Chapter 63: Imperatrix Umbrosa

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It has already been a few days since we ended the war and abolished the Vision Hunt Decree. We decided to visit the Statue of the Omnipresent God where we saw Thoma talking with two men.

Kiana: Now what's Thoma talking about?

Paimon: Let's go find out.

Thoma: If the Tenryou Commission won't assist in dealing with the thunderstorm, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Kujou Kamaji: It's not that we're unwilling to do our part. We just don't have any spare hands right now. I hope you can understand.

Ippei: Exactly. So let's keep the discussion going, and see if we can find a solution.

Paimon: Hey, Thoma! What's going on?

Thoma: Ah, hello you guys. We were just talking about what an impact you've made in Inazuma.

Aether: What a coincidence.

Sakura: We did make an impact for Inazuma. A good impact to be precise.

Kujou Kamaji: Greetings. Thank you all again for delivering Miss Hiiragi's letter that time.

Ippei: Ah, so they're friends of yours. I'm Master Kamaji's servant. Call me Ippei!

Aether: Sounds like you're having some trouble?

Thoma: Well, the Tri-Commission's work used to consist of gathering information for the Shogun and carrying out any duties she assigned. But recently, she announced that she wishes to spend some time in solitude and self-reflection. Since she is refusing to receive any visitors, there is no one to tell us what to do.

Mei: Why is that?

Thoma: We don't know. We all understand if the Shogun needs some quiet time to gather her thoughts. The only problem is, in the meantime, the thunderstorm out at sea has been getting wilder.

Aether: We hear that storm represents the Shogun's will.

Thoma: Yup, that's the one, and in all the time it's been there, the storm has never changed in shape or size. But now, it seems to be drawing closer to Inazuma.

Paimon: What!? So her will's changed and she wants to destroy Inazuma now? Or is this her way of trying to get revenge on us?

Aether: That would be a little childish.

Paimon: Oh, yeah, you're right. If she really wanted to get revenge on us, she could just strike us with lightning right here... ...Which would also be pretty scary!

Kiana: Are you really scared of her?

Paimon: Nuh-uh, she lost to us. Paimon's not scared, why would Paimon be scared! Paimon's just, y'know, a little... concerned that she might be angry. Yeah, that's all, just a little concerned.

Kiana: No different.

Paimon: Yes different!

Thoma: Haha, I don't think you need worry about that. The reason we're concerned is that we've never known the Almighty Shogun's will to falter before.

Kujou Kamaji: Considering Liyue's god left not too long ago, it's hard not to take it as a bad sign. A lot of people now believe that the thunderstorm is getting wilder because the Almighty Shogun is having health problems. The fact that she won't see anyone right now makes us concerned that things are only going to get worse.

Aether: That seems like a valid concern.

Mei: There must be a reason for the change in the storm.

Thoma: Right. So, before rumors start spreading, Miss Kamisato got me to come here and discuss countermeasures with the Tenryou Commission. We need to make sure we're prepared to deal with the chaos if and when it arrives.

Kujou Kamaji: Unfortunately, the reality is that the Tenryou Commission is facing huge internal instability at the moment. The Kujou Clan has lost control over the other clans.

Paimon: Huh? Why is that?

Kujou Kamaji: The Kujou Clan is still awaiting the Shogun's trial for colluding with the Fatui and nearly destroying the whole of Inazuma.

Kallen: We did prove that they are criminals but I guess that we also proved that the Kujou Clan are criminals too.

Kujou Kamaji: Everyone knows that a change of Commissioner is inevitable. It's just a matter of time before the Almighty Shogun hands down her decree.

Thoma: To put it simply, no one will take orders from the Kujou Clan anymore, but there's still work that has to be done.

Ippei: If Mr. Takayuki was in better health, there might be a way through. But now...

Kujou Kamaji: My lack of ability is to blame. I failed to uncover the truth in time, and I failed to stop my father. And now, as acting head of the clan, I'm failing to quell the unrest.

Ippei: Don't blame yourself, Master. You have to at least keep your chin up until your older brother returns. The Kujou Clan can't cope with any more instability in its current state.

Kujou Kamaji: Yes, you're right. Masahito has enough on his plate at the moment. I mustn't cause any more issues for him. Okay. Thoma, let's revisit this discussion in a few days. Right now, I need to go visit Takatsukasa Susumu, head of the Takatsukasa Clan. He is the only one capable of taking charge of the situation now.

Thoma: Hmmm...I suppose. Okay, no problem. A speedy resolution to the Tenryou Commission's internal issues is in our best interests as well.

Ippei: I'll come with you, Master!

Kujou Kamaji: No need. I'll handle this by myself.

Ippei: Oh okay... take care, then. Come back soon!

Paimon: If you think about it, both the thunderstorm situation and the issue with the Tenryou Commission have been caused by the Shogun's decision to take some time off, right? If things carry on like this, people will start to panic...

Aether: Maybe we could invite her out for a while?

Mei: Invite her out?

Ippei: Huh? You can actually do that!?

Paimon: Don't know for sure, but we may as well try. Whether she takes us up on the offer or not will depend on what mood she's in...

Sakura: She only listens to Miko. So it would be impossible. But it's worth a try.

Thoma: Sounds like you guys know what to do. Shall I leave it up to you, then?

Mei: It's worth a try.

Thoma: Everyone's worrying about the Shogun's condition, but if people got to see her in person, it would put their fears to rest.

Aether: We'll try.

Thoma: Thank you very much. I owe you one, again.

Paimon: The way Paimon sees it, there's only one person who might have the chance to see the Shogun while she's isolating. Right?

Sakura: There is.

Paimon: Let's take a trip to the Grand Narukami Shrine!

(Grand Narukami Shrine)

Inagi Hotomi: Are you here to see Lady Yae?

Sakura: Yes we are.

Inagi Hotomi: She was inside a moment ago, but her movements are always a source of mystery — you never know when she might disappear... Anyway, you may head in and see if she's there.

So we went inside and found Miko at the tree.

Sakura: Miko.

She turned around and saw us.

Yae Miko: I wasn't expecting to receive VIP shrine visitors during down time. Hehe, so I suppose you're here just to visit me?

Sakura: Why, yes, of course.

Yae Miko: What a smooth talker... though, your eyes do not lie as convincingly as your tongue. You came because you need my help, didn't you?

Sakura: Yes, we need your help, Miko.

Yae Miko: Still, your answer has put me in a good mood. So, tell me. What is the matter?

Mei: It's about the Shogun.

Paimon: We heard that the Shogun decided to take a break, and since then the thunderstorm around Inazuma has gotten wilder. Rumor has it that the thunderstorm is affected by the Shogun's will. So people are worrying that something might be wrong with her.

Aether: The Tenryou Commission also needs her attention.

Yae Miko: *sigh*... Alright. There's little purpose in keeping anything hidden from you, anyway. Since the battle, the Shogun has been greatly troubled and her temperament has changed drastically.

Kiana and Paimon: What!?

Aether: Her temperament has changed?

Yae Miko: Her power was already on the decline. Then you dealt her that fateful strike.

Mei: So her temperament changed because us?

Yae Miko: The defeat was a heavy blow to her. It also didn't help that I forgot to bring her some Tricolor Dango and light novels when I went to see her... Oh, the poor thing. Without desserts and books to console herself with, she was so angry she quite simply lost it. Crying and ranting and raving... Oh, I could hardly bear to see her that way...

A blue background with dark purple lines appeared behind Mei.

Mei: Oh good grief. I come to Teyvat, then it was me who actually dealt the final blow, and saved Inazuma only to find out that the other me is a spoiled brat that is only into desserts and books.

Then she got smaller.

Paimon: You expect us to believe that a god would throw a temper tantrum over something like that!?

Kiana: We don't believe you! Now Mei is feeling all gloomy because of how her other self is nothing like her and is a spoiled brat version of her!

