Chapter 39: Date with Amber

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I was outside doing some Pyro training. I was shooting fire from my right hand then made it change into blue. I needed my flames to get hotter the next time I meet Signora and if we ever go up against the Cryo Archon. I wasn't wearing my trench coat this time.

Patrick: I reset myself to level one when the journey began. So now I'm training to get stronger. I have three elements unlocked and need to unlock four more.

???: You seem to be doing well.

I got startled and stopped what I was doing. Amber was standing there.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Amber: Did I startle you?

Patrick: I guess you could say that. But it's fine.

Amber: Are you doing anything today?

Patrick: Well... I was gonna fight some monsters today or do a quest for the guild. Why?

Amber: I was just wondering if you'd like to go out with me? Just the two of us.

Patrick: Go out with you?

Amber: I just want to get to know you better.

Patrick: Well... I suppose I could go out with you.

Amber: Ok. Meet me outside of the gate. It's a date!

Then Amber walked away.

Patrick: Yeah... a date.

Then I suddenly realized what she meant.

Patrick: A-A-A-A-A DATE?!

I was blushing deep red and my heart was still beating faster. Steam was coming out of me.

I was so shocked to process with what just happened. But Amber just asked me out on a date. Theresa walked out of nowhere to me.

Theresa: What's the matter Patrick?

Patrick: Amber just asked me out on a date.

Theresa: A date?!

Patrick: I don't know why though.

Theresa: Maybe it's because she wants to spend time with you but not in a romantic way. A date can mean a lot of different things.

Patrick: I suppose that's true. But this is so much to take in.

Theresa: Don't you worry, The Valkyries and I have got your back. We'll be your wingwomen while the Captain will be your wingman.

Patrick: Thank you Theresa. At least I can have your help like how Shido has Kotori's help.

Theresa: Anything for one of my students.


Outside of Mondstadt's gate, Amber was waiting for me.

Patrick: Now I'm going out on a date with Amber. The players haven't been liking her because of how she can't do close range fighting and demand that MiHoYo buff Amber up to make her better. But now I better make sure that nothing bad happens. I'm putting off wearing my trench coat right now.

Kiana: We'll be watching you to make sure that nothing bad happens.

Patrick: Ok.

I began walking to the gate.

I arrived.

Amber: There you are. I have a list of things to do with you. Come on, let's go!

Amber grabbed my hand and dragged me.

Patrick in mind: My date with Amber has officially just begun.


Amber took me to a forest where she told me the first thing she wanted to do with me. To help her with her outrider tasks

Patrick in mind: Amber is really cute when so close to her. Even though the players don't like her fighting style, they still find her attractive like Lisa, Jean, Noelle, and Mona.

Amber: Get down.

Amber dragged me down into a bush. Before I could say something she put a finger on my lips then pointed. Our eyes peaked out and saw a Hilichurl camp.

Amber: I was tasked with clearing out Hilichurl camps today. I didn't want to do that alone and wanted help. That's when I thought of you.

Patrick: You could of chosen Aether and Paimon.

Amber: I could have but I wanted it to be you.

Patrick: What's the plan?

Amber: I'm going to take the archers out then you rush in and take the rest out.

Patrick: Ok.

Amber charged up her Pyro arrows then she fired 3 shots at the Hilichurl archers making them fall off then I charged in and shot fire from my hands with my gauntlets. 

A Mitachurl charged at me like a bull but I began to charge up a fire punch, while I was charging up the punch, I manipulated the fire to take the shape of a falcon.

Patrick: I've been wanting to try this move. FALCON PUNCH!

I punched the Mitachurla d sent it flying high into the sky and disappeared into a twinkle.

Patrick: I've always wanted to try that move.

Just when I thought I had defeated them all, a Hilichurl ran at me attempting to strike me but then was kicked in the face by Amber.

I turned around and saw Amber deliver the kick and sent the Hilichurl flying into the air.

Amber: I've learned how to do some close range fighting.

Patrick: Pretty nice, outrider.

