The interaction of the two were suddenly interrupted by Kiana who was being ignored and the two are startled when she shouts her jealousy at her.

Kiana: What the hell?! You can't just show up with that monster robot! You almost got me killed! Stupid little brat!

Bronya is not fazing from her insults and turns around to look at her with a deadpan face while she's talking to her.

Bronya: End protection routine for Subject Kiana. Set Subject Kiana to expendable.

This ticked her off and began to argue with her all the while Mei looked at the dead beast as she could hear their argument.

Kiana: Oh, you really want a war, brat?! I'll show you!

Bronya: The Bronya has a victory chance of 99.9999%

Kiana: Oh yeah?! I've got a 100% chance to win!

Mei: 'Children...'

Mei then thought about the strange invasion of Honkai Beasts and slowly rising levels of Honkai radiation in the city.

Mei: 'Why are we seeing those monsters here? Is Honkai concentration still rising? How much time do we have left, before these monsters start swarming'

Back to the two arguing with each other, Bronya notices something and glances at Mei with Kiana being ticked off again for being ignored.

Bronya: Injuries detected on Mei.

Mei looks at her left arm to find a cut on it.

Mei: I'm fine! It's just a scratch.

Kiana: Hey! Let me take a look!

Kiana immediately gets closer to her and checks it. She holds her hand and the arm up to see the injury.

Kiana: For injuries like these...

Kiana winked her right eye at her and began to licks the deep cut with her tongue. As seconds goes by, she feels that it's getting intimate with her, blushing madly. She then shakes off her tongue from the wound and starts to feel embarrassed.

Mei: Stop! I'm ticklish! Kiana, please stop! Just stop it!

With Bronya looking like a "normal" chibi and seeing the situation, she summons her mech and powers up her weapon with a normal looking face.

Bronya: Project Bunny 19C. Lock on target: Subject Kiana. Mei has given a negative response to Kiana's action. Subject Kiana must let go of Mei, or the Bronya will commence attack protocols.

Kiana: Who said Mei doesn't like it? Look at her! She loves it!

Mei: Huh?!

Mei began to look up and down at the two still blushing.

Bronya: The Bronya requires Mei to confirm the nature of response.

Mei: Huh?!

Kiana: Mei, it felt great, right?

Mei: I...

Mei thinks through what she's gonna say and looks at her. But she shouts it with her face looking embarrassed and madly blushing.


Kiana and Bronya have a deadpan expression written all over their faces.

Bronya: Response confirmed. Subject Kiana is an Unhygienic Idiotka.

But the three's expressions when they hear an electricity fizzing nearby.

Bronya: Detects an unknown energy nearby.

Kiana: There's another one of those?!

Mei: In any case, let's be careful!

As the energy continues to spike and it gets closer and closer, they grip their weapons and prepare to launch the attack towards it.

A portal suddenly opens and out comes a screaming person falling to the ground, right in front of them.

Y/n: Oww... 

Y/n was the one who comes out from the portal in a different look.

Y/n: Oh, um...

They were pretty shocked to see him fall from a portal. Kiana asked first.

Kiana: Who are you?!

Y/n grunts as he slowly turns around and looks at the girls who are pointing the barrel of the guns close to his face and the sword-lance pointing it to him.

Y/n: Y/n...

Bronya: The Bronya suggests choosing Subject Y/n words wisely or he will face consequences.

Y/n:: Um, I just came from my hometown, Arc City. I was trying to test out my new fast travel device and... I jinxed myself about what could go wrong for a first run and then.. you know what happened.

They then slowly put their weapons down as they looked into his eyes and they could tell he meant no harm. However Mei is skeptical and asks him sternly.

Mei: Where's your device now?

Y/n: It should be-

When he looked at his right wrist, he saw that his wrist watch has changed into something else.

Y/n: Wait, this is new...

Mei: What's new?

Y/n: Normally this is the teleporter I made and where I put it with my other watches but... this is something new to me.

But they were disturbed by the sounds of groaning Honkai zombies starting to surround them. They aimed their weapons at the massive horde.

Mei: How did they know we were here?

Bronya: The Bronya speculates that it's thanks to Subject Y/n's loud fall has caused a massive grab of attention.

Kiana: Oh, great. Now we have to run with him, being the cause?! This is so annoying!

Y/n then saw this before glancing back at his wrist watch and thought about what it was.

Y/n: 'Could it be that this is...' Umm, girl in white, what's your name?