Aether: It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Yae Miko: Hehe. Before you get too indignant, consider the fact that your concerns sound every bit as nonsensical to me as that blatant lie did to you. Ei seeks eternity. To her, mortal lives come and go in the blink of an eye. Of what consequence to her are mortal concerns for her wellbeing? Please Mei, don't feel so gloomy because she's a spoiled brat.

The background disappeared from Mei and she returned to normal size.

Mei: Fine.

Paimon: You're saying she's fine, right?

Yae Miko: I don't know the details. She said she wanted to rest, and I have nothing pressing that requires her attention. So there is no reason to disturb her. I have heard about the thunderstorm, though. As to the cause, it is not inconceivable that, as you suggest, her will has wavered somewhat.

Aether: All the more reason to check on her.

Kiana: Maybe she's gone stir-crazy.

Yae Miko: I am the only one in all of Inazuma who can visit her while she is resting. But tell me, why should this concern me? Why should I do this for you, when I already have everything one could ever want, and have seen everything one could ever wish to see?

Sakura: Because the people don't want to be caught up in the storm and get hurt. Do it for the people of Inazuma.

Aether and Mei: Do it for Ei.

Yae Miko: Haha. I like that answer. Here is the Pass Permit. Show it to the Okuzumeshuu at the gate, and he will let you in.

Paimon: Thanks, Miko!

Sakura: You're the best.

Yae Miko: My question was in jest, but since you answered it in earnest, please stay true to your word. Oh, and don't forget to return the Pass Permit to me after you have finished with it.

Sakura: We will.

Yae Miko: She spends all her time alone. Having a visitor once in a while can't do any harm. As the ones who shook Eternity, you are her potential for change.


Takeshi: The Almighty Shogun has requested solitude. No visitors allowed.

Paimon: We've got a Pass Permit from Miko.

Sakura: Here.

Sakura shows the Pass Permit.

Takeshi: Don't be ridiculous. Lady Guuji never gives her Pass Permit to another person, not even esteemed travelers like yourselves. Guuji Yae is only authorized to hold that Pass Permit because of the trust that the Almighty Shogun places in her and her alone... Wait... This is... authentic!?

Sakura: It'd be a little difficult to forge it.

Aether: Feel free to check with Miko.

Takeshi: Understood. Then, as the Shogun has ordered, I must not stand in your way. Apologies, please proceed. Since the Shogun is resting at this time, please be especially respectful and make sure your behavior is impeccable.

Sakura: Thank you.

We walked past Takeshi:

Takeshi: It's rumored that the Almighty Shogun has taken ill... Could it be true?

Sakura: What was that?

Takeshi: Ah, ignore me. Please, head in.

As we went inside, I, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Fu Hua transformed into our Herrscher forms to take extra precautions. Kiana was in her Flamescion not Void. We saw the Shogun pacing back and fourth.

Paimon: Look how she's pacing back and forth... Don't you think she looks a little anxious?

Sakura: We're about to find out.

So we walked up to the Raiden Shogun before she noticed us and stopped.

Raiden Shogun: How did you get in?

Sakura: With Miko's Pass.

Raiden Shogun: Trespassers are to be eliminated at once.

Paimon: Wait, no, it's us! Why are you treating us like we're your enemies!? We made amends, didn't we? Also, we got in by totally legitimate means!

Mei: We demand to speak to Ei at once.

Raiden Shogun: Denied. Use of force has been forbidden. Anyway. Be gone. Do not disturb my solitude.

Aether: Forbidden? Why? Is everything okay?

Raiden Shogun: That is of no concern. This is my recuperation state.

Paimon: Huh, what do you make of this? She's acting strange, huh?

Sakura: This isn't like the puppet to act like this.

Aether: Do puppets really need rest and relaxation?

Raiden Shogun: This body has no need of rest. But I am an assistant to the one within. If she wishes to rest, I must follow her will.

Paimon: Paimon gets it. So this is all Ei's doing... But why? Surely you going about your business doesn't interfere with the Plane of Euthymia? She's got plenty of space in there. Seems like it would be the perfect place for rest and relaxation.

Raiden Shogun: I do as she wishes. I can say no more than this.

Aether: Why not put their minds at rest? Everyone's worried and wants to see you.

Raiden Shogun: I cannot. In my current state, even if I went out, I could do nothing. I am currently unwilling to deal with any business. I am also incapable of it.

Paimon: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Mei: Please tell us.

Raiden Shogun: ... It has been forbidden. *sigh* Please refrain from making me talk any further.

Paimon: What should we do, guys? It feels like this conversation is going nowhere.

Aether: Are you sick? Have you malfunctioned?

All of a sudden we heard Ei's voice.

Ei: Ah, it's you guys. It's been a while. The Shogun can't do much at the moment. Come straight in and see me.

Mei: Ok.

And then we found ourselves entering into the Plane of Euthymia.

(No point of view)

They found themselves back in the Plane of Euthymia.

Durandal: So this is the Plane of Euthymia.

Tamamo: We're back inside. Mikon~

Sakura: It's different from before. Instead of the red sky it's purple.

Paimon: That was terrifying! Would it be so hard to give us a little warning first...

Ei: It's not your first time. I don't see what there is to be so alarmed about.

Patrick: Some of us went inside while some of us did not go inside this place.

Paimon: So, is the Shogun broken? Are you gonna get it fixed, or...?

Ei: Don't worry. The Shogun's not broken, I've just temporarily disabled many of her functions. Currently, the Shogun is unable to handle any business and cannot appear as me. So the easiest solution was to announce that I am resting.

Aether: So it was all your doing.

Mei: Why?

Ei: As I said, I need to think about Inazuma's Eternity. And thinking takes time. But the Shogun is still running based on her old rules. I can't allow her to make any more mistakes while I am working things out.

Paimon: Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Ei: No. She was not created to ever be turned off. Furthermore, I had even predicted at the time that I may wish to modify the Shogun's operational rules at some point in the future. However, such changes would not be conducive to Eternity.

Aether: You are so strict with yourself...

Ei: That's why the Shogun has a robust system to safeguard against modification. It's also to protect against unforeseen circumstances. For now, while I figure out the form that Eternity should take, it's more effective for me to temporarily disable some of the puppet's functions rather than attempt to modify her rules.

Paimon: Paimon gets it now. The thunderstorm's getting out of control because some of the Shogun's functions have been disabled.

Ei: The thunderstorm is getting out of control? This is the first I've heard of it.

Paimon: Huh? Okay, well, let us bring you up to speed...

They tell Ei about the storm and the chaos within the Tenryou Commission.

Ei: Hmm, I see. So the thunderstorm is drawing closer...

Paimon: You can fix it... right?

Ei: It's just a minor error. This kind of thing was bound to happen. A small modification to the Shogun should fix it.

Aether: ...So everyone was worked up over nothing.

Ei: Don't look at me like that. I've never had to tinker with the Shogun before, and she's very complicated. It's practically inevitable for something to go wrong when you start tweaking things.

Mei: Is that it?

Ei: Yes, that's it. I'm not making excuses. It's the truth.

Paimon: It's fine. Just as long as you can fix it is all.

Aether: Any progress on your thoughts about Eternity?

Ei: Not much. As before, I can see the way forward, yet there are still contradictions. But there is no urgency. To reach an ill-conceived verdict in haste, just for the sake of having reached one, would be a confusion of priorities.

Aether: Come with us. Get a change of pace.

Ei: Hmm?

Mei: Get a chance of pace?

Paimon: If everyone sees that the Shogun is in good health, it'll put all the speculation and rumors out there to rest! And who knows, a change of scenery might put you in a different mood and give you some fresh inspiration!

Ei: You mean... leave the Plane of Euthymia?

Aether: It might do everyone some good.

Ei: Yes, you're right. After all, the Shogun is currently unable to take care of business on my behalf.

Ei: Alright then. I'll come out for a while.

