Chapter 72: Lantern Rite 2

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Paimon: Who would've guessed that rebuilding the Jade Chamber would draw out such a massive monster!

Book of Fuxi: I know! For a second we thought that Osial's wife was Osial! But no. That wasn't him. Osial has more heads and bodies.

Paimon: For a second there, Paimon really thought the Jade Chamber was gonna be ruined again...

Jingwai's Wings: But it's not. It's still in one piece.

Paimon: Whew, but it's all over now... who knows if the Lantern Rite can still go on after an incident like that, though.

Fu Hua: It might still go on. The danger is over. So there is nothing to worry about anymore.

Paimon: Let's ask Lady Ningguang how things are shaping up for the festival this year.

Fu Hua: We'll go get the others.

After the Traveler and Fu Hua got the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries together except for the crossover characters they

Ningguang: ...Send this report to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and have them delegate each of the tasks on the list to the appropriate departments. Also, be sure to tell them that though the Lantern Rite may be complicated, everything must be done properly.

Paimon: Hello, Lady Ningguang! It's us again!

Aether: We're not disturbing you, are we?

Ningguang: No, of course not. You are my honored guests.

Fu Hua: Thank you.

Ningguang: And given the looks of you all, I presume that you are here to celebrate the Lantern Rite?

Paimon: That's right! So what's on the agenda for the festival this year?

Ningguang: As always, there will be a variety of activities taking place. Oh, but there is one of particular interest... The Ministry of Civil Affairs is planning a fireworks show this year. It should certainly be worth your time.

Kiana: Oh it will be. Fireworks. Awesome.

Ningguang: Releasing Mingxiao Lanterns has always been at the heart of the Lantern Rite, but with all that has occurred in Liyue as of late, I think the people of the city need something to warm their hearts, a feeling of everyone coming together in solidarity. So, I believe that this year calls for a celebration of particular magnificence, something that would be closer to the hearts of every citizen. We are currently in the process of placing fireworks at various locations all throughout Liyue. We shall choose a timely moment during the festival to set off all the fireworks in unison, allowing the sparkling lights and excitement to resonate with the hearts of the people.

Paimon: Fireworks? But we've already seen fireworks in other places before.

Patrick: Paimon. Fireworks are always exciting to see.

Paimon: Is there something special about the fireworks in Liyue?

Ningguang: Fireworks were originally developed alongside many other inventions here in Liyue. When our ancestors first created fireworks, they were originally known as "firecrackers." Their bright flashes and loud sounds were often used for warding off beasts or as warning signals to other people.

Fu Hua: (Just like in ancient Chinese history back in our world).

Ningguang: In those days, it was difficult for people to contact one another while out farming the land, so they would carry firecrackers with them to give signals when necessary. But people's lifestyles began to change after Liyue Harbor was founded. They no longer had to travel out of town to tend the fields anymore, so the use of firecrackers for emergencies also began to dwindle. But through our local customs, the pioneering spirit of the firecrackers has been passed down to this very day. We made improvements to firecrackers and began setting them off during the Lantern Rite to commemorate the tenacious spirit of our ancestors.

Aether: Classic Liyue...

Paimon: Wow, everything has so much history in Liyue.

Fu Hua: Yes Paimon. Everything has so much history in Liyue.

Ningguang: As I am sure you already know, everything on this land accumulates history and value as time passes. That is the nature of Liyue. I've left Keqing in charge of the fireworks show. If you're interested, why don't we pay her a visit together?

Fu Hua: Sure thing, Ningguang. It would be nice to see her again after the whole ordeal with Osial's wife.

So Ningguang walked with the party to find Keqing at the fireworks stall. She walked beside Fu Hua because of how close she was with her.

(fireworks stall)

Keqing: Hmm, we need to add a few more locations for launching fireworks. The show has to be visible all across Liyue, not just in the city. They celebrate Lantern Rite in Qingce Village too, you know.

Pengyi: B—But Lady Keqing, what about our budget...

Keqing: The budget is exactly what it's meant to be. It's the necessary amount of funds to properly carry out a task. If you think the current budget will not suffice, then we'll simply have to apply for more funding from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and wait for their approval. Our aim is to organize a memorable Lantern Rite. The budget is there just to facilitate planning, we mustn't lose sight of our goal.

Pengyi: Yes, Lady Keqing. I understand.

Keqing: Good, and please remember, safety first.

That's when Keqing noticed everyone arriving.

Keqing: Oh, it's Ningguang and the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries! Good to see you all.

Fu Hua: Good to see you again as well Keqing.

Keqing: Are you here for the Lantern Rite?

Fu Hua: Yes we are.

Keqing: Your timing couldn't be any better, the preparations are almost complete.

Aether: What are you working on, Keqing?

Keqing: I'm reviewing the positioning of the fireworks and double-checking the relevant facilities... It's all in a day's work.

Ningguang: Forgive my directness, but if I'm not mistaken, you could just as easily leave these tasks to your subordinates. You've already been working around the clock these past few days, I'm sure a break would not be amiss.

Keqing: No, it's fine. Really, I can handle it.

Rita: You sure? Because it is not healthy to work constantly everyday without breaks and rest.

Keqing: Of course I'm sure. Pengyi, please redraft our plans, make a summary report, and send it to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I'm going into town to check the progress of the fireworks setup. I'll return shortly.

Keqing: As for you, Travelers, you're our esteemed guest. Please take the opportunity to stay in Liyue Harbor and enjoy the festivities.

Kiana: That's exactly why we came here. To enjoy the festivities.

Keqing: Pengyi, is everything clear? Please remember the tasks I've given you.

Pengyi: Yes, Lady Keqing! Don't worry.

Keqing: Good. Ningguang, Traveler, St. Freya Knights and Valkyries, goodbye for now.

Keqing leaves.

Pengyi: Please excuse me, Lady Ningguang, and uh... Travelers, I must get going. Lady Keqing told me a great deal of information, and I have to write up the plans from scratch again, so time is of the essence. Ooh! One moment, I almost forgot! Here, Travelers, this is a Launch Tube. Lady Keqing said you may be interested, so she had me keep one to give to you. Someone with good handicraft skills should be able to use this to design their very own fireworks. You should try it when you have the chance!

Pengyi leaves

Paimon: Whew, Paimon couldn't get a single word in just now...

Kiana: Neither could I.

Paimon: Uh, well, more like Paimon didn't dare open her mouth while they were talking, but still!

Aether: Keqing definitely had an imposing presence...

Paimon: Did you notice it too? Lady Keqing is a lot more outspoken than she used to be!

Fu Hua: She did.

Paimon: And she seems a whole lot busier, too. Wonder why...
Ningguang: Ever since the adepti left Liyue Harbor in the hands of mortals, we Qixing have taken up the responsibility of leading the people. We have taken charge of many vital tasks in various sectors, and we are responsible for planning and organizing all sorts of affairs. That said, being in charge of everything inevitably takes its toll. It's exhausting at times. Jiangzhou was responsible for planning the Lantern Rite in former years, but her father is getting quite old now, so she transferred to another department this year. In the end, the Lantern Rite planning was left to Keqing and myself. I am the head organizer, while Keqing is responsible for the highly anticipated fireworks show. Such an important event should be entrusted to the most qualified candidate. Keqing is disciplined, yet passionate about her work, so she's naturally the best fit for the job.

Paimon: She's definitely disciplined... no doubt about that.

Ningguang: Absolutely. She is strict with both herself and others, to the point that she can even become overly involved at times. She's worked several days without a break now.

Rita: Oh my.

Durandal: That's interesting.

Ningguang: I'm concerned about the effects it may have in the long run. Finding balance is an essential concept in Liyue culture. I've tried talking to her, but you know how she is... She uses her wit to talk circles around anyone... Traveler, Fu Hua, St. Freya Knights and Valkyriesyou are quite close to Keqing, why don't you try talking to her? Maybe she'd listen to someone as experienced as you.

Aether: Sure, leave it to us.

Fu Hua: We'll think of something.

