Tundra Cabin part 4

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We came back to the wooden cabin with the wood. "Theresa, we have returned." Said Bronya. "Thank you, girls and boy. We totally needed your help!" Said Theresa. Theresa easily carried all the wood that Bronya, Seele, and I struggled to carry back to the orphanage. She skillfully divided the wood by size and added some to the fireplace. "Life is hard, but we can make it because Father and everyone are here." Said Theresa. Bronya decided to ask a question. "When did you arrive, Theresa?" Asked Bronya. "I don't know who my parents are. Riding on Father's back was the first thing I knew. I was in a warm bundle strapped to his back while he gathered firewood. It was snowing but warm. When I grew up, I learned that he built this orphanage. I'm not the first one here, but I stayed the longest. I like it here. I will never leave." Explained Theresa.

Bronya asked another question. "What about Joachim?" "Why are you asking about him?" "Theresa and Joachim seemed to be arguing during lunch. And Joachim is leaving tomorrow. The Bronya wants to learn more." "So do I. I want to know what's going on through Joachim." I said. "I shouldn't keep this from you... Joachim has nothing against me... but Father..." Theresa stopped. "What happened between him and Father?" Asked Seele. "............ Father Otto killed Joachim's Dad." Answered Theresa. This made the three of us shocked. "Why? How?" Asked Bronya. "What did Joachim's dad do that made Father Otto kill him?" I asked.

"Joachim's dad was a doctor, and he tried to bring Joachim's passed-away mom back to life. He dabbled in the forbidden arts... The doctor first tested on mice... then he moved onto cats and dogs... By the time Father found him, the doctor was testing on homeless orphans..." Explained Theresa. "That's... evil..." Said Seele. "Truly Evil. Like what I've seen in fiction about mad evil doctors trying to bring their loved ones back from the dead." I said. 'This is like where Dr. Leonard Church the director of Project Freelancer was trying to bring his wife Texas/Allison back from the dead and how Otto in our universe is trying to bring Kallen back from the dead doing the same ting by testing on homeless orphans turning them into Honkai fighters.' I said in my mind.

"Father Otto had to end that. ...but it made Joachim an orphan." Theresa finished. "Understood. Joachim hates the priest." Said Bronya. "But why would Joachim hate the priest when his father was a villain for doing evil stuff?" I asked. "Because the doctor was his only family left and Father Otto killed his only family left. If That were the case, I think they would work out eventually. Joachim knew his dad's crimes. He tried to stop him but failed. No. Joachim doesn't hate Father Otto. He came to the orphanage and took care of us like a good elder brother. He protected us. For a while, I thought he had put his past behind..." Theresa stopped. "Please continue." Said Bronya. "Joachim's really smart and handy with the tools. He did everything wonderfully. Father decided to hand the orphanage to him. But that decision changed Joachim. He became... sullen... That's when I knew he never forgot about what happened."

"Perhaps he didn't want the orphanage. He probably wants a life of his own." Said Seele. "If That were the case, Joachim would have said it out loud. But he didn't. ...he's afraid." Said Theresa. "Afraid of what?" "Afraid that he must make Father's decision when the time comes. Afraid that he might have to make another child an orphan. He could never forget about that. Soon, Madam Lizelle from the neighboring town offered to adopt Joachim... ......and he agreed." "Joachim is trying to run away." Said Bronya. "From his past." I said. "Leaving this place allows him to start life anew." Said Theresa. "But Joachim will never get over it." Said Bronya. "We all know how it works... but we can't bring ourselves to do it. I don't think anyone of us knows how to leave it all behind."

"............" Bronya said nothing. "I just don't want to see Joachim so dark and gloomy. He wasn't like that. I want to help him. He's family to all of us. ......oh dear, it's late. Father should be back already. That's odd. I'll look outside." "We'll come too." I said as the 4 of us went outside to find the priest.

We looked but saw no sign of him. "Unable to locate the priest." Said Bronya. "We should split up. I'll look on the other side of the hill with Patrick. Please help us search this side!" Said Theresa. We split up to find Father Otto. I went with Theresa while Bronya went with Seele. Bronya and Seele came up to another building but saw no sign of the priest. Then Quantum shadows appeared but they took them out. "This is the end of the road. The priest wasn't here. Let us return." Bronya thought about what Theresa said as she trudged through the snow. The sun shone on the pristine snow 7 years ago when she met her mother for the first time. It was a painful memory... a chain that shackled her... "............" 'The Bronya also has things that she can't simply put behind her...' Said Bronya in her mind. "Bronya Onee-Chan, are you alright? You seemed troubled..." Asked Seele. "Seele... the Bronya..." Bronya could not find an answer to her question. "Seele gently held her hand.