Mei: Thank you.

Ei: Since the theme of the day is a change of pace, you can just call me Ei. I'm not a great fan of rigid titles.

Paimon: What? But you're just Ei's consciousness, aren't you? Can consciousness actually leave this place?

Ei: I have my ways. I would never subject myself to imprisonment voluntarily.

Paimon: Great. Then there's nothing to worry about! Allow us to be your tour guides!

Ei: Tour guides? What's a tour guide?

Mei: Oh. I guess after 500 years of being here. Your guides didn't exist yet 500 years ago.

Paimon: Someone to show you around the Inazuma of today and give you tips on where to eat and how to have fun! Alright, let's go go go!

They were back in the palace and Ei came with them.

Mei: Now come on Ei.

Mei changed into Ei's clothing while making some changes then she took Ei's hand. Then everyone went outside.

Ei: There's a familiarity to the scent in the air and the firmness beneath my feet... mmm... Now, time for a change of pace. Where should we go?

Paimon: To the liveliest place in town!

As they walked down, the guards took notice.

Takeshi: That's... the Almighty Shogun? She's finished recovering already?

Sakura: Not exactly. But she's in good condition.

Takeshi: Well, it's good to see she's okay.

Mei had her arms wrapped around Ei's left arm. It's safe to say that Ei was blushing and embarrassed.

Mei: Is something wrong Ei? Are you embarrassed?

Ei: It's just that... No ones ever held me like this for so long. Not since Makoto passed away.

Mei: Well now you should be glad that you have me to keep you company.

So the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries walked with Ei down the steps of Tenshukaku till they reached the marketplace.

Ei: Oh, is this the marketplace? It's a far cry from how I remember it. The stores have changed, and so have the vendors... well, that's to be expected.

Mei: There's gonna be a ton of things for you to catch up on, Ei.

Ogura Mio: It's... the Shogun!? And Raiden Mei!

Rie: What is the Almighty Shogun doing here?

Mikoshi Genichirou: Isn't the Shogun sick? This is quite sudden...

Ei: I appear to have frightened the people.

Paimon: Well, what did you expect? The Almighty Shogun makes an impromptu appearance in town. People are gonna freak out a bit.

Mei: They still haven't recovered from the decree yet.

Sakura face palmed.

Sakura: It seems like a bit of an overreaction.

Aether: Doesn't the Shogun normally patrol these parts?

Ei: Patrolling the streets is the Tenryou Commission's job. The Shogun has a lot of information to process and orders to give out. She doesn't have time to deal with it herself. Additionally, the Shogun has no need of recreation. There would be no need for her to come here just to pass the time or to relax.

Paimon: So what do we do now? Should we go away for a while and make a more low-profile return later?

Sakura: It would be better if you were disguised.

Ei: Why? It's not like I'm here to cause trouble. Let's just relax.

Paimon: It was more the ordinary people that Paimon was worried about... Never mind. This definitely seems like your style, Ei.

Mei: Now come along. We've got some vending to do.

Mei makes Ei move as everyone else followed.

Ei: People still use Mora in commercial transactions, I assume?

Paimon: Yep, same as ever. Just as shiny, and just as hypnotic! Wait a second. Ei... are you saying you don't have any Mora either?

Ei: Of course I don't. There is no need for commerce in the Plane of Euthymia. If I ever need something, I can simply have one of the Commissions bring it to me. ...Wait, what do you mean, "either"?

Kiana: Yeah... Barbatos and Morax tend to lack Mora too.

Ei: Anyway, people seem to be behaving in a very orderly fashion. I don't see the liveliness you spoke of anywhere.

Paimon: People aren't exactly gonna let their hair down in front of the Almighty Shogun...

Theresa: It's like what happens with Royalty like Kings and Queens.

First they went to Ogura Mio.

Mei: Hello Mio.

Ogura Mio: I—I've never seen the Almighty Shogun so close up before...

Mei: Well today is your lucky day, Mio. Now you get to see her up close in person.

Ogura Mio: My mind's gone completely blank... I don't know what I should be doing.

Then they went to Rie.

Rie: Gosh... it really is the Shogun. I thought I must be seeing things. I do hope I didn't say anything untoward...

Mei: Oh no. You didn't.

Then to Mikoshi Genichirou.

Mikoshi Genichirou: What's the Shogun doing here in person? Is she here on patrol, or to arrest someone, or... surely she isn't here to go shopping? I... I'd better keep my head down and stay alert.

Mei: No. It's nothing like that.

Then to Aikawa Susumu.

Aikawa Susumu: What's the occasion? I can't believe the Shogun is here in the flesh... I must remember to breathe...

Aether: Don't be nervous. It's just a normal day.

Aikawa Susumu: Okay, yeah, you're right...

Aether: I heard you want to take the Shogun to the hot spring?

Aikawa Susumu: Hey, come on, that's crazy talk. Crazy talk. I wouldn't dare...

Mei: Hehehehehe! Very funny.

Then they spoke to Furuya Noboru.

Furuya Noboru: This is why we call our Shogun "Almighty." She just exudes majesty. It's palpable even from over here. I knew she couldn't be ill. Not our wise and powerful Shogun, no way.

And lastly to Matsumoto.

Matsumoto: *gasp* That's the Almighty Shogun! Where's my Kamera, I need to get a picture! Wait, but is it okay to take a photo without permission? Especially when it's the Shogun... No, no, I'd better not...

Mei: Go ahead.

Finally they were going over the bridge.

Mei: It looks like everyone is still afraid of seeing you.

Ei noticed a stall.

Ei: Hmm? What is this stall selling?

Kiana: Don't know.

Ei: I don't believe I've ever seen this before.

Kiana: Why don't we go find out.

They go to the stall.

Tomoki: What's the Shogun doing here... What am I supposed to do in this situation? I'm so nervous...

Ei: It's alright, relax. I'm just here to look around. I'm having a change of pace today.

Mei: She's right. She's having a change of pace today. So calm down.

Ei: Could you tell me about the items you are selling?

Tomoki: Of course! I've got all kinds of snacks here: Takoyaki, Dango... and, uh, Milk and so on.

Paimon: Huh? Milk? Sounds kinda like the odd one out...

Tomoki: It might sound odd, but it is in fact my specialty.

Mei: How?

Tomoki: You see, many of the stores in town are already very well established. I couldn't compete with them no matter what I sell. So my idea was to create some new combinations to give customers a novel experience. For example, my latest concoction is this Dango Milk.

Patrick and Valkyries: Dango Milk?

Tomoki: When the Dango are worked into a viscous form, they mix very nicely with the milk. The focus is not just the taste, but also the unique texture.

Ei: Dango with Milk... hmm, I've never heard of it. What made you want to do this?

Tomoki: Ah, I'm sorry, Shogun! I've got no bone to pick with eternity!

Ei: I said relax, there's no need to go treading on eggshells. Do you really think the Eternity I pursue is something that can be shaken by Dango and Milk?

Tomoki: (Huh? Why do I feel like... she's different than I expected?)

Tomoki: Actually, it came to me by chance. A friend was catering once and made too many Dango, so they gave some to me. But there were more than I had use for. My Milk wasn't selling well at that time either, and both Dango and Milk have a short shelf life... So I thought I'd try mixing the two as I had nothing to lose. To my surprise, in the right proportion, it tasted superb.

Ei: A chance combination. Hmm, interesting. May I try this drink?

Mei: May we try it?

Tomoki: The Almighty Shogun wants to try!? Well, certainly! And you all should try it, too!

Kiana: Ok!

So they handed over their Mora and Tomoki gave each of them a bottle of Dango Milk.

Kiana: Down the hatch!

Kiana sipped first then her eyes were closed once she stopped drinking. Then when she opened them again. Her eyes were sparking then she spun around as a pink sparkly background appeared behind her.

Kiana: OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best drink I've ever tasted!