Ningguang: Thank you, Travelers. I am glad you are able to help. Keqing can be a tough nut to crack, sometimes. I still have other business to attend to at the Jade Chamber. I'll leave Keqing in your capable hands.

Fu Hua: Thank you. We'll see what we can do.

Ningguang leaves.

Paimon: Uh, are you sure you can really persuade Keqing to take a break? Even Ningguang herself couldn't manage to convince her... Besides, before you can persuade someone, you have to at least understand how they feel at the moment. Keqing has been working non-stop without a break.

Aether: So she must feel... very tired?

Durandal: She has to be.

Paimon: Duh! C'mon, everyone knows that! Think harder, how does she feel deep, deep down inside? Umm, or maybe... we could ask a friend. You know, someone more knowledgeable about these things?

Aether: Let's go talk to Zhongli, then.

Paimon: Huh? Zhongli?

Aether: He's really knowledgeable about the people of Liyue.

Fu Hua: That's a good idea. Let's ask him.

Paimon: Oh, there's no arguing that! Zhongli it is, then!

Valkyries: Yeah!

Paimon: Paimon thinks he's still a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Let's go see if he's there!

(Wangsheng Funeeal Parlor)

Ferrylady: ... Hello, how may I help you?

Aether: We're looking for your consultant, Zhongli.

Fu Hua: Where is he?

Ferrylady: Ah, yes... Well, I'm afraid he is currently out with the director.

Paimon: Out with the director? You mean, for work?

Fu Hua: With Hu Tao?

Ferrylady: The director said that they were going for a walk. If you'd prefer, you could go look for them at Third-Round Knockout. I've heard the director often goes there to do... uh, promotion.

Fu Hua: If they're there then that's where we're going.

(Third-Round Knockout)

Hu Tao: Yum... Whew, I'm so full, not another bite!

Guoba: ♪!

Hu Tao: Hats off to you, Xiangling, serving the grilled fish with a dipping sauce is quite an innovative approach, the flavor is just to die for!

Xiangling: Hee-hee, that's my signature dipping sauce. I knew it would taste great!

Zhongli: Hmm. Tempered Jueyun Chili powder mixed with garlic paste and chopped scallions... Then seasoned with salt, vinegar, and soy sauce, before finally sizzling in hot oil. This recipe may seem a bit crude, but is entirely hinged on the precise balancing of flavors and seasonings by the chef. Everything must be balanced just right. It is the consummate mastery of this balance that turns a humble dish into an exquisite one.

Hu Tao: Oooh! That's quite the compliment, don't you think?

Xiangling: Hee-hee... I am flattered. Thank you, Mr. Zhongli!

Hu Tao: And I thought I have a way with words, but you certainly take the prize, Mr. Zhongli.

Zhongli: You are too kind, Director. Your eloquence is *ahem* infamous in Liyue Harbor.

Guoba: ♪~♪~

Hu Tao: What's that? Would you like to order something, Guoba? Please, by all means, it's my treat! I'll just open a tab under "Xiangling"!

Guoba: ?

That's when the party arrives.

Paimon: Hey, are you guys talking about tasty food again?

Hu Tao: Oh! It's the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries! What brings you to this side of town?

Fu Hua: We're here because...

Hu Tao: Hold on! Let me take a wild guess. Hmm, yes... Oh, you must be here for the Lantern Rite!

Paimon: Uh, isn't that pretty obvious? Anybody could have guessed that!

Hu Tao: Aiya, c'mon! Can't you take a joke!?

Xiangling: You came at the perfect time, I was just letting everyone try my latest dish!

Kiana: What is it?

Xiangling: The owner of Third-Round Knockout said it's... well, a real knockout. Mr. Zhongli and Hu Tao seem to like it too, but I think it never hurts to let more people do a taste test. How about it? Would you like to have a taste?

Paimon: Don't have to ask Paimon twice! Or once, even!

Kiana: I wanna try too!

Aether: Thank you, but we're here to see Mr. Zhongli.

Paimon: Huh? Y—You mean we're not gonna try any?

Fu Hua: Maybe some other time.

Kiana shrinks down while a black background appears behind her.

Kiana: Ok...

Paimon: Aww, fine, let's get down to business...

Zhongli: We meet again, Travelers. I trust your journey is going well?

Aether: Not bad, we've learned a lot along the way.

Mei: Yes. We've learned a lot.

Mei: (We better not tell Zhongli what we learned back in Enkinomiya.)

Zhongli: Splendid, therein lies the value of a journey.

Hu Tao: So, c'mon! Why are you looking for our good consultant? Do enlighten us. And just in case you were wondering, we are on business, too! We only tried Xiangling's dish since we just happened to be here.

Paimon: Business? What kind of business would the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor possibly have during a festival?

Hu Tao: Even during the most joyous of holidays, life still follows its natural course, does it not? Is that really so surprising? But there isn't need to be alarmed, it's just a nice day today and I thought we could go for a walk while doing a little promotion for our business.

Patrick: (The players have been making fan art and memes of Hu Tao promoting Zhongli and her business. Even in the game she's what the fan art and memes portray her as.)

Hu Tao: You can go ahead and chat away. Xiangling and I will go have some tea with the boss over there. Zhongli, please come get me when you're through here!

Zhongli: Of course, I'll see you later, Director. Now then, Traveler, what brings you to see me today?

Aether: Well, long story short...

Fu Hua: It's about Keqing.

You explain Keqing's situation to Zhongli.

Zhongli: Hmm, yes. The Yuheng is honest, intelligent, and most diligent. She is capable of shouldering responsibilities that few others could, but everything has a balance, and one's health must certainly weigh in.

Aether: Is there any way we can help her?

Fu Hua: She refuses to take breaks and we need to help her.

Paimon: Yeah. Everyone knows you're super knowledgeable, Paimon bets she would listen to someone like you!

Zhongli: If I were still the mighty Rex Lapis, I might be able to help her see reason. But alas, I'm now nobody but an ordinary consultant. My words no longer carry the same weight as they once did. Besides, I am by no means close to the Yuheng. Taking the liberty to lecture her may just as easily produce the opposite of the desired effect.

Paimon: Oh, you're right... Then what should we do?

Zhongli: We could take a more subtle, indirect approach to the matter. Such as telling a story that resonates with her, containing your message conveyed within it. Such a story can be achieved by referencing topics from her daily life. The story could prove even more effective if you weave in something about someone close to her.

Paimon: Umm, Paimon doesn't really get it...

Aether: Let's go speak with others who are familiar with Keqing.

Zhongli: I knew you'd understand what to do, haha. Well done, Travelers. Go collect some source materials for your story. Of course, I can always provide you with my advice, if needed. Once we have formulated the plot, you can tell the story to the Yuheng.

Aether: Huh? Us?

Zhongli: You are on amiable terms with the Yuheng, which makes you the natural candidates.

Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it! So we need to talk with people who know Keqing, right? Hmm, so who should we start with?

Fu Hua: I'm not sure. Maybe we should ask...

All of a sudden, Keqing shows up.

Keqing: Greetings everyone, I hope I'm not intruding.

Paimon: Huh? Oh, L—Lady Keqing!

Keqing: Mr. Zhongli, I didn't expect to see you here. Thank you for all your assistance during the Rite of Parting.

Zhongli: You are most welcome, Yuheng. It was the least I could do.

Aether: Erm, what are you doing here, Keqing?

Fu Hua: Aren't you supposed to be busy with your duties?

Keqing: Hmm, why? And what's with your strange expressions?
Keqing: Oh, I see, my apologies, I appear to have interrupted your conversation with Mr. Zhongli.

Aether: No, no, not at all.

Paimon: Keqing, are you here looking for us?

Keqing: Yes, I was going to ask you to introduce me to the adepti. I thought that it would be fitting to send them some festive gifts on behalf of the Liyue Qixing.

Paimon: But didn't you meet them when we were fighting to defend Liyue Harbor together?

Paimon: You could just as easily go and find them in Jueyun Karst.

