Chapter 69: Taurus Iracundus

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Today Aether, Paimon, and Mei were at the Adventurer's Guild for a task from Katheryne.

Paimon: Hi Katheryne, it's us! Was there something we could help with?

Katheryne: Yes, I'm afraid that I have another task that requires your assistance. The Adventurers' Guild has recently received a commission directly from the Tenryou Commission. The assignment is both urgent and dangerous.

Mei: Why is that?

Katheryne: After assessing the assignment, the Guild has concluded that seasoned adventurers are required. Naturally, you came to mind.

Paimon: Hee-hee, just another day on the job for us.

Aether: Dangerous, you say?

Mei: Why can't the Tenryou Commission resolve it on their own?

Katheryne: Allow me to explain. The Tenryou Commission recently issued an arrest warrant for a young oni by the name of Arataki Itto.

Mei: Oni?

Paimon: An oni? You mean those big tough-looking guys with horns on their heads?

Katheryne: That's correct. This particular oni is quite vocal and audacious, so he already has quite the reputation on the streets. That said, he has never been caught up in major trouble of any kind. So it came as a surprise to learn that he has recently been accused of stealing things and sometime even whisking away the people themselves...

Mei: (Just like in Japanese Mythology back in our world. Spiriting people away and whisking people away.)

Katheryne: But it doesn't end there. When the Tenryou Commission dispatched a doushin to apprehend him, he assaulted the doushin before making a getaway with his accomplices.

Aether: Sounds like a real ruffian.

Paimon: So let Paimon guess, it's up to us to bring this oni in!

Mei: It looks like it.

Paimon: No problemo, this does sound like a job for the Traveler. He'll be back with that oni in no time!

Mei: Don't forget me. I'll also bring the oni in.

Katheryne: I have complete confidence you will succeed. However, please exercise caution. This oni also happens to hold a Vision and is the leader of an organization known as the Arataki Gang.

Aether: I'm not too experienced with gang fights...

Paimon: Hmm, you're right... We have no idea what we'll be up against. Better to play it safe.

Katheryne: We are still investigating Arataki Itto's potential motives behind these incidents as well as his current whereabouts. But please ask around in the streets as well. There will likely be others more familiar with Itto's circumstances than I am, who can provide you with useful information.

Aether: Okay. We'll go ask around.

Katheryne: Thank you. I will await your return. Ad astra abyssosque!

Paimon: Well, let's start asking around on the streets! Hopefully, we'll learn a little more about this Arataki Itto guy and figure out where he might have run off to.

Mei: Sakura might know something.

Katheryne: The Guild does not routinely have dealings with the Tenryou Commission, but since they have commissioned us on this occasion, we must lend them our full support as we would any of our clients. Thank you once again. I will await your return.

First they went to go to talk to Ogura Mio.

Mei: What do you know about Arataki Itto?

Ogura Mio: Arataki Itto? Oh, yeah, I heard about that whole thing. I'm sure it must have been a mix-up on the Tenryou Commission's end. He could never do anything so dastardly.

Paimon: Huh? How can you be so sure? Is he really as trustworthy as all that?

Ogura Mio: No, perhaps you misunderstand me. When I said he could never do anything dastardly, I meant... he literally doesn't have what it takes.

Aether: You mean he's not strong enough?

Mei: You mean he's not smart enough?

Ogura Mio: Maybe a story will explain it better. So, he used to spend a lot of time playing rock paper scissors and hide-and-seek with the kids on the streets.

Mei: Did he really?

Ogura Mio: Kids, being kids, aren't exactly the most difficult to outsmart... I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at here. He used to lose all the time. Sometimes catastrophically.

Paimon: On purpose, though... right?

Ogura Mio: No, not at all. The one time I saw him win, he started jumping around and yelling, "I won! I finally won!" ... "I'm unbeatable!" And so on. Then he took the kid's candy as his prize and ate it right there in front of him.

Mei: *gasps* Not that!

Paimon: Ugh, that's just plain wrong!

Ogura Mio: He did take it way too far that time. The poor kid started crying, so I stepped in and gave Itto a scolding. He was pretty quick to admit that he was fully in the wrong, and it wasn't long before the kid had stopped crying and was laughing and playing again as if nothing had ever happened.

Mei: Taking candy from children is so wrong! Just wrong! But taking candy from babies is just worst than taking candy from children!

Paimon: Mei! Calm down! Stop thinking about that!

Mei stops crying and looks over to Paimon then she wipes away her tears.

Mei: Ok. Thank you Paimon.

Ogura Mio: In fact, the children quite like playing with him because he's always serious about the stakes and never throws a game on purpose. So I suppose what I'm trying to say is... Is a guy who can't even beat kids at a children's game really gonna be capable of these kinds of diabolical deeds?

Aether: I think we understand your point now.

Paimon: Huh, he doesn't sound like a bad guy at all. In fact, he kinda sounds like a man of integrity.

Ogura Mio: Yes, my thoughts exactly. Still, the Tenryou Commission's evidence against him is supposed to be irrefutable. So I'm not trying to condone his actions or anything. If he really has messed up big time, then he should face the consequences just like anyone else.

Paimon: Thanks for the info! We'll keep asking around.

Ogura Mio: I'm sure my story probably gave you more questions than answers. But I think you'll see what I mean if you meet him. He's quite the character... ...And definitely not the kind of character that everyone's going to get along with...

Next they went to go talk to Furuya Noboru.

Mei: Do you know anything about Arataki Itto?

Furuya Noboru: Arataki Itto? Yeah, I've heard of the guy. Word is that he did something monumentally stupid then ran off before they could catch him... To be completely honest, I was a little surprised when I first heard it. Okay, well... I mean, not THAT surprised.

Paimon: Wait, you mean he already had a bad reputation?

Furuya Noboru: No, not exactly... *cough* He's just... very overbearing in everything he does. Big and brash and always making a ruckus.

Mei: Wouldn't making a ruckus give anyone a bad reputation?

Furuya Noboru: Not exactly. So on the one hand he's a larger-than-life kinda guy, but on the other hand, he's emotionally volatile. When he's in a good mood, he's the happiest man alive, but when he gets upset, he gets completely enraged.

Mei: (Just like a bull since his constellation is Taurus.)

Furuya Noboru: I don't personally see him as a bad guy, but I guess I wouldn't put it past him to get all riled up and lose control.

Aether: What is he usually up to?

Mei: Does he have a stable job of any kind?

Furuya Noboru: Hmm, I'm afraid that I'm not too sure myself. *cough* I keep a pretty good eye on what's happening in the city and as far as I can tell, he just idles the days away... When someone asks for it, he's willing to lend a helping hand, but other than that, he's just out making a scene with the kids on the street or his gang. *sigh* If I had to guess, his lack of income finally drove him to do something more drastic to make ends meet.

Paimon: Is it just Paimon, or is this Itto fellow starting to sound pretty weird?

Furuya Noboru: I'm afraid that I don't have much else to tell you. He tends to spend his time with people a little more lively than myself. Perhaps you can try asking around some more.

Paimon: Okay, thanks!

Furuya Noboru: *cough* Keep asking around, you might be able to find out more.

Next they went to go talk to Uesugi.

Mei: Do you know Arataki Itto?

Uesugi: Arataki Itto? Heh, of course I know him. We've been trying to apprehend him recently. We know he's already left Inazuma City, but with no clues to follow, we have no choice but to commission others for help, including the Adventurers' Guild.

Paimon: Katheryne says that Arataki Itto hasn't done anything seriously bad before, so it seems pretty strange. Paimon's curious, is there any evidence of all this stuff he's accused of?

Uesugi: Yes, of course. Otherwise, we'd never have put so many people on the case. For starters, most thieves will try to devise a way to conceal their identity, but for an oni... the horns are a dead giveaway. I mean, the whole city could have recognized it was him.

Aether: How do you know it wasn't a different oni?

Uesugi: At first, he was just one of our suspects, but when we went to investigate, he personally confessed to everything and started trying to provoke the officers.

Mei: Nobody ever confesses their crimes like that. They try to hide their crimes not confess their crimes.

Uesugi: That's what criminals usually do I know. But not this one. He instantly confessed his crimes. What's most frustrating is that he then managed to escape along with his entire gang... He must have been planning the whole thing right from the start!

Aether: Did he have a motive?

Uesugi: Of course he did, whether material or psychological, there is plenty of evidence either way. He's never had a Mora to his name his entire life and he's never kept down a real job. Word is that he also takes care of someone in his gang and that the burden of it takes quite the toll on him. After scrounging for a living all these years, maybe he thought that being the bad guy would be an easier ride. As for his psychological motives... it's a bit embarrassing to talk about, but we, ahem, confiscated his Vision during the Vision Hunt Decree.

Aether: So he was exacting revenge on the Tenryou Commission.

Uesugi: At the time, Arataki Itto put up quite a fight. It took a huge amount of manpower and resources, and in the end, we had to enlist the help of Kujou Sara to finally secure his Vision.

Mei: Sara must have been stronger than Itto. She doesn't just use the bow and arrow. She also uses the sword.

Uesugi: The Vision Hunt was a mistake, but we never expected that he would go to such extreme lengths to take revenge on us.

Mei: (In his character demo, it showed him getting his Vision back with his gang and he was hoping that his Vision was on top of the statue and after showing that flashback he was angry with a tick mark wanting revenge on Sara but then he gets angry again finding out that his Vision was not on top of the statue. It was on the bottom of the statue.)

Paimon: He does sound a little unstable, just like people have been saying.

Aether: The motives seem valid enough.

Mei: The evidence is solid.

Uesugi: If the three of you are able to capture Arataki Itto, please bring him straight here. We'll handle him from there.

Paimon: Thanks for all the info!

Uesugi: If you're able to capture him, just bring him back here. Though I'm sure he'll be quite a handful in custody as well...

When they were going past Yae Publishing House, they ran into the three foxes.

Mei: Sakura. Perfect timing. What do you know about Arataki Itto?

Sakura: A lot actually.

Paimon: Tell us!

Sakura: It all started one day...


Sakura present: I met Itto a week after meeting Miko. I met him in the Chinju Forest. We just happened to run into each other.

Arataki Itto: It's you! You're the Lady with Fox Ears look alike!

Sakura: Thats me.

Arataki Itto: The name is Arataki Itto! The one and Oni!

Sakura: Nice to meet you. I'm Yae Sakura. This is Higokumaru. And this is Tamamo No Mae.

Arataki Itto: I see. You have a Pyro Vision instead of an Electro Vision just like the Fox Lady.

Sakura: I am a Shrine Maiden just like her. But I'm from somewhere else. We are technically relatives since we have the same blood.

Arataki Itto: I think you and I are going to get along just ok.

