Chapter 32: Zhongli's true identity

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Paimon: Paimon doesn't get it... But, isn't the strongest lead we have the adepti-less Rite of Parting that we're organizing? No idea where Zhongli's gone. Let's ask for him at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

We asked the Ferrylady once we arrived at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor

Ferrylady: Is there anything I can do for you? I'm afraid that Wangsheng Funeral Parlor isn't in the best state to receive guests.

Paimon: We've come to see Zhongli. Could you please tell him we're here?

Ferrylady: Unfortunately, Zhongli isn't here at the moment.

Fu Hua: Then where did he go then?

Ferrylady: It seems he went to Northland Bank.

Paimon: Doesn't the Northland Bank belong to the Fatui?

Fu Hua: Yes it does. It should be swarmed by Millelith soldiers by now.

Paimon: Last time we saw Zhongli was before we went to the Golden House... Do you think he doesn't know about the attack on Liyue? Visiting the Fatui at a time like this could only mean more trouble!

Theresa: Exactly right!

Paimon: We had better go and make sure that everything is okay.

We rushed on over to Northland Bank.

Ferrylady: Come to think of it, I wonder what business Mr. Zhongli has at the Northland Bank? He didn't tell me, either...

(Northland Bank)

We arrived at Northland bank and it was not surrounded by Millelith. So we rushed inside.

Inside were Zhongli, Childe, and... La Signora.

Childe: You call this "cooperation between Harbingers"? Cooperation involves communication, you know...

Childe seemed to be arguing with Signora.

Signora: Hehe, don't take it to heart, Childe. Besides, weren't you happy that you got to skip the formalities and bring chaos to the land? I'm sure you must've enjoyed that...

Patrick and Valkyries: FREEZE! STOP RIGHT THERE!

We rushed in just in time.

Signora: ...Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived.

Paimon: Hey, it's Zhongli and Childe! And... you! You're also one of the Harbingers...

Everyone: Signora!

Signora: Haha, it's you people. I believe we've met once before... In the City of Bards, was it? I'm glad you still remember my name. And I see you've found more of your friends. The ones that have been causing the Fatui trouble in Liyue. The Sage, the Captain, the fox, and the thief. And their little things too.

Patrick: It's over Fatui. We've proven to Liyue that you're all criminals.

Kiana: Yeah! You've lost again!

Signora: You've already given me enough trouble. You think you've won but you haven't. I still remember something of you losing to me. What was it again? Ah, right. I imagine that it must have been rather hard to forget watching helplessly as something precious was snatched away from your friend. And I stabbed you all for stabbing me.

Aether and I felt insulted then I trapped Signora in Geo pillars so she can't get out. Then I kept it up as she was trying to break out.

Aether: We still have time to take it back.

Paimon: No, don't let her get to you, Aether... And you too Patrick. Don't let her get to you... You've yet to gather the powers of all seven elements, and our last battle at the Golden House was almost more than you could handle... And even with your secret weapon, you can't fight against Signora. So it might be best to keep things peaceful this time, seeing that two of the Harbingers are here.

Patrick: I won't.

But then Kallen grabbed me.

Kallen: She doesn't have The Anemo Gnosis with her. I've asked her myself and it's now with the Cryo Archon.

Aether and I sheathed our weapons and I undid what I have done and set Signora free.

Childe: Well, if it isn't the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries. That is your party name isn't it? This is our first time seeing each other since Liyue was nearly wiped off the map. This is certainly a bit... awkward, wouldn't you say?

Patrick: How did you escape from our prison?

Childe: I have my ways.

Paimon: Hmph, Paimon knew that we should never have trusted a Fatui Harbinger.

Patrick: We knew all along that you were gonna double cross us.

Childe: Aw, now don't say those things. Sure, I may have misled you all, but I never had anything against you personally... Besides, I thought we were getting along quite well together, didn't you? Except for that little tussle we had at the end... Haha.

Kiana: But now you should face the facts. With what you and the Fatui tried to do against the adepti, you're all now being labeled as criminals and fugitives!

Seele: That's right! With what you've done, you've made a huge mistake! Liyue is now labeling you as fugitives on the wanted posters!

Patrick: Exactly! You lose again! First you failed to use Dvalin as a bargaining chip, then you failed to steal the Holy Lyre to make sure that you didn't get the blame, and now you failed to let Osial destroy Liyue!

