Chapter 100: Arrival in Fontaine

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Up in the sky was Toriyama carrying the transport. After Klee's event in Sumeru, it was decided that only a limited crew would go with Aether and Paimon to Fontaine. Going with them were Patrick, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Seele, Sakura, Kallen, Higokumaru, Selune's Elgy, The CPUs, the CPU Candidates, Caster Tamamo No Mae, Ruler Jeanne D'Arc, Rider Marie Antionette, and Assassin Charlotte Corday. Leading the team now was Jeanne. They were all in the transport.

Patrick: A lot has happened over a year.

A series of flashbacks began to play.

Mei: Like the test of courage in Inazuma.

Kiana: Auntie Theresa scared Itto by turning into her vampire self. That was really funny.

Mei: And finding out that Scaramouche was tricked and being used then he, Patrick, and I erased his existence from Irminsul only we were able to recover his memories thanks to Nahida and now he's reformed and turned good.

Noire: But he still acts like a jerk.

Vert: Then we met Faruzan and Layla.

Neptune holds cards out.

Neptune: Then we learned how to play the Trading Card Game.

Bronya: And Kaeya confirmed to us that he's from Khaenri'ah.

Kiana randomly holds some cecelia flowers.

Kiana: Then we were at the Windblume Festival Lin Mondstadt again and we got to see Amber and Collei reunite.

Patrick: Then we found the door to Khaenri'ah. After that, me, Ishtar, Vert, Nahida, Aether, and Paimon faced against the Warden of the Last Oasis.

Vert holds out TCG cards just like Neptune did.

Vert: Then we participated in the Duel The Summoners Summit event where we met Charlotte from Fontaine.

The screen freezes as Assassin Charlotte Corday faces the camera and breaks the fourth wall.

Charlotte Corday: To tell us apart, my last name will be appearing next to my name first when I speak.

Then the screen unfreezes.

Neptune: And then we were with Klee during the Secret Summer Paradise Event.

Jeanne goes up to the front.

Jeanne: And now we're on our way to Fontaine. The nation of water.

Kiana: And thanks to Patrick. We're flying over the desert.

Paimon: Yeah! This totally beats walking through the desert under the hot sun!

Blanc: Let's not forget that some of us can transform and fly. Which means we could carry anyone.

Marie: Point taken.

Aether: We should be arriving soon.

A few minutes went by when they finally approached the border with Fontaine. Toriyama lands at the teleport waypoint and everyone exits out.

Toriyama: This is as far as I can take you.

Patrick: Thank you for carrying us as always.

Toriyama: You are ever welcome.

Patrick opens the return portal.

Patrick: Now get some good rest. I'll summon you again once I feel like I need you again.

Toriyama: Farewell.

Toriyama flys through the return portal before Patrick closes it. After he does that. Everyone faces their destination.

Patrick: There it is.

Jeanne: Fontaine!

Seele: The nation of water.

Everyone stood together as they took in the view of Romaritime Harbor. Some of them said "Wow". Patrick turns to the three servants from France.

Patrick: Does this view remind you of France yet?

Jeanne: Not yet. Once we get to the Court of Fontaine. Then we'll feel at home like we're in France again.

Marie: Viva La France! I can't wait to enter!

Charlotte Corday: I can't wait to enter either.

Paimon gets in front and turns to everyone.

Paimon: Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!

Everyone held their fists up.

Everyone: YEAH!

After holding their fists up, they jump down then use their wind gliders to glide down then activate the Red Feather Fan to make them glide faster.

Marie: This is so exciting!

As they were gliding, Patrick thought about something he and everyone except Aether and Paimon talked about in one of their night meetings in the Serenetea Pot.


Patrick and everyone participating were at the Table while Kallen was at the end holding a pointer with a white board.

Patrick: As soon as we get to Fontaine. We're going to steal the Hydro Archon's Gnosis before the Fatui have the chance to do so. Because at this point We don't have much of a choice and the next time we foil a Fatui's plan which will be in Fontaine and thinking we've prevented them from stealing the Hydro Archon's Gnosis, one of the Fatui Harbingers is just gonna show up out of nowhere, steal the Hydro Archon's Gnosis, ruin everything, and satisfaction gone once again.

Noire speaks up from her spot.

Noire: Can't we just destroy the Gnoses we already have? I mean what are the Tsaritsa and the Fatui going to do with some useless decoys that can't get them to Celestia?

Blanc: Well? What if they figure out a way to make the decoys work, Noire?

Patrick: Blanc is right. The Tsaritsa and The Fatui could figure out how to make the decoys work to get them to Celestia. Il Dottore is an intelligent scientist and the Tsaritsa knows how a Gnosis works. They could figure out how to make the decoys work. And they could figure out a way to get to Celestia without all 7 Gnoses.

Noire: Then what's the point of stopping them?

Patrick: The point is that Aether, Lumine, and Paimon must be the ones to bring Celestia down and defeat the Heavenly Principles. Not the Tsaritsa and the Fatui.

Kiana stands up from her spot and backs Patrick up.

Kiana: Patrick does have a point. Because of everything the Tsaritsa and the Fatui have done. We just can't take any chances with them being the ones to bring Celestia down or defeat the Heavenly Principles. Meaning that they must not be allowed to be the ones to bring Celestia down or defeat the Heavenly Principles. Which means it has to be Aether, Lumine, and Paimon who bring Celestia down and defeat the Heavenly Principles. Not the Tsaritsa and the Fatui.

Patrick: Kiana is right. Aether, Lumine, and Paimon must be the ones to bring Celestia down and defeat the Heavenly Principles. Or else the Tsaritsa and the Fatui could take over Teyvat and seize control over the nations from the Archons.

Nepgear raises her hand up.

Nepgear: What about if a Gnosis gets destroyed? Nahida said that she made the whole thing up about the Heavenly Principles awakening if a Gnosis gets destroyed to intimidate Il Dottore.

Patrick: She did make that up. But what if the Heavenly Principles do wake up if a Gnosis gets destroyed?

Neptune: There is only one way to find out but it's out of the question, right?

Patrick: Exactly. It's too risky.

(Flashback end with music stopping)

Patrick: (Aether, Lumine, and Paimon must be the ones to bring Celestia down and defeat the Heavenly Principles. Not the Tsaritsa and the Fatui. I refuse to let them steal another Gnosis or win the game of chess.)

They touched down at Fontaine's port.

Jeanne: Here at last.

Paimon: Whew, after crossing all that sand and water, we finally made it... This must be Fontaine's port.

Seele: It sure is.