Sakura present: When we went to Yashiori Island where he showed off all his moves and what he can do with his Geo Vision. In time we became good friends. But then as you know, his Vision was taken from him. And he was really upset about it.

Sakura: Please don't complain about it. We'll put an end to the Vision Hunt Decree. We'll go get our friends and we'll get your Vision back.

Kallen: We mean it. We'll put an end to the Vision Hunt Decree.

Arataki Itto: Thank you guys. I'm looking forward to that. I'll wait for as long as I can.

(Flashback end)

Sakura: And that was the last time we ever saw him. I've heard what he did and I'm going to go look for him too.

Paimon: Hmm, too bad we still don't know where he could have run off to. We already got the word on the street, so maybe it's time to talk to a real specialist.

Mei: Who?

Paimon: Paimon remembers that there's a detective agency here in Inazuma. Maybe we can try asking there?

Sakura: We should.

Mei: She should know something about Arataki Itto.

So they go to Sango for more information about Arataki Itto.

Paimon: Hello, we'd like to ask some questions about Arataki Itto.

Sango: Oh, him again... Sure, I have answers. We've already done some investigating for the Tenryou Commission. But first — do you have enough Mora to cover the fee? I've heard all about your travels. After everything you've been through, I'm sure you understand the way these sorts of things work.

Paimon: Uh, how much Mora are we talkin' about here?

Sango: A one-off payment of 397,000 Mora up front, plus a further 5% of your Adventurers' Guild remuneration as my commission if Arataki Itto is successfully caught and brought to justice.

Paimon: Whoa, that's crazy expensive! How did you even come up with a price that high?

Sango: Hehe, hold on, I wasn't finished. It just so happens the initial fee has already been paid in full by the Tenryou Commission. All you'll need to pay is the small commission fee.

Mei: Oh thank goodness. We won't have to worry about high costs.

Sango: And as for that amount, I'll settle things with the Adventurers' Guild once we have Itto. So, from the way I see it, you guys are getting a pretty nice deal. Now then, to give you the full picture in this case, we must first recount a well-known Inazuman fairytale...

A cinematic starts as Sango started telling the story.

A long, long time ago, in a village lost to time

There lived a crimson oni and a blue oni. They were the best of friends

The crimson oni looked fierce, but was gentle like the humans

The blue oni looked human, but was reclusive like an oni

The crimson oni wished to befriend the humans, but they were scared

And threw beans at him whenever he came near

So the blue onion said to the crimson oni:

", I'll cause trouble in the village, you come and stop me"

"Then the humans will accept you"

As planned, the crimson oni chased the blue oni away

The crimson oni's deeds spread throughou the land

And people finally accepted him

But when the crimson oni went to tell the blue oni the good news

He was gone, and left only a letter behind:

"I went traveling. Don't come find me, or they'll treat you as a naughty little oni"

"But don't worry about me. No matter where I go..."

"We'll always be friends"

Cinematic ends.

Paimon: Huh? That's it? What about the little blue oni? Whatever happened to him?

Sango: I suppose the blue oni simply disappeared, never to be seen again. Only the crimson oni remain now.

Paimon: *sobs* B—But... The blue oni was just an innocent little kid...

Aether: ...Does this story have anything to do with the situation at hand?

Sango: Of course, it does! Otherwise, I wouldn't go to all the trouble of telling it. One interpretation is that the story is actually broadly based on historical events and that Arataki Itto is, in fact, a descendant of the crimson oni. What I'm trying to tell you is that the oni have sacrificed a lot in the past in order to finally integrate themselves into human society. But there are still some volatile personality traits in the oni bloodline. Every generation of oni inherits these traits. So while Arataki Itto has never been known to commit a wrongful act in the past, can we ever completely rule out the possibility of him one day allowing this side of him to take over?

Paimon: But... how could he do that? After the blue oni's sacrifice, that would be such a betrayal...

Sango: That's a very old story. Nobody knows how long it's been since the blue oni disappeared. We can only assume that they have long since died out, in which case, it would be quite a stretch to say it still counts as a betrayal at this point.

Mei: How heartbreaking.

Higokumaru: The blue oni wanted to grant the crimson oni's wish but then he disappeared for no reason.

Tamamo: It was heartbreaking when we heard it the first time.

Sango: Besides, the suspect has already confessed. What is there left to discuss?

Mei: We just want to know more and where he is.

Sango: According to my investigation, he was headed southwest. I would bet he's already made it to Yashiori Island by now. The Tenryou Commission is unable to enter territory controlled by Sangonomiya troops. No doubt that's the reason Arataki Itto chose to flee in that direction.

Aether: I understand, thanks for all the information.

Sango: Don't mention it, I'm just doing my duty.

Mei: We fully understand.

Paimon: Wait, Paimon still has a question. If Arataki Itto has given in to his bad side, won't that mean he's extra mean and violent now?

Sango: I could only assume so. Judging from his previous bouts, he is a skilled fighter with a lot of brute strength. Whether or not you'll be able to handle him, that I do not know.

Paimon: Okay, but what's up with people throwing beans at oni? What use is that?

Sango: Ah yes, now that you mention it, I seem to recall that Arataki Itto is allergic to beans. In fact, all oni will avoid beans, but especially Itto. I heard that just touching a bean is enough to incapacitate him. If you could weaken him a bit by triggering his allergies, perhaps you would have better luck subduing him.

Aether: It seems like our only option.

Paimon: Right, knowing our target's weakness will make things a whole lot easier.

Sango: It just so happens that I have a bag of beans right here. I was planning to use them to make some porridge, but I think you will find a better use for them. ...Of course, I will charge the Adventurers' Guild a fair and reasonable rate for the beans.

Paimon: Sneaky! But, also... thanks. Let's head to Yashiori Island and start looking for Itto!

Sango: Thanks for your patronage and good luck! Don't forget to come with a bigger budget next time.

(Yashiori Island)

The group rode on Hellmaru all the way to Yashiori Island where she changed back into Higokumaru.

Paimon: According to Detective Sango, Itto should be somewhere around here.

Sakura: Incase Itto goes on a rampage on us, I summoned my own oni.

Paimon: You summoned your own oni?

Sakura: Her name is Ibaraki. She's an oni. However she's done far worst things than Itto.

Paimon: Like what?

Tamamo: She caused a massacre with a gang.

Paimon: *gasps*

Tamamo: Then Raikou stopped her and killed her gang but Ibaraki escaped.

Sakura: Most servants don't get along with each other because of their history of being enemies.

Tamamo: Ibaraki really hates Raikou. We had to calm her down after we summoned her. She finds me hard to deal with. Ibaraki can be a really crazy berserker.

Sakura: She's out of the Serenetea Pot now. She's now with Jack The Ripper and Kallen hunting Fatui still in Inazuma. And she's probably enjoying killing again because of how we sees the Fatui as the bad guys and she's letting loose on them. If things get out of hand I'll summon her. But for now let's search for Itto.

Paimon: Katheryne mentioned that he has a Vision. Why not see if you can track him down using Elemental Sight?

The Vision bearers use their elemental sight.

Sakura: Traces of Geo.

Paimon: Look! Footprints! Let's see where they lead.

With elemental sight they follow the footprints with Geo.

They walk by a camp.

Paimon: Hmm, there's a camp here, but nothing stands out as particularly noteworthy... ...Let's keep moving forward.

They continued the pursuit.

Paimon: There are more footprints here. He should be just up ahead!

They followed the footprints till Paimon noticed someone out there.

Paimon: Wait, could that be him? Is that Arataki Itto?

Sakura: Yes that's him. That's Arataki Itto. With the Geo Vision and red horns.

Paimon: He doesn't seem to be looking this way. Perfect, let's try the beans Detective Sango gave us. It'll save a lot of hassle if we can avoid a fight.

Aether throws a bean and lands a direct hit.

Arataki Itto: Beans? No! Aghhh!

Then he cries.

Arataki Itto: *whimpering*

Mei: HUH?!

They get out of hiding. Except for the foxes.

Paimon: Uh, are you okay? What should we do? Paimon didn't think he'd react this badly!

Mei: It was just like a pepper spray.

Arataki Itto: D—Don't be alarmed... It's just my allergies acting up... I've got it under control!

Mei: Under control?

Arataki Itto: It's alright, I got this, just gotta tough it out. I can take it... I can take it... Ah! Who am I kidding! *coughing* I gotta catch my breath here! *coughing* Whatever it is you want, it's gonna have to wait! I need a moment...

After resting for a long while, Arataki Itto recovers enough to speak.

Mei: Sounds more like a weirdo to me.

Mei: (Saitama is usually the weirdo but Itto is acting like a werido too.)

Arataki Itto: Ahh, whew... that's better. That sure took a lot out of me, though... Hey, why'd you have to be so mean, huh!? Surprise-attacking me like that!

Mei: Sorry Itto. But we don't have a choice here.

Aether: You can never be too careful when dealing with a fugitive.

Arataki Itto: Oh, I get it. So you're here to bring me in.

Mei: There's plenty more beans in the bag. You'd better come quietly.

Arataki Itto: Hey, hey, take it easy... just stop with the beans, okay. So you're here to bring me in. How in the world did you find me all the way out here, anyway?

Mei: We had our ways.

Arataki Itto: Heh, well, whatever... If you think I'm going back with you, you can forget it. I'd walk away if I were you.

Mei: Not a chance.

Mei's eyes glowed then her hair glowed with Electro energy.

Arataki Itto: Heh, well, whatever... If you think I'm going back with you, you can forget it. I'd walk away if I were you. I pack a mean punch, you know. I don't want to hurt any regular folks like you.

Paimon: That's pretty big talk considering all the beans we have.

Mei: I don't want to do this but I needed to find out if you really are doing bad things.

Aether: You're the one behind the robbery and the missing people, aren't you?

Arataki Itto: Yep, that's right. Me! All by myself. Nobody else. As boss of the Arataki Gang, I gotta nab a little food and drink when we're running low. That's only natural, right?

Paimon: Yeah, but nabbing people? That's taking it a bit far, don't ya think?

Arataki Itto: Uh... not when their families will pay good Mora to see them again! Easy pickings. And the extra Mora means I can... uh, give some to my gang to spend on themselves!

Mei: At least you're honest.

Aether: Questionable reasoning there.

Arataki Itto: Hey, what's with all the questions? Like I said, I'm not going back with you, so stop wasting everybody's time.

Paimon: No way, mister! We've accepted a commission to bring you back.

Arataki Itto: What'd you say, little one? Go on... Say it to my face!

This scared Paimon. Mei summoned Ei's sword and held it to Itto's throat.

Mei: Be careful what you say!

