Chapter 57: Delusions and return of Scaramouche

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(Ancient ruins)

Paimon: This should be the place. But Sangonomiya was right, it doesn't look like anything suspicious is going on... Could they be hiding? Guys, let's see what we can find. These Electro Monuments look a little suspicious...

Sakura: Perhaps we should activate them.

Mei, Aether, and Theresa light the three Electro Monuments. But then a huge lawchurl appears.

Paimon: Yikes! A huge lawachurl! Was it drawn out by the Electro energy?

Durandal: It looks like it!

Durandal fights it and beats it.

Paimon: Phew... glad that's over.

Durandal: That was unexpected.

Paimon: As monsters go, that one was pretty tough. But what's such a huge Thunderhelm Lawachurl doing here in the first place?

Kallen: And how did it get here?

Paimon: It doesn't make any sense... Also, the atmosphere here gives Paimon the creeps.

Sakura: Why is that?

Paimon: Paimon doesn't know. Anyway, the good thing is that it's over now. We should probably get going... Huh, Teppei? What are you doing here?

Teppei appears out of nowhere but something was different about him. His hair was white.

Teppei: *cough* ...Wow, this is a surprise. Didn't know you were the ones investigating here.

Kallen: What exactly were you doing?

Teppei: I just got back from delivering some supplies to the front line. I figured I'd stop by and clear any threats in this area on the way back. *cough*...

Paimon: Are you alright there buddy? You're looking slightly the worse for wear.

Patrick: And your hair is white.

Teppei: I'm fine, it's nothing. I must've caught a cold a couple days ago while I was out at sea. On my way past, I heard that someone had just arrived on the island to investigate, so I thought I'd come and take a look.

Kiana: Well it's all clear here. Nothing out here to worry about. Except for that large lawchurl we just killed.

Teppei: If there'd been some real danger, I might've had the chance to be the hero... Heh, shame it was just you guys. Guess I came here for nothing.

Paimon: Teppei, don't you think there's something strange about this place?

Teppei: Hmm... now that you mention it, there is something a little off about it. It could be that the Tatarigami is more palpable here, I guess. We're not that far away from Orobaxi's remains.

Paimon: Orobaxi? Who's that?

Teppei: A god.

Sakura: You mean the giant snake god?

Teppei: Yes, that's the one. Look, there's the corpse over there.

Paimon: Aah! It's a gigantic snake skeleton. It looks terrifying!

Patrick: Kiana and I visited the giant skeleton.

Kiana: It was giant.

Teppei: Orobaxi was the one who brought our ancestors from Enkanomiya up to the surface. That's the origin of the Watatsumi Island you know today. Our ancestors regarded it as a guardian deity, but during the Archon War, Orobaxi invaded Yashiori Island.

Teppei: The Raiden Shogun came out in person and slew Orobaxi with the Musou no Hitotachi. That same slash also formed what later became known as Musoujin Gorge.

Sakura: The Raiden Shogun and her Musou no Hitotachi are strong enough to kill a giant god.

Tamamo: Another reason why she's scary.

Paimon: The Raiden Shogun created Musoujin Gorge in one slash? Wow, that's pretty incredible...

Teppei: Yes. But the Archon War was brutal... *cough* and Yashiori Island was completely destroyed during that battle. They say the shogun lost something very dear to her along the way too. Since Orobaxi's death... *cough* there has always been some animosity between Watatsumi Island and the Shogunate. But our different beliefs have nothing to do with why the resistance was formed. We only rose up to fight against the Vision Hunt Decree. When Orobaxi attacked civilization, the shogun stood up and put a stop to it. But now that the shogun is stripping people of their ambitions with the Vision Hunt Decree, it's time for someone to stand up and stop the shogun... *cough*

Sakura: Thats why we're here. To put an end to the Vision Hunt Decree.

Teppei: Alright, I'm heading back. I was just dealing with some of the Shogun's elite samurai, so I think I'm gonna take a quick breather, then it's onto my next assignment. You should report back to Sangonomiya as soon as possible. Don't stay here longer than you need to — being around the Tatarigami too long won't do your health any good... *coughing*...

Aether: Take care of yourself.

Sakura: Watch your back.

Teppei: Hey, don't worry about me. Peak condition...

And then Teppei leaves.

Paimon: Teppei's sure made some big progress if he's already dealing with Shogunate Samurai. Paimon can hardly believe it.