Kiana drinks more Dango Milk.

Mei: Thats just how Kiana-chan is. Now let's drink.

Everyone drinks the Dango Milk slowly.

Ei: Nice, it's sweet. The sensation is not so different from eating a dessert. A unique beverage indeed.

Paimon: Yeah. It's definitely a drink, but it also feels like eating food.

Mei: (Nobody in the real world has ever come up with Dango Milk before. I wonder if people are gonna make videos about how to make Dango Milk?)

Ei: It's a little bit like... porridge? But the resemblance is only superficial... Anyway. I like it.

Kiana: I've never tasted a milk like this before.

Tomoki: I'm very glad you approve!

Ei: I imagine that an item as delicious as this Dango Milk must sell exceptionally well, no?

Tomoki: Heh, well... I won't lie to you. Sales are very average.

Ei: Huh. So it's selling slowly? Why is that?

Tomoki: Because... most people aren't willing to give it a try. They think it's an unusual combination. Even though everyone who's tried it before rates it highly... ...I'm not saying the Almighty Shogun has unusual tastes! Please don't take it the wrong way!

Ei: Ah, I see. Well, that can be fixed. I'll just have the Yashiro Commission order a few hundred cups and go door-to-door delivering them.

Mei: That way you'll be able to get more sales.

Tomoki: No, no, no, Almighty Shogun, that's too much!

Ei: Is it? I just want them to try it. It would be a shame for them to miss out on Dango Milk.

Tomoki: I, uh... haha.

Aether: So you like sweet things?

Ei: Of course. I've heard that most humans like desserts, so it's not unusual that I should enjoy them too. Miko agrees with me on this.

Mei: Do you want another cup?

Ei: Ooh, I would love... N—No, no need. That would be needlessly indulgent.

Mei: Well suit yourself.

Ei: Ahhhh. There's nothing like dessert for improving one's mood. Much more enjoyable than meditating alone all the time. By the way, Miko mentioned that she founded something called the Yae Publishing House to sell some sort of... light novels.

Sakura: Oh yes, Ei.

Ei: She's always bragging to me about it, but it's difficult for me to really imagine without seeing the place for myself. Can you take me there?

Paimon: Sure. Let's go and have a look.

Tomoki: The Almighty Shogun actually rates my Dango Milk... This is incredible! I was thinking of giving up on it, but now... oh, this is fantastic...

(Yae Publishing House)

Kuroda: Sh—Shogun? Almighty Shogun, what brings you to the Yae Publishing House? Do you have instructions for us?

Ei: No, not at all. Don't be so nervous, I'm just here to look around.

Kuroda: Apologies, I still don't quite understand. Are you here to look into the management, or publishing regulations, or... fire safety measures?

Paimon: She just want to browse your books.

Mei: That's why she's here.

Kuroda: The Almighty Shogun wishes to... read light novels?

Sakura: Yes.

Ei: Yes. Any recommendations?

Kuroda: Um... the Yae Publishing House's novels are mostly targeted at the general public, and the content is all kinds of strange... I'm not sure we have anything quite to the Almighty Shogun's taste...

Ei: I'm just here to try something new. There's no fun in reading the same kind of thing over and over again. Relax, it's just words on a page, isn't it? What could I misunderstand, really?

Mei: A lot of things.

Kuroda: In principle, you're absolutely right, it's just...

Paimon: It'll be fine. If there's anything the Shogun doesn't understand, we'll explain to her!

Mei: Don't be nervous.

Aether: The Almighty Shogun just wants to have a look.

Kuroda: Well, okay then. Please proceed to the bookshelf over there. It has all the latest best-sellers. There are some winning entries from the "This Novel Is Amazing!" competition. I have just finished compiling them into a saleable form. Um. Don't take them too seriously. It's all just a bit of fun.

Ei: Okay. Let's go then.

They browse the light novels on the shelf and talk to Ei.

Ei: Huh... How can this be? Did I underestimate the caliber of this material?

Mei: I don't think you did.

Ei: I know every individual word in these books' titles. So why is it that they make no sense to me in these particular combinations? Take this one for example: "The Good Thing About Being Reincarnated as a Hilichurl Is That I Only Need to Eat Sunsettias to Become Stronger"... It's so long... Is it true that hilichurls grow stronger from eating Sunsettias? Surely it should be some sort of meat, at least?

Paimon: It's just a narrative device.

Ei: "Narrative device"?

Patrick: It's imaginary.

Aether: It's whatever the author wants it to be.

Ei: So it's... made up? What's the point of that? Without being grounded in reality, how can the story be believable?

Patrick: People can be creative however they want with their imagination. A story would be boring if the truth got in the way. People want to be more creative with their stories. Like how some certain characters get sent to another world after getting killed, or a Princess coming from the moon, a boy born from a giant peach...

Tamamo: A girl being born from a melon, a baby found out in the wild, a human girl turning into a kitsune, children turning into dolphins...

Sakura: Traveling through time....

Kiana: ships turning into humans.

Mei: Superheroes and supervillains.

Bronya: A girl falling down a hole into another land.

Seele: A boy pulling a sword from a stone by getting chosen by the sword then becoming a king.

Fu Hua: A woman fighting for her country and saving her country.

Theresa: A fountain of Youth.

Himeko: a human being a couple with a deity.

Rita: A character surviving anything.

Durandal: A character being overpowered.

Liliya: Traveling to another Dimension.

Rozaliya: A spirit from a lamp that grants 3 magical wishes.

Captain: A protagonist being able to get his own harem of girls.

Patrick: And characters becoming heroes that save worlds.

Ei: I can't seem to process what I've heard you all say but I can understand how powerful imagination is. Also, I'm fairly certain that hilichurls can't write stories. So does this author claim to be documenting hilichurl life from an outside perspective, perhaps?

Paimon: Paimon's starting to understand Kuroda's reservations right about now...

Aether: Too modern, I guess.

Mei: Fads have no place in eternity.

Paimon: How about we choose for you? We can pick out some novels that are easier to understand and give you the scoop.

Ei: Alright then. I believe myself to be relatively well-read, but with stories like these, I don't even know where to start... I have high hopes, though. This seems like Miko's style, so I'm sure the stories are very entertaining.

Paimon: Alright. Leave it to us, we'll be back in a jiffy!

So they search.

Paimon: This could be a pretty tough job. Let's see what we're up against.

Kuroda: The Almighty Shogun reads light novels... can't write this stuff.

Mei: Let's see... there's a a Liyue Martial Arts Story, a Daily Life Romance Story, and a Reincarnation Adventure Story. Ok, let's read.

Fu Hua reads the Liyue Martial Arts Story, Himeko reads the Daily Life Romance Story, and Mei reads the Reincarnation Adventure Story.

Fu Hua: "Life Made Me a Fighter When I Just Want to Be a Writer." "The book is a martial arts story set in Liyue, focusing on fighting between different gangs. The protagonist aspires only to become a humble novelist, but gets caught up in the world of gang strife because of an unparalleled martial arts ability. The selling point of this story is that the protagonist never joins any faction, but is constantly assumed to be the reclusive master of one faction or another. The martial arts pros who see the protagonist as their enemy are always making a scene. The protagonist is stuck in the middle of all this, all the while clinging tight to the dream of becoming a novelist..."

Paimon: What a strange person. Why would someone wanna be a novelist that badly?Someone like that could easily become the top martial arts pro in the world.

Fu Hua: It's all about the journey. The protagonist has an admirable will.

Paimon: You do have a point. And a character so determined to follow their ambition is likely to appeal to Ei, right?

Fu Hua: Yes.

Himeko: "The Chaotic Epic That Is the Tale of My Youthful Love Life." "This book is about the love stories between a very mediocre man and seven beautiful women. It is a chronological account of the protagonist's daily life, featuring many amusing anecdotes. The writing is solid, the prose is elegant, and the author brilliantly brings out the unique charm of each character in the story. But the story stops at a crucial moment when the main character's childhood sweetheart is just about to confess their love to him..."