Arataki Itto: The Shogun's sword?! How do you have it?! Wait! You're the Shogun look alike, Raiden Mei!

Mei: That's right. It's me.

Paimon: Uh, we... Well, mostly they took a commission to bring you back.

Aether: Show some backbone, Paimon...

Mei: You better come with us right now or else I'll use the Musou No Hitotachi on you. If you think I'm bluffing I'll show you that I can use it.

Arataki Itto: Looks like you aren't gonna let this drop. In that case, we—

???: Uncle Itto!

All of a sudden a boy and an old lady appeared out of nowhere causing Mei to put away the sword.

Granny Oni: Don't run, now! Careful or you'll fall.

Daisuke: What's taking you so long? You said we were gonna have a beetle fight today! C'mon, you promised!

Arataki Itto: Ah, y—yeah, that's right, still going ahead! But you see, uh... I've been out here for ages and I still can't find a beetle that I like. Just give Uncle Itto a little more time, m'kay?

Sakura: *sighs* Just when things were about to get out of hand.

Daisuke: Huh? Who are they? Are they your friends?

Arataki Itto: Uh, yeah, that's right. I told them not to come, but what can I say? ... They were just too worried about me! Hahaha.

Mei: (Looks like we're gonna have to play along for now. Now we have to keep the truth away from another kid like we did from Tuecer.)

Mei: Yes... we're his friends.

Arataki Itto: It's 'cause of a little thing called, uh... prestige, yeah. 'Cause of all the prestige Uncle Itto has.

Paimon: Huh? What are you talking about? We...

Arataki Itto: Shh! C'mon. Just play along! Leave the kid out of this.

Sakura: For now do as he says.

Sakura comes out of hiding with the other 2 foxes.

Arataki Itto: Oh! Sakura! It's been a while!

Sakura: It has, Itto... I see that you got your Vision back.

Arataki Itto: Oh you bet I did! I got it from the statue and now it's back with its rightful owner! Though I was hoping to find it at the top of the statue but it was not there. It was on the bottom instead and it really made me angry.

Sakura: Just like a bull.

Arataki Itto: But looking on the bright side. I still got my Vision back and that's something I should be happy about. So you here to bring me in too?

Sakura: Not really. I don't want to do it but...

Daisuke: Uh, Uncle Itto, you don't look so good. You look like you're about to fall over.

Arataki Itto: Hehe, that's because Uncle Itto bumped his noggin on a tree branch while looking for a beetle. It's all good, though, these horns are rock solid...

Daisuke: Okay, if you say so. Granny and I will keep heading back now. Don't be too long!

Arataki Itto: Hehe, yep I'll be right there. I hope you're ready to lose today!

Then the two leave.

Paimon: Who were those people?

Arataki Itto: The old lady was Granny Oni. She's the one that took me in and raised me. And the kid's name is Daisuke, I took him in just a while back. They're both like family to me. They escaped with me out this way, along with my boys from the Arataki Gang. If I didn't bring them with me, the Tenryou Commission would be knocking on their doors, for sure.

Aether: I had no idea you were so caring towards others.

Paimon: Right, but if you care about them so much, then you shouldn't have done all that stuff that made them worry about you in the first place.

Arataki Itto: I, uh... Listen, how about we make a deal. You guys let me go wrap things up with Daisuke, and once we're done battling beetles, we will settle things with a duel. If you win, I'll come quietly. You can take me back to Inazuma City, and you won't hear a peep outta me. Why? 'cause I'm an oni of my word.

Mei: Deal.

Arataki Itto: I'll just tell little Daisuke that my friends and I need to step outside for a moment. That way, he won't worry. Cool?

Sakura: Ok, Itto.

Paimon: Hmm, what should we do, guys? There is the kid to consider...

Aether: Alright, you have a deal.

Arataki Itto: Oh it's on! Heh, I like your style, haha! Alright, but first thing's first, I need to find an Onikabuto to battle with. I've been looking here for ages and haven't found myself a winner yet, so it's time to try somewhere else. Come with me. Saves you worrying that I might skedaddle.

Sakura: If it's an Onikabuto you're looking for then ok, we'll help you.

So now the party was helping Arataki Itto find an Onikabuto

Paimon: By the way, Paimon's curious... What kind of game is beetle fighting?

Arataki Itto: You guys have seen Onikabuto out in the wild, right? Even though they might look menacing on the outside, they're big softies on the inside. Most of the time they just sit there doing nothing. But let me tell ya, once the Onikabuto start fighting, they won't let anything get in their way! The grand game of beetle fighting is a match where your beetle tries to flip the other beetle onto its back.

Aether: I played when I was a kid. I also watched people playing that when I was a kid.

Sakura: Back in my village I used to witness Beetle battles.

Tamamo: I witnessed Beetle battles too.

Higokumaru: So have I.

Mei: I have also witnessed beetle battles when I was a kid.

Arataki Itto: Hey, it's not just some kids game, okay? It's way deeper than you think!

Mei: How deep?

Arataki Itto: I have taken part in more beetle fights than you would believe. At least 800 — I may have even crossed the thousand mark by this point. Anyway, after a while, you can tell a beetle's fighting potential just by looking at its shape, size, and the patterns on its body. But it's not just about all the physical stuff, oh no! Your Onikabuto's gotta be in the right headspace as well. If it's not up for a fight or doesn't have the guts, then it's game over. Haha! Boy, are you guys are lucky you ran into me. When it comes to beetles, I'm the expert that the experts go to! I'll show you all you need to know.

Paimon: But, we're not the ones that will be playing... We're just here to keep an eye on you.

Sakura: And to help you find an onikabuto beetle.

Arataki Itto: ...Oh yeah. Anyway, not a problem! You guys might think that I'm just tooting my own horns here, but just you wait... I'll make you a beetle expert in no time! And by the way, that kid has one tough beetle, we can't underestimate it. We have to find a real lean mean beetle warrior.

Aether facepalms.

Sakura: Right...

Mei: Ok...

Paimon: Okay, he's not the sharpest horn on the oni...

Arataki Itto: Okay, lemme see... There. Let's head to that hill. I'll bet my bottom Mora we're gonna find some major-league Onikabuto hiding out there.

The group walked with Itto to the tree where the Onikabuto reside. But then lightning struck the tree.

Paimon: Uh oh, lightning storm!

Arataki Itto: Ugh, for crying out loud, this'd better not scare off all the beetles...

They check the area where lightning struck but no Onikabutos were found.

Arataki Itto: Darn it! They've all gone... Let's hop down from here and take a look. My gut's tellin' me that there's a king-size beetle just below. Beefy beetle king, here we come!

Sakura: Try to keep up.

First Sakura leaps off the gorge then was followed by Higokumaru and Tamamo.

Arataki Itto: Oh don't you leave me behind!

Arataki Itto leaps down then is followed by Aether and Paimon.

Arataki Itto: Look, you see all those purple things? It's a whole pile of Onikabuto! Now that's what I'm talking about!

They go behind the bushes only to find...

Arataki Itto: Huh? What the... Ah, no! Not Lavender Melons...!

They continued moving onward.

Arataki Itto: Ahem, well, even a pro like myself can make a mistake from time to time. It's okay, just gotta roll with the punches. Let's try somewhere else.

Mei: everyone makes mistakes, Itto.

Arataki Itto: I know that.

They go to a rock where they finally find an Onikabuto.

Arataki Itto: This is the one, this is the one! Hahaha! See? As long as you're in my company, you're guaranteed to find yourself an Onikabuto.

Aether: It seems a bit different from the others.

Mei: It's kinda... small.

Arataki Itto: Yeah, it's on the smaller side. But size isn't everything in a beetle fight.

Aether: But you said earlier that size matters...

Arataki Itto: Just let the expert explain, okay? What smaller beetles lack in strength they make up for in agility. They usually got a whole bunch o' sick moves just ready to whip out when the right moment comes.

Mei: That is true. Little things have more speed than big things

Aether: Sure, but it doesn't seem to be very energetic, either.

Arataki Itto: Listen, you can never see a beetle's true energy until it's in the ring. It might look a bit young and docile, but that's got its advantages. Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover"?

Sakura: We've heard that before.

Arataki Itto: Young beetles that have never fought before always go all out in their first fight. Older beetles that have already been through the wars tend to just cower in the corner the moment they see a strong opponent.

Aether: I was hoping we'd catch a larger beetle.

Arataki Itto: Hey, didn't I say not to worry! C'mon, just have a little faith, would ya? My experience is telling me that this Onikabuto was spawned to be a champion.

Aether: Wait a sec, where's Paimon?

Paimon: Right here! Look what Paimon found! If we're gonna battle some beetles, then Paimon wants in! It's not like we have anything else to do... When you hopped down, Paimon flew off somewhere else nearby and found this one.

Inter sight was a different colored beetle. Instead of purple like the other beetles it was in a type of pink color in crimson.

Paimon: Whaddya think, Itto? It's big and strong and looks like a real fighter. It matches everything you said about a good fighter beetle! Bet the one you guys found must be way, way... ...b—bigger.

Arataki Itto: Oh uh... Heh. You got some experience catching beetles too, huh?

Paimon: Nope, this is the first one Paimon's ever caught!

Arataki Itto: Well, looks like you've got a real knack for this. You'll be a fellow beetle fighting expert in no time! I mean, not as good as me, but still.

Paimon: Oh... so overall not that good, then.

Arataki Itto: Uh anyway, great! With both your beetle and mine, I can tell this'll finally be the one! This time, I'm gonna win for sure!

Aether: "This'll finally be the one"? ...You've never won before?

Arataki Itto: Well, ahem... Y'know, that's just life, man. There are so many people in this world who are talented... and passionate... but it's no guarantee that things will go their way. So many unrelated things have to come together at once in just the right way to make victory happen. There's this word that really sums it up nicely, actually. It's, uh, "co-incidence"!

Mei: Coincidence.

Paimon: As in, pure luck...? Guess it makes no difference whether we have Paimon's beetle or not, then. Might as well just...

Arataki Itto: Whoa whoa whoa, hey! Hehe, let's not do anything rash here!

Aether: I thought smaller beetles know a bunch of sick moves?

Mei: Didn't you say that younger beetles are fearless?

Arataki Itto: I think both of these fine beetles have a shot at winning. Let's just hang on to them and give 'em both a try. A true warrior never leaves a good beetle behind, hahaha. Anyway — time to head back and get this show started! Man, I am psyched for this, wooh! Let's go!

So with the two Onikabuto Beetles, they returned back to Daisuke and Granny Oni.

Daisuke: Finally! You're back! Can we start our beetle fight now?

Arataki Itto: Yeah, sure thing, buddy! But you'd better watch out, I brought a real winner back this time.