Fu Hua: There clearly is something wrong with him.

Paimon: Let's report back to Kokomi.


Paimon: Kokomi, we're back— Oh, look, Gorou's here too.

Sakura: They seem to be talking about something.

Paimon: What happened? They look so serious...

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Approximately how many people are exhibiting these symptoms?

Gorou: I haven't had the chance to do a full count yet...

Paimon: Kokomi, Gorou... what's going on?

Sakura: What's happening?

Gorou: Recently, some of our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging.

Kallen: accelerating aging?

Gorou: I called them in for questioning and found out that they'd privately acquired some secret weapons from our sponsor. Most of them are highly ambitious types, vehemently opposed to the Vision Hunt Decree. They've been using these new weapons secretly since getting hold of them.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: So that's why the war has been going unusually well... But risky secret weapons are not the answer. We must put a stop to it immediately. Gorou, have you managed to acquire one of these weapons?

Gorou: Most of the officers refused to hand them over. Still, I did manage to get one...

Gorou showed them the weapon and it made them gasp and filled with horror.

Aether: Oh dear...

Patrick: It can't be...

Durandal: No...

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Do you know something about this?

Aether: It's a Fatui Delusion.

Gorou: So that means our secret sponsor is the Fatui?

Aether nods his head.

Kallen: It would seem like it. Yes. It is the Fatui.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: But why would the Fatui do this...

Sakura: It's obvious why. They can do whatever they want with their diplomatic immunity and they're hear to steal something from the Shogun.

Gorou: What exactly do they want to steal from the Shogun?

Sakura: Something that belongs to each of the Seven. That's what they want.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Forget that, there's no time. Right now, we need to inform the whole army to cease using their Delusions immediately. All soldiers who have shown symptoms are to be taken for treatment. I just hope we'll be in time to save them.

Paimon: Wait a second... guys, speaking of soldiers with symptoms...

Aether: Teppei...

Paimon: No, s—surely he can't have...

Party: Teppei!

Paimon: Uhh, let's go check on him!

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Gorou, let's go to the resistance camp ourselves. The use of Delusions has to stop right away.

Gorou: Yes, Your Excellency!

We ran to go find Teppei.

(Bourou Village)

We found Teppei at the spot. He was already an old man.

Party: Teppei!!!

Teppei: Oh... *cough* Hey, guys. What're you doing here?

Sakura: Something is definitely wrong with you.

Teppei: Just a moment, lemme get up... Oof, it's weird, I don't know where all my strength's gone...

Sakura: Teppei, you have to tell us.

Aether: What's been going on with you?

Teppei: Hmm?

Teppei: Oh right, yeah, I haven't had time to give you the full details. Well, I've made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately. Fighting the Shogun's Army at sea, taking on Shogunate Samurai all by myself, rescuing my comrades fr—from an ambush... things I never would have dreamed I could do when you first met me. *cough* If only I were stronger still. The stronger I am, the more I can do for the resistance... Wait a sec, where's my secret weapon gone?

Sakura: Tell me about this weapon.

Aether: When did you start using it?

Teppei: *cough* It wasn't long after you were made captains of Swordfish II. I met these mysterious people, said they were with our supporters. They gave it to me and said that as long as I have the will to become stronger, this secret weapon will answer my call. Haha... *cough* It's just like a Vision, isn't it? Of course, I've never used a Vision, so I wouldn't know the difference...

Aether: This is... a Delusion.

Teppei: Delusion? *cough* Oh god, that doesn't sound very good... So... what's the difference between a Delusion and a Vision?

Aether: A Delusion drains the user's life force.

Teppei: *cough* Gosh... Well, I suppose it's not too surprising that a mysterious weapon of unknown origins would come with its risks. I've been getting more and more tired over the past few days, and I have this... strange sense of dread. At first I'd find I was a little more beat than usual after a battle. Didn't think anything of it. But today, I got back and suddenly my vision was going blurry. This is a real shame... There I was, thinking I was catching up with ya, haha... Guess I didn't receive the favor of the gods, after all...

Aether: ...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sakura examined him then a shadow covered her eyes. She removed her hands then the shadow disappeared.

Sakura: I fear... the damage that the delusions have caused for this long, have taken its full affect.

Bronya: He isn't gonna make it. He can't be healed.