Keqing: Yes, but we only met briefly on that single occasion. The adepti may have already forgotten about me, and I'm concerned it would be imprudent to show up so suddenly. Which is why I thought it would be more appropriate to ask you to introduce me first.

Aether: Sure, no problem.

Fu Hua: We'll take you to the adepti.

Mei: Did you try asking Ganyu?

Keqing: Unfortunately, Ganyu is on leave at the moment, so I'm unable to get in touch with her. I'm afraid I'll still require your assistance.

Paimon: So you even have to run around delivering gifts in person... It sure doesn't seem easy to be a Qixing.

Aether: We'll gladly help you.

Keqing: Thank you, Travelers. Let me go and prepare the gifts. I'm sorry to make you run errands with me during our big festival. I promise to make this quick, and I'll be sure to get you back in time to enjoy the fireworks show.

Kiana: It's ok, Keqing. With our numbers we'll be able to get this done in no time.

Aether: Great, then we go watch the fireworks together!

Keqing: Huh? T—Together?

They actually saw Keqing blush.

Patrick: Yes, together. It's better if you join us so we can enjoy watching the fireworks more. You can't be lonely all by yourself when watching the fireworks.

Keqing: Hmm, alright. I'll go to see the fireworks with you once I've finished my work. Speaking of which, Mr. Zhongli, the Fireworks Show will be particularly exciting this year. Please, don't miss it.

Zhongli: Ah, yes. Thank you for your kind reminder.

Keqing: I should be going now. Travelers, please come find me at the Jade Chamber once you're ready.

Kiana: Ok.

Keqing leaves them.

Paimon: And there she goes.

Zhongli: That's the Yuheng, efficient and reliable as ever.

Paimon: You're really reliable too, Zhongli!

Zhongli: Why, thank you, Paimon.

Kiana: You may not be an Archon anymore but you are still reliable Zhongli.

Zhongli: Thank you too, Kiana. Please don't forget our earlier conversation. Once you've collected enough story material, we can meet here again and discuss things further.

The party walks away.

Theresa: Where are Neptune, Asuka, and the others?

Fu Hua: They're at Stone Gate. I asked them to change clothing to blend in more with Liyue.

Sakura: And the servants are in the Serenetea Pot. My servants are in my Serenetea Pot.

Fu Hua: Tomorrow we meet Keqing at the Jade Chamber.

(Next day)

The party arrived at the Jade Chamber where Keqing was waiting with the gifts for the adepti.

Keqing: Ah, you've arrived. I've made all the necessary preparations and even packed some handmade snacks. Oh, that reminds me, I've also prepared some launch tubes made by Pengyi. I hope the adepti will like them. Is there anything else I should bring?

Aether: I think that should be everything.

Keqing: Good. In that case, let's first pay Madame Ping a visit in the city before heading out to Jueyun Karst.

(Yujing Terrace)

They found Madame Ping at her usual spot with Yanfei.

Madame Ping: The festive season is upon us. This is no time to be running hither and thither. You should relax and enjoy the season.

Yanfei: I get it Granny, but you know, having lots of clients is a good thing!

Madame Ping: Hehe, I'm sure it is... But really, child, who could be seeking your help during the Lantern Rite?

Yanfei: You'd be surprised...

Paimon: Madame Ping! Happy Lantern Rite!

Party: Happy Lantern Rite.

Keqing: It's a pleasure to see you again, Madame Ping. How are you?

Madame Ping: Oh dear, well look who's here. I am so glad to see you all in time for the festival.

Book of Fuxi: You bet we are! We are very excited!

Jingwai's Wings: Very excited indeed.

Yanfei: Hello, Travelers, long time no see. Oh, and Lady Keqing is here, too.

Keqing: The Qixing have prepared some small gifts for you to celebrate this festive occasion. There are some seasonal goods, two bolts of fine silk, and some exotic flower seeds which I picked specifically for you, Madame Ping. I've brought all the lighter gifts with me, but the silks are still on the way. I just submitted them for delivery, so I'm sure they'll arrive in good time. Please accept our humble gifts, I hope you'll find them to your liking.

Yanfei: Wow, those gifts sound marvelous! Please be sure to thank the Qixing on our behalf.

Madame Ping: Yes, how very nice of you. I'm sure the flowers will be most beautiful if you personally selected the seeds. Thank you very much, Keqing.

Keqing: Please enjoy them. We intend to visit the other adepti as well, so I'm afraid we must be going now.

Madame Ping: I presume you mean Cloud Retainer and the others? Yes, they should be over in Jueyun Karst. By the way, I've heard that you designed all the street decorations yourself, Keqing. You decorated the city so beautifully, yet you don't even have the time to go and see it for yourself. What a pity... Yanfei really enjoys spending time at the festival, you'll find her wandering around there whenever she can spare a moment.

Yanfei: C'mon, Granny, I wasn't wandering around. I was providing essential consultation to my clients.

Madame Ping: Oh, is that so? Were also you also holding consultations with clients while you stood in front of the Grilled Tiger Fish stand for all that time?

Yanfei: As a matter of fact, I was helping them calculate the prices. It's not easy, you know. I had to check a lot of different items.

Aether: So you're working during Lantern Rite, too?

Yanfei: That's right. There are no holidays in my line of work. I have to be ready whenever my clients need me.

Paimon: That sounds exhausting! Paimon can't imagine a life without holidays!

Kiana: If there were no holidays, people won't be able to work without breaks and there would be chaos!

Yanfei: Well, though there are no set holidays, I do get to decide on my own schedule. I can always budget some time to relax. Otherwise, I would always look exhausted in front of potential clients. It'd be hard to land new cases after leaving a terrible first impression. Besides, what's the saying... Ah yes, "A rested worker is an efficient worker!"

Aether: Have you been to the festival yet, Keqing?

Keqing: I was there many times when I was supervising the festival construction, but I haven't been there since. I was planning to go after I finish my work, but the work keeps piling up... I ended up completely forgetting about it.

Aether: Let's go together once you're finished with your work.

Keqing: Yes, I should take the opportunity to show you around while you're here. But first, we should head to Jueyun Karst. If you'll excuse us, Madame Ping, we'll be leaving now.

The party walks away.

Keqing: Let's see... which adeptus shall we visit first?

Paimon: Hmm. Oh, why don't we visit Cloud Retainer at Mt. Aocang first?

Fu Hua: Not a bad idea.

Paimon: She usually stays inside her abode, so she'll be super easy to find.

Keqing: Alright, Cloud Retainer it is.

(Mt. Aocang)

The camera showed Ganyu and cloud retainer outside close to the stone table.

Cloud Retainer: The festive season is fast approaching. What brings you to one's abode? Has the Ministry of Civil Affairs simply run out of work for you to do?

Ganyu: Well, with Lantern Rite just around the corner, I decided it was a good time to take leave and pay you a visit. But, um... where are Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper?

Cloud Retainer: Them? Hmph! Don't even get one started...

A Void portal opens on Mt. Aocang which startles Cloud Retainer and Ganyu in which Cloud Retainer prepares to attack and Ganyu summons her bow. Coming out of the portal first was Kiana.

Kiana: Hello! Happy Lantern Rite!

Ganyu: Oh, it's just you Kiana.

Ganyu and Cloud Retainer disengage.

Ganyu: How did you just do that?

Kiana: I can open Void portals. I wan to explain but I can't right now. Come on everyone!

The party with Keqing steps out before Kiana closed it.

Cloud Retainer: Oh? Is that not the Travelers? And the Yuheng too. Rare visitors, indeed.

Paimon: Happy Lantern Rite, everybody!

Party: Happy Lantern Rite.

Keqing: Greetings, venerable adeptus. And greetings, Ganyu.

Ganyu: Huh, Lady Keqing? I didn't expect to see you here.

Cloud Retainer: (The Yuheng of the Qixing? Here? Most fascinating...)

Cloud Retainer: Hmm... Most courteous of you to travel hither and pay your respects. What is the purpose of your visit, if one may ask?