Daisuke: Don't worry, I'm not scared of your beetle. Go, go, Stripy Ghost!

The camera showed Daisuke's beetle.

Arataki Itto: I've got this fight in the bag! Let's go, Nimble Ninja!

Then the camera showed the beetle Itto found.

Paimon: Huh? When did you come up with that name?

Arataki Itto: C'mon, you can take 'im, little guy!

The beetles charge at one another from both crates and engaged.

Higokumaru: Oooooo! This is so exciting!

Mei: Look at those Onikabutos giving it their all.

Sakura: We see beetle battling again after so long.

Tamamo: Beetle battling. So much fun.

Daisuke: Haha! That's right, finish it!

Daisuke's beetle had Itto's beetle at a corner then with one final charge, Daisuke's beetle flipped over Itto's beetle and knocked it off the crate.

Arataki Itto: Ah, no!!! My little Nimble Ninja!

Daisuke: Hah! Looks like I win again!

Arataki Itto: Dang it, that's my seventh loss in a row!

Sakura: That is a poor track record...

Aether: Seems Ogura Mio wasn't kidding.

Mei: He really does get angry every time he losses to children.

Arataki Itto: I'm not angry. I'm just... Um... overreacting is all...

Daisuke: Hee-hee, Stripy Ghost is invincible. Even Uncle Itto can't beat him!

Arataki Itto: I won't forget this! I'll beat you next time, I swear!

Arataki Itto: Alright, Paimon, you're up. Time to give Crimson Cyclone a shot, maybe it'll end this losing streak of mine.

Paimon: Alright! Go get 'em, Crimson Cyclone!

The camera showed Paimon's beetle on the crate.

Then both beetles began battling.

That name caught on quick.

Daisuke: Whoa! That one looks ultra strong! But it's still no match for you, Stripy!

Paimon: Hehe! Alright little guy, use your Super Paimon Tornado!

Aether...: That's a real thing now!?

Mei: (Now she tries to order a beetle to use a move like in Pokémon.)

Doing what Paimon said, the beetle pushes and flips over Daisuke's beetle.

Daisuke: No, I can't believe it... I lost.

Paimon: Yay, we won! Hah, Paimon knew Crimson Cyclone would be the best!

Arataki Itto: Boy, did that one put up a fight. It wiped the floor with Stripy Ghost...

Sakura: I guess sometimes size is everything and sometimes not.

Mei: That is true.

Higokumaru: Most little guys are super strong and fast and skillful and most are not.

Tamamo: Even Lolis and Shotas can be powerful or not.

Arataki Itto: Heh, I know a real beetle trainer when I see one. Way to kick some beetle butt, partner!

Paimon: Hee-hee, see? Paimon's got real talent! Of course, Crimson Cyclone has to take some of the credit too...

Aether: Why don't we let Daisuke keep Crimson Cyclone?

Paimon: Oh right, yeah, now that the beetle fighting's over and all...

Daisuke: Hm...?

Paimon: This is for you, Daisuke.

Daisuke: Huh, for me? You're really giving it to me?

Arataki Itto: Go ahead, take it, Daisuke. When we finally get back to the city, you can show it off to all your friends.

Daisuke: But... will we ever be able to go back?

Arataki Itto: Of course we will, trust me. I never go back on my word! Anyway, I got some things I gotta discuss with my friends here. Go play with Granny for a while, would ya? There's a good boy!

Paimon: Good, the kid doesn't suspect a thing...

Higokumaru: What a relief.

Daisuke: You're from the Tenryou Commission, aren't you? I bet you're here to capture Uncle Itto.

The two floating creatures turned pale white with blank eyes and black backgrounds now shocked.

Paimon and Higokumaru: Huh?

Arataki Itto: Hey! Didn't I tell ya? They're my friends! ...Uh, in fact, they're in the gang. We're practically family!

Daisuke: That's not true! I already know everyone in your little gang, but I've never seen them before!

Higokumaru: No we're not from the Tenryou Commission.

Daisuke: Liars! You are from the Tenryou Commission.

Higokumaru: This little kid doesn't believe us.

Daisuke: Uncle Itto didn't do anything wrong, don't take him away!

Higokumaru: He's been whisking people away to get people's Mora! And after his Visions taken away then getting his Vision back, he's been getting revenge on the Tenryou Commission by doing bad things!

Daisuke: No! He would never do bad things! And not only did he not do anything wrong, he also saved my life! He's not a bad guy!

Aether: Let's try to stay calm.

Arataki Itto: Hey, some things we don't tell to outsiders, remember? *sigh* How should I explain... I'm a real lousy liar...

Granny Oni: Itto, sometimes you need to just say what you have to say. Don't worry about us.

Arataki Itto: I guess... Thanks, Granny. Seems I can't hide it anymore. Come with me, I'll explain everything.

Arataki Itto explains everything to the party as they went somewhere else.

Arataki Itto: I'll be honest with you. This thing the Tenryou Commission is investigating, with someone going around taking people and their possessions... It wasn't me. Any of it.

Tamamo: If you didn't do those bad things then who did?

Sakura: Why did you lie?

Arataki Itto: I have my own reasons for lying about it, and I really didn't want to get innocent people caught up in this while I'm still trying to solve the real problem here. I'm the same as you. I just wanna avoid conflict at all costs... But it's just not worth it if someone gets hurt.

Paimon: So why in the world would you say that you're the culprit?

Arataki Itto: *sigh* Maybe you don't know because you're outlanders... It all started a long, long time ago with the story of the crimson oni and the blue oni...

Paimon: Hold on a second, if you're talking about that fairytale, we've heard that one already.

Arataki Itto: Oh, so you already know. Well, that makes things a whole lot easier.

Paimon: So... is the story from the fairytale really true?

Arataki Itto: Everything about the fate of the oni is true. The blue oni chose exile, and the crimson oni stayed behind. But the other details aren't historically accurate. Fairytales are nice stories, but there's something they leave out... it's a little thing called the cold, hard truth. The Inazuma of long ago was a dangerous place. If you wanted the Raiden Shogun's protection, you had to have a good relationship with the humans.

Mei: It was hard getting in a good relationship with Baal but she was able to accept us. Including me since we both have the same blood.

Arataki Itto: The oni are a proud kind, so it wasn't easy for them to ask others for acceptance. Over time, the oni eventually split into two factions.

Mei: Two factions?

Arataki Itto: The crimson oni were friendly with the humans, but the blue oni, they were more stubborn and insisted on keeping to their own.

Mei: (Another conflict between the colors red and blue.)

Paimon: Paimon thought you were two different species. So really, you're all one family?

Arataki Itto: Yep, that's right. There's no real difference between us. We just paint our horns different colors to show which side we belong to.

Aether: So why did the blue oni choose to exile themselves?

Arataki Itto: Because humans were still wary of oni at the time. The crimson oni always hoped to find a way to live in peace with the humans, but the blue oni kept clashing with them. Humans didn't see a difference between crimson and blue oni. All they knew was that oni were hard to get along with. If things were to continue that way, the oni were never going to get along with humans. And so, the most revered leaders of the crimson and blue oni decided to resolve it once and for all.

Mei: How?

Arataki Itto: Over drinks, they swore an oath. The blue oni would play the role of evil oni to help the crimson oni integrate into human society. But the blue oni's leader gave two conditions.

Paimon: Hmm? What were they?

Arataki Itto: First, the oni must abandon any prejudice they held against humanity. Every oni was to accept humans in their heart before the humans accepted them. Oni were not to use their strength to mistreat humans but also were not to stand for mistreatment against themselves. Second, the crimson oni were to integrate with human society — but not by trying to please the humans. The oni were to embrace their own honest characters, surging tempers, and awesome strength to win respect from humans.

Sakura: (I wonder what Reimu Hakurei would do in situations like those?)

Arataki Itto: In other words, they were to carry on the oni bloodline while also protecting our oni pride.

Aether: Hmm, I see...

Mei: We understand...

Arataki Itto: After choosing exile, the number of blue oni began to dwindle, until they eventually disappeared altogether. Since I first heard the story of the blue and crimson oni as a kid, I've heard it countless times in my life... Not once did I ever imagine that the blue oni clan had actually survived...

Paimon: So you're saying the real culprit was a descendant of the blue oni?

Arataki Itto: That's right. Most people don't pay attention to the color of an oni's horns. They probably don't even know that blue oni exist. But nothing gets by the Arataki Gang. At the scene of the crime, they saw an oni with different color horns than mine. Still, it'd be strange if the culprit really was a descendant of the blue oni. I can't bring myself to accept it.

Aether: Because the blue oni also value their own pride?

Arataki Itto: Exactly! They would give up their life before abandoning their pride. I have always respected the blue oni for the sacrifice they made, and I know the aspirations my ancestors had for the future of all oni. Our pride does not allow for any wrongdoing. You don't steal from other people, you don't harm other people, period! My guess is that the blue oni was tricked or forced into it somehow. But I don't have any evidence...

Aether: So you're trying to buy more time?

Arataki Itto: That's right. If I didn't step in, then the Tenryou Commission would've definitely caught them by now.

Paimon: But what does Daisuke have to do with any of this? He said that you saved him, so he knows your story, right?

Arataki Itto: He was the one I managed to save from the ronin after I sent them running from the scene. He was off playing somewhere when they came by and ransacked his house. By the time he came back, his parents had been taken.

Sakura and Mei: *gasps*

Arataki Itto: The whole reason I'm in this is to help this kid find his mom and dad again.

Aether: Why didn't you just tell us that in the first place?

Mei: We could've done something to find them.

Sakura: We save lives. You could've told us and we could've helped try to find them and save them.

Arataki Itto: I never wanted to tell you any of this... Heh, my original plan was to knock you all out and take my family to hide somewhere else. There's more to this than just one blue oni — there's a dangerous group behind everything that's been going on. So I didn't want to get anyone else caught up in this mess. That's everything, the whole story. If you still don't believe me and wanna drag me back to Inazuma City, then I'm going to fight you with all I've got. But if you're willing to believe me, then please. Give me a little time. Once I find the blue oni, I'll turn the both of us in.

Sakura: We believe you Itto. Really we do.

Mei: Unforgivable. Taking parents away from children.

Aether: I will help you.

Paimon: Yep, Paimon too!

Mei summons the Musou Isshin.

Mei: I'll go too.

Tamamo summons her talismans and mirror floating around her.

Tamamo: Miko~ I will help this child get his parents back.

Higokumaru: I'll burn those criminals.

Aether: The real culprits must be brought to justice.

Mei: We can't let the innocent be accused.

Paimon: Just treat it like we're here to keep an eye on you.