Bronya: What was it like when you first came to Fontaine, Seele?

A series of flashbacks played.

Seele: After leaving Inazuma. I and Water's Edge went back to Liyue Harbor then we flew across Liyue then reached the Morte Region of Fontaine. Then we went to the Beryl Region then to Lrinnyes Forest. We even dove underwater. Then we went to the Court of Fontaine. To keep a low profile, I wore a cloak as I was at the Court of Fontaine and when I viewed the Opera Epiclese.

The scene went poof.

Jeanne: You did do a lot when you were in Fontaine.

The group took in the sights of Fontaine's port.

Paimon: Wow, everything looks so advanced in Fontaine. Paimon's heard that the industry here is extremely developed, and there are all kinds of unusual machines.

Nepgear had stars in her eyes.

Nepgear: I know! I want to know how they all work! I just want to use parts and upgrade some machines!

Neptune: It's good to see you excited, Nep. Jr. You do love machines, building machines, and inventing machines.

Aether: It's even more impressive than I expected.

The three servants from France took everything in more than the rest of the group.

Jeanne: Now this reminds me of France.

Paimon: Just seeing the sights as tourists is nice, but maybe it would be better if we found something to do.

Jeanne: You're right. We better find something to do.

Paimon: What do you think, Aether?

Aether: Let's start by meeting the Hydro Archon.

Paimon: Good idea. Nahida gave us loads of useful information. Seeking out The Seven is probably still our best source for information at this point.

Aether: Our journey is to find my sibling...

Patrick: And also to find the truth.

Paimon: Yeah! The more we can learn, the better.

Everyone: YEAH!

Paimon: So what do you think the Hydro Archon's like? Will we get along? Nahida said that she has "a very unique personality"... whatever that means.

Marie: We better find out soon enough.

Paimon: To learn about a nation's god, start with the nation's people! There seems to be some locals talking over there, let's go see if we can join the party.

So they walk over to the two locals who were talking.

Etienne: If you ask me, it's a tragedy how things ended for him. Clearly, he was a pretty decent person.

Rena: Yeah, I didn't expect that kind of ending for him... I thought he would at least fight on a little longer for his family. I was expecting a sudden plot twist, but it's a pity that it never happened... Still, his story is quite the tear-jerker...

The man nodded his head. The group was wondering what they were talking about.

Jeanne: I wonder what they are talking about?

Seele: I think it's something that happened in court.

Etienne: Uh, excuse me, can I help you lot? I couldn't help but notice you standing here listening.

Paimon: Uh... Hi! We're travelers new to Fontaine, and we had something we wanted to ask, but you seemed to be really busy talking about some kind of play, so we didn't want to interrupt.

Jeanne: We do apologize for interrupting you.

Etienne: A "play"? Oh no, no... We're talking about something that really happened. In fact, it's a case that was just heard a few days ago.

Paimon: Really? Like a real trial?

Seele: Just what Jeanne and I thought.

Paimon: But the way you were talking about it and the words you used just now made it sound like some kind of story...

Rena: Well, good tales are often based on true stories, aren't they? And what you see in reality may also be someone deliberately putting on an act while harboring ulterior motives... Whether something is true or not simply isn't that important. The main thing is whether the story being acted out on the stage is splendid enough. Oh, but it looks like you're not from around here! You probably don't know that the Fontaine Court of Justice is called the Opera Epiclese, or more commonly known as just "the opera house."

Aether: So they see trials as a sort of "opera"...

Paimon: But, uh... shouldn't court cases be treated a little more seriously than that? Not to question Fontaine's way of doing things, it's just that putting someone on trial is usually a very serious thing...

The three servants from France spoke up backing Paimon up.

Jeanne: Paimon is right. It's sometimes a matter of life and death on what sentence someone is given whether it's going to prison or getting executed. (Everyone thought I was a witch and executed me by burning me alive.)

Charlotte Corday: Sometimes killing someone can get someone executed. (I was executed myself when I was executed with a guillotine for killing someone.)

Marie: Or get banished and sometimes the sentence could get changed to getting executed when the guilty one does something wrong again. (When I was sentenced to get banished I wanted to exit out by having my own parade but unfortunately I got caught and my sentence was changed to getting executed with a guillotine.)

The three servants had their heads down thinking the same thing. Patrick could feel what they were thinking.

Patrick: (These three servants were from France which Fontaine was based on and they got executed. Jeanne was burned alive and Charlotte and Marie had their heads slashed off with a guillotine.)

Rena: Hehe, no worries. Other visitors to Fontaine have wondered the same thing. You could say that we just don't want to waste the moving stories behind those cases. And as for your worries about whether the cases are treated with due reverence, we have the absolutely just and honorable Chief Justice Neuvillette...

Rena: As well as the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse, a machine created by the Archon. Between the machine and the Chief Justice, false charges and injustice are a thing of the past now.

Aether: A judgment device created by the Archon...

Jeanne: So this is the "Nation of Justice"...

Paimon: The Oratrice? Is it some kind of machine too? Paimon's curious... We should check it out if we get the chance.

Stars return to Nepgear's eyes as she puts her fists under her chin.

Nepgear: We should get the chance! I want to know how it works!

Neptune puts her hand on Nepgear's shoulder.

Neptune: We'll get the chance to do that soon. Be calm and contain your excitement.

Paimon: Wait, Paimon almost forgot to ask you our question! Do you know what we should do if we want to meet the Hydro Archon?

Etienne: Oh, that's easy! Just go to the opera house. Lady Furina practically lives there, you could definitely say it's her biggest passion.

Rena: Ah, I think what they mean is that they wish to speak with the Archon personally. In that case, I'm afraid it's going to be a tad more difficult. You'll have to make an appointment well in advance, and it'll depend on whether or not she has any timeslots available.

Aether: Make an appointment?

Jeanne: Timeslots?

Paimon: Huh? Is the Hydro Archon super busy taking care of official stuff? Wait, didn't you say that she's always at the opera house?

Etienne: No, no, Lady Furina seldom takes an interest with the nation's affairs. The reason it's difficult to make an appointment is simply because she's incredibly popular.

Rena: That's right, after all, she is the Archon. Though she may tend to get a little dramatic from time to time, people can't get enough of her.

Patrick facepalms.

Patrick: (Looks like getting her Gnosis will be more difficult than expected).

Paimon: Huh, first time Paimon's ever heard of an Archon being described that way before...

That's when Paimon realizes something.

Paimon: Ah wait, Paimon gets it now! The Hydro Archon is kinda like a big celebrity here, right?