Keqing: It's the festive season and on behalf of the Qixing, I'd like to give you our regards. Please accept our humble gifts.

Cloud Retainer: As the governing body of Liyue, the Qixing must be busy with a myriad of affairs. And yet, you still take the time to visit one in this mountain abode. Eminently considerate of you. Oh? What an amusing cylindrical device. I wonder what that could be...

Keqing: This is a new type of firework which has been modified by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I've heard that you are fond of gadgets, so I've brought one for your amusement.

Keqing: (Cloud Retainer... although she is not outwardly opposed to us, she is still skeptical of Liyue being ruled by humans. Maybe she thinks humans are still too young to handle it. Hmm, no matter, with time, our strength will become apparent enough. Before then, we should try to give her a good impression. Hehe... Good thing I came prepared! Cloud Retainer has a great interest in gadgets, so she will certainly appreciate this gift. Ganyu has said that Cloud Retainer is very picky about food, so I made sure not to bring any snacks to avoid upsetting her. I've given everything thorough consideration, it should all go well.)

Cloud Retainer: (Goodness me, whoever would have thought... Oh? My, how very interesting.)

Cloud Retainer: It is intricate, with ingenious design... And is aesthetically agreeable...

Ganyu: (Yes, judging from Cloud Retainer's expression, it seems this gift was a success.)

Cloud Retainer: Very good, one shall gladly accept this device. One surmises from Ganyu's words that you also wish to see Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper.

Kiana: That's right.

Fu Hua: We're looking for them.

Cloud Retainer: Pity, your timing is most unfortunate.

Paimon: Oh? Are they not home? We wanted to see them, too.

Cloud Retainer: Hmph. Those two old fossils... Moon Carver has been most anxious to see how Liyue Harbor fares. But the agreement was clear. Liyue is now in the hands of the Qixing, and he cannot simply roam into the city and begin supervising other's work as he pleases. So, one tried to persuade him otherwise, proposing that if he could not be placated, he could go to the city disguised as a human, and take a brief look around. Alas, he is too stubborn, too proud. He would have none of it.

Kiana: Wait? Can adepti change forms?

Cloud Retainer: Yes.

Fu Hua: Carry on.

Cloud Retainer: Thereafter, he left, claiming to have gone traveling. He has not returned since.

Mei: And Mountain Shaper?

Cloud Retainer: Mountain Shaper, however, is more open-minded. But he said he wished to look for something new with which to defend the tranquility of his mountain. He told one that he was leaving in search of treasures, and one has not heard from him since... Wait! Surely this is not a case of two old coots in cahoots, rusing to excuse themselves that they might venture behind one's back to scurry away and go traveling together!?

Aether: (Seems possible...)

???: Huh? What's everybody doing here?

Cloud Retainer: This voice... Is it Shenhe?

Keqing: Oh?

Paimon: Oh?

Fu Hua: Oh?

Shenhe shows up out of nowhere.

Paimon: So Shenhe's here, too. Is she also here to visit Cloud Retainer?

Ganyu: Is she the one that you mentioned before?

Shenhe: Hello, everyone.

Cloud Retainer: Shenhe, this is Ganyu. You have most likely heard of her.

Ganyu: Oh— Hello, I'm Ganyu. I work at Yujing Terrace. I've heard that you've returned to Liyue Harbor recently, so if you need anything, please feel free to come to me.

Shenhe: I will. Thank you.

Shenhe: I brought some food from the city. I heard that during Lantern Rite, people in Liyue bring food to share with their friends, so here I am.

On the stone table was food from Shenhe.

Keqing: (Oh no! I intentionally refrained from bringing any food offerings. Is... Is this going to be okay?)

Cloud Retainer: Oh? And you even brought food for those two old fossils?

Shenhe: That's right.

Cloud Retainer: Hmph...

Keqing: Ahem...

Cloud Retainer: After barely a few days in the city, you have learned so much. Thank you for these delectable edibles, Shenhe.

Keqing: Phew...

Ganyu: Huh?

Cloud Retainer: Everyone, you shall all be staying in Liyue Harbor in the future. One should like to think that you will all look out for each other. Is that understood?

Shenhe: Will do.

Ganyu: Yes, understood.

Fu Hua: Gladly.

Keqing: This place is much livelier than I'd imagined...

Aether: Sounds like it's time we change the topic! Speaking of which, have you seen Xiao?

Fu Hua: What is he up to now?

Cloud Retainer: The Conqueror of Demons? One has not seen him of late.

Paimon: Well, then he's probably not in Jueyun Karst. Let's go look for him in his usual spot at Wangshu Inn.

Fu Hua: That's where he mostly is.

Cloud Retainer: In short, one is the only adeptus who has elected to remain in Jueyun Karst for the festival. Had Ganyu not come to visit, one would likely have stayed firmly put in one's abode to resume research of gadgets and mechanics.

Ganyu: I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please accept my profuse apologies.

Cloud Retainer: Haha, why the sudden solemnity? It would certainly not be the first time one has been interrupted on your account. As a youngling, you did so love to scurry around the place whilst one's attention was monopolized by mechanisms... You were especially drawn to a certain implement one had made. Oh, what was it...?

Paimon: Oh?

Aether: Huh?

Kiana: What was Ganyu drawn to exactly?

Keqing: (Oh no, here she goes again! This could spell trouble for Ganyu.)

Fu Hua: (Judging from their reactions. It sounds like something Ganyu does not want to talk about).

Ganyu: Huh!? Oh-uh, I'm sorry, Cloud Retainer! I—I just remembered there's something I must attend to. I should be going!

Cloud Retainer: Oh? Why the sudden haste? With the Yuheng present, why not settle this matter here and now?

Ganyu: Uh, n—no, it's something very important. In fact, I—I must see Lady Ningguang about it immediately...

Cloud Retainer: A matter so pressing that you must find Ningguang in person?

Keqing: Ahem... Ah, yes, Ningguang and I have different scopes of work, you see, and Ganyu has to report to both of us respectively. It's indeed not easy for her.

Ganyu: (Lady Keqing is trying to help me!)

Ganyu: Yes, that's right! I'm very sorry, everyone. I will take my leave!

And then Ganyu leaves.

Fu Hua: (That was a close one.)

Cloud Retainer: Huh, gone already... That child... She has always been easily ruffled. One can sympathize, however. It is no simple thing to be a secretary. Nearly every matter in Liyue Harbor, momentous or trivial, passes through Ganyu's diligent hands. But even as an adeptus, she must never neglect her own health, lest she fall prone to exhaustion. Ganyu is an assiduous worker, apt to foregoing food and rest once she is busy. Please make sure she eats and sleeps properly whenever you see her.

Keqing: I will, Ganyu has always been a great asset to us. Her health is a priority, so I will take good care of her.

Cloud Retainer: The Yuheng, reliable as ever, hehe. It was indeed a wise decision to leave Liyue Harbor to you.

Keqing: We will certainly strive to live up to your expectations.

Cloud Retainer: As for these edibles... Hmm, they do look delectable indeed. You may leave them here. Shenhe shall bring these into one's abode, and one shall pass them on to Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper once they have made their return. This firework has an intriguing design. One must conduct a thorough study of it. And one also wants to hear what Shenhe has learned in Liyue Harbor.

Shenhe: Yes, I have many interesting stories to tell.

Cloud Retainer: Let us chat whilst one scrutinizes this device.

Aether: You'll continue your research even during Lantern Rite?

Paimon: Yeah, don't you rest during the holidays? This is a festive season, after all!

Cloud Retainer: Hah, one has long been living secluded in the mountains and no longer observes the holidays. Worry not, one shall take appropriate care of oneself. Rest is crucial. If one is too devoted to one's research and falls ill, one shall be in no fit state to test the devices personally.

Paimon: Is it really that important to test it yourself?