Arataki Itto: So you... Heh, alright! I knew you'd be reasonable, I knew it! I was thinking right from the start — these fine folks, they're just out here in the pursuit of truth and justice, man. We are gonna get along just great!

Sakura: Just like you did with me and Kallen.

Arataki Itto: I should tell you though, things could get a little dangerous, so be ready for anything. Heh, don't say that I didn't warn you.

Paimon: Hehe, don't worry about us. We're seasoned adventurers!

Arataki Itto: Alright, then our first job is to investigate where this blue oni is hidin' out. There's a victim of his that saw him up close currently taking refuge at Sangonomiya's camp. I figure we can start by talkin' to him.

(Fort Fujitou)

Arataki Itto: Yo! You must be Masato?

Masato: A—An oni!? Oh no, not another one...

Arataki Itto: Oh — uh, yeah, not the one that robbed you though. So chill. I contacted you before, remember? I need your help.

Sakura: Most humans are still scared of onis

Masato: Oh, right... Sorry, I'm still a bit on edge after the incident. Ahem, so anyway here's what happened. I was just out transporting some goods when a group of ronin suddenly attacked me. It's not the first time that's happened to me. Usually, you just hand over some Mora and they'll leave you alone. At least you don't lose your goods that way. But this time was different. They weren't willing to talk things over, instead, they took my things and then started coming for me.

Paimon: Huh!? That's totally uncalled for!

Higokumaru: That's so wrong!

Masato: I got down on my knees and begged. Said I had a family to care for and that my business is our only livelihood. Then I saw that there was an oni among the group. I thought he was gonna be the one to finish me off. But instead, he stopped the others and told them to let me go.

Mei: How strange...

Aether: So was there friction within the group?

Masato: Yeah. That got them all arguing with each other. His cohort said that I was sure to retaliate if they released me. But the young oni was insistent that they shouldn't lay a finger on me. Things got real heated — I thought they were gonna come to blows. Luckily, they let me escape with my life in the end, and I scrambled to get myself here, where I'd be safe. *sigh* I never want to set foot outside of here again.

Arataki Itto: So he'll steal, but he won't harm people. Hmph, seems he has some sort of standards. Did he say why they were robbing you?

Masato: ...Surely it was Mora, right? What else could they have wanted with me?

Sakura: There must have been more to it than that.

Masato: I mean, I can't say for sure. It's not like I asked... But what I did hear them say was, "The goods are worth more than the merchant's life," or something like that.

Arataki Itto: Ugh, that idiot oni... Do you have any idea where they went after they robbed you?

Masato: I have no clue, but I think they're pretty active in the Tatarasuna area.

Sakura: The Tatarasuna area.

Masato: You aren't gonna go after them, are you? Seriously, I'd advise against it... There are too many of them, and they're all heavily armed.

Arataki Itto: Ah, don't worry, it's just a bunch of no-name scumbags. I got a whole laundry list of scores to settle with them.

Sakura: And besides, we can handle them.

Mei: We have powerful friends.

Arataki Itto: If these two islands are where they tend to hang around, we're sure to run into them at Nazuchi Beach sooner or later.

Sakura: Then lets get to it.

They turned and left.

Masato: I still think you should leave it alone... they're too dangerous. Never mind the goods, I'm lucky just to have escaped with my life.

(Nazuchi Beach)

Arataki Itto: They gotta pass through here some time. So let's just hang tight for a while. If I'm not mistaken, they'll be showing up any time now.

Paimon: Yeah, things might get a little rough, so we'd better be prepared.

After they wait for a while, the suspicious people finally emerge.

Paimon: Oh, here they come!

Arataki Itto: Yeah, there they are. And one of them has horns.

Sakura: Blue horns.

Arataki Itto: Alright, it's go time. Let's get 'em!

They summon their weapons then charge in. The Ronin notice them then they draw out their weapons. Swords clashed.

Arataki Itto: Looks like you fellas aren't going down without a fight. Fine by me! Let's fight first and talk later!

Itto summons his akauishi bull, Ushi and attacks the Nobushi while Itto swings his cleaver at the enemy. Sakura cuts down the Nobushi swiftly with her slashes and so does Mei. Tamamo does a spinning attack using her mirror followed by Higokumaru's flames.

Tamamo: Ha!

Tamamo then kicks a Nobushi into the sky and disappears into a twinkle.

Sakura: Crimson Naraka.

Sakura sheathes her sword then the Nobushi were slashed. Then Sakura redraws her sword ten slashes through all of them then finishes them off. When she sheathed her sword again, all the Nobushi fell and turned into blue particles.

After Sakura finished them off, the blue oni runs away.

Arataki Itto: Hey! Don't even think about runnin'!

They chase after him. Mei turns into lightning then instantly appears behind the blue oni then pins him down once she wasn't lightning anyone.

Mei: You're not going anywhere.

Arataki Itto: It's me. Arataki Itto, descendant of the crimson oni!

???: Hmph, I know who you are. From the day we are born, every blue oni knows their purpose. We all know our fate is one of self-sacrifice.

Takuya: But what about the crimson oni, hmm? You don't know anything about us... Not our miserable history, or any of our names. Mine's Takuya, by the way. But you don't even care, do you? Because those who get sacrificed should be forgotten, right?

Arataki Itto: No, you're wrong. I never knew that the blue oni had survived to this day — and the moment I found out, I was determined that I would find you. Since you remember the pact between our two factions, I assume you also remember the pride we share as oni. So my question is, how could a proud oni like yourself go and abuse the weak and plunder the innocent? Why break the oath that our kind swore all those years ago?

Takuya: Hahaha!

Mei kicked him in the back shutting him up.

Arataki Itto: Huh? What's so funny!?

Takuya: Heh, who are you to talk about pride and oaths with me? The blue oni gave up everything! Just so the crimson oni could live peacefully in human society! But let me ask you, Arataki Itto, what exactly do you contribute to human society? You're a blundering fool who can't hold down a real job, a laughingstock of the town, and worse still, you let them get your Vision during the Vision Hunt Decree. Protecting the oni pride? Hah! You wouldn't know how if you tried! You're a disgrace to the oni kind!

Mei: Shut up!

Mei kicked Takuya in the back again to shut him up then she turned him round then held Ei's sword against Takuya's throat.

Takuya: Let go of me Shogun fake!

Mei held the sword closer.

Mei: Don't call me a fake!

Arataki Itto: Hey, come on, none of that stuffs a big deal, I mean... heh, y—you're, uh, really hangin' me out to dry here, man...

Takuya: Since when do you care what other people think? You just do whatever you want. It's not like anyone can stop you. But do you have any idea of the kind of life my kin and I have lived while you've been hanging around in human society?

Takuya: We were cut off from the rest of the world. We severed all contact with it, and since then we've had no place to live, no stable source of food... No clothing, no medicine, nothing! Besides the oath we swore to uphold and our so-called oni pride, we had nothing!

Mei grabbed Takuya and dragged him to a large rock and pinned him again.

Arataki Itto: So that's why you joined a band of thieves?

Takuya: That's right. Why should I accept that life? Is holding fast to a worthless oath supposed to help me provide for my family and friends?I've abandoned our oni pride, it's meaningless. I want to live. I've given everything that I've stolen from humans to my community. What I've taken will at least keep them from starving and ease their pain. That's what matters most to me.

Aether: That doesn't actually solve the root problem.

Paimon: Yeah! And besides, the blue oni sacrificed themselves so that oni could be accepted as part of human society!

Sakura: It was the blue oni's choice to help the crimson oni to be accepted by the humans.

Paimon: If people see oni causing trouble again, then that'll defeat the whole purpose of the sacrifice you made!

Takuya: Hmph, you make a good point. But Arataki Itto's the one who needs to get that into his thick skull. The blue oni are the bad guys, so we're expected to do bad things. Our actions won't tarnish the reputation of the crimson oni... Unless, of course, this bonehead decides it'd be a great idea to take all the blame for himself, completely destroying the trust between humans and the crimson oni in the process... He's the one that's wasted the sacrifice we've made.

Arataki Itto: Huh!? I only had to do that because of you! I couldn't just stand back and let the Tenryou Commission drag you away!

Takuya: You should get your priorities straight! The blue oni are history, alright!? Forget about us! The crimson oni are the ones who must live on! Why couldn't you have just stayed out of this!?

Ishizaki: There they are! Seize them!

Paimon: Oh no! It's the Tenryou Commission!

Takuya: Ugh, forget it! This was a waste of time anyway. Look, I don't expect you to understand me. But you could at least take a look in the mirror sometime.

Takuya slams his foot down on Mei's foot causing her to wince in pain and let Takuya go then he runs away.

Paimon: Hey! Heyyy!

Higokumaru: Get back here you coward!

Paimon: He got away! Uh oh, we need to get out of here, too!

Sakura: It's too late!

Aether: They've got us surrounded!

Arataki Itto: We can't get caught here. Looks like I'm up to bat. Just wait here, and we'll escape together when the time's right. Whatever you do, don't attack any of the Tenryou Commission or they'll be after you too.

Sakura: You're right, Itto. Sara will try to arrest us again.

Mei: And they won't listen to a single word we say to them.

Itto summons his bigger weapon activating his burst ultimate and began whacking away the Tenryou Commission members.

Ishizaki: C'mon men! He won't get away this time. Just give yourself up, Arataki Itto.

Arataki Itto: Never!

Itto defeats them all and returns back to the group.

Arataki Itto: Man, they really came out in force today. I'm kinda flattered the Tenryou Commission sent so many... But I still haven't completely recovered from the bean attack earlier... I'm starting to lose my edge here.

Aether: Why don't you let us explain the situation to them?

Arataki Itto: No, no way! All that would do is send them after our blue oni friend instead. But, I have to settle things with him first, man to man!

Mei: And they won't listen to a single word we tell them like I've said before.

Paimon: Then what should we do!? The Tenryou Commission's about to arrest you!

Arataki Itto: Ugh, no choice but to keep kicking some Tenryou butt!

Akira: Hey Boss! Thought you'd have all the fun without us, huh?

Genta: Granny Oni sent us. We're here to lend a hand!

Mamoru: Maybe we can't take 'em, but we can sure slow 'em down. Now's your chance — go!

Arataki Itto: Hey! I told you to stay outta this one!

Akira: Well, we're in it now. C'mon, there's no time!

Genta: Go do what you gotta do, Boss!

Sakura: Listen to them, Itto. You don't want to repeat like what happened when you lost your Vision.

Arataki Itto: ... ... Hmph, alright then! Watch yourselves. Soon as I'm done, I'm coming back for you!

Arataki Itto: C'mon you guys! Time to roll!

Mei strikes herself with lightning then vanishes from sight. Sakura pulls out smoke bombs then makes them explode.