Etienne: Yeah, I suppose you could say that. Heh, perhaps you could even say our "mascot."

Neptune: (Us CPUs are kind of like that too. With how our nations adore us.)

Rena: Hang on, this is still Fontaine's Archon you're talking about. You should show some more respect!

Etienne: Yes, you're right. I guess I should at least try to be a little more respectful in front of visitors. Otherwise, I might get arrested and find myself face to face with Monsieur Neuvillette.

Rena: Haha, come on... Sure, there's a lot of laws here, but nobody's going to be arrested for saying something disrespectful about the Hydro Archon.

Patrick: (The CPUs are a bit like that too to my knowledge of their franchise and how I've seen them act before).

Aether: Seems the people of Fontaine really like the Hydro Archon...

Patrick: But they don't appear to revere her. No offense.

Aether changes his attention to a different direction.

Paimon: Alright, I think we get it, thank you! At least we now know that we can find the Hydro Archon at the opera house.

Paimon turns to Seele.

Paimon: Seele. Didn't you know this stuff already?

Seele: I didn't. I kind of forgot to ask the locals about how to meet the Archon.

Paimon: Guess it can't be helped. But who knows how long making an appointment will take... Guess we could have a look around the city in the meantime.

Paimon: Hey, Aether, what are you looking over there for?

Aether: There's a girl over there...

Aether points to the cat girl standing close to the water.

Aether: She's been standing alone for quite some time...

Neptune: That looks like a cat girl judging from the ears and the tail.

Patrick: I wonder what's wrong with her.

Paimon: Huh, maybe something's the matter... *gasp* She isn't going to jump into the water, is she?

Jeanne: She better not.

Paimon: Uh... Maybe we'd better go check on her.

Kallen: We should.

The group goes to the cat girl close to the water.

???: ...

Paimon asks first.

Paimon: Uh, hello there! Excuse me! Are you alright?

???: ...Huh? Ah, I'm fine... Thanks.

Paimon: Oh, okay then. We just noticed that you seemed to be worried about something.

???: About many things, actually... But there's nothing I can do but just keep my troubles to myself. I was just reminiscing about a place  my brother and I would play when we were kids. It was just atop that hill over there, see?

The girl points to the direction.

Paimon: Uh, you're pointing at the sea... Wait, are you saying that you and your brother lived in the water?

Neptune: Maybe they're mermaids?

Aether: Or a fantastical race from Fontaine?

???: Though people call the waters around Fontaine a "sea," it's actually just an inland lake that's filled with fresh water.

Seele: I've heard about that. The water up there is fresh and clean up there.

???: And though I can still see that hill clearly in my memories, now it's been completely submerged. He would skip and jump, tossing sand in the wind... The sun shone brightly and the air was filled with the scent of the sea. But now the water is gradually swallowing our memories... It won't be long before it swallows us.

Now the group was confused.

Paimon: Uh, sorry, Paimon doesn't really get what you mean.

Nepgear: You lost us.

Marie: What are you talking about? What do you mean it won't be long before it swallows us?

Someone dressed up as a magician with a top hat comes out of nowhere.

???: Ah, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. Are you Lynette's new friends?

Marie: Uh... We just met and we just saw her looking over the horizon and got worried about her and just wanted to check on her.

Paimon: Oh, and you are...

???: Thanks for looking after my sister, she often comes here to reminisce about our childhood, that's all. There's no need for any concern.

Lyney: Ah, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lyney, and this is my sister, Lynette.

Lynette comes to her brother and stands next to him.

Lyney: I had to guess, I'd say you must be travelers from abroad.

Paimon: Nice to meet you, Paimon is Paimon, and this is Aether. We just arrived in Fontaine.

Jeanne: I am Jeanne D'Arc.

Marie: Viva La France! My name is Marie Antionette.

Charlotte Corday: You can call me Charlotte Corday.

(After all introductions were made)

Paimon: We were just talking with your sister, uh... even though we didn't really get what she was saying.

Patrick: She was worried about something and what she was saying got us confused.

Lyney: Hmm, I see. It's unusual for Lynette to be so willing to talk with anyone, in fact, she seldom speaks at all. I'm usually the only one she ever talks to.

Neptune: Then today is your lucky day that your sister opened up to someone which is us and finally was able to talk to someone besides you, Lyney.

Lyney: You can put it that way, Neptune.

Paimon: Oh, really? Then you two are just like us! Paimon's always the one talking for some reason.

Aether: There's hardly anything left for me to say with you around, Paimon.

Patrick: And because you always steal his lines.

Neptune: And we also need to talk too you know. Aether hardly speaks and you always talk for him hardly giving him any chance to talk at all.

This causes the group to giggle.

Paimon: Huh! So that's how you think it is?

Neptune: And Noire here hardly talks to anyone because she's a loner.

Tick marks appear on Noire and she yells at Neptune.

Noire: I am not a loner!

Neptune: Yes you are! Hahahahaha!

Lynette: I also think my brother can be too talkative at times.

Lyney laughs.

Lyney: Ah, hehe... Seems you were right, Paimon. We are quite similar.

Paimon laughs too.

Paimon: Hehe...

Patrick: Most people can be huge chatterboxes.

Paimon: So what did Lynette mean just now when she said that the water is engulfing your memories, and that it won't be long before it engulfs you too?

Jeanne: We'd like to know.

Lyney: Ah, that... It's from a prophecy that's been circulating in Fontaine for some time now.

Group: A prophecy?

Lyney: Well, I suppose "prophecy" isn't exactly the right word, because that implies a certain amount of uncertainty. There's no doubt about what's happening in Fontaine now...

Seele: I think I've heard about that too. I wasn't sure if it was true or not.

Aether: Oh? What's happening in Fontaine?

Lyney: Where to begin? Hmm...

Lyney ponders on how to start but he stops.

Lyney: Ah, let's put that question on hold for a moment. We still haven't formally greeted each other yet, have we?

Paimon: Uh... Did all the introductions earlier not count?

Jeanne: Maybe to them they did not count.

Lyney: Hello, everyone.

Aether: Hello, Lyney.

They shake hands

Lyney: And hello, Paimon.

He puts his arm at the back of Paimon.

Paimon: Hey! Why didn't Paimon get a handshake? You're not poking fun at Paimon, are you!?

Lyney: Haha, please don't take offense. Just consider it a sort of etiquette we have here in Fontaine when making new friends. You should remember it, it might prove useful...

Paimon: Oh, alright then... Well, Paimon's just happy to have a local friend now.

Jeanne: It's my turn now. Greetings Lyney.