Sad faces appear on them. Teppei was going to die.

Paimon: Teppei's breathing is getting weaker and weaker...

Seele kneeled down and held one of his hands. Tears were already coming out of her eyes.

Seele: Teppei... you can't die! You still have so much to live for!

Teppei: Do not worry about me... I will be reunited with friend I've lost in this war...

Patrick: Teppei...

Teppei: Hey guys, would you do something for me?

Sakura: What is your last request?

Teppei: When our uniforms are ready, grab mine for me... bring it back here, and we can change together...

We said nothing. Aether got an angered look.

Teppei: What's that look for? Don't worry, partners. Soon as I've rested up, I'll be right as rain. Right as rain, I tell ya... soon as I've... rested up...

Paimon: Teppei...

Sakura: We'll go get your uniform and put it on for you.

Teppei: And I wish you hope that you will put an end to this war and to the Vision Hunt Decree... Do it for me... my... friends...

Sakura: We'll do it Teppei. You can count on us.

Teppei: Thank you... everyone...

He closed his eyes then his limbs dropped. Soon after his heart stopped beating.

Teppei was... dead...

They began to cry. Even Bronya had tears coming out of her eyes.

Seele: He's gone.

Rita held hands with Durandal. Book of Fuxi held on to Fu Hua. Mei held Kiana close to her. Bronya embraced Seele. The twins hugged while they cried. Himeko embraced Captain. Blood Embrace hugged Theresa. Sakura and Kallen held hands. Tamamo put her hands together. Aether was the only one not crying.

After a short time, we stopped crying.

Fu Hua: We'll go visit Hu Tao once all of this is over. Teppei wants us to continue. We'll end all of this for him.

Aether: The Fatui...

Fu Hua sensed rage inside of him.

Seele: Is something wrong? You're getting angry.

Aether: I'm fine.

And then he rushed away.

Paimon: Hey Aether, where are you going? Heyyyy...

Paimon followed after him. All of us started to feel the same thing then we followed after Aether.

Kokomi and Gorou were surprisingly in the village by the training area.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: How is Teppei's condition?

Sakura: Teppei's dead.

Tamamo: How could none of us have noticed?

Aether: He's taken a sudden turn for the worse.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: ...I have put out the order to seize all Delusions. The vast majority are showing some loss of vitality, but nothing serious. Sadly, a few have been... less fortunate...

Gorou: Your Excellency, I'm planning to establish a dedicated field hospital to monitor their condition. The soldiers are up in arms about the ban though. They know full well what a Delusion is, but they still intend to keep using them.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Okay. I'll leave you to deal with this situation. I have to get to the front line. This whole fiasco is certain to be a blow to morale. If the Shogun's Army attacks now, while we're scrambling to recover, it could well undo everything we have achieved so far.
Sangonomiya Kokomi: St. Freya Knights and Valkyries, what are your thoughts?

Sakura: Seems like the only way to stop suffering casualties is to destroy the source where the Delusions are getting manufactured.

Aether: I'll go confront the Fatui directly.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: No, it's too dangerous!

Sakura: I think you mean we will go confront them. Kokomi, we're a team. We'll be fine as long as we stick together.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: The Sakoku Decree is still in force, so their Delusions must be produced within Inazuma's borders. To organize an operation of this scale, they will have had to mobilize a huge amount of manpower and resources. They can't have done it without local support.

Kallen: We're not bringing anyone else along.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: If we want to stop them, we have to destroy the factory where the Delusions are made. But it's sure to be heavily guarded... It's dangerous to go alone. At least take some troops with you...

Aether: there's no time for that.

Patrick: We're a party. We'll go without troops.

Gorou: Your Excellency, given the urgency of the situation, we were hardly discreet when confiscating the Delusions. The Fatui are sure to take notice. If we spend any longer amassing our forces, they will get wind of our plans and make their escape.

Kallen: And erase all evidence.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: Very true. Mm... let me think...

Sangonomiya Kokomi: I gave this some thought while you were confiscating the Delusions. The site of the factory must be big and secluded, but close enough to a transport route to ensure the supply of raw materials... Not many places meet these criteria, and if we take the locations where our soldiers received their Delusions into account as well, I suspect the site is likely to be the cliffs near the ocean at the southwest of Yashiori Island.

Durandal: Then that's where we're going.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: I'm not going to stop you, but please be careful.