Amber: And not bad yourself, Honorary Knight. There are still more Hilichurl camps to clear out. Let's go.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We continued to destroy more Hilichurl camps. I had to admit that I was having a good time with Amber. She had her Baron Bunny be a distraction for a Cryo Abyss Mage then blew up, I did a Starburst Stream on a Ruin Guard, and we did a kick together on a Ruin Hunter. Amber's task's were finished now we had to do my commissions which took us to Stormterror's Lair where we fought against more monsters together.

Amber was a true Waifu for a lot of male players and a good person to hang out with.

The camera zoomed out as the song ended where it showed the Valkyries watching us on top of a cliff.

Kiana: So far nothing bad has happened.

Mei: As long as nothing bad happens and that nothing goes wrong, we won't be needed.

Theresa: Still, a lot of things can go wrong.

(Meanwhile at Stormbearer Point with Klee and Seele)

Seele was with Klee at Stormbearer Point. They were fishing.


Klee: Are you here for playtime with Klee?

Seele: Yes I am. Big Sister Bronya is busy with Barbara and Lisa so I thought of you.

Klee: Okay, so you'll be in charge of the Storm Watch. Which means, you warn Klee the second you see Jean coming.

Seele: Okay Klee. She's probably still busy in her office but she could come out any time.

Klee: Let's go!

(Flashback end)

Klee: Time to show you my fish blasting skills!

Klee began using her Pyro magic to do her "fish blasting". Seele used her elemental sight to sense for Jean and luckily she wasn't anywhere near Stormbearer Point.

Klee: And thats how I do fish blasting.

Seele: Now watch me as I do something you haven't seen before.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Seele breathed then she covered herself with water then she aqua jets into the ocean then emerged out of an explosion of water holding a giant octopus like Vegeta. Then she spins it around then tosses it up into the air. She aqua jets above it then she brought out her scythe.

Jean was outside doing a commission for the Knights of Favonius when she suddenly saw Seele up in the air with the octopus.

Jean: Now what is going on?

Quantum energy and Hydro energy engulfed the blade.

Seele: Quantum Slash!

She delivered the slash and exploded the Octopus. She landed back down now with tentacles in her inventory.

Seele: Let's head back to Mondstadt and I'll make us something very special.

Klee: Okay Seele.

Seele and Klee held hands and were now walking back to Mondstadt.

Jean looked down from a cliff.

Jean: Out fish blasting again. And I just saw something I've never seen before.

(Back with me and Amber at Windrise)

Amber and I sat down on a rock next to an edge of a cliff looking at the giant tree in Windrise.

Patrick in mind: Maybe I should ask her something about why she joined the Knights of Favonius and what an outrider is. That way I can know her better.

Patrick: Amber.

Amber: Yes?

Patrick: Why did you want to become a Knight of Favonius? And what exactly is an outrider and why you're the only one?

Amber: It's a long story but I can tell it.

Amber began telling it as flashbacks played.

Amber: The outriders once a great respected the division of Mondstadt's famed Knights of Favonius. today the numbers have dwindled in fact they now have got a sole member and enthusiastic determined and ever vigilant young girl. Me. Why I'm an outrider is because of my grandfather.

Patrick: Your grandfather?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Amber: Years ago in Liyue, my grandfather was the leader of a group of mercenaries. They guarded escorts but on one escort mission monsters attacked and they were all killed all except my grandfather who only survived by the good fortune of being encountered by a doctor from the order of the Knights of Favonius. He was so guilty that he vowed to never return to Liyue because of his failure. So he travels with his saviors to Mondstadt and joined the Knights of Favonius. He jounded the outriders division and trained every single one of them.

Patrick: He founded the outriders?

Amber: Yes he did.

Patrick: I. An think of a lot of fictional characters with tragic backstories involved with having their who group killed and being the sole survivor and having guilt over their losses. Continue.

