Thus Spoke Apocalypse

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(Context: After the whole boss battle and finding out Otto Apocalypse was still alive, Patrick my OC/my self-insert goes after him instead of getting sent back to where he, Kiana, and Durandal started just to stop him from saving Kallen. Because the whole purpose of the boss battle was to stop him from getting to the imaginary tree. Instead of standing around and doing nothing he goes after him. I wanted to make this after Thus Spoke Apocalypse came out but I couldn't find time to do it because of Education and other things.)

Otto: When you truly...

The scene showed Kallen being escorted to her execution from a raven's eye.

Otto: want to change the world, you will discover...

There were more ravens, then they flew away.

Otto: how pitiable your own strength is.

Then there was an eclipse.

Otto: The Holy Maid gave her all to the people, and was repaid with a merciless shackles and nooses.

Then the scene changes to where it shows Otto struggling to get to the Imaginary Tree in the Imaginary Space.

Otto: The world is at chaos. It is neither fair nor sensible.

He keeps walking on the red surface.

Otto: It wrongs heroes and breeds scum. It is rife with ugliness without a trace of beauty...

???: Hey Otto!

A punch was thrown in his face knocking him off his feet.

???: Where do you think you're going?

The person floated down to reveal Patrick still in his Herrscher form.

Otto: Wait... Please...

Otto stood back up.

Patrick: NO!

Patrick punched him again.

Patrick: I refuse to let you change the past and save Kallen.

Otto: I am so close. So close to saving Kallen.

Patrick: You've been causing nothing but atrocities to bring one person back from the dead. Kallen never even wanted to be saved by you. That's why she sacrificed herself to save lives instead of escaping with you.

Otto: I know. I will repent for everything I've done.

Patrick: It's already too late for forgiveness. I can't let you get what you want.

Otto: I just need a bit more time...

Patrick: NO!

Patrick punched Otto in the face again.

Patrick: You've had your freaking time! You have to answer for everything you did! To Durandal, to Kiana, to Siegfried, to Sirin, to Cecelia, to Theresa, to me, to Mei, to Bronya, to Fu Hua, and to Himeko!

Otto: Did you come here just to see me one last time?

Patrick: I came here to stop you from getting what you want. Somebody has to. I can't let you get what you want after everything you did to humanity.

In Otto's eyes, Patrick was replaced with Sirin as the Herrscher of the Void. Then Mei as the Herrscher of Thunder, Then Bronya as the Herrscher of Reason, then the Herrscher of Sentience, and then Kiana as the Herrscher of Flamscion as Patrick spoke. Then back to Patrick.

Patrick: You were brilliant! And we trusted you! But you lied to us! You twisted and tortured us! And used us! Manipulating us for your own purposes! And for what?! For this?! Just to bring one person back from the dead?! You need to pay!

Patrick held his Divine Key sword and pointed it at Otto's chin. Tears of anger were coming out of Patrick's eyes.

Patrick: You left your own granddaughter to die just to let her get killed by Sirin. You cared nothing about her. You pretended to care for Theresa as you never saw her as your granddaughter. You only saw her as a copy of Kallen and a doll you created and threw away to Sirin. You took Cecelia and Durandal away from Theresa and Siegfried. You tried to kill Mei, Bronya, and Theresa with Sirin. You took Himeko away from us. And you caused the second and fourth impacts to happen and murdered billions of people. You lied to Fu Hua and used her then you killed her. I wanted to expose all your crimes to the whole world but people keep telling me that humanity will just let your crimes slide because you had them all under your lies and false hopes and because of human nature to survive at any costs. And they refused to start any rebellions against you. I am sick and tired of people telling me those things! You lied to everyone and cared nothing of what happens to humanity when you caused the second and fourth impact. I want to kill you so badly because if I don't! then that whole boss battle was just pointless! ... (Don't try to stop me who ever speaks to me. I'm so close. I can't let this evil man get what he wants.)

Silence lasted for a few seconds before Otto broke the silence.