Kiana: Kiana. Why did you ask?

Y/n: How about you let me take them on? You don't have to waste your stamina or ammo for this one.

Mei: Wait, you don't have-

Just as she says the word, he puts out his hand open and summons his weapon via the energy coming out from his wrist watch.

Mei: ...weapon.

Kiana: A broken... sword?

Bronya: May I ask, how would Subject Y/n fight the Honkai with a brittle sword?

Just as she asked to him how he'll kill them, the Honkai zombies began to jump on him. But in a blink of an eye, the zombies' heads were sliced off from their necks, making the girl's eyes widened. The broken and brittle sword easily tore apart the first zombie wave he encountered.

One of the zombies is not dead as its head is still alive making the girls creeped out with the exception of Bronya who has only the face of an innocent child.

Kiana & Mei: EEP!

But he puts his GN Sword into rifle mode and kills it with one shot. Kiana was now starting to feel jealous of his weapon.

Kiana: Man, I wanna have a weapon like that!

Y/n continues to slice and shoot all of the Honkai zombies leaving sliced off body parts of the zombies, leaking out its former human blood which turned into Honkai blood.

He de-summons it and looks at the girls who have shocked, amazed or even incredulous looks on their faces. He didn't mind about that and offered his hand out to them.

Y/n: Come on, Let's go somewhere safe. It's crawling with dead men here. 

After finding a safe place away from the zombies, the group takes a break with the exceptions of Mei, Kiana and Y/n who are still awake and Bronya is sleeping on Mei's lap.

Mei: *phew* We can finally take a break...

Mei looks at Kiana who's still pouting at what Mei says about her way of healing her injury is using her tongue.

Kiana: Hmph, liar! I know you liked it!

Mei: *sweatdrop* 'She's still mulling over that...'

Kiana glares at Y/n who's looking at his GN Sword and frowning.

Y/n: 'Why did it give me the broken GN Sword of Exia Repair?'

Kiana: Why are you looking at that sword?

Y/n: *snaps back to reality* Hm?

Kiana: Honestly, I'm still surprised that a sword in that state can still cut those uglies.

Mei: Yes, even shooting them with precise timing and accuracy.

Y/n: *chuckles* Thanks for the praise. But honestly, if I were to release every power I got with the state of my weapon I probably would've exhausted myself and eventually...

Kiana understands what he means by that and for Mei it has a look of curiosity towards Y/n. But there is someone else being skeptical about Y/n

???: 'He's hiding something... I feel like this boy is just holding back...'

Kiana then looks over at Bronya who's in a peaceful sleep when she's laying her head over Mei.

Kiana: How can Bronya sleep on Mei's lap? We shouldn't have picked her up! Not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair!

Mei: That's not right, Kiana. Without Bronya's help, we wouldn't have made it this far.

Kiana: *sarcastic* Yeah, yeah. Bronya is so~ incredible! Of course Mei loves her the most! And then leaves me by the side...

Mei: Yep, you're right. I love her!

Kiana: *shatters* What...?!

Mei: But I love Kiana, too!

Kiana's world was returned to normal when she heard that and had stars all over her and asked her in a happy, joyous way.

Kiana: Oh, really?

Mei: Of course! You are the one who saved my life, Kiana!

Kiana: That's right!

Y/n watches them with a smile and remembers the two girls whom he met and corrected them to the path they needed as students and married couple. His smile turns into a frowns

Y/n: 'I wish I could meet you again, Miorine...'

Kiana and Mei just looked at the scenario down the roads nearby. As they talked to each other.

Mei: Don't you think it's amazing, we've only just met yet it feels as though we've known each other for a long time. Hopefully we can leave this place safely.

Kiana then puts her hand over her shoulder and gives her positivity from her own positive and determined attitude.

Kiana: Of course we can! And that's because I'll give you my life to protect you, Mei!

Mei blushes a little from her determined voice towards her.

Mei: Kiana...

Mei then looks at Y/n who's looking at her with a deep understanding.

Mei: Y/n... Why are you looking at me like that?

Y/n: You lost someone close to you, isn't it?

Mei looks at her and was shocked to see it. She doesn't know why but he can see the deep pain of loss in her heart  she's been hiding to him.

Kiana: Hey, why are you asking Mei like that?! Are you a perv, too?

Y/n: No... it's just. She's almost the same as my original, even to this day I still retain those memories of Lockon's loss.