Childe: Nothing personal, we just have... different views, that's all. Of course, you may very well hold this against me, but that's up to you... The real deceivers here are Signora and Zhongli... curse them for leading me on.

Aether: Signora and Zhongli?

Patrick: So they tricked you?

Childe: So actually, I think—

Signora: Stop wasting time, Childe. There'll be plenty of time to chat once I'm through here. You remember the agreement, Morax. Now, if you would be so kind... The Gnosis, please.

Aether: Gnosis?

Paimon: What in the world are you talking about!?

Zhongli: ... The contract is fulfilled. That which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee, for my promise is solid as stone.

Zhongli takes something out which revealed to be the Geo Gnosis then he hands it over to Signora.

Signora: Hmph, how sanctimonious...

Aether: So Zhongli is actually Rex Lapis?

Fu Hua: Rex Lapis was Zhongli the whole time.

Paimon: What! So you're the Lord of Geo? No, wait! That's an exciting twist and all — but why give the Gnosis to the Fatui!?

Kiana: Can't you see that the Tsaritsa wants world domination and more power over the Archons?!

Zhongli: I do not give it for free. I give it as agreed upon in the contract... for it is a matter solely between the Tsaritsa and I.

Seele: Then why did you fake your own death?!

Aether: I'm afraid I don't understand...

Bronya: Nor do we.

Paimon: Yeah, you don't think you went a little bit too far with that whole fake death thing!? Everyone was preparing the ceremony for you when splat, this big dragon falls out of the sky and all of Liyue goes into an uproar. Talk about a disaster!

Signora: Hehe... Gathering all the forces that had been bubbling behind the scenes, and then stirring them together in a pot that was bound to boil over... That's what he wanted to see, am I right?

Paimon: Wait... what?

Zhongli: Perhaps it's best that I explain. As you know, I've dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years. I witnessed the founding of Liyue together with the adepti three thousand seven hundred years ago. Even boulders that can withstand whirlpools will erode with the passing of time. I kept convincing myself that cracks had not begun to form and that the end of my time had not yet come. Until one drizzly day, as I was strolling along the harbor, I heard a merchant tell one of his workers, "You've finished your duties, go ahead and call it a day." I stood motionless among the crowds, asking myself, "Have I already finished my duties?"

Paimon: Oh, Zhongli...

Zhongli: But as I began to consider relinquishing my divine role, I soon discovered that many reasons still remained to not hastily depart. Was Liyue, the city I had dwelt in for so long, already prepared to enter its next age? I decided that a test was needed in order to reveal the answer. So I feigned my own death, and gathered the cast of Childe, the adepti, and the Liyue Qixing to play their roles together on the stage that was Liyue.

Aether: So, were you satisfied with the finale?

Zhongli: Indeed, I was. The Gnosis I had kept for so many years suddenly seemed to have lost its meaning.

Aether: Let me guess — you had another plan in case it all burned down.

Zhongli: That's right, which is why I continued to safeguard the Gnosis until now.

Paimon: So you mean that if the chaos ever reached the point of no return, you would simply appear and use your divine powers to bring Liyue back under control?

We turned to the two harbingers.

Signora: Of course. And it would have been all too easy for him, too. Just as a child quickly matures after losing their parents, so has Liyue matured when faced with the death of its deity...

Zhongli: I was pleasantly surprised with the finale of the show that you all put on. Why, you even deserved an encore. The adepti deserve the greatest applause, considering their years of seclusion... They hardly recognized the city. Yet, faced with such a crisis, they exerted the greatest amount of restraint. Not only did they manage to cooperate with the Qixing, but in the end, they even tried to understand the heart of the people. And hats off to the emissary dispatched by the Cryo Archon to fulfill our contract, Signora. She managed to keep everything she knew in strict confidence, far from the eavesdropping ears of her colleague, Childe, just as I had requested. All the while, I carried on as Zhongli and fulfilled the traditions of Liyue in this mortal form. Thank you for walking that path with me, Travelers.

Fu Hua: I suppose that we did.

Zhongli: These things were all a part of my script. The only unforeseen plot twist was the conduct of the Liyue Qixing. I had expected them to do no more than the adepti... To come to the defense of Liyue. But when all was said and done... They seized the opportunity to supplant Liyue's divine protectors, and used the subsequent power vacuum left by my death to quickly gain complete control of Liyue.