Otto: I understand how angry you are with me. For everything I did. All I wanted was to be with Kallen. 500 years ago I lost her when I tried to save her, she gave up her life to save the lives of others. When I left Theresa to die, I didn't want to do it. But it had to be done for Kiana to overcome Sirin. I loved my granddaughter since the day I created her. But then you and Major Himeko saved her. And Kiana was able to overcome Sirin without the sacrifices.

Patrick: Talking isn't gonna change my mind. it's already too late for mercy.

Otto: I know. I understand that I must pay for all my sins. For 500 years I've dreamed of being together with Kallen. A world with just me and her. And for the past 500 years I've poured my life into immortality to find a way to bring Kallen back from the dead. At first I needed the Herrscher of the Void and the Herrscher of Death to bring Kallen back. But it didn't work out. So my goal changed to getting to that tree.

Otto: I wanted to fly to Kallen, believing that I can bring her back. I've wanted to be with Kallen more than anything in my very long life. I wanted to believe that in some other world, Kallen was still alive. I did so many horrible things to the Kaslana and Schariac families. I acknowledge that I murdered Cecelia when those missiles were supposed to kill Siegfried because I was afraid of his power as a cover up. I also acknowledge that I caused the second and fourth impacts. I also acknowledge that I tried to kill Kiana's family and you just to get what I want. And I acknowledge that I tried to kill my granddaughter. But... you stopped me from killing Kiana's family at the cost of Himeko sacrificing herself. Then you stopped me from getting the Gem of Desire. And you and Kevin ruined my victory at recapturing Kiana turning my victory into a failure after you and her escaped from me.

Patrick: (There he goes talking just like Akihiko Kayaba.)

Otto: I dreamed of being in a world with just me and Kallen. I never wanted any of this to happen. But they had to be done. I needed Kiana's Herrscher of the Void powers so I could subvert and challenge the laws governed by that tree over there. I also needed your power to subdue the Herrscher of the Void, Sirin. And I needed the Herrscher of Death to bring Kallen back from the dead. But I could never find that Herrscher. The only thing to do is get to that tree. I understand that you will never forgive me, Patrick. But know this. Theresa and Kiana were both my greatest creations.

Patrick: I don't know who to call them anymore. But I do know this. They're more than just copies of Kallen and Durandal. They're better than them.

(Music ends)

Patrick raised his sword up. But as soon as he swinged it down, chains bind him. Otto had used Void Archives again to mimic the Oath of Judah.

Otto: You really are stubborn.

Then he strikes him and knocks out Patrick. After he does that he continues to struggle to the Imaginary Tree.

But from the ground emerged duplicate copies of him that were trying to prevent him from getting to the tree. He uses Void Archives again and mimics the Cleaver of Shamash.

Otto: The malice of this world shall be sundered- by the villain.

The flames changed to the scene where Kallen is still being escorted to her execution with a crowd watching. She was about to be hanged. Then the scene reverts back to the Imaginary Space. Otto was charging at the duplicates. Otto jumps up then creates an explosion when he landed. The figures charge at the Overseer. He fought against them. As he did, black matter was crawing up Otto's skin.

Otto: This is the world taking revenge against her.

Then he materialized Abyss Flower and stabbed a figure.

Otto: But her believer- will never give in.

The Overseer pushes through stabbing more. Three jump at him but he jumps back dodging. Then he killed them with copies of the Water Sword.

All of a sudden, the figures piled up creating a giant monster. The scene changes back to Kallen's execution where a Honkai beast released by Otto attacks. Kallen then breaks out of her wooden shackles and breaks free from the rope around her throat then goes to fight against the monster. The scene reverts back to the Imaginary Space where the monster pushes Otto back then smashes him.

Chains appeared stabbing the beast then from the beast's claws burst out Otto now mimicking Oath of Judah with Void Archives. Then he jumps up screaming then runs up the beast jumps up again then he goes down and smashes the weapon on the beast's head blowing the head off. Then the chains disappear and the beast collapses down. And Otto tumbles to the ground closer to the tree. He struggled to get up then the scene changed to Kallen then back to Otto then back to Kallen where she saw a child trapped and the Honkai beast noticing the child. Then the scene switched back to Otto holding his hand out then switches back to the past where the child was scared as the Honkai beast raised its arm then swings down.