Cloud Retainer: Of course. As one sows, so do they reap, and the joy of reaping is what one yearns for. If one spends all that time working on a machine, yet forgets to test the outcome... Hmph, that would be akin to a chef who never tries his own food, no? It is unwise to put the cart before the horse. Enough idle chatter, everyone. One must go and continue one's research. Come, Shenhe, this way.

Cloud Retainer leaves with Shenhe...

Paimon: A chef who doesn't get to try their own food... Hmm, that would be kinda weird.

Mei: When I cook I get to taste my own food.

Patrick: Most chefs get to taste their own food and most don't get to.

Aether: You sure caught on to that one quickly.

Paimon: Cloud Retainer sure does know a lot about gadgets and cooking! Though she can be a bit strange sometimes... but then again, she is an adeptus!

Keqing: That's the wisdom of an adeptus. She takes good care of those around her. Though she lives in seclusion, she also manages to bring everyone together. A hermit who's more social than most living in society. Hmm, what an interesting character.

Keqing: Everyone, let's head to Wangshu Inn. Perhaps we'll find the Conqueror of Demons there.

(Approach Wangshu Inn)

With Kiana's Void Portals again, they got to Wangshu Inn.

Keqing: Let's ask Verr Goldet where the Conqueror of Demons may be.

Paimon: Huh? Hold on, isn't that... Qiqi! Oh, and the weird guy with the snake around his neck!

Fu Hua: Qiqi and Baizhu.

The party approaches Qiqi and Baizhu.

Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, here are the herbs... I've picked lots of them.

Baizhu: Splendid. Let me pack up and then we can be on our way.

Book of Fuxi: Qiqi! Baizhu!

Paimon: Hey you guys! What are you doing?

Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu wanted herbs. So, I came to collect herbs, lots of them. And... Dr. Baizhu came too.

Baizhu: Travelers, Paimon, Fu Hua... Oh! And Lady Keqing! It's a pleasure to see you all. We're here stocking up more herbs. Bubu Pharmacy always runs out of digestive herbs during the festival seasons. With Lantern Rite just around the corner, I thought we should get prepared. We came all this way to collect some herbs, and we've picked quite the assortment. We'll be on our way back to the pharmacy once the herbs are sorted. I certainly didn't expect to see the Yuheng all the way out here.

Keqing: I have some business to attend to here.

Baizhu: Ah, I see. It's nearly time to celebrate Lantern Rite and you're still running errands... hardworking as always!

Keqing: I appreciate the sentiment, Dr. Baizhu. I'm just doing my job.

Qiqi: Keqing and the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries are very busy... And we are busy too. Everyone... keep it up.

Aether: Yes, keep it up, everyone!


Keqing: Right, thank you, Qiqi. We shouldn't tarry here any longer. Take care, you two... Ahem! Three. Guys, let's go find Verr Goldet.

Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, are we done yet?

Baizhu: Yes, almost. But don't rush me, just give me a moment...

The party goes to Verr Goldet.

Verr Goldet: Ah, Lady Keqing, what a surprise! Is there anything I can help you with? No, thank you. I'm just wondering if you might know where the Conqueror of Demons is?

Fu Hua: We're looking for him.

Verr Goldet: Oh, we never inquire about Xiao's whereabouts. But if he's here, he would be up on the rooftop terrace. Please feel free to go up and have a look.

Fu Hua: Ok. Thank you Verr Goldet.

The party goes up to the roof terrace.

Fu Hua: This is where we first met Xiao.

Keqing: Hmm, he doesn't seem to be here. Perhaps we came at the wrong time?

Fu Hua: He usually shows up.
Paimon: Maybe he's out battling somewhere again...
Paimon: Let's leave the gifts with the owner and ask her to...
Xiao: How can I help?

Xiao teleported then reappeared behind the group scarring Paimon.

Paimon: Aaaah!!! Wh—Where did you come from? You scared Paimon!

Fu Hua: You came at the right time.

Aether: Were you here the whole time, Xiao?

Xiao: Yes.

Keqing: Hello, I am Keqing, Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing.

Xiao: The Yuheng... Yes, I saw you when we battled Osial. You are fierce with your blade.

Paimon: Uh anyway, we're here to give you some Lantern Rite presents! See, there's lots of tasty food!
Xiao: Hmph, don't waste your delicacies on me.

Aether: The Qixing specifically prepared them for you.

Kiana: don't be so stubborn.

Xiao: Hmph... Eradicating demons is my duty. You don't have to thank me. Karma is harmful to humans. Even though your constitution surpasses that of ordinary mortals... It would be best if you didn't approach me so casually.

Paimon: Hey, wait! Are you leaving? C'mon, Lantern Rite is almost here! Don't you want to take a break?

Aether: Why don't we go watch the fireworks in the city together?

Xiao: Like I said before, I have no liking for crowds. I must remain vigilant of evil attacks, especially during the holidays. I will continue my patrol as usual. You should also exercise caution. And if there's any danger...

Aether: Yeah, we know.

Xiao: Good.

And then Xiao teleports away.

Paimon: And he's gone... Well, Xiao hasn't changed a bit. Wonder if he'll come and watch the fireworks this year, though.

Fu Hua: Maybe.

Aether: Only if he wants to.

Keqing: Alright, we've completed our visits with all the adepti. Let's take a break downstairs before we head back into the city.

After a short break, everyone gathers on the ground floor of the inn.

Pengyi: Oh no! What should we do!? Huh? Oh, Lady Keqing, Lady Keqing! I'm so glad to see you here!

Keqing: Pengyi? What's wrong? What are you doing here?

Pengyi: Lady Keqing, let me explain... I had rearranged the fireworks layout and expanded the range to Qingce Village, just like you requested.
Pengyi: My people finished setting up the fireworks and we left someone in charge to launch them for the show. But... *sigh* the person we left in charge came back shortly after, and reported that all the fireworks in Qingce Village have been stolen! I immediately reported the situation to the Millelith, and had another batch of fireworks made to be transported to Qingce Village under escort. However, everyone's short-handed during Lantern Rite. The Millelith are already stretched thin and don't even have enough people to fill their regular patrols. They can't spare anyone to look after the fireworks for us. We don't have many materials left, so if the second batch of fireworks gets stolen as well, we're done for... So, I was thinking to go to Qingce Village and have a look first. Which is when I bumped into you. Lady Keqing, what should we do?

Keqing: According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the number of guards on patrol has to be doubled and rotated continuously during Lantern Rite. They must perform these extra measures in addition to their standard daily affairs. The only manpower they can muster during the festival would be the emergency response units. But, those special units are intended only for backup. There are not many of them, and they cannot perform prolonged guard duty. If we wish to make use of them, we'll need to resolve the problem quickly.

Paimon: Hmm, maybe we could ask the adepti for help... This would be a piece of cake for someone like Cloud Retainer or Xiao!

Keqing: *sigh* No, that would only make us look incompetent. I'll handle this, Pengyi.

Aether: (We can't let Keqing do this all by herself.)

Fu Hua: Hold It!

Keqing What is it Fu Hua?

Fu Hua: Let us help you.

Paimon: We can help too, Keqing!

Aether: Yeah, let us help you.

Theresa: We have a whole party. We'll be able to guard the fireworks.

Paimon: That's right, we can take care of this together!

Keqing: Thanks, you guys. Actually, I have an idea. Let me make some arrangements. Pengyi, go back to Liyue Harbor and get the fireworks ready, then meet me in Qingce Village. Everyone, come with me. Let's ask around to see what happened.

(Qingce Village)

Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* How could a whole batch of fireworks just vanish like that?

Keqing: Hello, Granny Ruoxin. We'd like to know more about the recent fireworks theft.

Granny Ruoxin: Ah, Lady Keqing! Fu Hua! I can hardly believe you both came personally to investigate.

Keqing: It's no trouble at all. Please, tell us what happened.

Fu Hua: As much as you can.