Ishizaki: Don't let them get away! After them!

When the smoke cleared, the group was gone.

Mamoru: Hey! You guys want some of this!? There's plenty to go around!

Genta: Run for it, Boss!

The group managed to escape with the help of Arataki's gang. Once they were far away enough, they stopped.

Arataki Itto: As boss of the Arataki Gang, being rescued by my own boys feels... pretty humiliating.

Sakura: You should be thankful to them that they saved you and us. Even bosses need help from their members.

Higokumaru: Yeah, you should be grateful to them.

Arataki Itto: ...Ok... I promise never to let you down, boys! Alright, we got some footprints to follow. Let's find Takuya!

Paimon: It was real touching and all, what they did, but those few guys weren't much of a gang...

Arataki Itto: Hey, it takes Mora to run a gang, okay? They're all I got for now.

They follow the footprints to where there were a mess of footprints.

Arataki Itto: Huh? Is it just me, or are there more and more footprints here?

Arataki Itto: At least we know we're headed the right way. Let's see what else we can find ahead.

Nearby was a cart destroyed.

Arataki Itto: Wrecked carts and goods...

3 Nobushi spawn.

Arataki Itto: Look alive, we've got company!

They fought them but they took care of them and finished them quickly.

Arataki Itto: Seems they definitely don't want us going any further. Let's see what's waiting for us up ahead.

They go to the fourth location.

Arataki Itto: Huh, besides the footprints, there are other signs of life here too. Must be plenty going on around here... Let's investigate. They couldn't have just disappeared into thin air... unless they're all ninjas or something.

Mei: We've known a lot of ninjas and shinobis. Especially Sayu. She's a ninja only she does not get enough sleep but can still fight.

Arataki Itto: All I did was give her a little pat on the head this one time when she wasn't looking, and now, she pounces to attack every time she lays eyes on me. Haha, what can I say? Tanuki are adorable! What am I supposed to do — not pat one on the head? ...Oh yeah, and that's the other thing — she beats you up for calling her a tanuki, too! What's up with that? I mean, a tanuki's what she's going for, right? Sheesh, talk about getting your fur all ruffled over nothing...

Mei: Maybe she's just uncomfortable with being called a tanuki. And maybe she doesn't know you too well to appreciate a head pat from you.

Sakura: I've had ninjitsu training myself. Not just training on how to be a shrine maiden. Even some friends we know have had ninjitsu training.

The group searched till they finally found the entrance to the ronin hideout.

Arataki Itto: Ah! Hidden entrance! Yes! alright! I think we just found their hideout.

Arataki Itto: This is going to be where they keep all the people they took.

Mei: This has got to be it.

Paimon: Paimon thinks Takuya's probably going to be in there as well...

Aether: Before we go in, I have a question.

Arataki Itto: Huh? Oh, fire away.

Aether: Did you really understand where Takuya was coming from?

Arataki Itto: Heh, of course I did. C'mon, I'm not that dumb... But it takes a world-class blockhead like Takuya to think his ideas are actually going to work. So I'm here to save him, no matter what!

Aether: Alright, that's good to hear.

Paimon: Huh? What were you two talking about? Are you keeping Paimon in the dark again?

Sakura: No they're not.

Arataki Itto: Hahahaha, let's go!

Higokumaru: Yeah let's go get those bad guys!


They entered into the domain then dropped down to a floor where they encountered ronin.

Mei: Of course they would be at the entrance.

Mei summons Ei's sword then engages. The others followed through.

Paimon: Whoa, this place is huge! Pretty fancy for a hideout...

Arataki Itto: All acquired by less-than-legitimate means, no doubt. And all the more reason we gotta put an end to this.

Tamamo: And to make them pay.

They took care of the ronin then continued onward through the domain. The group came to larger room with a puzzle mechanism for stairs.

Paimon: Hmm, how come the stairs are over there? We can't go up if we can't reach them!

Arataki Itto: No problemo! That'll be what this mechanism is for.

Itto flips the switch to activate the mechanism then the stairs changed direction.

Paimon: Oh, it's moving!

Arataki Itto: Hehe, see? What did I tell ya? Just trust my instincts.

Mei: So now we have to keep finding more switches so we can get through this puzzle and get all the way over up there.

Mei point at the platform with the entrance.

Sakura: That's got to be where the hostages are.

So the group goes up the stairs then go to different rooms then back to the stairs till they got to the top and enter inside where stye went down a hall way then to a room where there were the imprisoned hostages in cages being guarded.

Paimon: Huh! Look at all the people locked up in here!

Arataki Itto: They must be holding onto them for leverage. Alright, let's get them out of here.

Sakura: Attack!

They came out of hiding and attacked the ronin who fought back.

Mei: Don't worry everyone! We're here to save you!

Higokumaru: Just hang tight and we'll get you out of here!

Sakura: Leave them to us!

Sakura cuts a ronin in half and it turns into blue particles.

Aether and Itto finish them off with their swords. With the ronin out of the way, the group frees everyone inside.

Paimon: Alright, you're all free to go now! Quick, get to safety!

Sakura: Tamamo, Higokumaru, make sure that they get to safety.

Higokumaru: Just leave that to us, Aneki!

Tamamo: Extra caution is indeed needed. We'll make sure that they are safe.

However, a couple does not leave and instead goes to the group.

Misuzu: Sorry, but have you seen our little boy? We're awfully worried about him!

Mei: Your little boy?

Sugimoto: Calm down, dear. We don't even know if he was taken here or not.

Misuzu: B—but... Oh, my little Daisuke...

Paimon: Oh, you must be Daisuke's parents!

Misuzu: Yes, that's right! Have you seen him? Where is he? Is he all right?

Arataki Itto: Don't worry, he's safe and sound. Someone's looking after him now on Yashiori Island. Here, lemme show you on the map.

Sakura: He's being taken care of by an old lady.

Arataki Itto: He's been worried about you, I bet he'll be relieved to see you.

Misuzu: You were the one who saved him? Oh, thank you, thank you!

Aether: He's the one you should be thanking.

Sakura: If it wasn't for him, Daisuke would probably have been here too.

Arataki Itto: Hahaha, no need to thank me. It's my pleasure, really. It's just who I am... it's what I do. Before you go calling me a hero, lemme ask you this: Wouldn't any other self-respecting guy who saw another person in danger have done the exact same thing?

Paimon: Really... Just one little compliment and it goes straight to his head...

Aether: Why did they seize so many people?

Sugimoto: *sigh* These criminals are insatiable. They'll do anything for money. No one dares stand up to them for fear of what they might do...

Paimon: W—Would they really do anything drastic?

Sugimoto: Um... No, actually, because one of the guys — the one with oni horns on his head — has always shielded us so far.

Sugimoto: Oh, in fact, his horns look just like the ones this guy has!

Sakura: Were his horns blue?

Misuzu: Yes. At night, he would secretly bring us food and water. I don't understand what he was trying to do... Are you a friend of his? Or perhaps a relative?

Arataki Itto: Uh, relative, I guess.

Misuzu: Oh, maybe there's something secretly troubling him? He seemed different from the rest of the gang... They seem like heartless crooks, but I'd say he comes across more like a confused child who made some poor choices.

Arataki Itto: Lemme put it this way... There are a few things he needs to straighten out in his head, and I'm here to point him in the right direction.

Misuzu: I'm glad to hear that. He's lucky to have family like you.

Arataki Itto: Hehe, don't worry, he'll be in my trusty hands. I'll help him see the light. Anyway, you should scram, it's still not safe here.

Sakura: Tamamo No Mae and Higokumaru will make sure that you get out safely.

Tamamo: Mikon~ We'll keep you safe.

Higokumaru: We'll get you out safely.

Misuzu: Yes, thanks again. You've rescued our entire family... we are indebted to you.

Tamamo and Higokumaru lead Daisuke's parents out.

Arataki Itto: Heh, a child that made some poor choices... Anyway, let's get going, while we still have time.

They continue onward back the way they came then flipped the switch then the stairs rise up then they go up again till they reach a large door which lead them to reaching the final room.

Arataki Itto: This is the place. The jig's up, surrender while you can!

The ronin refused and drew out their weapons while the group summon their weapons.

Sakura: Since Tamamo and Higokumaru are not here right now. It's now the perfect time to summon her.

Paimon: Summon who?

Sakura: you're about to find out.

Sakura turned her right hand into a fist then held it against her chest then one of her command seals glow.

Sakura: It's time for you to let loose little oni.

A portal opened then came...

???: LET ME AT EM!


Flying in.

Sakura: Certainly.

Ibaraki: I've been waiting all day for this!

Ibaraki draws out her sword then began decapitating nobushi.

Ibaraki: HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

She decapitates one.


Then she decapitates five more. Itto was really shocked.

Arataki Itto: Ok, Who is that crazy oni!?

Sakura: That's Ibaraki-Douji. An oni from where we're from. She is not a descendent of the crimson oni.

Mei: She's a real killer and even caused a massacre once.

Arataki Itto: WHAT?! She caused a massacre?!

Sakura: She did. But forget about it. We have a fight to finish.

The group charges in as more Nobushi showed up.

Ibaraki: More bad guys to decapitate. Ragh!

Ibaraki covers her sword with fire and kills more Nobushi and burning them.

Ibaraki: HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Ibaraki burns more Nobushi alive with her flames then decapitates them and gets covered in blood.

Nogata, the leader attempts to attack Ibaraki only to get blocked by Sakura who then pushes him back and swings her sword only to get blocked by Nogata's sword. Meanwhile Mei was turning off an armor where the Nobushi were getting covered by Electro energy then she glows with Electro energy and so did Ei's sword.

Mei: I am the Raiden Shogun's equal. Raiden Mei. You poison Inazuma and Baal's eternity. And now you shall perish! Musou No Hitotachi!

Mei slashes through the group of Nobushi then they all get engulfed in a column of lightning. They all turned into blue particles while Mei was sheathing the sword. Arataki Itto saw the whole thing and was amazed then he whacked away a Nobushi with his giant Oni King's Kanabou.

Arataki Itto: Woah. You really can use the Raiden Shogun's Musou No Hitotachi! You weren't bluffing!

Mei: Of course I wasn't bluffing. We share the same blood.

Mei draws Ei's sword then slashes a Nobushi killing it.

Arataki Itto: Right...

Itto kills another Nobushi.

A Nobushi was going to slash at Sakura while she was still locked in with Nogata. But then a mirror came in and whacked away the Nobushi and then it gets killed by a dark orb blast.

???: Sorry for the wait Sakura. But we're back. Mikon~

Tamamo and Higokumaru appeared going up the stairs then entering in. The mirror floated back to Tamamo. Ibaraki notices then goes to Tamamo's side.

