Chapter 1: Arrival

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My name is Patrick Ewing. I am a freelance Knight. I was born on January 7th, 1999, in North America. My parents were both skilled fighters battling against the Honkai. They were good friends with the Apocalypse, Schariac, and Kaslana families. My family has a long line of Honkai fighters like myself.

I was balanced in shooting guns, slashing with swords, and fighting with gauntlets. I was also capable of doing other things like drilling and piloting.

I was always on solo missions. The reason is because I'm an introvert. I'm also an Otaku. When ever I was fighting Honkai, I liked mimicking my favorite Anime character's moves, powers, and attacks while quoting the characters also. I also like walking away like a boss after defeating Honkai but not every time. I also liked making pop-culture references.

One day when I reached A rank, I was told that I was gonna be transferring to St. Freya High School in Japan to continue my training, study abroad, and to change my location. But to also investigate Schicksal and to fight the Herrschers that will appear. I only spoke English but I learned other languages as I was growing up. I knew Japanese while I also knew Spanish, French, Portuguese, and a little Chinese.

I am also the Herrscher of the Dragon. One year and two months after I was born, the original Herrscher of the Dragon, Drago chose me to be the new Herrscher of the Dragon and the holder of the Gem of Protection, his Herrscher core gem. It was created by the Guardian Dragon named Toriyama who existed since the old civilization. After it was destroyed, Toriyama created his own Herrscher gem and his own Divine Keys hidden in two separate temples. The reason was so that his chosen one will defeat the Herrschers. So far I only have the gem but not the Divine Keys yet. We had to wait until the time was right when we could search for the weapons. When I turned 10 years old, Drago reawakened inside of me and explained everything to me. I first met him in a dream he created after he awakened. I had training to fight against the Honkai.

My family never did visit or call Anti-Entropy again because of Cocolia. When I was leaving my home, I was sad about leaving but everyone told me that I was gonna be okey and fine.


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The ride on the plane to Japan was long. My moving stuff from home, my weapons, my battle suits, and my car were on an air ship from St. Freya to be delivered to St. Freya. I sat down on a seat. I was thinking about the stories my parents told me of how they fought in Asia with old friends. They were under contract with Schicksal till after the 2nd Honkai War ended and they cut ties with Schicksal. My family has a long history with being Honkai fighters. Even my brother was a Honkai mercenary and he always uses Honkai powered guns. And a few times he would use swords and assassination knives.

"Attention Passengers, we are now approaching Soukai City. Please remain seated." A flight attendant spoke in English first, then in Japanese. I looked out the window and saw Soukai City in view. Then I saw St. Freya thanks to the tall buildings it had. The plane landed at the Soukai City airport and then the passengers including me, departed from the plane. As I was going through the terminal I heard Japanese from speakers and everyone. Luckily I knew Japanese.

I got outside and felt Japan's air. They said that someone from St. Freya would arrive and take me to St. Freya. "Are you Ewing-San?" A man by a car asked me. I noticed his Schicksal badge showing that he was from St. Freya. "Yes, that's me." I answered back. "I'm here to take you to St. Freya but you already know that. So let's get going." With that I put my luggage in the trunk then got in the back seat and then we drove off.

As the man drove, I looked out the window at the sights of Soukai City. I decided to put my head phones on to listen to some Japanese Anime music.

We crossed the bridge then went through the gates. This was where I was gonna be for a while. The car stopped then I got out. There were other people that worked in St. Freya waiting. "They will take your luggage to the dorm you will be staying at. You should go to the principle's office first." Said the man. "I'll do that." I replied. The man told me where to go and I left.

I found the principle's office then I knocked on the door. "Come on in." I heard a little girl's voice. I opened the door and saw a chair not pointing to the door. I walked in towards the desk. "Hello. I'm looking for Principle Theresa Apocalypse." The chair turned around and a little girl appeared. "That's me. Please have a seat." I sat down as told. "You don't look surprised." Said Theresa. "I can't seem to react well every time I get surprised." I answered. "I may look young but I'm actually over 40 years old. I can't seem to get any taller. I was actually created genetically." "Anyways. My name is Patrick Ewing. I'm being transferred here from America to Japan to continue my training as a Knight and to study abroad." "Ewing. Haven't heard that name in a while. Actually I seemed to know your parents before you were born." "Yes I know. They told me about how they fought along side you and with the Kaslanas and the Schariacs." "My family, the Apocalypse family is part of the Kaslana family. I have a niece here that goes by the last name Kaslana who is going to be in the same dorm as you are. When I spoke with your parents on the phone it was nice to hear them again. After I got you enrolled and registered here, I had everything prepared for you."

