Myriad Sea part 4

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Patrick's point of view: We arrived at a city where the mission was gonna be. "Objective sighted. Let's go over the mission again. A convoy from HQ was ambushed 3 days ago. We suffered zero casualties, but lost something valuable. This attack may be orchestrated the secret organization known as Anti-Entropy..." Explained Fu Hua before Himeko interrupted her. "Anti-Entropy. Pfft. An Anti-Schicksal group led by a Schicksal traitor." "They're careful, but we've picked up their tracks. The raised materials were seen nearby under the watch of Argent Fox, an intel dealer." "Argent Fox? Is the an Anti-Entropist?"

"Not likely. More like a local gangster boss, but commanding powers far beyond that." Said Cocolia. "Sounds like a convenient partnership. I think the Fox planned the ambush to sell some loot." Said Seele. "Well, time to meet this sly creature. Himeko, Fu Hua, and I will be paying the Fox a visit. Patrick, Bronya, and Seele, you're responsible for mapping out the area and locate the lost supplies. Stay low. We'll meet you when we're ready." "Understood. Any suggestions, Bronya?" "The Argent Fox's lair is well protected by patrolling mechs. The Bronya shall hack one of them to deduce patrolling routes and locate the stolen goods." Said Bronya. "While I will watch from above to scout." I said.

"Sounds great. We'll need to find a suitable target. I... I think we can go the plaza north of here. There's less mechs there. We can easily find an isolated unit." Said Seele. "Da. Let's do this." Said Bronya. 'She's more independent and mature than the Seele I know. Perhaps that's what Seele would be if she survived the test...' "............" 'Seele......' Bronya stopped talking in her mind. "Let's not mourn over your past, Bronya. We better move." I said. Seele brought out a long large Scythe prepared to fight. 'So Seele wields a Scythe and is a Quantum type Valkyrie just like I remember her when I first met her in her Quantum Diary.' I said.

The three of us went to the plaza in the north where there were fewer mechs on patrol. "There are fewer mechs here." Said Seele. "We must proceed slowly and pick a suitable target." Said Bronya. "Do your thing Bronya and back the mechs." I said. I had my scouter on and I had the Dragon Sword on my back. "Nice device you have on your face." Said Seele. "Thanks. I had it modeled after a device from one of my favorite Anime." I replied before we followed Bronya.

Bronya did her hacking and made the flying drones self destruct and had the mechs paralyzed. We finally found one mech that was isolated. "Bronya, that white mech seems isolated from the rest." Said Seele. "Da. We will back it once it turns around." Said Bronya. When it turned around, Bronya hacked into it. "Patrol routes indicate that the north and west are heavily guarded. Downtown is west of us. It becomes rather deserted after midnight, ideal for hiding things. The Argent Fox's turf is to the north of here. It's heavily defended and the Fox prefers staying there. Time is of the essence. We need to split our forces." Explained Bronya. "No. Not these two places. The Fox probably hid the things here." Said Seele.

This made Bronya and I shocked and confused. "Here? A poorly guarded and dilapidated warehouse? Why is Seele sure?" Asked Bronya. "Yeah. Why would the things be in an abandoned warehouse?" I asked. "............" Seele didn't answer. "Seele?" Asked Bronya. "It's the patrol routes. Not many mechs are here, but one is always around to monitor things. Looks odd to me." Seele finally answered. "Da. It does feel odd to the Bronya. It seems very deliberate. You noticed very small details... you seem to be very familiar with the city, Seele." Said Bronya. "And it looks like you've been to this city several times before like you've lived here your whole life." I said.

"Nyet, Nyet! I just saw it in the mission briefing." Said Seele. "............?" "............?" Bronya and I didn't answer back. 'The Bronya does not remember reading about this in the mission briefing. Seele is acting too defensively...' Said Bronya in her mind. 'Seele is definitely lying. I can tell she is since I was able to see through her lies before when I first met her.' I said in my mind. Tring~ "Bronya, we took down the Fox." Said Cocolia. "The Fox is killed?" Asked Bronya. "Nah. I just used a tranquilizer. I don't like making bodies. I've acquired the Fox's special access "key". How are you girls doing?" "Seele found a suspected location. The Bronya is transferring the coordinates to you." "Got it. We'll rendezvous at that position."