Lyney: Greetings Jeanne.

Everyone did their proper introductions. Lyney did the something to Selune's Elgy and Higokumaru like he did to Paimon.

Paimon: By the way, we were just getting ready to go to the opera house to meet the Hydro Archon. Would you be able to show us the way?

Seele: It's most important that we see her right away.

Lyney: So you're going to see Lady Furina? No problem at all. In fact, I was planning to go to the opera house later myself. I'll gladly take you once I finish things here. Please follow me.

Jeanne: Then let's get going then.

So they followed Lyney and Lynette.

Patrick whispered to Seele.

Patrick: What could Lynette mean by what she said?

Seele: I think she means that Fontaine will get swallowed by water.

Kallen: Like what happened to Atlantis?

Seele: Maybe.

Mei: We'll figure it out later. Right now we need to focus on meeting the Hydro Archon Focalors

Kiana: Alright.

They kept following the siblings. But all of a sudden, guards started running in.

Lyney: Uh, you said you were going to see Lady Furina?

Patrick: Yes.

Jeanne: We did.

Lyney: Well, it seems Lady Furina has come to see you.

Seele: Huh? What are you talking about?

The guards stand in formation Then the woman Clorinde appears on guard. Then the Hydro Archon, Furina makes a grand entrance over the port. The group was surprised.

Paimon: Huh!? So... she's the Hydro Archon? But how did she know we were looking for her?

Patrick: She couldn't have predicted our arrival.

Furina: My dear people, rich and poor, those with cup in hand and those with nothing at all, raise your glasses in celebration! If you don't have one, then just raise your hand in lieu.

the people clapped their hands.

Furina: As you can all see, a group of unfamiliar travelers have arrived in our nation. Come, let us make a toast in honor of this Traveler and his companions who have journeyed here from distant lands!

Paimon: Uh...? Is she talking about us?

Patrick: I think she is.

Jeanne: She is talking about us.

Aether: (Nobody here seems to be holding a glass...)

Seele: Let's hear what she has to say.

Furina: I've long heard of the turmoil and chaos you've left in your wake as you visited other nations, but I welcome you nevertheless... No, I have come to receive you personally. Fear is for insignificant cowards. I am a god, and I will never entertain the notion of such meaningless wariness. You can be rest assured, I see clearly your sincerity. Of course, seeking an audience with me is the most sensible thing to do. It will allow you to truly behold my power and witness my authority. Intelligent people always gather under the correct banner. I, Focalors, hereby welcome you to the nation of Hydro and acknowledge the value and significance of your trip. Now, you may rejoice in this!

The people clapped again and cheered out

Aether: Well, finding the Archon was easy enough...

Patrick: Too easy.

Neptune: Without any effort.

Paimon: Yeah, Paimon still can't believe it... It feels like we've only been here for a few minutes.

Kiana: And things have escalated pretty fast.

Paimon: But the Hydro Archon's entrance was, uh... How should Paimon describe it...? A little over the top?

Patrick: And overkill.

Neptune: I may be a goddess but I would never go with an entrance like that.

Noire, Blanc, and Vert: Same.

Marie: That entrance needs to be worked on. I've acted like that before back in my day.

The group turns their attention back to the Archon.

Paimon: Ahem... Uh, Miss Hydro Archon... How did you know we were coming?

Furina: Ah, I see. As outlanders, you inevitably lack even some of the most basic understanding. Don't forget that even the gods can be divided into the mediocre and the excellent. I suppose it's only natural for you to be awestruck by my abilities. You had best stop and consider... do you really have the noble qualities and etiquette necessary to communicate with a god? All it takes is a flick of my finger for me to know everything about you.

Paimon: Whoa, talk about sounding high and mighty...

Aether: Feels like she can't get over herself...

Furina: ...

Furina: Oh? What's with these looks? Perhaps the welcoming ceremony still isn't enough? Hmm, what else should I say then?

Aether: ...

Paimon: Uh, is she waiting for us to start talking?

Noire takes a few steps up and speaks to Furina.

Noire: Sorry, Lady Furina. It's just that this is just so sudden.

Patrick: And things are going too fast for us to keep up.

Furina: Really? My welcoming was too sudden like out of nowhere?

Vert: Not to sound offensive. But yes.

Furina: I see.

Furina turns her attention to Patrick.

Furina: And by the way. I saw you flying on your dragon to my nation, Patrick.

Patrick turned completely pale white with blank eyes in shock.

Furina: Don't be alarmed. I am completely aware that you have a dragon. And you did not wish to attack. So you are clear for that.

This made Patrick relieved.

Patrick: Oh thank you.

Then Furina turns to Seele.

Furina: You there. Seele.

Seele: Huh? Me?

Furina: I was aware that you were in my nation the first time you came here.

Seele: You mean you were following me?!

Furina: No not exactly. I know who I see. Especially when wearing a cape. As I said before. All it takes is a flick of my finger for me to know everything about you.

Rena: Wow, I didn't expect to see Lady Furina here. What a surprise! Wait, does this mean they're the "Legendary Travelers"!? I heard Lady Furina call one of them Patrick and one of them Seele. How did I not notice before?

Etienne: Hey, what's all the commotion? Oh, is that Lady Furina? Is there some kinda drama going on?

Lectoure: Of course! They're the Travelers, the ones all those stories are about. Lady Furina came here to personally see them... Oh, I bet this is going to be the duel of the century!

Etienne: Oh! I've got to see this! I knew Lady Furina would never disappoint!

Furina laughed.

Furina: Ahaha! Yes, but don't get too excited now... My dear believers and spectators alike tend to get quite rowdy, and despite the noise, I've come to tolerate all their ruckus. You may consider this my reward to all of you! I have determined that there will be an epic duel between myself and these travelers from another land, just as you were hoping to see!

Paimon: Huh!? Now she wants to fight? Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?

Neptune: Yeah this is too sudden. Can't a duel wait for another time like in an arena?

Aether gets into a fighting stance and draws his sword.

Aether: ...Bring it on. (Fighting gods? I've got a resumé.)

Kiana, Jeanne, Patrick, Seele, Marie, Charlotte, Rom, Ram, and Nepgear: EEK!!!!

This causes Kiana, Jeanne, Patrick, Seele, Marie, Charlotte, The twins, and Nepgear to stand in his way with their arms spread out.

Patrick: Don't start a fight! Or you'll get arrested!

Jeanne: You could get executed!

Furina takes a step back. Clorinde crosses her arms then three guards go up to them and the whole crowd stares at them.