Granny Ruoxin: Well, when they brought the fireworks, the children in the village were very excited, they were all gathered around watching the area for a long time. The workers piled up the fireworks and said they would go confirm the locations to set them off. That's when they left the village. Now let me remember... Ah yes, I recall that they left the fireworks in an open area, just next to a house down the old road. But, the very next day, all the fireworks were nowhere to be seen. The person in charge of the fireworks was so anxious that they went straight back to the city to find a solution. *sigh* The villagers here are worried too. The fireworks missing can only mean that there are thieves about. There are elderly and kids in the village, you know... Although the Millelith are stationed here, no one dares to go out anymore.

Keqing: I understand. Please help reassure the people in the village and tell them everything's going to be fine with the Millelith standing guard. Guys, let's go investigate the place where the fireworks were stolen.

Kiana: We've got some bad guys to beat up.

So they go to the fireworks storage over the bridge by the water mill.

Paimon: This is the place... The fireworks were stolen here.

Keqing: The thieves must think there are mostly elderly and children living in Qingce Village, all too weak to defend themselves. Otherwise, they would never dare commit such a blatant crime. This is absolutely awful. We cannot let such a matter go unpunished.

Sakura: (Yoimiya would definitely get angry if any of her fireworks got stolen. She would probably get angry and freakout like a maniac.)

An imagination cloud appeared above Sakura's head showing an angry Yoimiya.

Yoimiya: Thieves dare to steal MY FIREWORKS! Such a crime IS UNFORGIVABLE! I'LL MAKE THEM PAY!

Then Yoimiya summons her bow and began shooting fireworks Pyro arrows at thieves setting everything on fire with rage. Then the imagination cloud went poof.

Sakura: Someone we know back in Inazuma would definitely get angry if her fireworks got stolen. She would get angry and freak out. Stealing fireworks is unforgivable.

Keqing: Let's see if we can find any clues here before we plan our next step.

The party searches the area for clues. Aether, Paimon, and Keqing find a clue and calls everyone over to them.

Keqing: Hmm? Are these footprints?

Fu Hua: They are.

Keqing: Let's see where they lead.

So they go down the stone steps where they find more footprints.

Keqing: The footprints continue here. Let's keep following them!

The footprints eventually lead them to some men.

(Approach the marked area)

???: Sir! Please, this is all just a big misunderstanding!

???: A misunderstanding, you say? If so, then tell me, why are you hiding here?

???: Please, good sir! This really is just a misunderstanding! I would never dream of getting anywhere near the Feiyun Commerce Guild's shipment!

Keqing: Something's happening over there. Let's go have a look.

They run over to them.

Paimon: Oh, the Feiyun Commerce Guild? It must be...

Fu Hua: Xingqiu and Chongyun!

Xingqiu: Please, save your breath. Restrain this fellow! Tightly now, we mustn't let him get away.

Hongxing: Yes, young master!

Chongyun: I was sure it was an evil spirit... Turns out it's the Treasure Hoarders again.

Paimon: Xingqiu and Chongyun! Hello!

Aether: What are you guys doing here?

Xingqiu: Well, hello, dear Travelers! Our fates cross once again. What brings you here?

Keqing: Excuse me, please tell me what is happening here.

Fu Hua: What did this Treasure Hoarder do?

Xingqiu: Ah yes, allow me to explain. It so happens that every year during the Lantern Rite, the Feiyun Commerce Guild transports supplies to various villages outside of Liyue Harbor. Family rules stipulate that the supplies must be personally escorted by a family member. Because my older brother went last year, the duties have fallen to me this time around.

Paimon: Oh, so what's Chongyun doing here?

Xingqiu: Chongyun happened to be visiting, so I cordially invited him to join us for the journey.

Paimon: Oh, I see. But why did Chongyun say he thought there was an evil spirit?

Xingqiu: I see that you are not familiar with the story of old. It is said that fireworks were once called firecrackers, and were used to ward off evil spirits and the like. In ancient times, Liyue was plagued by evil spirits. As people gathered together to celebrate the annual festival, the yang energy would intensify, and evil spirits were thus attracted to the fringes of the city by the strong scent. Liyue Harbor was under the gracious protection of Rex Lapis, so the spirits dared not enter the city. However, they still lingered near the city gates and pestered the passersby. In order to drive the spirits away, people made firecrackers and lit them near the city gates. The flashes of light and loud noise successfully drove the spirits whence they came. This festival is now known as the Lantern Rite. It was my intention to travel around to see if there are any malicious spirits lying in wait for passersby. Since I happened to have a shipment of goods to deliver and our course was through the mountains, I naturally thought it best to have my thaumaturge friend traveling alongside me.

Chongyun: Xingqiu said he learned the story about evil spirits from an ancient text. The text vividly describes the appearance and even the whereabouts of the spirits.

Aether: (Xingqiu must be leading Chongyun along.)

Fu Hua: (Chongyun never got to see the book, did he?)

Xingqiu: Anyway, when we arrived at the area, Chongyun sensed an ambush about to take place. Upon searching the area, we found a group of Treasure Hoarders. They tried to flee the moment we were upon them. Fortunately, I was swift enough to catch one of them. Your timing couldn't have been more fortunate, we were just preparing to send them to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He insists the matter is merely a misunderstanding. But things seem quite clear as I see it...

Kangsheng: Good sir, just hear me out! Everyone knows the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Had we known it was your merchant caravan, we never would have dared to attack! The master of the Feiyun Commerce Guild is famous for his generosity and noble deeds. A true hero of the people... So, you see, this is nothing but a big misunderstanding! W—We didn't want any trouble with the guild!

Keqing: What you mean to say is that you were targeting someone else, then. Well, who was it?

Kangsheng: I... uh, well... Just trust me, we were definitely not trying to steal your goods, please... please believe me!

Keqing: Master Xingqiu, I would like to borrow a few of your staff to escort the thief to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. As for the bounty, we will pay you afterward.

Xingqiu: It is my humble duty to uphold justice. No remuneration shall be necessary. Come then, see that this thief to taken to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Hongxing: Yes, young master, leave it to us! You heard him, take this man over there and make sure he is secured. Tie each of his fingers separately if you have to, he's not gonna pull anything under our watch.

Keqing: Wait a second. Please also deliver this message to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It's very likely that this thief is related to the recent fireworks theft in Qingce Village. Make sure they have someone question him thoroughly.

Xingqiu: Haha, so the plot thickens. Is your task clear? We mustn't disappoint the Yuheng.

Hongxing: Yes, young master, I understand. We'll be on our way!
The guards take the Treasure Hoarder away...

Keqing: I've heard many good things about you, Master Xingqiu. Thank you for your assistance. I hardly lifted a finger. Think nothing of it.

Chongyun: Everyone, my intuition tells me that there could be more than one group of Treasure Hoarders in this area.

Keqing: More than one group?

Xingqiu: Oh! You've got quite a keen eye, too, Chongyun!

Chongyun: During our search, I found scattered sets of footprints differing from those on the road. There may still be other Treasure Hoarders waiting to ambush passersby. When I was chasing the Treasure Hoarders earlier, I noticed that they were nearly unarmed and very few in numbers. If they truly intended to ambush the Feiyun Commerce Guild, they must've overestimated themselves. If you ask me, they didn't seem to be staging an ambush, but rather, it appeared as if they were waiting for someone.

Keqing: It appears they may be the thief's accomplices. They were probably hiding here to wait for the stolen goods.

Xingqiu: What exactly are the stolen goods, if I may ask?

Keqing tells them about the fireworks theft in Qingce Village...

Xingqiu: Taking advantage of the elderly and children, what a loathsome group of criminals.

Sakura: And unforgivable.

Higokumaru: Exactly that. Unforgivable.

Xingqiu: Lady Keqing, don't fret about manpower. Chongyun, let's go lend them a hand in Qingce Village, shall we?

Chongyun: Yeah, just leave it to us! We can handle a bunch of thieves.

Keqing: Thank you, that will help alleviate the crisis in Qingce Village. Unfortunately, the footprints we were following end here. I don't know where we should go next. It seems we were only a moment away from catching all the Treasure Hoarders...

Paimon: Keqing...

Fu Hua: Don't worry.

Aether: We'll find a way to catch them.