Kiana looks at him as he looks out the window, she doesn't know why but she felt like Y/n has seen much more than this crisis.

But their moments were interrupted when Y/n looked at the window and saw something that narrowed his eyes and shouts at them as he runs towards them.

Y/n: Brace!!!

A giant Honkai Beast weapon crashed through the building they're in. They narrowly dodged it as they looked at the Honkai Beast with its one eye glaring down at them and tried to attack them with its sword lance.

Bronya: 'Project Bunny: Activate!'

But it clashed against Bronya's mech who was summoned as the building crashed thanks to the weapon it has. Its tip was clashing together until the beast countered with its other weapon, sending Bronya far back alongside its mech.

Mei: Bronya!

Mei suddenly saw a shadow approaching her and it was the blade of Honkai. But then Kiana and Y/n stepped in to save Mei.

Kiana: If you keep thinking about Bronya, Kiana might get real jealous, Mei!

Y/n: Incoming!

He tried to block it with his brittled sword but it proved wrong as he was easily nailed down to the ground and Kiana's back was grazed from the beast's blade, splattering blood coming from her. Kiana was then plopped down on Mei's body as Mei was traumatized from Kiana's condition.

Mei: K-Kiana...

She was even more traumatized when she saw the nailed Y/n laid down to the ground with its body bruised, and beaten to the ground. Her eyes are tearing up as flashes of memories of Kiana popped up into her mind.

Mei: Ah- Ahh- AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Mei's scream was distorted as the beast struck its blade. The blow was dealt but it was blocked by an unknown forcefield coming from Mei. The forcefield was covered in lightning and its power was increased as the beast was sent back.

The beast looked up to see Mei rising up with her left arm being coated by purple Honkai corruption and her stigma tattoo is revealed on her left hip and her eyes are slit like a predator. As she floats in front of the beast her left side created crystal wings via the lightning leaking out from her arm as it looks down at the foe.

The Herrscher of Thunder has awakened and all existence is in big trouble.

The beast didn't care as it roared and created an electrical orb mixed with gravity pull and pulled the beast into it.

Mei (HoT): The queen does not accept your service, worm!

Mei (HoT) increases its pull and voltage as the Beast is screaming in excruciating pain and its skin is bubbling up for absorbing too much until it bloats and blows up to death, creating an bright electrical pillar.

But this electrical pillar caught the attention of other beasts and a giant ship named Hyperion that is heading towards Nagazora.

Inside is a woman wearing glasses named Captain XO just entered the bridge and the navigator alerted them about the Herrscher's awakening.

Nav: Honkai energy level rising rapidly! All Honkai Beasts in Nagazora are moving towards the energy spike.

The woman on the bridge wearing a dress and a jacket named Himeko Murata releases a breath from this.

Himeko: Hmph, looks like we hit the jackpot this time.

XO: There is still time to retreat, Major.

Himeko stops her as she says...

Himeko: Nonsense! *grins* I will not let go of a prey I've set my eyes on.

Himeko then commands the bridge of Hyperion.

Himeko: Level 1 alert! All crews to battle stations! The war has begun!

Back at the Herrscher, she just looked down at the bloodied, unconscious Kiana.

Mei (HoT): What a mess. Getting injured trying to save that coward. Kiana! You better wake up right now, I will not allow you to die like this. I'm the only one who can take away your life.

She suddenly glares down at the nailed Y/n who's still not waking up from the attack he just received from the beast earlier.

Mei (HoT): As for you, you interest me. So I'll save you for later when I'm done with Kiana.

But her own little monologue was interrupted by the shadow of Hyperion. She glares at it as from the bridge, the cam is focusing on her.

Himeko: So that's the Herrscher? A girl, really? I thought it'd be scarier with death rays, octo-legs, slimy tentacles, super long tongues or something...

XO: *adjusts her glasses* Major, do you have some sick fantasies with this Honkai...

Himeko: Yeah, because some idiot messed up my date! *commanding* Full broadside! Hit it with everything we got!

All weapons of the ship began to point towards the Herrscher.

Himeko: Light her up like a Christmas tree!

But for the Herrscher, this is nothing more than an easy obstacle.

Mei (HoT): Insect! No one is allowed to be above the queen!

She's powering up her own attack with a high voltage beam targeting the Hyperion. Himeko saw this and commanded.

Himeko: Quick! Maximum power to the shields!