Sakura: We will Kokomi. We will.

Sangonomiya Kokomi: We have lost too many courageous fighters already. I don't want to lose you too.

Aether: looks down with his eyes closed.

Aether: Okay, let's go.

Aether: makes an angry expression then he rushes away.

Paimon: Huh? You mean, to the Delusion factory?

Aether: ...

Paimon: Really? You aren't going to think it over first? Ugh, fine...

The St. Freya Knights and Valkyries make a run.


The party was flying on Toriyama to the location of the Delusion factory. It was raining on their way and they were already wet but they didn't care. They found the location as it was on Yashiori Island close to the Serpent's Head and Jakotsu Mine by the coast in front of a cliff. Toriyama landed and they got off.

Patrick opened Toriyama's return portal.

Patrick: Go get our Visions. If we're doing this. We're doing it with our Visions this time.

Toriyama: Very well.

Toriyama went through the portal then back with the sack. Each of us took our respected Visions and put them back on. Then Toriyama went back through the portal then it closed.

Seele: Guys? Shouldn't we come up with a plan first? We could be walking into a trap.

Aether: There's no time for a plan.

Patrick: He's right. We've got some killing to do. Fatui killing. If the Fatui are here in Inazuma, that means that La Signora or another Harbinger must be here. And we're going to have another opportunity to kill a Harbinger.

Kallen: We're going in.

Kallen transforms into Rouge Extraordinare.

Sakura: Stay outside Tamamo. Make sure that no Fatui come through in or out.

Tamamo: But...

Sakura: If something goes wrong I'll use a command seal to summon you. Let's move in.

So they entered into the Delusion Factory.

Seele: I think they really are angry.

Paimon: No kidding.

Fu Hua: We have to avenge Teppei. I know that I'm angry but we must do what needs to be done.

Bronya: Come on Seele.

Seele: Ok.

Seele takes Bronya's hand and they walk in.

(Delusion factory)

They entered into the first room.

Sakura: Kallen and I will go scout ahead.

Sakura, Kallen, and their little partners instantly disappeared. The party moved forward, they had to avoid traps that turned into blue particles after they were used. There we saw Fatui.

Durandal: Direct approach.

Rita: Yes.

They rushed in and killed the all the Fatui in the room. They needed to collect 3 amulets to unlock the door. They found one in the room and placed it on the door. They decided to split up as some of them went down to the floor below. The group consisted of Patrick, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Seele, Fu Hua, Jingwai's Wings, Book of Fuxi, Aether, and Paimon.

Paimon: So is this where Delusions are made from? So much Crystal Marrow... Now, where have we seen that before... Wait a second, are they getting this from Ritou?

Kiana: Not just Ritou. Patrick and I have see. Crystal Marrow on the giant snake skeleton. That's also where they could be getting the Crystal Marrow.

Paimon: So the Kanjou Commission are... Ugh.

So the girls, Aether, and Patrick killed the Fatui in the bottom floor except Seele and Bronya. Seele didn't want to kill and Bronya needed to heal and cast spells from behind. They found the next amulet and a Hall Notice. Mei decided to read it outloud.

Hall Notice: The situation of the Inazuman civil war is presently uncertain. The longer this conflict drags on, the more advantageous our position will be... To deepen the resistance's reliance on Delusions, to fan the flames of war, and steel the resolve of the leadership on both sides to continue fighting... I call upon all available comrades to assist the work of 2nd Naval Lieutenant Nathan in dashing Sangonomiya's hopes for a quick victory... If there are any accidents, assist in 2nd Lieutenant Nathan's escape, and silence all who might reveal our infiltration into their ranks! This mission is of vital importance to securing our supply of Delusions — not a single detail may be overlooked!

Mei: So the resistance has a spy from the Fatui. They're trying to prolong the war. It can't be just to kill everyone in Inazuma.

Kiana: We already said what they wanted. The Electro Archon's Gnosis.

Mei: It shouldn't matter now that we have the Gnosis in our position and is completely safe.

Paimon: But still, they could find a way to steal it from us.

Seele: We have servants with us guarding it. We won't have to worry about a thing.

Jingwai's Wings: I'll be back as soon as I bring the amulet to the others.

Jingwai's Wings flew up, gave the amulet to the others, put it on the door, then returned to the other group.

Jingwai's Wings: Let's go.