Paimon: Ah, the suspense is killing Paimon! Paimon only skimmed through, but Paimon can tell this girl has loved the main character with all her heart since childhood!

Himeko: I hope she finds happiness.

Paimon: Yeah! She has so much love to give, she deserves it!

Himeko: I hope the writer gives her a happy ending.

Paimon: Right... yeah, it's just a novel. But please let the author have a heart, pleeeease... The plot is really gripping, but would Ei really understand this kind of mortal romance?

Himeko: If she understood romance or experienced her own romance. Maybe.

Mei: Shogun Almighty: "Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power" "In this book, the protagonist is struck by lightning beneath a Thunder Sakura, and wakes up to discover that he has become the Raiden Shogun. Prior to this event, the protagonist is a nobody who gets bullied by everyone. But after becoming the Raiden Shogun, he acquires unlimited power. The appeal of this one probably lies in the euphoria of going from powerlessness to omnipotence, and in the protagonist's inner journey to finally breaking free from their low self-esteem. But it's hard to see how the story would develop after the protagonist literally becomes the Raiden Shogun...

Paimon: With a premise like this, it's no wonder Kuroda was nervous about letting Ei look around. Paimon thinks it might be best not to bring this one up with Ei... we might get the author in trouble.

Patrick: I've read several stories where people reincarnate as their favorite characters form fiction.

Patrick: (There was this manga where this "Dragon Ball Z" fan got killed and reincarnated as his favorite character Yamcha. There was even that FanFiction when someone woke up as "Sailor Moon". There was even this fan comic when someone wished to be in Equestria from "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" after receiving a wish ticket from Discord then turning into Derpy.)

Paimon: That's all of them. Let's try and explain them to Ei.

So they go to Ei.

Ei: The looks on your faces tell me you found some good stories.

Mei: Yes we have.

They present the three stories to Ei and she was amazed at them.

Paimon: So what do you think of Yae Publishing House's light novels, Ei? Do you like the stories we picked?

Ei: What I take from these stories is not so much the content itself, but what they represent in terms of the effects of time upon Inazuma. Back when I decided to isolate myself in the Plane of Euthymia, there was no Yae Publishing House, and certainly no stories of this kind. In accordance with my wishes, the Shogun did her best to create an eternal nation. A nation that, in theory, should remain entirely unchanged over time. But the fact is that both the food and the stories have changed with time...

Aether: It's human nature to seek change.

Fu Hua: Change is inevitable.

Ei: "I disagree with your point of view"... That's what I would say if we were still in the Plane of Euthymia. But the truth is right here in front of my eyes, and I can't deny it.

Paimon: And that's exactly why we brought you out. To take a look around and get some fresh ideas. Sure, it's not the same as you remember, but one way or another, people are loving life in the present. That's gotta be a good thing, right?

Ei: Yes, you're right. I'm wary of any and all change, but I do not wish for my pursuit of Eternity to stop human lives from changing for the better. Thank you for inviting me out. This trip has been quite eye-opening for me.

Mei: Don't mention it.

Aether: We're just out here to have some fun.

Ei: This may be an everyday occurrence for you. But for me, this trip has been quite an occasion. I've seen a lot and it's made me think a lot... I really can't praise it highly enough. I hope I will remember it for a long time to come.

Aether: Well, why don't we take a photo?

Paimon: Great idea! Ei's had a wonderful time, and a photo is the best way to remember it!

Ei: "Take a photo"...? Once again, I'm faced with a combination of words that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Paimon: It's okay. Come with us, we'll find a scenic spot and show you what we mean.

So they look for a spot and find the right one.

Ei: So, uh, what are we supposed to be doing?

Paimon: We're taking a photo of you. Just leave the hard work to us, all you need to do is stand over there and strike a pose.

Paimon: Basically, a photo makes a visual record of you at this very moment in time, so it makes a great souvenir.

Mei: Cameras didn't exist 500 years ago but you're about to learn how a camera works.

Ei: Okay, so what exactly is "striking a pose"?

Aether: The photo is a visual representation.

Ei: Ah, I see. So in other words, I need to do some sort of visually agreeable action in front of you, right?

Mei: Right.

Ei: The more I think about it, the more embarrassing it seems. How should I pose? Help me out here. It should look good but not too over the top. This isn't coming naturally to me at all.

Aether: Try graceful and dignified.

Ei: Okay... I'll try that.

Mei: That works.

Ei: Okay, let's get started.

Paimon: Let's pick a good angle to record this moment from.

Aether picks the right spot and takes a picture of Ei.

Mei comes next to Ei.

Mei: Take another one. This time with me and her.

Aether: Ok.

Mei does her own graceful and dignified pose then Aether takes the second picture.

Paimon: It's a wrap! Take a look, here's the photo we took of you.

So they show the first photo to Ei.

Ei: Wow... this is astonishing. Is it some kind of magic? It seems to be... another copy of me? But she doesn't seem to be able to move or talk...

Aether: It's just a record. It's not the real you.

Seele: It's kind of like a drawing and a painting without having to draw or paint on anything.

Ei: I thought it would turn out poorly because I felt rather rigid. But it actually looks much more natural than I'd imagined. The pose is exactly the same and so is the scenery in the background... I can't imagine how it's achieved.

Paimon: That's what makes it so special.

Ei: Hang on, I'm still struggling to understand this. I need you to explain it again... So the one in this photo... are you sure it isn't me?

Mei: Uhh...

Ei: If it's not me, then why does she look exactly like me? And if she is me, then... who am I?

Paimon: Uh... okay, way above Paimon's head— over to you, Aether!

Aether: It's a little bit like you and the Shogun.

Paimon: Hey, that's right. Do you think the Shogun counts as you?

Ei: Of course I do. It was never my intention to place control of Inazuma into anybody else's hands.

Paimon: So then, who does that make you, here and now?

Ei: Well I'm still me. There is no doubt about that.

Aether: So your existence isn't singular.

Mei: I may look like you but I'm not you. I'm just Raiden Mei. However, our blood is the same.

Ei: My existence, hmm... I think I understand. I am me. There is only one of me, but I can exist in many different forms. It's not important what form I exist in. The Shogun, for example, is one of my forms of existence. The question of whether or not she is me is not determined by any of her components.

Mei: There are other alternate versions of ourselves from other alternate worlds.

Paimon: In that case, this picture is one of your forms of existence, too.

Mei: So is this picture of us.

Ei: Hmm. So even I, who seeks Eternity, am constantly changing my form of existence... Then, how can I ask Inazuma and everyone who lives here to remain unchanging?

Aether: Inazuma will always be Inazuma.

Fu Hua: Human beings will always be human.

Ei: Everything I have encountered on this journey with you has been from beyond my existing sphere of knowledge. *sigh* You've seen a lot of my ignorant side today. Maybe you can't tell, but all this has challenged my understanding of things. Based on what I have seen today, I am forced to accept that Inazuma is a completely different place from the one I remember. But it would be incorrect to conclude from this that the Inazuma of today is no longer Inazuma.

Aether: Right.

Mei: Of yesterday.

Ei: Both the Vision Hunt Decree and the Statue of the Omnipresent God were conceived as a means of bringing about Eternity. But if I were really getting closer to Eternity, none of this ever would have happened. Hmm... Perhaps... perhaps I've been holding on to everything too tightly.

Paimon: Sounds to Paimon like Ei's figured things out! And that means that we've done a really great job as her guides!

Ippei: Master Kamaji! Master Kamaji!

All of a sudden they heard Ippei's voice.

Paimon: Hmm? Why's it getting so noisy down there? That sounded like Ippei. What could be the matter?

Mei: It could be trouble.

Ei: Ippei? Is that someone from the Tenryou Commission?