Paimon: Huh? That doesn't sound good at all!

Zhongli: Hah... On the contrary, I think it is excellent. I had always feared that it was far too soon for them to take over from me, and it was also that which I longed for the most. As such, this is the best parting gift anyone could have given this god of old.

Childe: Hey, what about me? Doesn't anyone feel the least bit of remorse for deceiving me? You've practically kept me in the dark!

Patrick: I think you deserved to be deceived after what you've done to us.

Signora: Heh, I think that thanks would be more appropriate. You certainly played no small part in all of this... Wreaking havoc and turning the city upside down. The Lord of Geo ought to thank you for your performance, if anything. If you hadn't created the pressure of a battle between mortals, adepti, and a god, the lump of coal resting in the hands of the Geo Archon — Liyue — would never have been able to become a dazzling diamond of a city.

Childe: Huh? Just whose side are you on, mocking me like that? Are you itching for a fight?

Aether: We were all equally fooled.

Fu Hua: Just as I was when the evil man fooled me into making a fake deal with me and having me turn against the people I called friends and family.

Childe: Be that as it may, you've come out of this as the heroes of Liyue. I, on the other hand, will forever be proscribed as a disturber of peace, no?

Aether: You've really embarrassed yourself this time.

Theresa: Yes you have really embarrassed yourself, Childe.

Childe: Hey! Haven't you learned the Liyue saying? "Don't always call it as you see it"!

Signora: Well then, with the Gnosis in my possession, I have no use for such idle chatter. We should return to Zapolyarny Palace and seek an audience with Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa. Come, Childe.

Childe: Ugh, fine... I'll meet you there later. I'm not sharing a boat with the likes of you.

Signora: Hmph, do as you wish.

Signora proceeded to leave but before she did, I decided to say something to her.

Patrick: This isn't over Signora. The next time we meet, we'll stop you from getting another Gnosis.

She actually stopped after hearing what I said.

Patrick: And I'll use my secret weapon on you just like I did on Childe.

Then she glanced at me just like a villain would do.

Signora: ...Hmph... We shall see about that... I'd like to see you try to stop me the next time we meet.

And then Signora walked out the doors.

We turned to Childe.

Patrick: You should get out of Liyue soon, Childe. You're now being labeled a fugitive in Liyue. So you should get as far away as you can or else you will get hunted down.

Childe: Like I said, it was nothing personal. But I do hope that I fight against you again. And to show you my respect, I won't tell anyone about your secret move.

Patrick: You could get interrogated.

Childe: Maybe I will. Maybe I won't.

And then Childe left in a flash.

after both Harbingers left, it was now just us and Zhongli.

Seele: We failed once again to stop the Fatui from stealing another Gnosis.

Bronya: There are still 4 left.

Patrick: There is still some hope left.

Himeko: We'll train to get stronger the next time we face against another Harbinger.

Sakura: We'll have another chance against Signora for another time.

Kallen: Once we're strong enough, we'll beat Signora into the ground.

Seele: You're right. We have to get stronger so we can beat Signora for good.

Zhongli: Now then, is there anything else you wish to ask me?

Aether: I'd like to know what the Cryo Archon offered you.

Fu Hua: We'd all like to know.

Paimon: Right! As Zhongli always told us, "a good trade is a fair trade." Paimon has no idea what could be a good trade for a Gnosis.

Zhongli: Realistically speaking, there is no such thing.

Kiana and Paimon: Huh???

Zhongli: However, I am the God of Contracts. For thousands of years, I have made countless contracts. If the deal was of no benefit, then I certainly would not be inclined to agree to it. My agreement with the Cryo Archon will be the last of my contracts as the Geo Archon — my "contract to end all contracts." As for the bargaining chip that the Tsaritsa used to balance the scales... Uncover that answer for yourself in your future journeys.

Kiana: Aw come on! We want to know right now!

Fu Hua: Kiana. Be patient. We still have the long road ahead of us. We'll just have to uncover that for another time.

Kiana: Fine.

Patrick in mind: Looks like players will be coming up with fan theories on this one.

Paimon: Paimon... can't... absorb so much information at once... So, Zhongli, what sort of contract did you sign with the Cryo Archon? Paimon's so curious!

Zhongli: ...One of the clauses of our contract was not to divulge any of its contents.

Paimon: Ugh... You're so petty.

Fu Hua: Well, better head back to the Inn now.

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