Mei (HoT): Die.

It then sends out its attack as the Hyperion activates its shield a little too late with some of the beam's attack getting through the shield and damaging the Hyperion.

Bridge Staff: Warning! External armor plating compromised! Power generation down by 40%! Recommend immediate withdrawal!

Then the ship guiding system, AI-chan or just AI advises Himeko.

AI: We can't afford taking another hit like that.

Himeko: Grr! This little brat has no idea how freakin' expensive it is to fix this boat.

She then decides to head out as she throws away her jacket.

Himeko: Activate nuclear reactors no.5 & No.6. Maintain furnace output. Switch to reserve power! Bring us down to the Herrscher's altitude in 2 minutes! I'm gonna deal with this brat on my own!

XO looks at her at what she thinks she's gonna use if she wants to battle her.

XO: Wait! You're not going to use "that" are you?

Himeko: Like we have the luxury of other options...

XO: But the council ordered us to capture the Herrscher, not kill it!

Himeko: We're the ones getting killed here, Captain obvious.

She takes off all of her clothing as she walks towards a room where she's going.

Himeko: If I had to take my clothes off, someone would definitely go down in flames. XO, you take the helm!

XO: Yes, ma'am!

Back at Mei she lands on Hyperion's looking at the damage she created. But then she saw someone coming out from the elevator.

When it opened up, out comes Himeko in her battle armor as Himeko and Mei battled each other with Kiana still being held by Mei. 

She keeps clashing blades towards her and HoT has enough of her.

Mei (HoT): Insect! How dare you oppose me?! *charges up a beam attack* I will reduce you to ashes!

Mei fires her attack as Himeko preps her blade and mutters.

Himeko: Sorry. I won't go down like this. Not until I find myself a really nice guy!

Just then, two injections are injected on her back as an AI announces on her HUD.

Nexus System Activated!

Her blade is now coated in fiery green flames as she swings it to cut through her beam attack.

Himeko: HAAAAAAH!!!!!

Himeko's now covered in nuclear burst as she sliced through, splitting the attack and making the two glared at each other and then a massive explosion engulfing everything in a white light.

Wake up

Return your authority

As the new Herrscher of Infinity

Y/n: *gasp*

In the Hyperion, Himeko is releasing relenting attacks towards the Herrscher who is floating and feeling nothing from her attacks as she can't get through her forcefield while also cutting down lightning projectiles the Herrscher's making and firing towards her. Himeko then heard from AI about the situation.

AI: Warning! Reactor overheating. Shutdown on 10, 9, 8...

Himeko: Shut up! Keep the damn thing running!

Mei (HoT): Admirable, I never expected you to last this long. But that only makes you slightly better than the insects I've been killing. Alas, this-

But suddenly a massive pillar of light was emitted on her right as they looked at it while Himeko looked in shock as the Hyperion Bridge advised her.

Nav: Unknown energy spiked detected!

Himeko: Another Herrscher?

Nav: Ma'am it's unkno-

But their communications were cut off making her ear slightly hurt from the static. While for Mei she was shocked at what she's seeing.

Mei (HoT): What is this?

Mei suddenly feels that something is wrong as she can see that one of the Honkai infection veins on her left arm is somehow turning green.

Mei (HoT): What is happening? I can feel my slaves are slowly decreasing!

Himeko can feel a strange phenomena from her battlesuit.

Himeko: My battle suit... It's receiving something so... angelic.

As Mei watches her veins morph into purple-green colors she then felt her right side emitting wings and it was. Replicating the wings on her left side but instead of lightning, it emitted green particles making her shocked.

Mei (HoT): What's going on?!

The Herrscher is now angry and points her power towards her left arm to finish off Himeko who is weakened form the attacks before. Just then AI manages to get through and gives a heads up.

AI: Incoming high energy from above!

They look up to find out a new party member has become involved. That party member just slices off the attack making her flinch in pain. When they tried to find out who it was, the Herrscher was shocked and traumatized to see who it was.

Mei (HoT): That's-!

Its battle suit was beaten, battered and damaged. Some of the parts on the legs are exposing the maong pants the wearer has, its left arm is exposed but it was being covered by a green cloak, the most noticeable is the head unit.

The right side of the face plate is exposing the wearer's face with his eyes showing off the Purebred Innovators. He is wielding his broken GN Sword against the HoT. Y/n has awakened wearing the Gundam Exia Repair I or rather for the Herrscher of Thunder...