They climbed up a latter then saw another trap that was shooting Electro arrows.

Paimon: Yikes! It looks dangerous... We'd better watch our step, or we might get hit...

They got through the trap then went up an elevator then went through more traps then found the third amulet. They jumped down then got back to the others and placed the third amulet on the door. Sakura, Kallen, and their little partners returned.

Patrick: Did you find out anything?

Sakura: Yes. One of the 11 Harbingers is here.

Aether: Which one?

Kallen: The one we met during the incident with the meteors putting people to sleep. Scaramouche the Balladeer. No. 6 of the 11 Harbingers.

Mei: Had a feeling that we would see him again and now is the time.

Seele: So La Signora is not here?

Sakura: She is. She's somewhere in Inazuma now. And she's probably planning to steal the Gnosis from the Raiden Shogun while Scaramouche is making the Delusions to kill the soldiers fighting in the war.

Mei: Then we better barge in and destroy this factory.

Captain: Looks like we've got some more killing to do.

Sakura: Let's go make someone wish they never set foot in Inazuma.

They opened the door then rushed in entering the room.

Fatui: Intruders spotted...

Fu Hua punched the Fatui that spoke straight through a wall.

Fatui: Do not let them impede the work of the Harbingers.

They unleashed their attacks with all their rage.

Fatui: You'll never get out of here alive!

Kiana: Yes we are!

So they fought against the first wave and kept killing the Fatui.

Durandal: No matter how many of you there are, you will never bring us down!

Durandal killed a Fatui agent with her pole arm.

Seele: When we're a team! We're unstoppable.

Seele slashed a Fatui mage with her scythe.

After defeating the first wave, the second wave appeared.

Fatui: These idiots must have a death wish!

Fatui: Don't be intimidated. Lord Harbinger will be here soon.

Sakura and Kallen killed the two Fatui that spoke.

Sakura: We lost our friend Teppei!

Kallen: We refuse to lose more friends!

They killed the second wave in a matter of seconds. Then Bronya finished off the Fatui Mirror Maiden, Natashka. That's when we heard Scaramouche's voice.

Scaramouche: You actually managed to find this place. Congratulations.

Sakura: Scaramouche... I knew that we would meet again and here we are.

Then he appeared.

Scaramouche: Hah. Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead.

We turned to him holding our weapons.

Patrick: We do want you dead. After what you and the other two Harbingers Signora and Tartaglia did to Mondstadt, to Venti, to Liyue, to Zhongli and now to Inazuma and to the Raiden Shogun.

Aether: You're manufacturing Delusions...

Sakura: You're giving Delusions to the resistance...

Scaramouche: Oh, so that's what this is about. I think you've got the wrong idea. I know how this looks, but I'm just here to follow orders.

Sakura: Who's orders?

Scaramouche: Her majesty, the Tsaritsa. I'm obviously not the mastermind behind this. Aren't you supposed to be pretty tough? What are you waiting for, go get them.

Aether makes a scowl expression.

Sakura: Be careful what you say, Scaramouche. You're outnumbered.

Scaramouche: You're getting all worked up over nothing. Pff, you've changed... You're getting weak.

Paimon: How can you say this is nothing?

Scaramouche: How can you call it anything more? It's the way of the world. Human life is worthless.

Sakura: Worthless?

Scaramouche: They were always going to die, with or without a Delusion. At least having one gives them a chance to fulfill their ambitions.

Sakura: You think we don't know that? One of us is immortal and has lived for 50,000 years. One of us is stuck as a child. And I and Kallen have been under a curse for 500 years before someone set us free from our curse.

Scaramouche: Do you have any idea how useful the Vision Hunt Decree is to us? It took a lot of work to make it happen. Obviously it was in our best interests.

Kallen: Best interests?

Scaramouche: Good news is, our hard work is finally paying off. Generating conflict creates a big market for Delusions. Now we just let the promise of power draw in the weak...

Patrick: Draw in the weak?

Scaramouche: For just a small price, they get the feeling of controlling the world. Trading their life for supreme power... pretty good deal, don't you think?

Paimon: So the Fatui started the Vision Hunt Decree? You've been behind it all along?

Scaramouche: From the outside, Inazuma looks pretty impenetrable, but on the inside... it's a land of opportunity. With a little effort, we were able to break them down from within. Eternity stretches things out over a long time. But each moment within it becomes all the more fragile. Take your friend in the resistance, for example. There's nothing you can do now. He's a lost cause.