Keqing: Thank you. Master Xingqiu, I'll leave Qingce Village under your watch.

Xingqiu: Most assuredly, Lady Keqing.

Chongyun and Xingqiu leave for Qingce Village.

Keqing: Phew, it's fortunate our paths crossed with those two.

Aether: It's always good to have some help.

Kiana: From good friends.

Fu Hua: lad that Xingqiu is one of our friends.

Patrick: (I wonder if Xingqiu has met Compa yet?)

Paimon: It's so cool to fight for justice!

Kiana: And beating up bad guys too!

Keqing: The thieves who stole the fireworks haven't revealed themselves yet. I'll go have a look around. Travelers, please go take a rest in Qingce Village. I've troubled you enough already. I can handle the rest of this matter myself.

Paimon: Uh, Keqing... Are you planning to look for clues all by yourself? Somehow, that doesn't sound like a very good idea. Oh, wait! You're in the Liyue Qixing! Why don't you ask some of your subordinates to help? At least it'll be safer than investigating on your own.

Aether: Paimon's right.

Keqing: Yes, I agree, but we are short-handed at the moment. I can handle these trivial matters myself. The fireworks that were transported to Qingce Village were quite bulky. They couldn't have gone far. Way I see it, if they were clever enough, they would conceal the stolen goods somewhere and then come pick them up later. All I have to do is find out where they hid the fireworks, and then return to the location with reinforcements. Don't worry, I am not reckless, and I won't carelessly alert the thieves. You can certainly trust me by now.

Paimon: Well, when you put it that way...

Fu Hua steps up.

Fu Hua: Then let one of us help you. I can keep going. Don't be so stubborn.

Book of Fuxi and Jingwai's Wings: AND US!

Keqing: ... ... ... Very well, Fu Hua. I guess I can't win an argument with a sage like you.

Fu Hua: Thank you.

Keqing: It's settled, then. Traveler and Paimon, everyone, please go get some rest. Fu Hua and I will go find you in Qingce Village when we're done.

The next day the party got out of the Serenetea Pot and met up with Keqing, Fu Hua, and Xingqiu.

Xingqiu: Rest assured, all is quiet here in Qingce Village. Chongyun is guarding the outside, and I'm guarding the inside. Not a problem in sight.

Keqing: Good. We've made some progress in our investigation as well.

Xingqiu: Oh? What are you planning? Is it time to strike?

Aether: Perfect timing!

Paimon: Let's go!

Keqing: Traveler, Paimon, everyone, you are just in time.

Keqing: Fu Hua and I looked everywhere and we found some clues regarding the Treasure Hoarders. Besides wagon tracks, we also came across bits and pieces of fireworks packaging scattered on the road. Following those clues, we were able to finally locate the missing fireworks. But there was no sign of Treasure Hoarders.

Book of Fuxi: It wasn't really that hard to locate.

Aether: Hmm, did they run away?

Keqing: No, I think they might be just overly careless. We seem to have found the location where they've been stashing all their stolen goods. They must have thought it was well-hidden and deemed it unnecessary to post any guards.

Fu Hua: Careless they were. Not placing any guards just incase.

Keqing: The amount of fireworks they've amassed there is astonishing. Not only did they steal the ones in Qingce Village but also from other locations, too. They've gathered all the stolen goods there. I've asked the Millelith on guard at Qingce Village to report this to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. They will organize a search around that warehouse.

Paimon: Now that the Millelith is involved, you don't need to handle this yourself anymore!

Fu Hua: That is correct.

Keqing: The Treasure Hoarders are notoriously cunning, and they may even have lookouts. If they notice anything suspicious, they will move the fireworks and our single lead will be lost. I have to keep an eye on the situation.

Paimon: Uh, you're not really thinking that you can take all of them yourself, are you?

Fu Hua: You better not.

Keqing: No, I am not that reckless. I just want to investigate the case thoroughly. But now that I have your help, the idea is feasible...

Paimon: So you really are considering it!

Aether: (We can't let Keqing try to handle this on her own.)

Kiana: They're just Treasure Hoarders, we can take 'em.

Keqing: Okay, then there's no time to lose. Let's go.

Xingqiu: Though they are merely a group of irksome bandits, please, exercise caution.

The party moves out.

(Approach the marked area)

They go to where the stolen goods and fireworks were but there were Treasure Hoarders there.

Kiana: I thought you said that there where no Treasure Hoarders there?

Keqing: These Treasure Hoarders must have returned to check on the stolen fireworks. Please hide yourselves. Let's wait and see what happens.

Kiana: Ok.

Xiuyong: Hey Boss, you think we have enough fireworks now?

Xingxiu: Hah! Are you kidding? This ain't nowhere near enough!

Xiuyong: Uh, but Boss, if we want more fireworks, we'll have to steal 'em in the city! Ain't gonna be easy...

Xingxiu: Hmm... You got a point. Alright, then we steal those things that make a real loud bang but don't light up real pretty... What do they call 'em? Ah yeah, firecrackers! Those'll do the job! All we need to do is make some real ruckus. As long as we distract the Millelith, the other hoarders can do their end of the job. You get it?

Xiuyong: Got it, Boss! Hehe, I gotta hand it to ya, we're gonna hit the jackpot this time! But, uh Boss... All our boys are out scouting around. Don't ya think we need a few more to guard the stash?

Xingxiu: Hey, don't worry about it. The Millelith are swamped with Lantern Rite, they won't have time to come out here. Alright, move it boys! Just a few more batches and we'll be...

Junming: Uh-oh! Hey, Boss! We've got trouble!

Xingxiu: Huh!? What happened?

Junming: The jig is up, Boss! Th—The Millelith are coming! And it seems they've already caught our scouts! If one of the boys hadn't set off a firework to warn us, we would've been completely blindsided! Boss, let's run!

Xingxiu: But how did the Millelith find out about us? And so quickly too!? Arg, fine! Leave the fireworks and let's split! They won't be catching us!

Keqing: It's time to make our move! Ready?

Aether: We're ready!

Paimon: Let's go!

The party instantly charge in and surround the Treasure Hoarders while pointing their weapons at them.

Keqing: Drop your weapons and surrender immediately!

Fu Hua: You're outnumbered! You can't win!

Xingxiu: Hah! Get outta my way, you got a death wish or something? I'll show you... Huh? Wait a second... Y—You're... Lady Keqing, the Yuheng!

Keqing: Hmph. So you do recognize me, then.

Xingxiu: And you're Fu Hua!

Fu Hua: You better believe it.

Keqing: I'll say it one more time. Drop your weapon and surrender, now!

Xingxiu: Who woulda thought we'd run into the Yuheng all the way out here... Alright, hoarders! Looks like the Yuheng wants to play, we'll show you! Get 'em!

More Treasure Hoarders show up but the party was able to beat them all. Theresa had them all chained up.

Keqing: Alright, so you want to do this the hard way.

Xingxiu: W—We surrender, Yuheng.

Keqing: Now, I want some answers. What were you planning to do with the stockpile of fireworks?

Xingxiu: Uh, w—we just...

Fu Hua punches the air and sends a gust of Anemo wind from her fist.

Fu Hua: Talk!

Keqing: Tell the truth and I might go easy on you.

Xingxiu: We... *sigh* Fine. We were gonna smuggle these fireworks into the city and ignite them during the Lantern Rite's opening ceremony. The fireworks are really bright and loud, and would definitely raise some havoc. We were gonna rob the city while everyone's distracted by the explosions.

Patrick and Captain: (Feels like what happened in Kongming's home world all over again. Only with robbery.)

Xingxiu: But, uh... We didn't seem to have enough fireworks, so...

Keqing: Oh? So you mean you had more than one group of thieves stealing fireworks?

Xingxiu: Yeah, that's right... originally I had all the hoarders out stealing fireworks, but then one of them got caught by the Feiyun Commerce Guild and was arrested. I really didn't get it! Why did the Feiyun Commerce Guild get involved? We were only stealing from the government... No, what I meant is, uh... Well, I was worried that the guy who got arrested would rat us out. If word got out, we could lose everything. So I ordered most of our boys to come back. Who woulda guessed we'd end up runnin' into you like that...