Furina: Hmm? The rest of you don't want to fight against me?

Noire: Of course not! We don't want to get arrested!

Patrick: Exactly!

Jeanne: We're trying to keep order here!

Furina focuses her attention on Aether.

Furina: Hmph! A—Are you not afraid? Might I remind you that this is a duel against the divine!

Clorinde: What are you trying to do, Blonde Traveler? Provoking a god in front of her people?

Kiana: HEY! She was the one challenging us! Not us!

Chlorinde takes out her guns and points them at Kiana.

Clorinde: watch your mouth!

Kiana screamed while putting her hands up.

Kiana: EEK!

Furina: Ahem, stand down, Clorinde. I admire his bravery, few have the courage to draw their sword against a god. He is obviously a true warrior. And the rest of you. I appreciate  your concern for him and that you are trying to maintain order.

Clorinde puts her guns down then the rest of the party calmed down in relief.

Jeanne: Apologies Lady Furina...

Furina: Oh no need to apologize, Jeanne D'Arc. I was only testing to see how you would react to a challenge to a duel here. Unfortunately, people nowadays only crave to be thrilled, and a mere duel will not slake their thirst for excitement!

Lectoure: ...Yeah, she's right. Just a duel wouldn't be all that interesting...

Etienne: On Erinnyes, criminals are always requesting duels to defend their honor. They're getting a bit old, to tell the truth.

Furina: You see... then as the god of justice, I shall face these Travelers in another kind of duel... a duel in court!

Party except Aether: Huh?

The party except Aether got confused.

Lectoure: Whoa! Oooh, alright, now that'll be worth seeing!

Etienne: Right, this is Fontaine, after all. With such a grand opera house, it would be a pity not to use it.

Paimon: Why do you care so much about the crowd's reactions? Seems you've spent a little too much time in the opera house... Besides, how exactly do you plan to have a duel in court? You mean you're going to put us on trial?

Aether: We literally just arrived here.

Seele: And we haven't committed any crimes.

Furina: Hehe. Oh, we have reason to put you all on trial. It's obvious, isn't it?

Party: Obvious?

Furina: According to Fontaine law, no one is permitted to release any flying objects within Fontaine city limits during the first three days of each month. You are clearly guilty of violating this law, no?

Etienne: Oh! So that's what they've done wrong. That's our Lady Furina, no one knows the laws of Fontaine like she does.

Paimon: Huh? You call that obvious? What kind of law is that!? Wait, "flying object"...? You mean Paimon!?

Selune's Elgy: And me?!

Higokumaru: And me?!

Patrick: (This feels like what happened in Captain Underpants when George and Harold drew a comic about Melvin when he became Mayor and creates too many laws which causes everyone to get arrested only for Captain Underpants to stop him!)

Aether: Uh...

Furina: Precisely.

Neptune: Now that's too much overkill and too much law enforcement!

Furina: No it's not. These are laws the people of Fontaine must follow.

Selune's Elgy: We are not objects! We are living sentient beings!

Furina: So what? No one is permitted to release any flying objects within Fontaine city limits during the first three days of each month. Even if they are sentient living things. Now, if you have no objections, then in the name of the Hydro Archon, I order your arrest.

Higokumaru: But!...

Lyney intervines.

Lyney: My apologies, Lady Furina. I don't mean to spoil the fun, but if you would allow me to interject... ...I don't think that Paimon, Higokumaru, and Selune's Elgy here meet the definition of  a "flying object."

Paimon: You tell her, Lyney! Finally, someone who's not crazy... How could anyone call Paimon a flying object!?

Higokumaru: We are sentient beings who are alive and not some toys or balloons!

Selune's Elgy: Exactly! We are alive!

Furina: Ah, Great Magician Lyney, my beloved citizen. I'll permit you to object, but how exactly do you plan to prove your claim?

Lyney: Hehe, as a magician who just rained on your parade, I naturally should shoulder the responsibility of "saving the show"... So, with such an audience gathered here, allow me to perform a trick for everyone.

Lyney snaps his fingers then his vision glows and Pyro-coloured links appears between the Aether's hand and Paimon's back, Sakura's hand and Higokumaru's back, and Kallen's hand and Selune's Elgy's back.

Lynette: Tada~

Paimon: Waa! What's that on Paimon's back? Hey, when did you do that!?

Aether: (Ah, when Lyney patted you on the backs...)

A flashback of Lyney patting Paimon, Higokumaru, and Selune's Elgy's backs plays. Then it ends.

Lyney: There. As you can all clearly see, Paimon, Higokumaru, and Selune's Elgy should be classified as, well, something like a balloon. These ropes have been in the hands of Aether, Sakura, and Kallen all along, it was just that no one could see them before.

Rena: Huh, you call that magic? You've got to be joking...

Etienne: Hahaha, I thought it was pretty good. Nice one!

Lectoure: Huh, I'm not sure what to think. It seems Lady Furina's charges no longer hold water...

Furina: ...

Furina was silent. But then she laughed.

Furina: Hah! Hahahaha...

Then she clapped her hands.

Furina: Amusing. Very amusing, Lyney. Just the sort of unexpected twist that I enjoy. With you here, today's performance can finally be called complete.

Paimon: Performance? You see all this as a performance?

Patrick: I'm not sure how Liliya and Rozaliya would adjust to being here.

Furina: In which case, consider the matter of your trial resolved. The god of justice will not bring charges against innocent people.

Seele: What about when I was here the last time? Water's Edge was flying.

Furina: That's because it was not the first three days of the month when you were here.

Seele: Phew.

Furina: But when there are valid grounds, I will not only judge travelers from abroad... But even the gods of other lands, hehehe... I look forward to seeing your upcoming performance at the opera house, Mister Lyney and Miss Lynette. That's enough for now. Toodle-oo~

Furina and her guards leave. Then the people go back to what they were doing.

Paimon: And just like that, she's gone. Well, that's the most unpredictable archon Paimon's ever seen... We never even had a chance to ask her anything, but that's a problem for future Paimon! That whole scene just now was really...

Kiana: Intense.

Seele: And scary.

Patrick: I was afraid that I was going to get arrested.

Aether: Thanks for bailing us out, Lyney.

Lyney: Don't mention it. I just happened to remember that there was such a law, so I did a little preparation — just in case. I didn't think it would actually come in handy.

Tamamo: Mikon~ We're relieved that you saved us, Lyney.

Lyney: So, now do you see what kind of god Lady Furina is?

Jeanne: Yes.

Lynette: She can be a bit confusing at times, but she is still amenable to reason.