The scene switches back to Otto getting stabbed through the chest then switches again to Kallen getting stabbed also through the chest protecting the child. Then back to Otto. The beast he fought against was still down but not out. It had stabbed Otto from a long distance. Then more lines came out and stabbed Otto more. He was going to black out but sees Kallen and does not give up. Void Archives as its original cube form materializes in front of him.

Otto: Once their souls dissipates, one cannot be brought back to life.

Then he breaks free from the lines and grabs the cube and a giant blast shoots behind Otto completely destroying the beast.

Otto: But does not allow a vessel to gather the pieces of a mind.

He continues to struggle to the tree so close. And drops the cube then mimics the Cleaver of Shamash again. But a sword shot from behind him and stabs him right through the heart. He slowly turned around to see Patrick with glowing red eyes full of rage. radiating like fire.

Otto: Impossible! HOW?!

Patrick spoke but there were two voices instead of only one. Then a silhouette of a beast appeared behind him.

Patrick?: We refuse to let you get what you want!

Otto: Toriyama?! ... No... Why... Why are you still getting in my way?!

Patrick and Toriyama: Because you're nothing but a murderer and a lair! And you have no right to save Kallen!

Otto: YES I DO!!!!!

Otto fires the same blast he used to kill the beast but Patrick instantly moves out of the way then instantly appears in front of Otto holding his Dragon sword again then their swords met. Otto jumps up and uses the force from Patrick to be pushed back.

Otto: To save the one and only her, I can only- create new possibilities in the past.

Noticing this, Patrick moves himself forward and holds his arm out. They both touched the tree at the exact same time. Then the tree glowed.

Otto: The other future will belong to her.

Then everything flashed around them. And the scene cuts to when Kallen was stabbed only for everything to freeze in yellow as there was a large wide dome with cracks on top with an eclipse. Then the top cracks to reveal Otto coming down falling from the sky while holding the mimic of the Cleaver of Shamash. Then the stab wound to Kallen was undone and Kallen pushes the Honkai beast's claw away and jumps back. Then the camera goes back to Otto falling then putting the sword in front of him then covering himself in an energy trail with lights coming down from the sky. Then his life flashes before his eyes...

???: OTTO!!!!!!

A time fracture happened then a trail of green energy rushes in and gets below the other trail of energy.

To his shock, appearing below him was Patrick charging up a large beam making it bigger till it was larger than Otto's trailer of energy just to make sure it kills him. Then he says the same words he said when he and Kiana thought they killed him.

Patrick: This is for Himeko. For Cecelia. For Kiana. For Siegfried. For Sirin. For Fu Hua. AND ALL THE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE YOU KLILLED FOR FIVE HUNDRED YEARS!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patrick fires the beam at point blank. Killing him.


Then his body was completely obliterated in the large beam. After that, Patrick roars out in victory like a beast then screams out loud.


He screamed so loud it was heard miles away as the lights were coming down from the sky.

(Music ends)

He hides himself in the church while breathing heavily before finding the breath to speak again.

Patrick: Good Riddance.

Patrick: And never bother to try to save Kallen or bring Kallen back from the dead again! ... That's how you stop an evil villain from getting what he wants. ... I really couldn't care less on how you're written or how your character arc is written or how your character development is written. You've caused nothing but trouble to humanity more than the Honkai and you're nothing but a murderer and a liar. And that's exactly why you never deserve to be together with Kallen or have any right to save her. I'm always going to kill you even if you were tricked and being used by Void Archives.

He looked down and saw Kallen get stabbed again this time in the back while shielding the child from the monster allowing the child to get away.

Patrick: She specifically chose to sacrifice herself to save lives instead of escaping with you. Something that you'll never understand and she never wants to be with an evil man like you. And she specifically chooses Yae Sakura over you. Preventing her from dying means that Kiana and Theresa won't get born. I really don't care if what you do won't cause the future to change. Without Kiana and Theresa. Some things won't happen or be created. While you may have respect now. I am never giving you any respect because of everything you've done to us. Don't think that everyone will forgive you now. While the majority will forgive you, there will always be those that will never forgive you for everything you've done. Including me. You've made humanity's lives a misery more than the Honkai. You've made Kiana's life a lie and a misery and you've made Theresa's life a misery too. I hope I never see you again. Now go to hell and stay there for always and always and always. ... This time you lose for real. Because the whole purpose of that whole boss battle was to stop you from getting what you want. But you weren't. You were beaten for nothing and the whole boss battle was just pointless! So I made sure that you stay dead and never get what you want so that Kiana, Durandal, and I did not beat you for nothing.