Ibaraki: Let's use our Noble Phantasm's and finish them off!

Tamamo: I was thinking the same thing. Now let's show them what we servants can do!

Both servants glowed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tamamo's mirror floated up then Tamamo did the same thing then summoned large orbs of fire and ice around her. Ibaraki hold's her right hand out then draws in flames around it.

Tamamo: Noble Phantasm! Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu!

Tamamo hurls the orbs at the Nobushi killing most of them while holding up a giant fire orb.

Ibaraki: Noble Phantasm! Great Grudge of Rashoumon!

Ibaraki shoots a giant fire hand from her right hand which then grabs the last remaining Nobushi. Finally Tamamo threw down the giant fire orb down and made contact just when the fire hand clutched down on the Nobushi and exploded killing the last of the Nobushi. The shockwave caused Nogata to get thrown back and land on his back.

The group had Nogata and Takuya in a corner. Ibaraki was breathing. Tamamo floated back down and landed next to Ibaraki.

Ibaraki: That felt so good... killing...

Tamamo: Of course you would enjoy killing bad guys. You did cause that massacre.

Ibaraki: I know. I did.

Nogata: Bet you think you've won, don't ya?

Ibaraki: Of course we've won! You're no match for us and there's 8 of us and only 2 of you.

Nogata: Haha, so naive! This is my home turf!

Ibaraki: And?

Nogata: I'll let you in on a little secret. A long time ago, I picked up this rare paper charm. It's very precious to me. What makes it so special is that if you tear one piece, the other piece starts tearing too.

Arataki Itto: Yeah, yeah, cut the small talk. Paper charm? Are you kidding me? Uh, news flash. I don't care about your little origami obsession.

Nogata: You'd better stay where you are and let me finish! Aren't you curious what the other piece is used for?

Ibaraki: Not really. I couldn't care any less.

Nogata: I'll tell you. It's now the critical component of a mechanism, and when it gets torn, this place goes up in smoke! Yeah. The whole hideout is rigged with explosives and ready to blow.

Paimon: Wha— You're gonna blow this whole place up!?

Aether: You'll get yourself killed too.

Nogata: Oh, don't worry about me. I made sure that I've got an escape route. The rest of you, though... you're gonna be buried deep among the rubble! You've had your fun. Now it's goodbye!

Nothing happened.

Nogata: ...Huh? My paper charm! Wh—Where's my paper charm!?

Takuya: I'm sorry, are you looking for this?

Nogata: Yes, that's— But when did you...

Takuya: I snatched it earlier, to stop you from doing anything hasty.

Nogata: Why you... And now you're going to betray me!?

Takuya: You're one to talk. What about burying everyone here? If you ask me, that sounds like you've already betrayed our agreement, no?

Nogata: Agh! Just give it here!

Arataki Itto: You done talking now? You sure? Great, 'cause I am done listening.

Itto hits Nogata and knocks him out.

Nogata: Ughhhh...

Arataki Itto: Great work, Takuya. You arrived in the nick of time.

Takuya: Stay away from me!

Arataki Itto: Huh!?

Takuya: I said stay away, or I'll tear the paper charm!

Arataki Itto: Hey! Okay, okay... fine. Just calm down. What are you doing!?

Takuya: Just because I won't let him blow this place to bits doesn't mean that I won't do it myself!

Ibaraki: You wouldn't!

Takuya: I will! Unless you wanna get buried, then leave this place, now! Take everyone here and get out!

Arataki Itto: Heh, you won't go through with it. If you were that cruel, then why bother protecting every person you've come across, huh?

Takuya: I'm not here to reason with you! Go! Just get out of here! This sacrifice is mine to make, mine alone! Why couldn't you just stay out of it!

Arataki Itto: No one needs to sacrifice themselves!

Takuya: Alright, then you tell me, what am I supposed to do!? I've tarnished our oni pride and abandoned our ancestors' oath. Only sacrifice can restore my pride now! I chose this path so I could provide for my fellow oni. I was ready to die from the very beginning. This is between us blue oni! But you... If it wasn't for you, everything would have worked out perfectly!

All of a sudden soldiers from the Tenryou Commission showed up.

Ishizaki: They're here! We won't let them slip away this time!

Paimon: Uh oh, there's nowhere else to run!

Takuya: Hey, Tenryou Commission! I'm the one you're looking for! I did it, I'm behind everything! Arataki Itto is innocent! You're the ones in charge of detaining criminals in human society, right? I'm sure you can tell who the criminal is here!

Paimon: Huh! It's like he's trying to re-enact the fairytale! Sacrificing himself for the crimson oni...

Arataki Itto: Ignore him, he doesn't know what he's talking about! It's me you've been looking for, and here I am! How're you ever going to report back without capturing me!

Takuya: Grr! Stop fooling around, Itto!

Arataki Itto: Listen Takuya, sacrificing yourself won't solve anything. Your sacrifice can't protect me or your fellow oni. And giving up your life isn't gonna make theirs any longer. Sacrificing yourself is one way to escape your fate, but the only one you'll be setting free is yourself. Listen to me! You wanna be the tough guy, huh? Well, this is the coward's way out! Don't let your sacrifice stain our oni pride!

Takuya: ...

Arataki Itto: The blue oni have been scraping the bottom of the barrel all these years, so let's give them a new beginning. We've made mistakes, but we can make up for them. Fate hasn't been kind to the oni? Well then, let's tear it up and start over! But before any of that can happen, you need to get yourself behind me and forget about all of that self-sacrifice stuff! Now, let's go. But we're not done talking about this. Takuya!!!

(Cutscene plays)

Takuya was refusing to go but behind him, Nogata was getting up then he rushes forward and tried to take the paper charm from Takuya but refused to let Nogata have it and pushed him back making him fall on his back. But her smirked and revealed in his hand the other half of the paper charm. The paper charm dispersed then there were explosions above. Boulders came down and some crushed Nogata killing him.

Sakura: We have to go save him.

They were gonna go rush to Takuya but Itto stopped them.

Arataki Itto: I'll take care of this!

Mei: But Itto...

Arataki Itto: There are still people in danger.

Sakura and Mei looked back and knew that Itto was right.

Arataki Itto: Go, help them!

Paimon: But...!

Arataki Itto: Hey, I got this!

And then Itto rushes forward to go save Takuya.

The group knew that Itto was right then turned to help the Tenryou Commission members evacuate.

Ishizaku: Come on!

The party, Ishizaku, and the other Tenryou Commission members flee the hideout.

Takuya was accepting his fate when he noticed Itto rushing forward to save him.

Takuya: Forget about me! Just go! It's what I deserve...

Arataki Itto: Ah, shaddap, wouldya?

A very large boulder was coming down to crush Takuya but Itto goes faster then he jumps up forward. Then his Superlative Superstrength stacks appear behind him then he draws Geo energy into his right fist then he punches the boulder destroying it. He finally gets to Takuya only the floor breaks and both onis fall. But Itto lands on a rock and jumps to Takuya holding his hand out. Then the scene cuts to black.

The camera showed the party outside.

Paimon: Whew, we managed to save everyone, but... What about Itto and Takuya? Paimon hope's they're alright.

Sakura: Let's wait a little longer.

Aether: Itto said he could take care of it.

Paimon: Uhh...

Then Paimon saw two men running to them.

Paimon: Look! It's Itto and Takuya!

Arataki Itto: Ugh, that's gonna hurt tomorrow... What's up with the looks on your faces? I said we'd be okay, didn't I?

Mei: We just thought that you weren't gonna mark it and got crushed.

Arataki Itto: I'm sure I'd be looking a whole lot sharper right now if it wasn't for that brutal bean attack of yours earlier.

Aether: I'm just happy you made it out alive!

Mei: We didn't wanna make things too easy for you.

Sakura: But you still had it in you to be as sharp as you are.

Ibaraki: And still strong too.

Takuya: Why... Wh—Why would you do this for me? I'm the guilty one here... I don't deserve this.

Arataki Itto: Because we are oni, that's why. We share the same blood, brother. Our parents and their parents before them never taught us that it was okay to abandon family in need. ...I just wish you'd come to find me sooner. If you knew about me all along, then you should've just come and asked me for help. I never would have dreamed of turning you away.

Takuya: The blue oni disappeared so that they wouldn't bring trouble to the crimson oni. If I came to you for help, wouldn't that just undo everything the blue oni have done?

Arataki Itto: Not to me! I've always respected the blue oni for their sacrifice. Nothing they did was in vain. It's only because of them that we have survived to see today, and built a world where oni and humans can live side by side. Honestly, everything that I have now, II owe to the blue oni. And lemme tell you, the Inazuma of today wouldn't see you as a villain just because of the color of your horns.

Takuya: You say all that, but... in spite of everything, you're barely getting by...

Arataki Itto: Hahaha, that's just how I roll, man. You remember the pact, don't ya? We're not supposed to suck up to the humans. We're supposed to earn their respect. Every member of the Arataki Gang's had a tough time trying to fit in. Take Akira, for example, he snores like you wouldn't believe... Or Genta, he's got a serious temper problem... And Mamoru, well, he's colorblind... Even Granny Oni, she got that name for taking me in as a kid. We're all rejects and outcasts in some way, but we don't care. You wanna talk about pride? Well, in our gang, we're proud to welcome anyone who's been through adversity with open arms.

Takuya: But... I...

Arataki Itto: Ah, don't worry! The Arataki Gang's already a bunch of misfits. You really think you could cramp our style?

Ishizaki: We've dealt with the Kairagi and the people they took captive. I assume the two of you are finished talking? Takuya, based on the findings of our investigation... I hereby announce that you are officially under arrest for forceful seizure of people and property. Please do not attempt to resist. All stolen articles will be reclaimed. That means we'll be seizing all the goods you passed on to your kin.

Takuya: N—No, please don't! Without those goods, they'll...

Arataki Itto: It's alright, Takuya. Those goods never belonged to us anyway. Don't worry, I'll help take care of your kin. Now that I know the situation, I'll personally make sure that they never suffer again.

Ishizaki: Might wanna put your grand plans on hold there. You're under arrest too, for numerous assaults on Tenryou Commission officers.

Arataki Itto: Oh, hehe... I guess I forgot about that. But no worries! I'll put my gang on the case. My boys will take good care of the blue oni...

Ishizaki: Yeah, we've already arrested them, too.

Arataki Itto: Oh, right. Yeah, uh...

Paimon: *sigh* That's what they get for resisting the Tenryou Commission.

Arataki Itto: I guess it's up to you then, guys. Could ya be pals and tell Granny Oni about the blue oni situation?

Aether: Sure, we'll tell her everything.