Aether: Yeah, confusing is a good way to put it...

Noire: Is she really that reasonable?

Paimon: Anyway, Paimon had no idea you were a magician, Lyney. It sounded like you'll be performing at the opera house, right?

Lyney: Haha, I just know a few simple tricks I use to make a living. Lynette is my assistant. It will actually be my first time performing on the most prestigious stage in Fontaine, the opera house.

Patrick: I feel like Theresa, Liliya, and Rosalina should have gone with us. They would have wanted to perform at the opera house too.

Lyney: And where exactly are they?

Patrick: Unavailable right now as are everyone else.

Paimon: But isn't the opera house where criminal trials are held in Fontaine?

Lyney: When there are no public trials being held, the opera house hosts a variety of other performances. To the people of Fontaine, the line between a trial and a performance can be a little blurred... And speaking of performances, I would be remiss to forgo this opportunity gifted by fate. Might I invite you to see my performance?

Lynette: My brother's always excited to make new friends.

Vert: Oh we would love to watch your performance, Lyney.

Paimon: Oh, sure. We don't really have anything to do now, and we wanted to go to the opera house anyway.

Marie: We would be delighted to watch you.

Aether: We would be delighted.

Lyney: Splendid! In that case, why don't we go together? I'll show you the way. I just have something to take care of first...

Aether: Is there any way we can help?

Lyney: You really mean it? Then I'll take you up on your offer. This is a magical item known as a "Magic Pocket." Perhaps you can help me distribute them to the people here.

Paimon: Huh? What are they going to use it for?

Lyney: About that, hmm... You asked me before about the prophecy, right? Let me start by telling you a little more about what it entails.

So Lyney begins to explain about the prophecy.

Lyney: I'm not sure exactly when it began, but a prophecy has been circulating around Fontaine...

Lyney: It says that every person in Fontaine is born with "sin." No matter how the Nation of Justice holds trial after trial, this sin cannot be absolved.

Lyney: Until one day, the water levels in Fontaine will rise, and the sinful people will slowly be drowned...

Kiana: What exactly is this sin?


Lyney: No one knows, Kiana. In the end, the people will all be dissolved into the waters, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne... Only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away.

Paimon: That sounds pretty gloomy... Why are people in Fontaine born with sin? What is that supposed to mean?

Lyney: There are lots of guesses... Some say that the ancestors of Fontaine stole the power of the seas, and stirred its wrath. Others say that the people of Fontaine never heeded the first Hydro Archon's warnings, and offended Celestia...

Patrick: Celestia...

Lyney: But, here in Fontaine, evidence is what matters. There hasn't been concrete evidence for any of these claims, so they can only be regarded as conjecture.

Paimon: If even the people in Fontaine don't know what sin they committed, wouldn't it be better just to ignore the prophecy completely? Why bother feeling guilty all the time?

Lyney: That's exactly what the people did at first. But... in the last few years, the water levels in Fontaine have actually started rising.

Blanc: When people don't take a prophecy seriously. It's already too late.

Patrick: "But now the water is engulfing our memories..."

Aether: "It won't be long before it engulfs us."

Lynette: Many places have already been completely submerged and now lie beneath the sea.

Lyney: Many people carry on with their lives as before and shrug it off as a "natural phenomenon," but my family and I think that the people of Fontaine shouldn't ignore the possibility, which would end up sentencing them to death.

Marie: You can say that again.

Lyney: We hope that at least the people who reside near the waterfront can move away before it's too late, so we've started distributing Magic Pockets to them. As a magical item, these Magic Pockets have an astonishing capacity. I'm sure they will come in handy when people are moving their belongings.

Patrick: (Just like the bag with infinite storage from "Thundercats".)

Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it! It's like preparing for a rainy day... but this is more than a bit of rain!

Bronya: And like preparing for a tidal wave and a hurricane and other natural disasters.

Aether: If the prophecy is true... Then is there no way to prevent the disaster?

Lyney: Hmm, perhaps only absolute power could ever contend with such a catastrophe. Hehe, but who knows? We're just tiny specks in the grand scheme of things. Now, if you'd like to help, then please give these Magic Pockets to anyone nearby. Be sure to convince them to take it, regardless of what they say.

The group goes around handing out the Magic Pockets. When they were done they came back to Lyney and Lynette.

Lyney: Oh? You already handed out all of the Magic Pockets? That was fast. So, what did people have to say? I bet you heard some, ah, interesting opinions...

Patrick: Yes we did.

Aether: No kidding...

Jeanne: Many are quite stubborn.

Lyney: Yes, but that will change once disaster strikes. I know they'll change their minds, so it's only right to help them prepare.

Jeanne: If this disaster happens while we're here, we better be ready to help and save as many lives as possible.

Paimon: Is there anything else you need to do before we leave?

Lyney: Yes, one last thing. I have the Magic Pockets made by a workshop in the Court of Fontaine. Since we're out and about, I was thinking about bringing him some more materials.

Paimon: So you want to collect materials? Just tell us what the materials look like and we'll help. Many hands make light work!

Neptune: Lot's of hands here!

Lyney: Ah, that would be much appreciated. We'll need some , I remember seeing them near the waterfront on the east side of the harbor.

The group goes to the east side of the harbor and finds the flowers.

Paimon: It seems we have to use Hydro to collect Romaritime Flowers.

Seele: Just leave it to me.

Seele goes to the flowers then she uses her Hydro abilities on the flowers then they bloom and then Seele collects them.

Seele: Now let's give these to Lyney.

They return back to Lyney and Lynette and give them the flowers.

Lyney: You made quick work of that, I can tell you're experienced travelers. I've also finished collecting a few here. Maybe next time you'll feel like helping too, Lynette.

Lynette: No way. I'm in power-saving mode today. Otherwise, I fear I may not have any energy left for the performance at the opera house.

Lyney: *sigh* Fine, though the performance is still a long way off. Now that we're finished here, we should get ready to head back to the Court of Fontaine.

They begin to walk.

Paimon: So we're going to the Court of Fontaine before we head to the opera house? Good, Paimon wants a tour of Fontaine's largest city and try—

Lyney halts everyone.

Lyney: Wait... Shh! Have you noticed that person over there? The young girl...

Everyone looks at the girl.

Paimon: Huh? What's wrong with her? Paimon didn't notice anything.

Lyney: Heh, she's obviously a thief.

Patrick: How do you know?

Lyney: Magicians and thieves practice similar methods. We divert attention, and a distracted audience is one that won't discover what you're really doing. Watch her movements carefully...

