Honkai Impact 3rd Matrix Battlesuits

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As Honkai Impact 3rd players we know that characters aren't like Genshin. Instead they have multiple Battlesuits which is the character in a new outfit with different abilities. With each Battlesuit having their own signature weapon and stigma set. And my self-insert Matrix for Honkai Impact 3rd has them as well. So here are all of Matrix's Battlesuits. That I've thought of so far.

Captain's Orders-Matrix's first Battlesuit we see him in. It's his quote 'uniform' as the Captain of the Hyperion. Consisting of a blue shirt, a camouflage jacket, black leather pants, fingerless gloves, and combat boots. This Battlesuit's signature weapon is a sword called 'BlastBlade Model-Type 1' and his stigma set is called 'Captain's Youth' which portrays Matrix's journey through the ranks of Valkyries to becoming the Captain of the Hyperion.

Silver Seraph-The third Battlesuit we see Matrix in but the second playable Battlesuit of Matrix's. He adorns this Battlesuit after an incident where he accidentally became a Herrscher and had the Herrcher Core removed. It's a white shirt with a blue cybernetic pattern, white and blue wristbands, white pants with blue accents, white combat boots, a white scarf-like piece (similar to Seele's Stygian Nymph Battlesuit). Silver Seraph's signature weapon is a sword called 'BlastBlade Model-Type 2' and the stigma set is called 'Logic to Emotions' which portrays Matrix suffering under his Herrscher persona's force before having the Core removed.

Herrscher of Wisdom-The second Battlesuit we see Matrix in but his third playable Battlesuit. This Battlesuit is when the Herrscher persona destroyed itself to give Matrix control and allowed him to become the Herrscher of Wisdom. It's a blue shirt with black accents, a white trench coat, black pants, white combat boots, white and blue gloves, and wings that are like the ones on Kiana's Herrscher of the Void Battlesuit but six of them and blue. The Herrscher of Wisdom's signature weapon is a sword called 'Wisdom's Ascension' and his stigma set is called 'Wise Evolution' which portrays Matrix and the Herrshcer persona getting along before the Herrscher persona destroyed himself.

Herrscher of Transcendence-The fourth Battlesuit we see Matrix in and the fourth of his playable Battlesuits. This Battlesuit is when Matrix faces off against an old friend and evolves past his original Herrscher powers and made them stronger with technically two Herrschers in his Core. It's his hair but longer and in a high ponytail and with a purple fade, a white shirt with purple accents, a purple trench coat, white pants with purple accents, white combat boots, purple crystal wristbands, the wings from his Herrscher of Wisdom but purple, and six ribbons one between each of his wings. The Herrscher of Transcendence's signature weapon is a sword called 'Diamond Slicer' and his stigma set is called 'Mirrors of Memories' which portrays Matrix's previous Battlesuits looking in different mirrors at the other Battlesuits.

Void Engine-The fifth Battlesuit we see Matrix in and the fifth of his playable Battlesuits. Matrix adorns this Battlesuit when his Herrscher powers are sealed in his Herrscher Core and he needs to merge with the consciousness of Sirin and her Herrscher Core to essentially become the replacement Herrscher of the Void but with Matrix in control and Sirin only surfacing when Matrix needs her. It's a white and blue shirt with a black and orange jacket, black, blue, and orange pants, black combat boots, and his hair is long, down, and slightly white. Void Engine's signature weapon is a sword called 'Subspace Saber' and his stigma set is called 'Herrscher-Human Bond' which portrays Matrix and Sirin talking during Matrix's casual life.

Herrscher of Metamorphosis-The sixth Battlesuit we see Matrix in and the second to last playable Battlesuit I've thought of right now. This Battlesuit is adorned by Matrix when he need to face that old friend again and gains new Herrscher powers from his sheer determination and encouragement from Sirin who is still there but her powers are suppressed. Matrix's hair grows longer and is still down with a blue fade, a blue shirt with black and white accents, blue butterfly bracelets on both wrists, blue pants with black accents, black boots, a blue butterfly crown, and blue butterfly wings. The Herrscher of Metamorphosis's signature weapon is a sword called 'Papillon's Destiny' and his stigma set is called 'Transformation of a Herrscher' it portrays Matrix's different Herrscher related Battlesuits holding and admiring the Herrscher of Metamorphosis's sword.

Herrscher of the Evolving Void-The seventh Battlesuit we see Matrix in and the last of his playable Battlesuits that I've currently thought of. This Battlesuit is when Matrix and Sirin's consciousness combing their Herrscher powers to create a new Herrscher power to battle against a great threat. This Battlesuit is with Matrix's hair long and down with slight white and purple, a purple and blue sparkly jacket with orange accent, a purple and blue shirt with black accents and an orange gem on the chest, black wristbands with orange gems, black pants with blue and purple accents, black boots with blue gems on the sides, a blue butterfly cape, and six Herrscher of the Void wings with purple bases. The Herrscher of the Evolving Void's signature weapon is a sword called 'SubSpace Chrysalis Blade' and his stigma set is called 'The Void Evolving' which portrays Sirin, then Matrix, then both of them becoming their Herrscher of the Void forms for the first time before finally becoming the Herrscher of the Evolving Void.

So those are all of Honkai Impact 3rd Matrix's Battlesuits that I've thought of so far. I may think of more later and I'll probably make a different book for that.

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