Paimon: Yep. Let's find out what's going on.

So they go down the stairs to Ippei.

Paimon: Hey, Ippei, what's the matter?

Sakura: What's going on?

Ippei: Ah, it's you. I... Huh? Th—The Almighty Shogun!? You must be looking for my master, Kujou Kamaji? I'm very sorry, he's not here at the moment. But if it pleases you, I will gladly deliver a message on your behalf?

Ei: It's okay, I'm not here to see him. We just heard you calling out, so we came to see what was going on.

Aether: Are you looking for your master?

Ippei: Yes. Master Kamaji still hasn't returned from the negotiations, and I'm starting to get worried. In fairness, he does have a habit of taking long walks and coming back late. It's perfectly possibly that he just found somewhere he likes and lost track of time.
Ippei: But for some reason, today I'm particularly nervous.

Ei: Kujou Kamaji... A descendant of the Kujou Clan, I presume.

Ippei: That's right. Apologies, since the head of the clan is in poor health at the moment, and Master Masahito is rarely home, Master Kamaji is currently serving as representative of the Kujou Clan.

Ei: I have heard that things are quite tumultuous within the Tenryou Commission at present. Does this have anything to do with Kujou Kamaji?

Ippei: Forgive us, Almighty Shogun. The Kujou Clan has failed in its duty. The Kujou Clan's reputation is damaged and its power over the Tenryou Commission is in decline. Plus you, um... ahem, you have yet to issue a verdict on the Commission's future... So, Master Kamaji decided to enter negotiations with the Takatsukasa Clan with a view of having them take over...

Paimon: Surely they would be discussing something like that at their headquarters, right? Why are you looking for them here?

Ippei: Actually, they decided to hold this one elsewhere. I'm a little confused as to why, to be honest, but I didn't feel it was my place to question the higher-ups. The meeting place is in the mountains near the Grand Narukami Shrine. I believe the Takatsukasa Clan have some kind of base there.

Ei: Takatsukasa... another familiar name. They have been faithfully serving the Kujou Clan all these years?

Ippei: Yes, yes. That's why Master Kamaji decided to discuss things with them. I understand they must have had a lot of ground to cover, but still, there's no way it should have gone on this long. I've searched all over the city. If he really hasn't returned yet, then...

Aether: Maybe something's happened.

Ippei: Yeah, I thought of that possibility too... but someone of my rank can't just go venturing into Takatsukasa Clan territory like that.

Aether: We can go check things out for you.

Mei: Just leave it to us.

Ippei: No, no need. I'm probably just overthinking things. Besides, if they're still at it, they'll only blame me for interrupting the negotiations. I'm only a lowly servant, but Master Kamaji and I grew up together... It'd be terrible if anything ever happened to him. I'm not as smart as Master, so I can't really share his burdens. But the last thing I'd want would be for him to come to harm when I could've done something about it.

Paimon: Hmm... what do you think, Almighty Shogun?

Mei: What should we do?

Ei: Let's go see what's happening. With me present, they are unlikely to blame you even if we do happen to interrupt the negotiations. Besides, this has only come about because I failed to make a timely decision. This issue started with me, and I shall be the one to finish it.

Aether: That's commitment, right there.

Ippei: Thank you so much, Shogun! I'll keep looking around in the meantime, too! Let me mark out the location of the base for you. I hope everything goes smoothly!

So Ippei gives them the location then they head out of Inazuma City.

Patrick: Some of us can fly while some of us can't fly.

Ei: I believe the first time you escaped you had a dragon with you. Toriyama wasn't it?

Patrick: Yes, that's his name. He's lived the same number of years Fu Hua has lived. He is also my master and gave me my Herrscher powers. Well actually it was the previous one who had this power but still he has some credit to it.

The scene faded into another scene where they were all riding on Toriyama over the Chinju Forest. They went to the location and landed. There it was, the secret entrance to the outpost. They got off then Patrick sent him back.

Patrick: So this is the place. Their hidden mountain base.

Mei: Let's enter inside.

So one by one they go inside.


Paimon: Whoa, look at how well-hidden this place is!

Ei: I can't think of a reason anyone would want to build a structure like this deep in the mountains.

Aether: Maybe to evade detection.

Mei: Maybe. So they can plan secretly so nobody finds out.

Ei: I feel something that doesn't belong here... I sense danger.

Paimon: Huh?

Ei: We should proceed with caution. The Kujou Clan descendant may well be in trouble.

Mei: It's time we did a team up Ei. Two Raidens.

Ei: Two Raidens.

Mei: We share the same family name and blood. Let's go.

Mei and Ei go in front of everyone and lead the way. When they opened a door they saw Ronin inside.

Paimon: Why are there ronin here? This is a Tenryou Commission base!

Sakura: Could they have gotten inside when they found this place?

Kallen: I don't think so.

Ei: Something is not right.

Ei summons her Engulfing Lightning.

Ei: We must remove all those who stand in our way.

Mei also summons her Engulfing Lightning.

Mei and Ei: HA!

The two Raidens lead the way for them and took out the Ronin in just a few seconds.

Mei: There is nothing we can do when we're all together, Ei.

Ei: I can see why.

Mei: Come on.

The party with Ei went further into the dungeon defeating more Ronin till they made it to the room where they saw Kujou Kamaji with Takatsukasa Susumu and his guards.

Paimon: Look, it's Kujou Kamaji! But who's he with...

Ei: Stay back. I will deal with this.

So they walk in till the people took notice of them.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Almighty Shogun!

Kujou Kamaji: Sh—Shogun, what are you...

Mei: We're here to save you. Speak Ei.

Ei: Descendant of the Takatsukasa Clan. Explain what is going on here.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Oh, we're just discussing some minor issues that have cropped up in the Tenryou Commission recently. Really, it's nothing worth the Almighty Shogun worrying about...

Ei: And these minor issues warranted the secluded location and the hiring of ronin and kairagi to keep guard?

Takatsukasa Susumu: Well, there's there's been a lot of turmoil lately. It was just out of security considerations, that's all...

Ei: Silence.

Kiana whispers to Mei.

Kiana: She's really acting like a real ruler of a nation and like the puppet.

Mei whispers back.

Mei: Thats Raiden Ei for you.

Ei: Descendant of the Kujou Clan. Your turn.

Kujou Kamaji: Alright. I came here intending to negotiate, but it turned out all they were interested in was a written confession from the Kujou Clan.

Ei: A written confession?

Kujou Kamaji: Yes. A statement acknowledging every crime committed by the Kujou Clan since the inception of the Vision Hunt Decree, including all the recent misconduct...

Takatsukasa Susumu: All factual statements of course. Not a single one of them fabricated.

Kujou Kamaji: I can't deny that. But it also emphasizes the Takatsukasa Clan's achievements throughout the document, claiming that they stood steadfast all along and fought back against the crisis... These are all falsehoods.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Says who? Why, you two-faced...! You're going back on everything you said!

Kujou Kamaji: I'm just stating the facts. I'm sure the Almighty Shogun can discern the truth. All the Takatsukasa Clan is trying to do is make themselves look good, so they'll be first in line to replace the Kujou Clan! Why else would you push a false narrative in the written confession that paints your clan in a good light? And try to make me sign it under duress?

Takatsukasa Susumu: What are you talking about? You're not under duress, we're just negotiating here! You've completely changed your tune!

Ei: I believe I now understand the situation.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Don't listen to his nonsense. I'm sure you're well aware of the major failings of the Kujou Clan. Surely you of everyone knows — not a single word they say can be trusted!

Ei: Hmph. You are quite mistaken if you think your dispute is of any interest to me. Descendant of the Takatsukasa Clan, you wish to become the new Tenryou Commissioner. Do I understand this correctly?

Takatsukasa Susumu: Uh, well... y—yes, of course! It's the eternal pursuit of everyone in the Tenryou Commission to offer our lives in service of the Almighty Shogun!