They watched her movements. She takes something from the sailor and walks away.

Paimon: Oh, he's right!

Lyney: Shh! Keep your voice down... We need to think of a way to catch her, but it seems she's very alert. Perhaps we should split up. You can ride the lift over there and wait up top. I bet that'll be her escape route if she tries to run.

Aether: Understood.

Kallen: I'm gonna follow her. Let's go Selune's Elgy.

Selune's Elgy: Right!

Kallen and Selune's Elgy turn into purple smoke then disappear.

This left Lyney and Lynette surprised.

Lynette: What did she just do?

Sakura: Kallen isn't just the holy maiden like Jeanne. She is also a phantom thief named Rouge Extraordinare Or in better terms a phantom of the opera.

Kiana: In a good way.

Patrick: We'll explain more letter. Let's go get that thief.

Lyney: Alright, let's go.

They approach the lift to go to the top then they go up to the top. Because of the small space separate groups had to go separately.

Paimon: This is the spot where Lyney wanted us to wait.

Marie: But the thief is still not here.

That's when Paimon notices the thief.

Paimon: Oh, look! Isn't that her!?

Aether: Get ready to stop her!

The thief turned and ran away.

Paimon: Oh no, did she notice us? She started running the other direction! What should we do? Should we chase her?

Aether: No. Our job is to block this path.

Patrick: And it's up to Lyney.

Paimon: Ah, you're right. She might also be trying to lure us away.

They wait, but there's no sign of the thief...

Uni: Where is she?

Paimon: Nothing's happened for a while now. Paimon wonders if Lyney caught the thief...

Aether: Seems there's no reason for us to stay here. Let's go find Lyney.

Paimon: Yeah, let's go.

They go to the back to where the Statue of the Seven is to find Lyney, Lynette, Kallen, and Selune's Elgy with the sailor.

Lyney: Are you sure that's all she took? You should check to make sure you're not missing anything else.

Lectoure: No, that was all. I can't thank you enough, I didn't notice a thing earlier. Anyway, I should be going now. Thanks again.

Kallen: You're welcome.

The sailor leaves

Paimon: Oh, were you returning what the thief had stolen?

Kallen: Yes we were.

Lyney: That's right, pity I wasn't able to catch her. She distracted me by dropping the things she stole on the ground. By the time I looked back, she was already gone.

Kallen: When I came out of the shadows I grabbed her put she threw a smoke bomb down and she got away.

Selune's Elgy: Hopefully she'll get caught and arrested.

Lynette: I saw the general direction she went, but Lyney twisted his ankle, and I needed to make sure he was okay.

Paimon: Oh? Did you get hurt, Lyney?

Lyney: I'll be alright. It's just a twisted ankle, that's all. In fact, it's feeling better already.

Lynette: If you want to play at being a hero, at least try not to get hurt doing it. Imagine what would happen if you managed to derail our performance as a result.

Lyney: Haha... You're right, you're right! Sorry, Lynette. *sigh* I have to admit, that thief was even more skilled than I had anticipated.

Lyney: But at least we were able to get the stolen items back, so it wasn't a complete failure.

Paimon: What a slippery little thief... Guess things turned out alright in the end though. Lyney's initiative paid off!

Lyney: Alright, let's put this little detour behind us. We should go to the Court of Fontaine now.

Patrick: First there's something we have to do. Wait for us.

Lyney: Sure thing.

Lyney and Lynette go to the aquabus platform.

Paimon: Huh? What do we need to do, Patrick?

Patrick: Now that we're in Fontaine. We better resonate with Hydro now that we're at the Statue of the Seven.

Aether: Oh. You do have a point.

Neptune: Let's unlock another element.

When Aether and the Valkyries and Patrick touched the Statue they resonated with Hydro. Then the CPUs and CPU Candidates touched the statue too and also resonated with Hydro.

Patrick: Hydro unlocked.

Paimon: Eh? Did light just start flooding from that Statue of The Seven just now...? That's so weird! Did anything like this ever happen before?

Aether: It's normal for a Statue of The Seven to glow.

Patrick: And every time we resonate with a Statue of The Seven. You've seen this every time Paimon. Have you already forgotten?

Paimon's cheeks puffed and made an angry face.

Paimon: NO! That's not what Paimon meant! Didn't any of you feel uncomfortable?

Seele: No we didn't. Every time we resonated with a statue we've never felt any pain.

Aether: The water is speaking to us and I feel like I'm using gills to breathe.

Paimon: Like Paimon's gonna believe you! If you can crack jokes like that, you must be fine. Though, after it lit up like that, the air does feel a lot more humid. Maybe it's because of all that Hydro energy that was released?

Seele: Maybe. This is the nation of water.

Paimon: Hehe, Paimon heard that in Fontaine, if you can use Elemental Energy properly, you can even swim underwater! Maybe you can even find sunken treasure!

Seele: That's what I did. I dove underwater.

Aether: You could try doing something for once, Paimon.

Paimon: What if Paimon accidentally gets swept in a current and gets all turned around and dizzy, and then she won't be able to fly away no matter what... Just like before Paimon met you, back in Mondstadt...

Aether: Then I'll fish you out again!

Paimon: ...Really? Th-Then maybe Paimon can try going underwater with you. Hmph! You'd better not go back on your word!

All of a sudden a blue glow came from Jeanne.

Jeanne: Wha-?

Paimon: Jeanne is glowing!

Then a small glowing blue object appears in front of Jeanne. Appearing in front of her was a Fontaine Hydro Vision. 

Paimon: Is that a Vision?

Patrick: It is. Go on, Jeanne. Take it.

Jeanne takes hold of the Vision. Then she places it on the armor piece attached to the chains above her chest.

Jeanne: I guess we're done here. Let's go catch up with Lyney and Lynette.

They go to the aqueous platform where Lyney and Lynette were waiting then Paimon floats faster to the aquabus.

Paimon: So we ride this thing to go into the city? What an ingenious way to get around... People in Fontaine really know how to use water.

Seele: Yes they do. Water is used in lots of ways. I think I've seen this before I think it was called...

Lyney explains what it is.

Lyney: This is an "aquabus." It allows people to travel between several key locations around Fontaine. It's pretty convenient, but the ride can become a little dull after a while... the scenery is always the same. That's why it's better to travel with friends.

Lynette: So you mean it's still boring even when I'm riding with you?

Lyney: Ah, no, that's not what I meant. It's just that, uh... Well, you don't really talk that much. Besides, it doesn't really feel like a real trip when it's just the two of us. It's the same as being at home, haha.

Lynette: Whatever.

