Part 3: Chaos End

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"Ah... hnnggh..." Theresa was struggling to stay on her legs after getting a hard hit. Sirin noticed this then she smirked then used her power and grabbed Theresa. "Got you, baby doll*" Said Sirin. "...Principle Theresa!" Shouted Mei. The dizzying sense of zero gravity hit Theresa hard. When she regained her senses, Theresa saw her body launched into mid-air. An unseen force gripped her neck and her limbs. I launched myself at Sirin to try to save Theresa but then Sirin used her psychic power and grabbed me with her unseen force.

"Never expected such a cute thing to pack so much power. Your eyes betray emotions of care, love, and plenty of regret." Said Sirin. "...!" "I remember seeing those eyes before I fell asleep. She extended her hand and fantasized about helping me. What a fool. She didn't understand me. She was powerless to save anything. She was a self-righteous idiot who indulged stupid fairy tales of saving and redeeming others. —You hardly changed at all."

"...... ...that's right... I know that... Ah... hnnggh... That's how I catch my foe!" Shouted Theresa. Chains from the Oath of Judah tied around Sirin trapping her. "...!" Feeling myself get free I let Drago take control of my body then he came in and used ice to freeze and trap Sirin. "You're finally within firing range!" "Those chains again! Don't you ever give up?" Asked Sirin. "Never." I took control of my body again. "We never give up." "It's different this time. Star of Eden! Switch to Level 1 output! All powers to max!" Commanded Bronya. A powerful gravity wave washed over the Herrscher, driving the anti-Honkai shackles deeper into her body. "...!" "You can't escape! The Oath of Judah... has caught you! I won't let go... even at the cost of my life!" Shouted Theresa.

"And now its my turn." Drago took control of me again then he put my hand on Sirin's head and proceeded to absorb the Honkai energy out of Kiana's body. "...... ............" But then Sirin suddenly smirked. "... o really*?"

Then the chains suddenly broke and Sirin used her right hand and forced my hand off her head. "Do you really think these ancient toys can work on me?" "...what?! Urk... ugh..." Theresa shouted. Before Drago could do anything, a lance suddenly stabbed itself into my right shoulder making Drago cough out blood. This caused Drago to lose control and for me to automatically be back in control.

"Do you feel smart? Is victory within sight? Feeling hopeful yet? Exciting dramas tend to have a heart-rendering climax. I love those shows. The will to survive... hope for the future... doing anything you can to defend all those that you hold dear... Nothing but pathetic toys before me! Your existence is worthless! Hahahahaha! KYAAAHAHAHAHAH!" Then she grabbed me and threw me to Mei and to Bronya. "Patrick-Kun!" Mei pulled out the lance and picked me up. I managed to lift my left arm and put it over my chest then I began to heal myself with the Gem of Protection. "The Divine Keys... didn't... work." I said struggling to speak.

Hyperion: "Honkai Energy spike detected! The wavelength coincide the Gem of Serenity!" Said an Operator. "...Gem of Serenity? No... wait... So it was there all along... —The Gem of Serenity was implanted into Kiana's body to wake the Herrscher!" Said Einstein.

Back to the battlefield: I got up once my wounds were healed and walked up to Sirin then Drago took over again. "Do you want to get this body back and save the girl? You are, right? Is she a lover friend and member of your little family?" Asked Sirin. "That's right. She is. She maybe a clone but she is still a friend and a member of our little family." Answered Drago. "Did you build sweet little memories together? Made any lasting promises?" Sirin asked once again. "We have great memories together. After we defeat you, we will make another lasting promise that is to protect Kiana from Otto Apocalypse." This time I answered. "If that's the case... Then I shall kill you one by one with her hands and her body." Said Sirin. "Not if we stop you first!" I shouted before powering up and charging in to land a punch. But Sirin blocked it with her hand. Then she opened a void portal and sent me back to where I was. "Those of you who love her and are trying to save her... you shall drink from the chalice of pain and endure a must gruesome death. I shall shatter your beautiful memories... and transform them into a hellscape of despair and pain. She will then witness your mangled bodies before I smother her out for good. Family, friends, happiness, dreams, future, and hope... She does not deserve this. She is unworthy of this. She will never get these. I'll start with you!" Shouted Sirin.

"What...!" Said Mei before Sirin used her Psychic powers and brought Mei over to her but Drago came in and slammed into Sirin. "No! Your fight's with me!" "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Sirin used her Psychic powers and made Drago crash down into the ground and brought Mei into her grasp. "My dearest Mei, you are the other half of my desires, the burning passion of my soul." Then she let go and used her powers to suck out the Gem of Conquest out of her body. "Wait no longer. Embrace me! Join your strength with mine!"

Then Sirin merged the gem into her body. "Ah..." Mei fell to the ground unconscious. "...Mei!!" Shouted Theresa. "She's absorbing the Gem of Conquest...! Shouted Bronya. "KYAAAHAHAHAHAH! This thunderclap is music to my ears! Come! Offer yourself up to your God! We hereby declare Judgement Day!" Declares Sirin.

Now Drago and I were getting more angry. "She's becomes more powerful now with two gems." Said Drago. "We have to keep fighting. Come on Gem of Protection! Lend me your POWER!!!" I shouted.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Gem of Protection inside of my body began to glow even more brighter. Then a massive amount of Honkai energy burst out of my body. Drago took control and floated up to Sirin. "The only God declaring Judgement Day is me!" Then he summoned my laser guns then he infused more Honaki radiation inside of them and began firing a storm of Honkai laser blasts at Sirin. "I'm the one who's gonna declare Judgement Day!"