Mei (HoT): The Herrscher of Infinity... You should've been dead a long time ago!

Himeko: *grunts* Another one?!

Himeko looked to her left to see the arrival of a new Herrscher as she can see the Meister's face, a Knight who fights a tainted ruler in his eyes. When it speaks, it has a mixed voice of Setsuna and Y/n who is now calmly advising but also threatening the Herrscher.

Y/n (HoI): Herrscher of Thunder, your sinful ways of being a true Herrscher ends here. Return your host's control back.

Mei (HoI): You know, I thought you're just a insect Y/n, but-

Before she could monologue again, she saw him already in front of her and the GN Sword in Sword Mode.

Mei (HoI): 'He's fast!'

She began to activate her forcefield creating a massive shockwave of wind, knocking Himeko back and making the whole Hyperion shake at the two incredible powers clashing with each other.

She saw the broken GN Sword getting through her forcefield as he's overpowering her slowly so she dodged away to attack him with her projectiles. He shoots them all with just his Vulcans and GN Sword (Rifle mode).

He shoots towards Mei's wings as she finds it irritating with her eyes narrowed and she suddenly sees him behind her as they continue their dance on the skies of Nagazora and Hyperion.

Everyone on the Hyperion is seeing the battle and having mixed emotions. They can't look away from it but also they can't follow where they are as all they can see in the distance is a purple and a green trail of lights clashing or chasing each other.

(A/n: blue is green and red is purple)

As HoT and HoI are clashing each other and they finally returned to Hyperion as she tries to kill him by grabbing his heart through the back but he sidesteps and about to slash her with his GN Sword but Mei saw this and creates her own GN Sword through the use of her Honkai lightning energy as the two are on a blade lock.

Mei (HoT): I'm gonna kill you right where you stand! In your state, the Queen still reigns supreme on this battle between us!

Y/n (HoI): Who says I'm the only one battling you?

A hand suddenly touched her Honkai arm and it was Kiana who's slowly coming back.

Kiana: S-Stop...

Mei (HoT): *smirks* You're still alive? Good. I'll get rid of this cursed traitor and then take care of you. No one gets to die without my leave.

Kiana suddenly grips her hand on the lightning wings as Y/n backs off to witness it alongside Himeko who walks up towards him..

Mei (HoT): What are you doing? Do you think a mere human can tear down the wings of a god?

Kiana: There is... no god...!

Kiana firmly grips her hands to the wings even more.

Her hands start to bleed and be coated in green GN particles with her left hand holding on to the green wings on her right side.

The wings started to crack as the cracks were colored in green, stopping the influence of the Herrscher.

Kiana: Give Mei back to me...!

Mei (HoT): 'What? This can't be possible! How can this ordinary human break the wings of the gods?!'

She then saw Y/n behind her as he touched her green right wing and further enhanced the purification on Kiana's hands.

Mei (HoT): No... No!

Kiana: You are an evil fake! So return Mei to me!!

Kiana suddenly breaks the wings off in a swing as Mei finally comes back to her senses and her stigma tattoo fading away with the Herrscher returns deep into the abyss of her mind.

HoT: To think that I've been defeated by you two, twice...! I won't forget this, Kiana! And curse you, Setsuna F. Seiei! I will return!!!!!

The two girls are embracing each other as they have let their slumber take over and fall from where they are floating. Y/n saw this and let go of the sword and ran to catch them both.

As he catches them he gently puts them down while Himeko is walking towards him with a blade on her hand. She swings it but he easily catches the blade and she looks surprised so she points her gun at him and fires. He then covers it with his hand and the bullet went straight through his arm all the way out the shoulder.

She was shocked when she saw that and the Herrscher looked at her with a calm, gentle, and caring voice at her.

Y/n (HoI): Please, look after these three. As they will be the one who will open the door to change...

That was the Herrscher of Infinity's last words as Y/n 's eyes returned to normal and fainted to the ground between the two girls. His transformation all faded away and returned to his wrist where the wrist watch has transformed into a stigma blue tattoo of Celestial Being.

Himeko and the rest of the members of Hyperion looked at what's gonna happen next.

Himeko: Looks like this is gonna get even more interesting...

Himeko calls up the medics to help the three get medical treatment immediately and the crisis is over... 

For now.

[OFFICIAL OPENING S1 Play:  Back-On: wimp ft. Lil Fang (from FAKY)]

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