Paimon: Guess that's what it's like to be an older brother...

Patrick: I have an older brother too. I know how that feels, Lynette.

Nepgear, Uni, Rom, and Ram: Same here.

Nepgear: We have our big sisters. 

Nepgear was amazed at the aquabus.

Nepgear: So this is one of Fontaine's machines.

Lyney: Hehe, it's about time for us to leave. Let's get onboard.

So the group climbs aboard the aquabus. Some sit down while others stand. Then a familiar girl comes rushing in also getting on. Then the aquabus leaves.

Paimon: Huh!?

Charlotte: Whaaaat?

The girl was Charlotte. Whom they met before during the TCG tournament.

Charlotte: Aether? Paimon? Everyone?

Party: Charlotte!

Aether: It's Charlotte!

Neptune: Long time no see!

Charlotte: I never guessed I'd bump into you while riding the aquabus. In the story of my life, this is big news!

Patrick: We haven't seen you since the TCG tournament.

Charlotte: What are you doing in Fontaine? I didn't hear anything about you paying us a visit.

Paimon: Yeah, it's quite the coincidence! But as Travelers, we're always on the move. It's not surprising that nobody knew we were coming.

Jeanne: Well. The Hydro Archon did. She knew that we were coming. But we don't know how.

Paimon: Uh, though we still have no idea how the Hydro Archon knew about us... Oh! Let Paimon introduce you to our new friends!

Charlotte: Oh, no need for introductions, Paimon. I would recognize the Great Magician Lyney and his assistant Lynette anywhere. I wouldn't be much of a reporter if I didn't know who they were. It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Charlotte, a reporter for The Steambird.

Lyney: Nice to meet you. From The Steambird, huh? We've often relied on your paper to promote our performances.

Lynette: It's an honor to meet you.

Paimon: Oh, now that everyone knows each other, Fontaine suddenly doesn't feel like such an unfamiliar place.

Seele: Yes.

Paimon: So, what have you been up to lately, Charlotte? Any big news?

Jeanne: Anything new after the TCG tournament?

Charlotte: Not too much... when there isn't any breaking news, I mainly cover the trials at the opera house... You can still manage to keep readers' attention as long as you tell things from a clever enough angle, even if it's the same old topics. For example, reporting on how a scammer once deceived vulnerable girls into relationships, or how a financial criminal was once so poor that they ate a single piece of bread for five days...

Aether: That... would definitely get my attention. But that's not really the kind of news you're after.

Charlotte: *sigh* You're right, seems you know me pretty well. What I'm really after is exclusive, sensational news pieces that could shake the country. These smaller stories are a waste of my talents. Oh, I just remembered... I've been following a case lately... well, a series of cases, actually...

Lynette: You mean the "serial disappearances of young women" case?

Charlotte: That's right. These stories are the talk of the town right now, and it's probably the most mysterious case we've ever seen. If I'm the first with a draft ready to publish when the case is finally cracked, and it's the headline story in The Steambird... When that happens, I bet all the other reporters will shed tears of envy. I've already gathered all kinds of materials, I just can't wait for the truth to be revealed.

Paimon: So what is the "serial disappearances of young women" case? You mean the culprit hasn't been found?

Charlotte: That's right. The first missing girl case happened almost twenty years ago.

Charlotte: And ever since, after a period of time, another girl disappears. What the cases have in common is that the girls are all of a similar age, and that they've all vanished without a trace.

Charlotte: But the scariest part is that to this day, none of the girls have ever been found.

Some of the girls were freaked out.

Jeanne: Now that is evil. Kidnapping girls.

Rom: I'm scared.

Ram: Don't let this evil culprit take us away.

Blanc hugged them to comfort them.

Blanc: Don't worry. I won't let the kidnapper get you.

Charlotte: Many suspects have been arrested over the years in connection with this case. But shortly after each arrest, another disappearance would always happen.

Kallen: So even though the suspects get caught. The kidnappings are still happening.

Aether: Then there must be more than one criminal at work.

Patrick: Or the real master mind is framing them.

Kiana: Maybe there are copycat criminals?

Charlotte: Yes, those are possible. But either way, I believe that every case has some precise truth behind it, waiting to be exposed.

Lyney: Yes, I agree. And at the very least, the families of those missing girls deserve some sort of explanation. I just imagined for a second what I would do if Lynette were to suddenly disappear... I'd pay any price to get her back and then find a way to track down the culprit.

Lynette: Please don't imagine that, Lyney.

Patrick: (That could be another evil Fatui scheme in the works. If it is, I'm gonna kill them.)

They continue talking on the aquabus, and before they knew it, they are arriving at their destination.

Paimon: Hmm? Hey, we're almost there. Look!

Jeanne: There it is!

Seele: The Court of Fontaine!

They took in the sights of the Court of Fontaine. Then they arrived at the port. They got off the aquabus. 

Charlotte: Well, I really enjoyed chatting with you. Life should be full of pleasant little surprises like this.

Paimon: Yeah, us as well! The ride went by too quickly.

Charlotte: Ah! I have an interview to get to. I should get going before I'm late.

Paimon: Okay, Paimon hopes we can chat again soon, Charlotte. See ya!

Marie: Bye, Charlotte!

Charlotte: Hehe, bye now. Be sure to stop by and see me at The Steambird when you have time!

Jeanne: We will!

Charlotte leaves the group. 

Paimon: What a tough job... always running around and interviewing everyone. Well, where should we go now?

Lyney: If you don't mind, how about we stop by my home first? Besides, I still have all the materials we collected.

Paimon: Sure, we wouldn't mind at all. This city is so huge, Paimon wouldn't know where to start anyway.

Jeanne: Neither would I. 

Nepgear: I would start by checking out all the machines. But right now it has to wait. 

So they follow Lyney and Lynette to their home. They entered in and took in more sights of the Court of Fontaine. They stopped at a water fountain. 

Jeanne: Oh. This is breathtaking. The architecture. The clothing. The people. The sights. 

Nepgear: The machines!

Maria: Oh Viva La France! 

Charlotte Corday: Now this reminds us of home in France. 

Vert: Oh I just want to try some Fontaine clothing on. 

Noire: Same here! Wait No! I do not!

Neptune: Oh yes you do, Noire~ Because you love cosplaying~

Noire: I do not!

Neptune: Oh yes you do~

Lyney: Ahem. We should be going to my home now.

Jeanne: Oh right. Sorry Lyney. 

Patrick: Doing those activities will have to wait. Right now we must follow him and Lynette.

So the group follows the siblings to their home. 

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