Amber: My Grandfather settled down in Mondstadt then he found love and started a family. As the years went by, his family continued to grow. A grand daughter was born into the family. Me. My parents had me then they named me Amber because of the color of my eyes. As I was growing up, I idolized my Grandfather as he was my idol. I watched him train the outriders in secret each day then at night I snuck into the training area to practice the outrider moves. I learned how to use a bow and arrow in no time. I was known to frequently get myself into trouble. But when the outriders would arrive to investigate, I would always manage to find a way to out pace them. I was unstoppable. Even though I was a trouble maker, my grandfather acknowledged my abilities and went on to teach me everything he knew and said  that I could become the captain of the outriders. Through hard work and determination, I became an outrider. I also went on to become Mondstadt's best glider winning the gliding championships of Mondstadt.

Patrick: So how is your family now?

Amber: Well... 4 years ago, my Grandfather disappeared without notice and no note to provide any clues to why. He was nowhere to be found. The heart and soul of the outriders had disappeared without a trace. I was too young to be in command of the outriders and without a leader, the outriders resigned. But thanks to the Knights of Favonius, the name was preserved. Then I joined the Knights of Favonius to represent the outriders as their sole member. Rumors spread out of my Grandfather involved with betrayal. Things were difficult for me but thanks to that book I accidentally gave you, I found my motivation.

Patrick: Kiana had a similar experience you did. Her father left her because he was protecting her in secret because of something inside of Kiana. For a while Kiana was on her own. Her mother was killed by an evil man then her father left her.

Amber: After that, My Pyro vision manifested by my hip. Today I am known as the Crimson Knight. I got my Baron Bunny from Klee. She made it herself. And that's everything I can say.

Patrick: Is there anyone left in your family? Any relatives?

Amber: I live by myself. But I still have relatives.

Patrick: Must be hard with being the only outrider.

Amber: I'm used to it. But I hope that one day I can train new outriders like my Grandfather did. Let's head back to Mondstadt.

Patrick: Ok.

Amber took my hand and we began to walk back to Mondstadt.

(Mondstadt's gate)

Seele and Klee were approaching the stone bridge giggling together.

Jean: Seele.

Hearing Jean's voice made Seele and Klee get blank eyes then turn pale white with shock. A few feet from them was Jean.

Seele: Oh... Master Jean... fancy seeing you out here. Thought you were doing paper work in your office.

Jean: I had already finished doing paper work and was out doing tasks. What were you doing with Klee?

Seele: Oh you know, I was just playing with her.

Klee: Yes. Yes. She was playing with me since Theresa was no where to be found.

Jean: Funny. Because I saw you explode a giant octopus.

Seele in mind: Oh no...

Seele: I was showing Klee how skillful I am with Hydro by trying to catch something really huge. I swear that Klee was not fish blasting again. Hahahahahahahahaha...

Jean raised an eyebrow.

Jean: ...Klee... ...Seele...

Sweat was running down their faces. Klee decided to give up.

Klee: Ok... I'll see to myself into the confinement room.

Jean: Klee, you know the consequences. I will take you to the confinement room not by yourself.

With that, Klee walked away with Jean.

Seele: Now I can't make Takoyaki with anyone.

???: Seele.

Seele: Huh?

The camera moved to the right where it showed Bronya.

Bronya: The Bronya is off duty.

Seele: Thank goodness you appeared. Can you help me with something?

Bronya: Yes Seele.

Seele and Bronya walked into Mondstadt holding hands. A few minutes later, Amber and I walked into Mondstadt while holding hands. Amber took me to her house where we had to part ways.

Patrick: I enjoyed today with you Amber.

Amber: So did I. I got to know you better.

Patrick: Same here.

Amber: You have feelings for any of the girls in your party?

Patrick: Kiana.

Amber: Does she know?

Patrick: She does.

Amber: He's something from me.

Just unexpectedly, Amber leaned in and kissed me in the cheek then went into her house happy. This time, I did not overreact like when Lisa kissed me. I put my hand on my cheek and blushed.

Kaeya: Falling for Amber I see.