Ei: Then the situation is not as complicated as you seem to have made it. After all, I am the one who appoints the Tenryou Commissioner. The process is quite simple: Anyone who can beat me in a duel becomes the new Commissioner.
Takatsukasa Susumu: Um, sorry... a duel with the Almighty Shogun? The first Tenryou Commissioner demonstrated his will with the blade in his hand. That is why the title has been passed down within the Kujou Clan ever since. If you want me to appoint a new clan, then naturally, there must first be a new duel.

Takatsukasa Susumu: I... Uh... Do you not know how to wield a blade...? Or do you simply doubt your abilities on account of your advanced age and declining physical condition?

Ei: Here you are talking about offering your life, and yet you are too afraid to face my blade?

Takatsukasa Susumu: Um... Well...

Ei: Well, never mind. What about one of you, then? Anyone who can defeat me, Takatsukasa or not, will be appointed the new Tenryou Commissioner.

Retainers: ...

Ei: Does not a single person dare to face me? ...

Mei: It looks like no one will dare to challenge you.

Kiana: Yeah! Because of how scared they are of your Musou No Hitotachi not want to lose their lives! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...

Kujou Kamaji: I...

Kiana: Huh?

Kujou Kamaji: I will challenge you, Almighty Shogun!

Everyone was shocked.

Paimon: Whaaat!?

Kiana: Whaaat!?

Mei: Whaaat!?

Party: Whaaat!?

Mei: You can't! You'll die!

Ei: Descendant of the Kujou Clan. Regrettably, even if you win against me, it cannot atone for the wrongs committed under the Kujou name.

Kujou Kamaji: I realize that. I don't stand a chance of winning against you anyway. I know full well that the mistakes my father made ought to spell the end of the Kujou Clan's legacy in the Tenryou Commission... Even when I was executing the Vision Hunt Decree, I had my doubts about my father's decisions. I knew that what I was doing was wrong. But that was as far as I went. I doubted, and I ruminated. I understood the situation perfectly well, but I took no action, and I didn't save a single person. I accept the Kujou Clan's decline as punishment for my deeds. I can't even say that I failed to prevent it... because in order to fail, you have to have at least tried.

Ei: To be brutally honest... for someone of your strength, there is nothing you could have done even if you had tried.

Kujou Kamaji: Yes... I'm too weak. My father ignores me, my elder brother can't help me, and I even need Ippei to set me straight at times... It's the way its always been...

Kujou Kamaji: But if nothing else, then right here, right now, in the Kujou Clan's final hours, it is I who represent the clan, like my father before me! His duties are now mine to perform! Just as the Shogun said, a forefather of mine once showed his will with his sword... Then please, let me, Kujou Kamaji, end the story of the Kujou Clan in the same way that it began! This is my last chance to do something!

Ei: This is patently meaningless. But I accept. Come forward.

So everyone except Kamaji and Ei go to the sidelines to watch the fight.

Ei: Don't worry Mei. I won't kill anyone this time.

Mei: I'd you say so.

So the two opponents stand on opposite sides holding their weapons.

Ei: The Kujou Clan's honor was forged with courage, tempered with integrity, and shines beyond life and death. Show me whether your blade. Can bear the weight of your name.

So Kamaji holds his sword.

Kujou Kamaji: Ready to learn, Almighty Shogun!

Then he charges in. He swings his sword but Ei dodges it. He swings again and again but Ei keeps dodging his slashes. After dodging more times, Ei hits Kamaji with her weapon making him fall. But he gets back up then he charges again continuing the fight. Kujou Kamaji falls down multiple times during the duel, but he gets up every single time, until his body reaches its limit. After falling down and getting back up multiple times, Kujou Kamaji is unable continue the duel due to his wounds. The final fall his glasses fall off and he lets go of his sword. However, he crawls for his sword. When he grabs it and gets back up.

Mei: Kamaji! Please! You have to stop! You're too wounded to continue!

Kujou Kamaji: I'm... Not... Done... Yet...

He tried to charge at the Shogun but is only walking then he finally falls for one last time.

Ei: (Another anomaly in eternity... Nevertheless, it appears that the Kujou honor still courses through your veins.)

Ei: Kujou Kamaji is wounded. Descendants of the Takatsukasa Clan, it is your responsibility to take care of him. You may not have the courage to challenge me, but I trust that you are capable of attending to a small matter such as this.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Yes, of course. I apologize... I'm sorry. So, so sorry.

Ei: I had heard that the Kujou Clan is no longer fit to shoulder the work of the Tenryou Commission. The search for a successor to the role of Tenryou Commissioner is indeed a matter of great urgency...

Ei: However, following this duel, I have decided to postpone the Kujou Clan's punishment for the time being. In the meantime, I expect the Takatsukasa Clan to continue supporting the Kujou Clan as before.

Takatsukasa Susumu: As you instruct, so it shall be done. We would not dare question the Almighty Shogun's will.

Ei: Finally, if you still think you can copy the Fatui's strategy of providing me with deceptive information to produce flaws in my judgment... ...You will see me appear once again as I have done today — only next time, my blade will show no mercy.

Takatsukasa Susumu: Understood. Thank you, Almighty Shogun, for your wisdom and mercy!

Ei: That will do. I will have the Okuzumeshuu continue the investigation from here.

Ei turns to the party.

Ei: Come with me. Let's find a quiet place. There's something I want to talk about with you.

Mei: Ok.


So they went outside where they got a view of Inazuma City.

Paimon: When it's time to deal with a situation, you're just like the Shogun. So strict.

Ei: You think so? I thought I was rather accommodating. If it had been the Shogun... she would have decapitated Kujou Kamaji without a second thought.

Mei: He was lucky.

Aether: Maybe that's what he was expecting.

Ei: I do believe he was prepared for that outcome. I could see it in his eyes. The Kujou Clan has undergone a dramatic change from its glory days to its present decline. Kamaji is hardly a great heir to the Kujou name, but... He has shown me how some things remain the same even as the world around them changes. I also have you to thank. The things we experienced out on the streets and the photos you took of me, they helped me come to this realization, too.

Mei: Thank you Ei.

Paimon: So what's next for the Kujou Clan? Will they get to carry on being in charge of the Tenryou Commission?

Ei: Not a chance. Even if their heir was someone who showed promise, their past mistakes cannot be erased. Still... I will give them a little more time. After all, they are not the only ones who have made mistakes. The Shogun does not make mistakes — she is incapable of doing so. But I, as Ei, would like to offer my apologies. I have much to contemplate in the days to come. But at least I can now see the way ahead.

Aether: Will you rule Inazuma directly?

Ei: I think I'll leave that to the Shogun. The greatest threat to eternity is still the erosion that comes with time. As I said, the Shogun has a robust system to protect her against modification. This is because I anticipated that I myself would change over time.

Fu Hua: If only you had an immortal body that cannot turn into dust like how my body can't turn into dust.

Ei: Well I don't. Even a Goddess's body can turn into dust no matter how immortal they are. I am impressed that your body can't turn into dust and have lived for 50,000 years Fu Hua. But I've made up my mind. So I will do what needs to be done, no matter how difficult it is. Mmm... This has certainly been a memorable series of events.

Paimon: Absolutely! You sorted out the Tenryou Commission and the people in the city got to see a happy and healthy Shogun. All the awful rumors will disappear in no time. If you enjoyed your trip, we should get you out again some time!

Aether: Next time, we'll bring you some souvenirs.

Kiana: Next time, we'll bring you some fun little trinkets.

Ei: No need. There's no place for such things in my life. Also, please stop making it sound as if I somehow need the company.

Mei: But you do need company from time to time, Ei. If it's alright with you, I'd like to stay with you in the Plane of Euthymia and help you and the puppet with your duties. You've been lonely without Makoto for 500 years and we're blood related. I technically wield the same abilities you do and I technically can use the Musou No Hitotachi too. Sakura is staying with Miko so I feel like I should stay with you, Ei. You've been lonely without a sister for 500 years. It's about time someone looks after you in the Plane of Euthymia.