We went to the location Seele said to go. "We've arrived. But our instructors are not here yet." Said Seele. "We should neutralize the defenders first." Said Bronya. Mech patrols arrived to eliminate us. I unsheathed the Dragon Sword from my back and held it in my hands as it closed with energy. "Well, might as well let loose with showing what my Devine Keys can do." I said before turning to Seele holding her Scythe. "You think you can handle fighting?" I asked. "Yes I can." Said Seele. "Ok. Then let's go!" The three of us charged in and proceeded to neutralize the defenders. As I slashed away, I could see Seele fighting with no hesitation. 'She fights well. She may look innocent but she's a Valkyrie.' I said in my mind.

We took care of all the defenders and met up with the others. "This abandoned warehouse is the Fox's biding place?" Asked Cocolia. "......found it. A biometric sensor. It's hidden in the side wall. Good. Warehouse contents seem fitting for the Fox's stronghold." Said Fu Hua. "Good job, Seele, Bronya, and Patrick. Your guess was right. Use the "key" to open the warehouse. Let's see what they stole from us." Said Cocolia. We used the "key" and opened the door to find a shocking surprise. Instead of a cargo, was Joachim. "...! Who are you?" Asked Joachim. "Joachim?!" Bronya and I  both said at the same time shocked. "What?! A kid in the warehouse? But this is where the Fox hid the stolen goods." Said Himeko. "Perhaps this boy *is* the stolen good." Said Seele.

"......what are you saying?" Asked Cocolia. "What are you going to do to me?" Asked Joachim. 'Thats Joachim in this world. Better try to reason with him. I'm not stupid like the captain of the Hyperion. He always acts stupid and makes mistakes.' I told myself in my mind before speaking. "Ahem... It's alright. We're not here to hurt you, we're here to rescue you. You've got to believe us." "No. You're lying." "I'm not. We really are here to rescue you. I know that terrible people have done bad things to you but we're here to save you from the bad people." "Don't! Don't come any closer!" Honkai energy came out of him and he began to build weapons out of nowhere. "Careful. I'm detecting Honkai energy emissions from him." Said Fu Hua. "So am I." I said.

"...... he's creating physical weapons out of thin air with energy alone." Said Fu Hua as the mechs were finished constructed and started to attack us. "Very well. You leave us no choice." I said before sheathing the Dragon Sword then switching to the smaller Dragon swords and they changed into Kirito's swords from "Sword Art Online." Then we chatted in and proceeded to destroy them.

Using his powers made Joachim tired. "Huff... huff... Don't come any... closer..." the exhausted boy collapsed and lost his consciousness. The mechs he created disappeared as well. "... he passed out. Using those powers must have been extremely taxing for the body. ... the boy is covered in scars. Some of them seem rather old. He's been abused all this while." Said Fu Hua. "Mechs materializing our of thin air and disappearing afterwards... I've read about this. A file at HQ mentioned manifesting physical items using Honkai energy. This is the power of the 1st Herrscher, the Herrscher of Reason." Said Cocolia. "But the Herrscher was defeated in 1955. How did his power end up in this boy?" "This is somewhat unexpected. Should we get in touch with HQ?" Asked Himeko.

"Nyet. Don't do that. Though it was confusing at first, but Seele's words started to make sense to Bronya." Said Bronya. "And to me too." I said. "A human boy with the powers of the Herrscher of Reason must be valuable to Schicksal. Schicksal would treat him as a valuable asset." "Like how they treated Sirin and Drago also. As valuable assets too." "What do you mean?" Asked Himeko. "I agree, Bronya, Patrick. This boy must be the missing "asset" we're ordered to recover. He should be in the labs, but the Argent Fox released him... The scars on him..." Said Cocolia before getting interrupted. Beeep... beep...

"Unidentified units approaching. Potential hostile." Said Bronya. "Must be Anti-Entropists. They must have found the Argent Fox." Said Fu Hua. "We must leave with the boy." Said Seele. "We're facing a large number of hostiles. Carrying the boy will slow us down." Said Himeko. "We'll split our forces. Bronya, Patrick, and Seele will leave first with the boy and wait for us at evac point." Said Cocolia. "But..." Said Bronya before getting interrupted by Himeko. "You've done enough. Leave this to us." Said Himeko. "Trust us. You girls with Patrick will take the boy away from this place." Said Fu Hua. "......the Bronya understands. The Bronya shall wait at the evac point." Said Bronya. Bronya, Seele, and I left first with Joachim to get to the evac point.

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