Arataki Itto: Thanks... and thanks for sticking with me to the end. Once I'm out of the slammer, I'll find a way to make it all up to ya.

Sakura: Now's your chance to clean up your act.

Arataki Itto: Yeah, I know the drill, this isn't my first time... and it probably won't be my last.

Ishizaki: As for the rest of you, lending them your aid when you knew full well they were in the wrong means that the culpability extends to you too. But, given your unique circumstances, and in light of the complexity of this case, we won't press charges this time.

Sakura: Thank you.

Mei: At least Baal won't be angry at me or arrest me.

Higokumaru: Yeah... It would be bad if we got turned into criminals too.

Paimon: Hehe, sorry for the trouble.

Arataki Itto: Hey, wait! "Unique circumstances"? Are these guys, like, a big deal or something?

Aether: Nope, it's nothing like that.

Mei: We are a big deal but we'll tell you later.

Arataki Itto: Hahaha, c—cool, 'cause I was gonna say, y'know... I'm kind of a big deal myself. You know...

Sakura: Yes Itto. We know.

Mei: It was great getting to know you.

Higokumaru: We are big deals too.

Sakura: We'll see you again soon.

Arataki Itto: Alright, see you next time... Whenever that will be!

Arataki Itto, Takuya, and the Tenryou Commission members leave the scene. But in the camera's sight were two beetles. One that was purple and one that was crimson.

Paimon: Well, he's pretty...

Higokumaru: Pretty what?

Paimon: Weird, but at least he's not a bad guy.

Tamamo: Ibaraki is.

Ibaraki: Hey!

Higokumaru: It is true. You did cause that massacre.

Sakura: And you are crazy when it comes to killing.

Ibaraki got a tick mark.

Sakura: We better get to Yashiori Island now.

(Yashiori Island)

The party gets to Yashiori Island where Granny Oni and Daisuke were. However, with them were Daisuke's parents. They tell Granny Oni everything that happened to them along the way.

Granny Oni: Ahh yes, that does sounds like my Itto.

Daisuke: So... did they take Uncle Itto away?

Higokumaru: They did.

Misuzu: Yes, they did. But don't be too upset, Daisuke. We will have the chance to see him again. He and his gang may have acted recklessly, but the fact remains that he still helped us.

Daisuke: Yeah, I knew it! Uncle Itto helped us, and he's awesome!

Granny Oni: Now don't get any ideas, Daisuke. Itto is a far cry from "awesome." He still caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people.

Mei: That is true. He did still assault Tenryou Commission Officers.

Granny Oni: If you ask me, I'd say he's like one of those little Onikabuto you kids are playing with all the time. Though he looks fierce on the outside, he has a kind heart. He's not a delinquent, but he will never back down from a fight.

Daisuke: Uh, I don't really get it, but it sounds like a compliment. I can't wait for my next beetle fight with Uncle Itto!

Sugimoto: Thank you, Granny, for taking care of our little boy. I hope that Itto and his friends will be released as quickly as possible.

Granny Oni: Yes, you needn't worry. The officials in the Tenryou Commission will certainly exercise sound judgment.

Sugimoto: It's time we started heading back. We'll be sure to visit again soon.

Daisuke and his parents leave.

Granny Oni: Ah, I'm glad that everything was resolved in the end. Things were looking quite dire, but now the future looks bright. Wonderful, wonderful. As for the blue oni, just leave them to me. If there's one thing an old granny like myself can do, it's caring for others.

Paimon: Do you need our help?

Granny Oni: Haha, no, no. Go on ahead, I'm sure you have other adventures beckoning. Besides, once Itto is released, he'll be here to help me.

Aether: Is he always like this?

Granny Oni: Oh, yes... And you know what, I think that's what makes him adorable, wouldn't you agree? Hehe. He does whatever he puts his mind to... He's sincere, brave, and determined. Back when I took him in, everyone thought I was most unusual indeed. They started calling me Granny Oni. But I've never been ashamed of this name. On the contrary, I'm quite proud of it. Because Itto is my pride and joy.

(A cinematic starts)

A long, long time ago, in a village lost to time

There lived a crimson oni and a blue oni

They were the best of friends

The crimson oni wanted to be friends with the humans

So the blue oni played the role of the naughty kid...

And then he left

After a long time, the crimson oni was living happily with the humans

But in his heart, he wanted to bring the blue oni back home

The crimson oni didn't know where to find the blue oni

His search took him up the highest mountains

And across the widest rivers

He found many traces of the blue oni

But the more he foundm the clearer it became:

The blue oni was hiding on purpose

So just as the blue oni had once done, the crimson oni left him a letter:

"Dear , I've made lots of human friends now"

"And I want to have a big party for everyone"

"I want all my friends to be there. That means you too, Ao"

"If you don't want to meet me, you can just watch from a distance"

The blue oni snuck back to the village, and hid in the shadows

He saw the great feast and roaring fire, and longed to join in

But though his stomach rumbled

The blue oni remembered the oath of old, and kept his distance

Suddenly, he jumped: The crimson oni was right behind him!

(The scene changed then appearing in the crimson oni's place was Arataki Itto)

"Hey, you're finally back!"

"C'mon, I'll introduce you!"

"It's time everyone met my best friend"

(Cinematic ends)

Granny Oni: Just leave everything to me now.

Sakura: Certainly, Granny Oni. Our work is done. We better go now.

The party turned to leave.

Granny Oni: It looks like Granny Oni's about to get a few more oni to look after.

The party walked along Yashiroi Island.

Ibaraki: That Arataki Itto guy was really something.

Sakura: He was.

Tamamo: If there's kitsunes, tengus, and onis in Inazuma then other Youkai must be in Inazuma too.

Mei: The way he punched that boulder felt like Saitama/One Punch Man do it.

Higokumaru: They have the same voice. Of course they would punch the same.

Sakura: I should go get some Udon after a long day.

Higokumaru: I'm pretty hungry too.

Mei: I should return to the Plane of Euthymia.

Ibaraki: I want to fight more. I want to fight more monsters today.

Tamamo: You want to fight monsters. Then fine. Come with me. Let's just meet back with everyone in the Serenetea Pot.

Ibaraki: Fine by me.

(Inazuma City)

Sakura and Higokumaru went to a noodle cart where they ordered two bowls of udon.

Higokumaru: Ahh... A good bowl of udon after fighting against bad guys.

Sakura: After fights, Saitama would want to get noodles after fighting against bad guys without a care.

???: I would like a bowl of udon.

A voice spoke. Sitting across from Sakura on her left was Kujou Sara also with a bowl of udon.

Sakura: Oh, hey Sara.

Kujou Sara: Hello Sakura.

Sakura: Off duty?

Kujou Sara: On break. A criminal was finally arrested.

Higokumaru: Who?

Kujou Sara: Arataki Itto.

Sakura: We know. He assaulted Tenryou Commission officers.

Kujou Sara: He's been wanting to fight me again which gets me annoyed especially after I seized his Vision. But I finally get to see him behind bars again after what he did. He was a big scum who caused nothing but trouble.

Sakura: He was just angry about where his Vision was on the statue and wanted revenge on the Tenryou Commission for taking his Vision away. Especially you, Sara.

Kujou Sara: I know. He was just angry. But a crime is a crime. But, I can understand his reasons for assaulting the Tenryou Commission officers. I can also understand the pact between the crimson onis and the blue onis.

Sakura: We've heard the whole thing. Arataki Itto may be a ciminal but he is also a good person who helped people. Especially Daisuke and his parents. He may be annoying but he is an interesting guy to be around.

Higokumaru: We even helped him win a beetle battle with a strong beetle.

Sakura: I can understand Itto much better now.

Kujou Sara: So can I. I can also understand why Takuya wanted to continue following the pact and self sacrifice. As soon as Itto is let out he's just going to cause trouble again.

Sakura: I know. But maybe he will be a little more wiser and want to continue helping people and play games with children.

(Serenetea Pot)

The scene faded into the next scene in the Serenetea Pot at night.

Sakura: And that's what happened.

The foxes, Mei, and Ibaraki finished explaining everything what happened to everyone in the Serenetea Pot. Aether and Paimon were already asleep in their room.

Patrick: Beetle battling. Haven't seen one of those since watching that episode of "The Powerpuff Girls Z" where Ken entered into a Beetle Battle competition with his beetle, Rocky and Buttercup coached him while Blossom and Bubbles were afraid of beetles.

Asuka: There are most people who are afraid of insects like beetles and most who are not.

Yumi: My guardian is a spider so I wouldn't be afraid of that.

Kiana: You could learn something from Spider Man.

Yumi: I could but I don't shoot web. Only ice and air.

Sakura: The way Itto punched that boulder with Geo energy felt like watching Saitama do it. He channeled his Geo energy into his right fist then destroyed the boulder.

Mei: Arataki Itto was really something.

Higokumaru: He was really tough.

Sakura: He was as strong as a bull because of how his constellation is Taurus.

Ibaraki: And because he was an oni just like me.

Kiana: I wonder when MiHoYo will give another character a constellation from the Zodiac?

Patrick: I don't know.

Seele: Wait. Didn't Jean also have a constellation from the Zodiac? Her constellation is Leo Minor which is in the shape of a lion which means that its Leo from the Zodiac.

Kiana: Oh. Jean also has a constellation from the Zodiac.

Patrick: I did not notice that. Or maybe I did. I don't know. Jean has Leo. Only she uses air. Not fire.

Kiana: So there's Leo and Taurus. Saitama could give lessons to Itto like he does to Genos.

Patrick: Considering that Zach Aguilar has voiced both Aether and Genos while Max Mittelman has voiced both Arataki Itto and Saitama.

Sakura: We should go to bed now. There's gonna be a new map in Inazuma in that pool on Watatsumi Island and I'm thinking that we should have everyone here join us.

Patrick: Everyone?

Sakura: everyone.

Neptune: But we won't get any dialogue.

Higokumaru: In Team Robot's Adventures series, the crossover characters don't get dialogue too. With a lot of characters they barely get any dialogue.

Blood Embrace: That's right. Think of it like in those YouTube videos Literally everyone where tons of random characters from different franchises show up to fight with The Avengers against Thanos and his army. They barely got any dialogue. Yet there were still scenes of them showing up from the portals not even talking. Well some of them talked.

Selune's Elgy: Goku and Saitama were the only Anime characters who were in those videos.

Neptune: I suppose what you say is true... but ok. We can deal with barley getting any dialogue.

Jingwai's Wings: Thank you, Neptune.

Fu Hua: there is also that new character Shenhe coming out. After exploring that new location we go back to Liyue.

Himeko: Good plan, Fu Hua.

Theresa: We are dismissed.

Everyone left to go to their bedrooms awaiting the next quest.

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