What he said made us angrier.

Scaramouche: Just like a bubble on the water. Beautiful for a moment, then total destruction. The more it takes from them, the more tightly they hold onto it. And the more incompetent they are, the more determined they are to fight it! Hahaha, it's such a farce, you have to see the funny side.

Finally we reached our limit.

Aether: Don't you dare mock Teppei...

Sakura: Teppei didn't die for nothing! He had honor inside of him! He was our great friend!

Aether: He's not incompetent!

Patrick: How dare you speak that way about our friend!

Paimon: Hey! Guys, calm down...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Patrick materializes his Dragon Gauntlets on his arms.

Paimon: Uh... No!

Patrick: HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Patrick rushes in super fast then punches Scaramouche in the face and sent him flying through several walls. Then he transforms into his Herrscher form then chases after Scaramouche.

Scaramouche: You are still weak. You'll never escape from this factory alive.

Patrick: HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Patrick covers his arms with Geo Crystal and starts slamming the Harbinger to the ground.

Patrick: This is for Venti!

He punched him again.

Patrick: For Zhongli!

Punches him again.

Patrick: For Teppei!

Punches him again.

Patrick: For everything... HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Then he punches him again.

Aether and the Valkyries caught up with Patrick to see him pinning down Scaramouche covered in blood.

Patrick: I'm gonna ask you this one time Scaramouche... why is the Tsaritsa stealing all the Archons' Gnosis?

Scaramouche: I'm not telling you anything.

Patrick punches him again.

Patrick: You will. If you wish to live.

Scaramouche: Never.

Patrick: You and the other Harbingers stole from Barbatos and Morax. I really don't care if the Tsaritsa made Rex Lapis sign a contract to hand his Gnosis over, he helped the Tsaritsa reach one step closer to completing her evil plan. I think you, her, and everyone else in the Fatui are trying to take over Teyvat to gain more power over the other Archons and their nations. Or you're trying to get to Celestia to start a war and take it over. What ever the reason is, we won't let her get what she wants!

Patrick punches him again but after he did he suddenly froze. Aether rushed in to help but suddenly stopped. A purple haze starts spreading into the room and starts enveloping everyone except Scaramouche.

Scaramouche: Hahaha...

Scaramouche forces Patrick off of him and blasts him back to the Valkyries and Aether.

Scaramouche: That's it, just like that! Embrace the anger... Embrace it!

Seele: Embrace what?!

Scaramouche: The wrath of the gods fills this factory, and it feeds on your anger...

Aether collapses.

Paimon: Ah, what's happening... Get up...!

Kallen: The Fatui were making this purple haze that kills anyone that gets angry! Aether and Patrick were the most angry, they could die!

Sakura: Everyone! Attack now!

So the Valkyries all jump forward with our weapons and unleash their attacks all at once.

Everyone: DIE!

Then when their attacks made contact, he exploded. But what emerged from the fog, was not dead Scaramouche. He was covered in Electro.

Sakura: Bronya. Seele. Protect them.

Bronya and Seele: Right!

Bronya materializes a barrier around them and the two boys so Bronya can use her healing magic.

Durandal: You won't get away with this!

Durandal instantly appears in front of Scaramouche throwing a punch through the heart but then something else hit her on the chest and freezes her. She looked down and sad a fist from Scaramouche covered in the haze. Then she felt something enter into her.

Scaramouche: So you're Durandal. the strongest in the party. The Harbingers see you as a threat to the Tsaritsa's plans. We've developed something to weaken you and it's working. Now the wrath of the gods has taken its affect on you too.

Then he flung her back.

Kallen: What ever you do! Don't get angry!

Kallen shoots her guns at Scaramouche but he dodges. Then he snaps his fingers then Fatui agents and Fatui Cicin Mages appeared.

Sakura: Attack!

Sakura taking command gave the order and the Valkyries, Captain, and ELFs attacked.

Seele moved Durandal into the barrier.

Seele: Durandal! What happened? What did he do to you?

Durandal: I feel myself weaker. He must have did what he said. He weakened me with something and now my levels have dropped.

Seele: Don't move. You're in no condition to fight.

Rita slashes a Fatui Agent in half with her Skadi Ondurgud. Then she decapitates the rest of the body then charged at Scaramouche then uses a Cryo attack but Scaramouche moves instantly out of the way.