"Would this make you feel better? You should hold my hand like this when I was scared. The warmth of your hands comforted me." "Seele..." "Stop thinking about the past if it only brings pain. I will be here for you, just as you had been there for me in the past." "............ Spasibo. The Bronya is fine. The Bronya decided to face the problem directly. We shall meet Patrick-kun and Theresa." Bronya turned and started heading back. Seele's smile slowly faded. "............ ............" "Good job, Seele... We're even closer to our objective..." Said the voice inside her. "Was that... the right thing?" Asked Seele. "It's alright, Seele... We're doing this to get back to the real world with Bronya Onee-sama..." "............ ......I understand..."

"We split up at that location. Theresa and Patrick-kun should be on the other side of this hill." Said Bronya. "Father! Father!" They heard Theresa's voice. "It's Theresa. What's happening?" Asked Seele. "We must head over there quickly." The duo rushes on over where Theresa and I were.

"Wake up... please wake up..." Theresa was holding the priest up. He had Honkai lines. I was kneeled down. "Father... please... wake up..." Theresa begged. Bronya and Seele arrived on the scene. "The priest has fallen! What happened?!" Asked Seele. "We found him unconscious in the snow with pinkish purple lines on his body." I answered. "......the priest has passed out. We must carry the priest back to the orphanage. Seele, stay and help Theresa. The Bronya and Patrick-kun shall ask the older children to help." Ordered Bronya. "You got it Bronya." I said as Bronya and I rushed back to the orphanage to get help. But on our way back we encountered Honkai beasts. "Honkai beasts... they appeared without warning. Hostiles are too close to the orphanage." Said Bronya. "..!!" 'More Honkai Beasts appeared. Something is happening... Alert! Seele and Theresa will be in danger...' "...!" "...hmm?" The Honkai Beasts have stooped. The beasts turned around and marched off into the depths of the snow as though controlled by something.

"What happened?" Asked Bronya. "It looked like they were being ordered by a Herrscher to retreat. But even Drago and I can't do that. Unless..." I suddenly stopped. Bronya and I held our breath. Something strange was happening. And then we saw it...

We saw a spirit resembling Fu Hua. "The Bronya... Knows you... ......Fenghuang Down, the 8th Divine Key..." Said Bronya. "Bronya Zaychik. Patrick Ewing." Said Fenghuang Down. "You... know The Bronya and Patrick-kun's full names?" Asked Bronya. "You both were touched by a Feather. I can see you... and know you. I'm surprised. You both don't belong here. You're present in everyone's memories, but you're not from here." Said Fenghuang Down. "............" "............" We said nothing. "I'm one of the three thousand feathers of Fenghuang Down... awakened by the priest's will to protect." "You were the one who kept the Honkai Beasts away from the orphanage? Why would the priest own a feather of Fenghuang Down?" Asked Bronya. "The owner of Fenghuang Down was indebted to him. This Feather was left in his heart. He brought this feather to this place. I agreed to protect this snowy plains. His life is ending... and my powers shall fade when he gives up his soul." Answered Fenghuang Down

"The priest is dying..." "There is an unfinished business. A deep, yawning gap in his heart that shackles him. He wants someone... someone he approves... to inherit my power. But there is insurmountable barrier between the two." "It is Joachim... the priest didn't want him to leave. The rift between them will never be resolved if Joachim walked away." "Is that the insurmountable barrier?" I asked. "............ It's not just the rift between them. Your hearts bear a similar gap as well." Answered Fenghuang Down. "......what does that mean?" Asked Bronya. "Bronya... Patrick... you came looking for answers. You're not doing it for others. You're doing it for others. You're doing it for yourselves. That is why you both dove into the Sea of Quanta." Answered Fenghuang Down. "............" "............" "Press forward for reveal the answers you seek. You will walk out of your past and find your ways." The familiar figure disappeared into the light, leaving an echo of her passing. The feathers she left disappeared silently into the snow.

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