But then she snapped her fingers and void portals sent them right back at Drago. "Not this time! Time fracture!" Drago triggered a time fracture and time slowed down. Then he got out of the way and used his Herrscher powers and made the Honkai laser blasts disappear. Then he fired another storm of Honkai laser blasts making them close to Sirin. "And now time will start moving normal again." Said Drago as time returned to normal and this time all the blasts landed direct hits on Sirin. But she healed the wounds from the blasts like it was nothing.

"Both of you stay back. She's far too powerful for the both of you now. My host and I will finish this fight." Said Drago. "But we can't stand here and do nothing." Said Theresa. "She has two gems now. You both can't keep up with her now. You both stand by for now, if my host and I are backed into a corner, jump in." "Alright."

Sirin did a sneak attack and sent a lance where Drago wasn't looking but he blocked it with one of my swords. "You maybe more stronger with 2 Herrscher gems, but you still won't be as strong as me." "That's where you're wrong. Your power maybe restored and 100%, but I have taken another step to be completed. I just need the Gems or Haste and Desire and then I will be complete. Then I'll take your gem the same way I took the traitor Reason's Gem and there will be no traitors to the Honkai. I am a God of the Honkai and a Queen! I will be more powerful than..." Drago triggered a time fracture then he punched Sirin in the face and sent her flying back. "Ha! Sorry to be rude, but you left yourself completely open. Now came on and give us your best shot. We're tired of listening to you preach. You want our gem so badly? You'll have to take it from us by force."

Sirin got back up. "I don't need your prostrations, Dragon. I just need you dead!" Sirin tired a void blast from her hand which Drago dodged but Sirin warped up to him then she punched him in the face which in return he kicked her in the gut then he punched her down to the ground. He flew down to hit her again but a void portal opened up and he ended up flying over Sirin then she did an Ultimate Evasion trapping Drago in a space core where he can't move then fired a few lances at him which landed a direct hit then it sent him skidding back. Sirin warped towards him and was about to punch him when Drago landed a punch of his own and when their fists met each other, both Herrschers had their energies radiating off of them.

They both screamed as light flashed around them. However, Sirin made their fists go down then landed a punch in the gut then the face which made Drago tumble back. "I told you... I have become stronger than you. Divine Keys, not even another Herrscher can defeat me." Said Sirin as she summoned three lances to finish Drago. "Now die!" But then...

A sword impaled through the Herrscher's heart. Drago healed himself then got up and let me take control. "I told you Sirin... we never give up... I've been training for a long time to fight against the Herrschers... I've also been learning how to mimic my favorite fictional characters' moves. And lastly, I've been preparing myself for when Schicksal would reawaken you I would save my friends and family I've known since I first came to St. Freya. You're an ignorant heartless monster who only puts the blame on a race instead of who from that race took everything from you. We're nothing like you. We put the blame on the one person responsible for taking everything away from you and us. You're an ignorant goddess who judges without second thought and only blames the race instead of the one person. That's what makes you stupid and pathetic!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Sirin destroyed the sword implanted in her then she healed herself and shot more lances at me but got out of the way thanks to triggering a time fracture. "Humanity took me away from my family then they took my friends away from me at the Tower of Babylon! I am not ignorant! I have not judged wrong! And I will prove that to you!" "Not if we prove you wrong!" Dragon and Void clashed again. Sirin used her new power and sent lightning at me but then I blocked with an Earth wall shield which the lightning cannot get through then I sent it crashing into Sirin then I engulfed her with fire then water mixed with electricity.

From the sidelines Theresa and Bronya watched. 'Can the Herrscher of the Dragon really defeat the Herrscher of the Void?' Asked Theresa inside her mind. Now I was pushing her back with my punches. "I thought you were supposed to be stronger than me with two Herrscher Gems and with Kiana's body! But it can't even keep up with me can it?!" I shouted before Sirin growled then attempted to stab me with a lance but I intercepted it with a sword then I upper cut her then kick her back. Then I fly back to deliver the finishing move I wanted to mimic.

"IT ENDS NOW! FINAL KAMEHAMEHA!!!!" Now I charged up a huge energy blast in my hands then fired it at Sirin landing a direct hit. Sirin screamed in actual pain. But then Sirin rose up from the smoke after a few seconds. "BEHOLD MY PERFECT DIVINITY!" I used a time fracture and got closer to Sirin and higher. "BE PERFECT IN H***!!!!!!!!!"

Then I punched Sirin in the face with a fist of energy going down. Suddenly, Sirin smirked then giggled. "GOT YOU!" Then lightning struck down and landed a direct hit on me. Then...


I got stabbed through the chest from a lance. Then Sirin punched me down to the ground. "Patrick! Drago!" Screamed both Theresa and Bronya. I was down in a crater with a stab wound in my chest. Sirin floated back down. "It looks like there's nothing left to do but bring this game to an end." Said Sirin while I was healing myself and struggling to get back up. "It should of been done ages ago but I will finally be rid of humanity once and for all." Then she did the thing with her hand when she took the Gem of Conquest out of Mei and I began to feel the Gem of Protection inside of me being trying to get taken away. "Never!" Once the stab wound was closed up I kneeled up and held my chest. "I'm never letting you have this gem! It will find you unworthy!" "I'm aware of that, but I will find a way to break the seal it and make it mine like I did with the Core of Reason. Now hand it over!" Sirin used more force making me hold on even more but then energy spears came out of nowhere and stabbed Sirin only to get rid of the stab wounds within seconds. Theresa stopped in.

"You're not taking another gem from us! I'll make sure of that!" Shouted Theresa. "Back for more are you? Well then I'll beat you next!" Sirin attacked Theresa. Bronya pulled me to safety so I can fully heal myself. I stood up to go help Theresa but I was already too late. Theresa couldn't last long against Sirin, and just like that, Theresa was beaten badly.

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