"Like?" "I already arranged your classes and already got your supplies!" Theresa said excitedly. "Ok. That's good to know." "Follow me!" Theresa grabbed my hand like a typical little girl and dragged me down the hallway.

On the way we talked some more. "It was a surprise that you chose to come here instead of to Anti-Entropy." "My family doesn't talk with them anymore because of Cocolia." "So you know?" "Yes. We've heard about all the horrible stuff she's done. Most of us consider her a terrorist because she's from Russia and she took over Anti-Entropy." "Why don't we just change the subject to forget that." "Ok fine. As I was saying, I'm still learning Japanese honorifics. When school is in session I always have to refer to you as Principle Theresa. But when school is not in session I don't know which honorific to use. I also don't know if I should refer to you as sama not just principle." "When classes are in session you may only refer to me as Principle Theresa. At few times the faculty members both men and women refer to me as Theresa-sama. But when days are off, when classes are not in session, and when we go out somewhere off campus, feel free to call me Theresa-san or Theresa-chan."

"And my dorm mates? Do I refer to them by first or last names? Because in my home country's schools, students don't refer to others by their last names, only by first names." "Don't worry. We call each other by our first names. You may refer to your dorm mates by san or chan."

She dragged me all the way to the doorstep of the 5th Valkyrie squad dorm. All my stuff was there still in boxes including my luggage. And the car I drive, a 2012 model black wrangler. "This is where you will be staying in. I can assure you that the girls are pretty nice. Shouldn't be a problem for you to get along with them." Explained Theresa. "Hopefully. I'm worried about getting into awkward misunderstandings and awkward shenanigans from what I've seen in Anime." "Just be careful." Said Theresa before she ringed the doorbell.

We were welcomed by a scarlet-haired woman. She looked to be in her twenties or thirties. "So you're the new student?" She asked, looking at me from head to toe. "Yes. That's me. A-rank freelance Knight, Patrick Ewing. I'm transferring from America to Japan, ma'am." I greeted. "I'm Major Himeko Murata. Starting today I'll be your instructor and commanding officer. I've heard that you were coming and Theresa told me and the girls to prepare for your arrival. We've prepared your room for you. Come on in." Said the Major. I brought in my luggage.

They took me to a living room in beige color. It had a few couches, a TV, a few chairs and tables, pictures of the people living here, and books from textbooks, to storybooks, graphic novels, comics, manga, and picture books. On one side was a kitchen and another side had a stairway going up to the second floor. "Where are the girls now?" Asked Theresa. "Mei is out getting groceries and should be on her way back, Kiana and Bronya are playing games, and Fu Hua is training. I'll bring them here to welcome our new student here." Said Himeko, before turning to me. "Unpack your bags in the room at the end of the hallway, on the left, on the second floor, then Theresa will come fetch you once I bring everyone here." "Yes ma'am." I said. "When classes are in session refer to me as Miss. Himeko or Himeko-Sensai, when on missions refer to me as Major Himeko, and when classes are not in session and when days are off you may refer to me as Himeko-San." "Thanks for the advice." Then I picked up my bags and went up to the second floor.

When I stepped in I saw that most of the stuff from my moving boxes were already set up. First the bed, then the desk, the dressers, the television set, and the lamp. In a closet were St. Freya uniforms in male style. On the desk were textbooks and other school supplies from home and from St. Freya.

I plopped a metal trunk by the bed containing my battlesuits. The first to be unpacked was a Mech battlesuit: an emerald green overcoat over a regular green full body Knight armor with combat shoes and green gloves with tech. Then there was a Bio battlesuit: a full body suit made of spandex with some armor plates around made from alloy mixed from gold and titanium. Next was a Psychic battlesuit: a purple jumpsuit with steel soles and a pair of gauntlets.

Lastly was another Mech battle suit that was gonna be my default: a green full body jumpsuit. It had knee pads that extend to my legs and to my thighs, elbow pads, a blue belt with gun and sword sheaths, black boots, and black gloves.

I took a look at one of the school uniforms. St. Freya allowed the students to customize the uniforms. I had my customization of my own uniform and it had everything I requested. It consisted of a green blazer suit, a white dress shirt, black cargo dress pants, a sapphire blue necktie, and black and green Nike sneakers.

Later: I finished unpacking my bags and setting up most of my new room. This was gonna be my new home in Japan far away from North America.

A knock was heard at the door. "Patrick-kun, they're here." I heard Principle Theresa speak. I got up and went out of my new room.

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