I got shocked and got blank white eyes then turned to see Kaeya.

Patrick: You've got it all wrong Kaeya! Amber just wanted to get to know me! I have feelings for Kiana!

Kaeya: oh I'm so sorry. I misunderstood you. Then are you going to cheat on Kiana?

Tick marks appeared on my head then I began to chase Kaeya while swinging my sword.

Patrick: Kaeya you shady knight! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna tear you apart! I'm gonna skin you alive!

Kaeya just laughed as I kept chasing him around Mondstadt.

Bronya and Seele were watching the whole thing while making Takoyaki.

Seele: What's going on?

Bronya: The Bronya does not know.

Kiana: Feels like Haganezuka chasing Tanjiro for breaking his sword again.

The Valkyires watching me and Amber arrived back.

Mei: Should we get them to stop?

Theresa: Should we sit and watch?

They smiled and decided to watch the whole thing.

Jean came back outside after taking Klee back to the confinement room. And she was surprised to see me chasing Kaeya.

Jean: Uhh... What's going on?

Aether and Paimon had the same reaction as they came on screen.

Paimon: Uhh... What is...?

Aether: ...going on?

The day ended and I told the party about my date with Amber before we went to sleep at the Inn.

(Next morning)

In the confinement room, Theresa was doing drawings with Klee. Seele, Bronya, Mei, Kiana, Fu Hua, Aether, Paimon, and I were with them. Along with the ELFS too. The two Lolis looked a lot more cute when drawing. Theresa still had it in her to draw pictures with crayons.

Patrick: I have cousins who draw on paper with crayons. Brings me back.

Kiana: lucky you.

Fu Hua: She is strong but is also cute and innocent.

Klee got our attention.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Klee: Hey, travelers, I'll let you in on a little secret. Did you know there are monsters that come out at night in Mondstadt?

The scene changed into black.

Kiana: Like which ones? Hilichurls? Slimes? Or Abyss Mages?

Klee it's not any of them.

Kiana: So which monsters?

Klee: Shh, be quiet! I'll tell you everything, but you can't tell nobody!

Kiana: Ok.

Seele: So tell us what monsters they are.

Then the scene changed into a child's drawing scene.

Klee: After everyone is tucked up cozy in their beds for the night. Monsters pretending to be the Knights of Favonius come out to trick people!

Mei: So they're monsters posing as imposters?

Klee: Yes.

Bronya: So monsters who can shape shift.

Fu Hua: Now that's scary.

Patrick: So like a doppelgänger.

Theresa: Yes.

Klee: I could even hear their footsteps from inside the confinement room... And soooo... BOOM! I blasted the door open to defend Mondstadt from the monsters!

Theresa: With some help from Magic Girl Teri Teri!

Klee: But the Master Jean who grabbed me and dragged me away was really scary... Scary like the real Master Jean, not like some monster... So strange...

Theresa: So I had to help her and defeated the monster imposter of Jean and together we defeated all the monsters!

Klee: Anywho, you mustn't tell a soul!

Klee and Theresa showed us the drawings just as Jean and Lisa walked in on us.

Klee: Kaeya's the one who told me the secret about the monsters. He didn't tell nobody else but me!

Theresa: She told me first.

Patrick: Sure thing Klee. We won't tell a soul...

Soon all of us turned pale white in shock with pale white eyes from noticing Jean and Lisa.

Theresa: Huh? What's wrong?... Someone's standing right behind us, isn't there?

We nodded our heads yes while still pale white. The two Lolis turned around and turned pale white with pale white eyes like the rest of us.

Jean face palmed.

Jean: Oh, Kaeya... Coaxing Klee into escaping from solitary confinement, it seems...

Lisa: Hehehe, perhaps we've made the child's studies a little too imaginative lately?

We snapped out of our shock.

Patrick: Maybe you should get Kayea to stop giving Klee advice and let someone else give Klee advice instead.

Jean: Maybe we should.

Then the screen transitioned to black from a circle from an iris out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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