Scaramouche: You must be Rita. The one who is a maid. A terrible maid who can't do her job right and can't get anything right!

Seele: Rita no! Don't listen to him!

But it was too late. Rita got angry and was about to decapitates Scaramouche but the haze took its affect on her. She drops her weapon and collapses.

Sakura runs like a ninja and scoops her up and throws her into the barrier.

Scaramouche: Nice save, Sakura. But for what?

Sakura: Shut up! I don't want to hear it!

Sakura kept her emotions in check as she held her sword and decapitates a Fatui Cicin Mage.

Sakura: Don't get angry!

Scaramouche turns to Captain.

Scaramouche: I hear that you're the weakest in the party. You can't seem to do anything right but get in their way. You are just so fragile like a normal human.

This made Captain angry.

Captain: Nobody calls me weak!

Captain jumps forward to cut him but realizes too late as the haze affected him too. He collapsed and drops his weapon. Himeko notices and throws her Claymore at Scaramouche which he dodges while Himeko lifts Captain up and throws him to safety. Then she gets her Claymore back then covers it in Pyro and kills a Fatui Agent.

Scaramouche turns to Mei.

Scaramouche: You think that you're the Raiden Shogun don't you?

Mei: No never. I'm not her. I'd never pose as her.

Scaramouche: You are so pathetic and weak just like you're friends.

Mei gets emotionally hurt and falls to her knees.


Void Portals appear pointing at Scaramouche then Void Lances shoot at him cashing him to dodge, but then a yellow and white cat paw slams into him. It was Kiana now feeling angry.

Kiana: Nobody... insults... my... Mei... senpai!!!!!!!!!!

Kiana unleashed another cat pow pointing down and slamming Scaramouche to the floor. Kiana smirks.

Kiana: Can't get affected once I smirk.

Scaramouche: You think you're so tough little girl? Think again.

Hearing that removed Kiana's smirk. Kiana attempted to attack again but then felt something slam against her chest. This caused her to cough out blood. Scaramouche had thrown a punch with a Delusion.

Scaramouche: You are still weak and pathetic...

An orb of Electro slams into Scaramouche and slams him through a wall. The orb revealed to be Mei in her Herrscher form wearing the Raiden Shogun's dress and still without the horns and her long hair was flowing freely.

Mei: Kiana-chan.

Mei held Kiana.

Kiana: Thank you... Mei-senpai...

Mei got Kiana into the barrier then continued fighting against the Fatui.

Scaramouche came back from the hole in the wall.

Scaramouche: Not bad... for a fake...

The remaining Valkyries still standing were able to defeat the wave of Fatui.

Fu Hua: It's over Scaramouche. You cannot defeat us.

Sakura: We already lost one friend. We refuse to lose another.

Scaramouche: Then it looks like I'm just gonna have to kill all of you.

Sakura: Twins. Finish him off.

Liliya and Rozaliya: Right!

The twins jumped towards him and used their combined ultimate.

Liliya and Rozaliya: Vodka Choppa!

The combined attack made contact with the Harbinger and exploded.

Seele: Did that get him?

Mei: I can't see.

The smoke cleared but to their horror... they saw Scaramouche unscathed and holding the twins with Electro.

Scaramouche: You're just a bunch of weak little girls.

Then he throws them up through the roof.

Theresa: You won't get away with this!

Theresa uses her Oath of Judah and restrains Scaramouche with her chains.

Scaramouche: You think your little toy will work on me old lady? No wait. Your an old little girl illegally a child.

Theresa gets angry from the insult and tries to kill him but the haze takes its affect on her and she collapses. The chains gave out and Scaramouche breaks free. Fu Hua instantly rushed towards him and punches him in the gut and sends him flying through the wall. She picks up Theresa and gets her to safety. Now there were only 5 Valkyries left still standing. Fu Hua, Himeko, Sakura, Kallen, and Mei. There was also Seele and Bronya.

Himeko: We need to get out of here.

Fu Hua: We better get them into the teapot.

Scaramouche: Nobody leaves unless I say so.

Scaramouche comes out of the hole in the wall.

Scaramouche: I am number 6 of the Harbingers. My number is not for nothing. It's how strong I am compared to Childe and Signora.

Himeko: We may be outmatched but we can still beat you.