Ei: ... ... ... Very well, Mei. You can stay with me. Come on.

Ei begins to leave while Mei follows her making a gleeful face for only a few seconds being glad that Ei has accepted her.

Ei: Okay, I'm ready to head back now. My period of solitude will now continue, but it will not last too much longer. I will leave you humans to deal with any minor issues in the meantime.

Paimon: Okay, see you next time!

Kiana: See you next time Mei-senpai! And you Ei-senpai!

Paimon: Considering a lot of what happened was pretty unexpected, things seemed to have worked out surprisingly well in the end. The only thing left to do is return the Pass Permit to Yae Miko.

(Grand Narukami Shrine)

Paimon: Miko, we're back! We had a great trip!

Yae Miko: Did you now? Well then, you'll have to tell me all about it.

They tell Yae Miko about the various things that happened.

Kiana: And that's it. Ei has accepted Mei as her new sister.

Yae Miko: Hehe, how amusing. The Almighty Shogun goes downtown and suddenly she's like a wide-eyed country girl trying to find her bearings in the big city. Marvelous.

Yae Miko: What a shame I didn't get to see it for myself.

Sakura: Only you would dare to say that.

Aether: You and the Shogun enjoy teasing each other.

Yae Miko: It's fine, she wouldn't mind. Really, she wouldn't. So. From what you were saying, it seems that she has finally begun to comprehend what form eternity should take?

Sakura: Yes.

Yae Miko: That's the most important outcome of this trip. To be honest, I wasn't expecting you'd make such great progress when I lent you the Pass Permit.

Paimon: Yeah. It seems like she's not gonna force everything to stay the same way anymore.

Yae Miko: To put it nicely, even deities indulge in wishful thinking. To put it more bluntly, there are things that even The Seven can't do when faced with something even more powerful than themselves.

Kiana: The human heart?

Aether: The Heavenly Principles?

Yae Miko: Hehe. Take a guess. Anyway. It sounds like you had a very pleasant trip and even had the chance to see Ei's less formal side. Next time you wish to see her, you can come and take the Pass Permit from me again. She would never admit to it, but she does, in fact, get quite lonely.

Paimon: What? But she said she doesn't need company...

Yae Miko: Because she is a god. It's not that gods don't need the company of others, just that the idea of a god having company seems indulgent to her.

Yae Miko: But you don't belong to this world. Perhaps you are just the company she needs. Especially Mei.

Kiana: Yeah. The fact that we're from another world means that there are other alternate versions of ourselves from other worlds. Especially this world. Mei is Ei from another world and Sakura is you from another world. We still have yet to see alternate versions of ourselves in this world.

Yae Miko: I can see that, Kiana. Sakura is me from another world and Mei is Ei from another world. That is the reason why we share the same blood.

Sakura: Miko, there are three more things.

Yae Miko: Hmm? Was there something else you wanted to talk about?

Aether: About Dango Milk...

Yae Miko: I have no doubt that she immensely enjoyed that drink. I'm sure she was as happy as can be.

Kiana: Oh she was.

Aether: About the Raiden Shogun...

Yae Miko: The puppet, yes. I've also heard that changing a puppet's operating rules is extremely difficult. It's most likely the first time in history anyone has faced this issue. You can imagine how hard it must be, given that it has successfully flummoxed the wise and powerful Ei... This is one problem that even the Musou no Hitotachi will not be able to solve.

Aether: About light novels...

Yae Miko: Don't you think it's a fun idea, someone being reborn as the Raiden Shogun? That's all that light novels are supposed to be — a bit of fun. For her, though... yes, probably a little too avant-garde. Ooh, maybe I should commission a sequel: Reborn as Guuji Yae. What do you think?

Sakura: That's actually a good idea, Miko.

Aether: We've got nothing else to say.

Sakura: Thats all. And here's your Pass Permit back.

Sakura hands the Pass Permit back.

Yae Miko: Thank you.

Sakura: Our work is done for today.

(A few days later)

(Patrick's point of view)

We were saying goodbye to the Valkyries leaving at the docks of Ritou. There were several boats there going to different nations.

Seele: I'm gonna miss you all.

Patrick: So will we.

Kallen: I'm gonna find out as much as I can.

Sakura: We wish you luck.

Patrick: We come back together when there's a festival in one of the 3 nations we've been to already. And when there's another Archon quest/when we see Dainsleif again. He's out there somewhere fighting against Lumine and the Abyss Order right now. And he will need our help. The 11 Harbingers are now down to 10 Harbingers now that Signora is dead. They have 3 Gnoses now. The Anemo, Geo, and Cryo Gnoses while Sakura is in position of the Electro Gnosis.

Durandal: Once I've gained my original strength back, I will come back to Mondstadt.

Seele: Once I feel like I'm strong enough, I'll also come back to Mondstadt.

Kallen: I'm going to fight against the Fatui.

Sakura: I'm going to protect and guard the Electro Gnosis as best I can from the Harbingers. I'm also going to be the best relative I can to Miko.

Mei: And I will be the best sister I can to Ei.

Durandal: I won't truly be alone. Because I have my pet with me.

From Durandal's inventory came a flash of light. What came out of the light was a familiar cat we knew. He landed on Durandal's shoulders.

Patrick, Captain, and Valkyries: STAN?!

Stan: Nyan.

Durandal: I probably should have told you. But I've brought Stan with me too. He will be my companion.

Patrick: Ok.

Kiana: Wait. Where's Aether and Paimon?

Mei: They decided to stay in Inazuma longer then they said they're gonna go back to Liyue.

Kiana: Oh. Ok.

Patrick: Anyways. Hands in the middle.

We put our hands in the middle. Even the ELFs and Higokumaru. Tamamo stayed out of it.

Theresa: 1 2 3.

Everyone: St. Freya Knights and Valkyries!

Then they separated after saying the title while putting their hands up.

Patrick: Good luck.

After that, Kallen and Selune's Elgy got on the boat going to Snezhnaya and Seele and Water's Edge got on the boat going to Fontaine. They waved goodbye to everyone else while I, Captain, and the Valkyries going back to Liyue and Mondstadt took off into the air on Toriyama. Mei and Sakura waved goodbye until they were out of sight.

Sakura: We're gonna be fine here Mei.

Mei: I know we will.

Tamamo: We'll let's get back to our work. Miko and Ei need us now. Mikon~

On the boat to Snezhnaya, Kallen and Selune's Elgy were talking.

Kallen: If Scaramouche really is stronger than Signora and is number 6 of the Harbingers. Then who ever is number one must be the strongest out of the Harbingers. Kind of like the 12 Kizuki only there's 11 and their ranks are not divided into 2 groups.

Selune's Elgy: They can use the delusions to use two elements and to kill people. We better be disguised.

Kallen: And we will be. And we'll tell Childe that Signora is dead.

We dropped Fu Hua and Book of Fuxi off in Liyue Harbor then we dropped Durandal off at The Chasm where she walked beyond The Chasm.

Later on, Durandal was walking in a far away land. She had to regain her strength back to undo what Scaramouche did to her. She still had her Honkai cat, Stan.

???: You could always use a companion.

Durandal stops then turns around to see Lancer Cú Chulainn.

Durandal: I don't need help. I need to do this alone.

Cú Chulainn: There could be enemies stronger than you. I mean, you know what Scaramouche did to you. He weakened you. All I'm asking is to form a contract with me.

Durandal: Very well. Fine. Just don't get in my way.

Cú Chulainn: I won't.

Durandal: (Sakura has a servant. So I see no reason why I should also have a servant. I could always summon more servants).

Now the scene fades into another scene where it shows Durandal walking with Cú Chulainn as the camera faced upward at the sky before turning black.

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