He sighs then looks up at the crack in the sky.

Patrick: Guess there's only one thing to do now to make sure that he never lives a happy life with Kallen. And to make sure that Theresa and Kiana get born. I'm gonna go to the bubble universe where he successfully saves Kallen and make sure that the Otto of that timeline never lives a happy life with Kallen.

Patrick flies back up to the crack then he uses the Imaginary Tree again and goes to the reality where Otto successfully saves Kallen as he watches the events change and unfold. Much to his disgust.

Otto: Kallen, live.

As the lights were coming down from the sky, Patrick descended then changed into clothing of this time period.

Patrick: Now to make sure that he never lives a happy life with Kallen.

Patrick touches down to the ground.

Patrick: Kallen.

Hearing someone call her name, Kallen turned to Patrick.

Kallen: Hm? Who are you?

Patrick: ... My name is Patrick.

Kallen: Patrick?

Patrick: There is something you have to know.

Patrick grabs Kallen's hand then both their sets of eyes flashed white as Kallen sees flashes of everything Otto did in the future. After the flashes, Kallen was both shocked and confused.

Kallen: What... did I just see?

Patrick: What happens after your death. I'm from 500 years in the future. Otto made himself immortal and causes so many atrocities just to bring you back to life. Didn't work. Then he tries to change the past where you don't die but the future does not change. Instead it creates a new reality. But I didn't want him to save you and went after him and tried to stop him. Because without your death. Your descendants, Theresa and Kiana won't get born or exist.

Kallen was slowly understanding.

Kallen: My... descendants?

Patrick: Not only that... but... the Valkyrie school your descendent Theresa founded... St. Freya won't exist or get established... And my friends will never have met or possibly never existed. And lots of people I know won't get born without your death. Because you're still alive because of Otto from my future, the only thing to do now was to give you knowledge of the future which I just did. But there are two more individuals to give knowledge of the future too. After that, I'm returning back to the reality I came from. There is something you need to do.

Kallen: And what is that?

Patrick: What you need to do now is get out of Europe. Go back to Asia and find the Celestial Sage you fought against as she's one of the remaining two I must give knowledge of the future too. So that you and the Celestial Sage can to stop him in 500 years. And maybe in 500 years you might be able to be together with Sakura again.

Kallen: ... Alright. I will do it. I will help stop Otto from getting what he wants.

Patrick: Thank you. Now goodbye.

Patrick leaves then he transforms into his Herrscher form and flies away.


He flies to the high mountains.

Patrick: This is where Fu Hua lived.

Then he sees a familiar building and ground on top. He goes to it and lands.

Patrick: Come out Immortal Celestial!

After shouting out, the doors opened and out came instantly a familiar person. Fu Hua.

Fu Hua appeared in her Immortal Phoenix make over.

Fu Hua: Who dares trespass!

Fu Hua looks to see Patrick then she rushes in and tries to punch him but he dodges.

Fu Hua: Intruder!

Fu Hua continues to attack him but he keeps dodging.

Patrick: I'm here because I know your real identity! I know your real name, Celestal Sage.

Hua manages to land a hit on him which pushes him back but he stops himself then shouts out.

Patrick: Your real name is... FU HUA!

Fu Hua instantly stops in shock and surprise hearing someone say her real name.

Fu Hua: ... Impossible... How... How... How do you know my real name?

Patrick: This is why.

Patrick grabs Fu Hua's hand then both their sets of eyes flashed white as Fu Hua sees flashes of everything Otto did in the future like Kallen did when Patrick showed her the future. After the series of flashes, Patrick lets go of Fu Hua and she like Kallen was both shocked and confused.

Fu Hua: What did I just see?