Fu Hua: We're going to destroy your diplomatic immunity and prove to Inazuma that you're all criminals just like we did in Liyue when you tried to kill everyone with Osial.

Scaramouche: I'd like to see you try.

Himeko and Mei charge and jump with their swords but Scaramouche hits them instantly in the guts and sends them flying back.

Seele was getting really scared that she gave into her fear and screamed.

Seele: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seele screams then a water dome materializes over the entire party out of fear. Including the Valkyries still standing.

Scaramouche: Trying to shield your anger with fear it seems. Good thinking. But not good enough. I'm going to kill you all with the wrath of the gods and maybe her majesty the Tsaritsa will reward me for killing the Travelers.

Scaramouche looks at Bronya.

Seele: Bronya. Whatever you do. Don't get angry.

Bronya covers her ears with her hands.

Scaramouche: It seems that you get angry every time someone insults your pathetic little chest.

Bronya kept her ears covered.

Scaramouche: I heard from Childe of how he nearly got killed from a little girl who he underestimated from insulting her chest. He made a fool of himself with trying to steal the Geo Archon's Gnosis from a fake body only to get punched away by another flat chested girl.

Book of Fuxi already covered Fu Hua's ears just in time.

Scaramouche: You are weak and are no big sister! You are a pathetic little nun who has short comings and a pathetic... little... girl... with... a... FLAT... CHEST!

Finally Scaramouche's loud screams reached into Bronya and it happened.

The shadow covered her eyes and her right eye glowed red.

Bronya: ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seele: Bronya!

Bronya: GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Bronya flies super fast then she transforms in the Herrscher of Reason then has Project Bunny punch Scaramouche.

Bronya: DIE!!!!!!!

Bronya creates Keys of Reason then they all fire killing blasts at Scaramouche. Then Bronya charges in and beats up Scaramouche with all her attacks.

Seele: Bronya is really angry.

Scaramouche: Now the wrath of the gods will affect you too!

Just as Bronya landed a punch that made Scaramouche's face bleed blood again, the haze has taken its affect on her. She felt herself getting weaker. Project Bunny grabbed her and had to carry her away. But Scaramouche wouldn't allow it and tried to strike but then something blocked him. It was a scythe.

Scaramouche: I though you were scared?

Seele: It's like you said. I must shield my anger with my fear!

Seele jumped back and blasts water from her hands at Scarmouchd landing a direct hit.

Seele: As long as I don't get angry. I can win!

Scaramouche: You are still a pathetic little girl who can't fight!

Finally it happened... A dark black dome covers Seele and black tentacles appear.

Scaramouche: WHAT IS THIS?!

What emerged from the dome was Veliona. In the same dress but in black and red.

Veliona: Greetings. The name is Veliona. Seele's other personality. You made a big mistake. Your insults have set me free.

Then the claws came out of her.

Veliona: Now die!

Veliona slashed Scaramouche giving him a claw mark and cashing him to bleed blood.

Scaramouche: It is useless to fight against the wrath of the gods.

Veliona: Nothing is useless.

Now Veliona was fighting against Scaramouche. Mei looked at Patrick and Aether.

Mei: I think they're dying.

Kiana: We better get... out of... here...

Kiana transforms into the Herrscher of the Void.

Kiana: Get them through my portals. While he's distracted.

Kiana opens a void portal.

Scaramouche he notices.

Veliona: Focus on me!

Veliona scratches his arm but he hits her really hard that she got blown away then he charges towards Kiana but Himeko blocks him.

Himeko: Get them out of here now!

Mei: Right!

Mei throws Patrick through the portal. Then she throws Bronya. Then she throws the twins through. And Theresa. Himeko gets blasted back and gets sent through the portal. Scaramouche was back in the move but Fu Hua blocked him and punched him back.

Kiana: Mei... Go... Please... I can't stay conscious for much longer... go!

Mei: Ok Kiana-chan!

Mei goes through before Kiana loses consciousness and the portal closes.

Fu Hua, Kallen, and Sakura were fighting against the Harbinger. But Fu Hua jumps back and has to look after the wounded. From out of nowhere, Tamamo No Mae appears.

Tamamo: I know you said to wait but I couldn't wait any longer!

Sakura: It's fine! Help us!

Now Tamamo was part of the fight.

Aether was going to lose consciousness when he saw Yae Miko appear then the Traveler loses consciousness.

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