Patrick: The Future.

Fu Hua: The future? Who are you?

Patrick: My name is Patrick. I'm from 500 years in the future. You meet me in 500 years along with a few others...

(More explaining later...)

Fu Hua was shocked at this revelation.

Patrick: Shocking isn't it, Fu Hua? That man you met at that battle who prevented you from killing that woman turns evil because of the death of his beloved and makes himself immortal just to bring her back from the dead. Then he tricks you and uses you for your power. He also causes the second and fourth impacts and murders half of humanity twice. Then once he gets what he wants. He gets rid of you. Didn't work. Your spirit remained and helped our teacher Himeko and me stop his scheme to kill everyone in Kiana's family from going any further at the cost of Himeko sacrificing herself. Then somehow you come back to life.

Fu Hua: This is so much to take in. I'm not sure how to respond.

Patrick: This is my warning to you. Don't ever make a deal with that evil man. Because he tries to get rid of you. What you need to do is to stop him from causing the second and fourth impacts, prevent him from killing Cecelia and Himeko, prevent him from getting the real Kiana: Durandal, prevent him from getting Kiana and awakening Sirin inside of her, prevent him from getting what he wants, and prevent him from getting to the imaginary tree. Not only those but make sure that we and the rest of our friends meet and that St. Freya is established.

Fu Hua made a serious face now understanding.

Fu Hua: Alright. You have my word. I'm going to make sure that the evil man never gets what he wants and make him pay.

Patrick: Thank you Fu Hua. You'll see me again in 500 years. Right now I have one more I need to give knowledge of the future to.

Patrick flies away and heads into the direction of Japan.

(Toriyama's Lair)

He gave Toriyama knowledge of the future then he exits out.

Patrick: Now that they have knowledge of the future, I better go through this timeline to make sure of some things and make corrections to the timeline.

So Patrick went through and over the timeline to make corrections. Like to make sure that Otto never lives a happy life with Kallen, make sure that Theresa and Kiana get born, Make sure that Fu Hua never joins Schicksal or make a deal with Otto, Make sure that Otto loses and fails more times, and make sure that his parents meet just like how Marty Mcfly from "Back To The Future" made sure that his parents meet. After he was done, everything flashed white.

The camera was now facing trees. Then it faced an ornithopter on the ground then the camera faced the trees again. Then the camera showed Kallen and Otto as children. Playing. Patrick watched them from afar. Otto throws the ornithopter then chases after it as it flew. He suddenly stops then turns around to see that Kallen was not there anymore.

Patrick watches the ornithopter fly across the sky. Then there was a series of flashes of Otto's life up to Kolosten. Then the scene goes back to Patrick watching the ornithopter flying across the sky.

Patrick: It is such a shame that as children grow up they lose their innocence and some of them turn evil and never become normal people. Just like Otto did. His soul turned blackened and turned evil and became greedy to bring Kallen back from the dead and committed so many atrocities. So many others like him wanted to bring their dead families back. But they never could truly do that.

Patrick thought of the many evil mad men who wanted their dead families back.

Patrick: Gendo Ikari wanted his dead wife back but he never could bring her back. Then the director of Project Freelancer the original Leonard Church wanted his dead wife back too. But he never could truly bring her back. Even when creating Tex. Dr. Tenma wanted to bring his dead son, Toby back from the dead by creating Astro Boy but he could never truly bring his dead son back from the dead even when creating Astro Boy and accepted that his real son was truly gone. And The creator of Mewtwo, Dr. Fuji wanted to bring his dead daughter Amber back from the dead with cloning while creating Mewtwo but he never could and came to his senses that his daughter is gone forever and will never be able to truly bring her back from the dead and moved forward with creating Mewtwo.

The sky turned to dusk.

Patrick: Otto wanted to bring Kallen back from the dead with the Herrscher of Death. But he never could truly do that. Didn't work. Even after trying to change the past with the imaginary tree. The future did not change. Only made another timeline.

The ornithopter landed on the ground, then it was picked up by Otto as an adult then he looked up at the sky as the camera moved up to face the sky then shooting stars passed by. After that, the camera moved back down to a tree where Otto and Kallen as children were sleeping with a campfire holding hands. Patrick watched them.

(Music ends)

Patrick: It is such a shame Kallen. The boy you met when you were kids turns evil. Instead of saving the world and making it a better place like you said he instead tried to destroy the world not caring if it will get destroyed and not caring if humanity goes extinct just to bring you back from the dead. So I punished him for everything he's done. I just can't do it. I can't forgive him for everything he's done.

Silence lasted for a few seconds before Patrick spoke again.

Patrick: I will let you be together with Sakura. But I will never let Otto be with you. Now that he's gone. The world can finally be free from his lies and false hopes. Sakura was always the right person for you, Kallen. ... Goodbye.

Patrick turned to leave and walked away.

(Imaginary Tree)

The flash ended with Patrick back at the Imaginary Tree, breathing. He was holding the ornithopter.

Patrick: It is done. The evil man is finally gone for good... He will never kill anyone ever again... Humanity is finally free from his lies and false hopes... Now there is one last thing to do.

Patrick touches the imaginary tree one last time then another alternate timeline was being created where all of Otto loses and fails all the time by undoing all his wins and successes. Like preventing him from causing the second and fourth impacts and from ever getting to the Imaginary Tree. When things were done, Patrick let go of the tree.

Patrick: You see? We've taken back everything you've stolen from us... Otto.

He looked up at the Imaginary Trees and looked at the two alternate timelines that were created. The timeline Otto made but Patrick made sure that Otto never lived a happy life with Kallen and Kallen is together with Sakura in the living with Patrick and the Valkyries at St. Freya. The other where all of Otto's schemes and plans all going according to plan failed and he loses and fails all the time.

Patrick: Just to make sure there are absolutely no loose ends. I've given Kallen, Fu Hua, and Toriyama knowledge of the future to make sure the Otto of the timeline never lives a happy life with Kallen, made sure Theresa and Kiana are born, prevented Otto from causing the second and fourth impacts, also made him lose and fail all the time in the other timeline, made sure that my parents meet just like Marty McFly, made sure St. Freya is established, made sure that me, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Seele met, helped Yae Sakura out of the Stigmata data space so she can be together with Kallen, and made sure the Otto of the timeline actually gets defeated and prevented from getting what he wants.

???: And now our revenge has come to pass.

A flash of light appeared behind Patrick. He turned around to see his predecessor.

Drago: Hello Patrick.

Patrick: Hello Drago.

Drago: My... our mission... and revenge... is over...

Patrick: At last our revenge has finally come to pass... this must be what it feels like after killing someone evil who did unforgivable things... Even if he was correctly written, I'm never forgiving him for everything he's done. Even if he was tricked and being used by Void Archives.

Drago: Patrick. Remember what you learned? You need to let go. Now with him gone. We and the world can finally be free from his lies and false hopes.

Patrick: I guess you're right. It's now time for us to let go and move on.

Patrick closed his eyes. He felt the anger in him go away. The red energy inside of him turned green. Showing that the anger and rage he's held on for a year finally dispersed... He felt his closure... then he opened his eyes again...

Patrick: It's over...

Drago: Goodbye... old friend...

Drago turned into golden particles and the particles leave.

Patrick: Goodbye... partner...

He started walking away from the Imaginary Tree.

Patrick: Now that the Overseer is gone, I can finally let go of everything that's happened. He will never hurt anyone ever again. I'm coming back, Kiana.

He spread his Herrscher wings and flew away from the Imaginary Tree.

Author's Note: Look I just can't do it. I can't forgive Otto for everything he's done. He should've lost and failed to get to the imaginary tree. The purpose of the whole boss battle was to stop him from getting to the imaginary tree. But he wasn't stopped. Kiana and Durandal beat him for nothing. And the whole boss battle was just pointless! I just can't take it with Hoyoverse letting their villains win more times and getting what they want. Hoyoverse needs to stop glorifying their villains and stop letting their villains win all the time and HAVE THEIR VILLAINS LOSE FOR ONCE! ... I am sick and tired of villains winning all the time. Why can't Otto just lose or fail for once? I'm sorry but that's how I strongly feel about Otto.

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