Paimon: Hey! Didn't one of you just say that the Millelith were coming, too?

Junming: Yeah, that's right... I wonder how the Millelith found out we had dispatched scouts. They somehow captured almost all of them... If someone hadn't alerted us, we would all have been caught.

Paimon: Well, you did get caught.

Book of Fuxi: And you lose.

Jingwai's Wings: And are now going behind bars.

Junming: Well... uh, yeah...

Keqing: It appears that the Millelith managed to get the captured Treasure Hoarder to talk. There may still be other Treasure Hoarders in the area. We should head elsewhere, just to be safe. Travelers, please escort the Treasure Hoarders back to Qingce Village and hand them over to the Millelith stationed there.

Fu Hua: Yes, Keqing.

Keqing: I'll be there once I am finished inspecting this place.

Aether: Understood, please be careful.

Keqing: Yes, you too. I'll see you in Qingce Village.

(Qingce Village)

The party used Kiana's Void portals and got all the chained up treasure hoarders to Qingce Village. There Xingqiu and Chongyun were with a Millelith soldier and a man delivering fireworks. He was a firework maker.

Pengyi: *sigh* This is the last batch of fireworks that I can get. Please ensure that there will be no further problems.

Jingcheng: Don't worry, the Yuheng will be taking care of this personally. And with us on guard, I assure you it'll be safe.

Xingqiu: Yes, indeed. Oh? It appears the Traveler and the St. Freya Knights and Valkyries have returned. And with a few others, no doubt.

Theresa releases them from Oath of Judah's chains then the Cryo users freeze them in ice.

Aether: They're the thieves who stole the fireworks.

Fu Hua: And we caught them.

They tell everyone how the thieves were caught...

Chongyun: It's definitely dangerous to infiltrate an enemy area like that. If only I was there to fight alongside you...

Xingqiu: Come now, we both know the Traveler and his friends are most capable. Hehe, but who would've known we performed such a noble deed... We had arrested the Treasure Hoarder earlier by mere happenstance.

Paimon: Yeah! Talk about a coincidence!

Book of Fuxi: Yeah! A coincidence!

Xingqiu: It seems that justice always finds its way into the world. It is in fateful moments that miracles are born.

Pengyi: So it was you! You horrible brutes are the ones who stole the fireworks!? Just the sight of you two makes my blood boil...

Jingcheng: Please, calm down. I doubt they'll be causing any more trouble now that they're in custody. Thank you very much, Travelers. But may I ask, why has Lady Keqing not returned with you?

Paimon: Lady Keqing was worried there'd be more Treasure Hoarders lurking about. She wanted to conduct a full search of the area.

Jingcheng: Oh, I see... Yes, Lady Keqing is quite thorough. A squad of Millelith came by just now. I believe they were sent by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I also heard that most of the fleeing Treasure Hoarders have already been apprehended, hopefully that will be the end of this matter. Anyway, you may leave these Treasure Hoarders to us. I will escort them back to the city and make sure they stand trial with the others.

Xingqiu: And thus our chapter has finally reached its timely conclusion. I am partial to fireworks myself, but I'm afraid we must also be leaving now.

Paimon: Huh? Why the hurry to get back to the Feiyun Commerce Guild? Don't tell us you have work to do, too...

Aether: Are you also busy these days, Xingqiu?

Xingqiu: Inevitably, affairs do become busier around festive seasons. But no need to worry, we have many attendants to assist us... And there's always Chongyun, too.

Chongyun: Huh? You mean you're assigning more work to me?

Xingqiu: 'Tis only my duty as your dearest friend. Work before play, as they say. I am sure you understand.

Chongyun: Oh alright, I suppose...

Xingqiu: As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work." As long as work is assigned to the right people, everything will proceed without a hitch.

Chongyun: If you ask me, I think speaking eloquently is just a guise for assigning work to everybody else.

Xingqiu: Alright, alright. I shall treat you to a meal after the work is done! Farewell, Travelers.

Patrick: Wait, Xingqiu. I have one question before you go. Have you met someone that sounds just like you?

Xingqiu: ... ... ... I have. She's a girl in peach colors who sounds just like me. And she carried a giant syringe and is a nurse.

Patrick: Ok. Thank you.

Chongyun and Xingqiu leave with others from the guild.

Pengyi: By the way, do you know when Lady Keqing will be back, Travelers?

Fu Hua: We don't know. She only said she will be back after she's finished inspecting.

Pengyi: There are not many fireworks in the second batch that I brought, so I'm worried that we can't achieve the show's desired effect. I was hoping we could somehow retrieve the stolen fireworks.

All of a sudden, fireworks shoots into the sky.

Paimon: Hey, did you hear that explosion!? Maybe it was fireworks? *gasp* Or maybe more Treasure Hoarders!

Aether: It came from Keqing's location!

Fu Hua: You don't think she?...

Paimon: Oh no, maybe she ran into trouble! Let's go and help her!

They go to the location where they found Keqing Completely fine.

Keqing: Oops, what did I do?

Paimon: Hey! Keqing!

Party: Keqing!

Kiana: Wait, where are the Treasure Hoarders?

Keqing: Huh? What Treasure Hoarders?

Paimon: We heard an explosion and thought it might be Treasure Hoarders sending signals to one another again.

Keqing: Ah, I see. Sorry, that's not the case. I saw a few sticks of fireworks on the ground, so I fiddled with them and... Sure enough, it seems I accidentally lit the fuse. Before I could react, the fireworks were... *ahem* already up in the air.

Aether: Oh, I see.

Fu Hua: You lit fireworks by accident.

Paimon: So, no enemies? Well, that's good... We thought you might've been surrounded by bad guys!

Keqing: I apologize, I didn't mean to alarm you. Fortunately, there are no more Treasure Hoarders in the area. It seems this matter has finally come to an end.

Fu Hua: Thank goodness. No more Treasure Hoaders.

Paimon: Great! The case of the stolen fireworks is finally solved, good thing we were able to get to the bottom of it! Otherwise, those beautiful fireworks would have gone to waste and the whole show would be ruined.

Kiana: Thankfully it's not.

Aether: That's right.

Paimon: By the way, Keqing, you're the one in charge of the fireworks show, which means you know the best viewing spot, right?

Keqing: Yes, of course. The best view should be from the Jade Chamber. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my promise. But first, I have to drop by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and close this case. Leave the rest of this to me, you've already been a great help. Why don't you go for a walk around the city and I'll meet you when I am done?

Paimon: Okay... But we'll be waiting for you!

Keqing: Yes, I'll be there.

Keqing leaves...

Paimon: *sigh* Keqing really is super busy. "I'll meet you when I am done." How many times have we heard that already? Now Paimon gets why Lady Ningguang is so worried about Keqing. If she keeps working like this, she really will miss the Lantern Rite.

Aether: Hmm, let's go find Zhongli.

Paimon: Oh yeah, we said we would meet him! And we've even collected a few opinions about taking a rest from work. Zhongli said he'd wait for us at Third-Round Knockout. Let's go find him!

(Third-Round Knockout)

Paimon: Hey, is that who Paimon thinks it is...

At one of the tables with Zhongli was Yun Jin.

Yun Jin: Yes, you are quite right, I shall take your wise words to heart, sir. They will certainly be most helpful in my next performance.

Zhongli: You are welcome, Ms. Yun. Your willingness to hear suggestions is indeed impressive. It's no wonder your opera performance has only been getting better.

Yun Jin: No, I'm afraid that's not always the case. Though I am still young, I can be quite arrogant at times. I do not always accept advice so readily, but your wisdom has spoken to me.

Paimon: Zhongli! We're back!

Zhongli: Ah, you've returned.

Yun Jin: Hmm? You are also acquaintances?

Paimon: Yes, we sure are!

Aether: We've met on a couple of occasions.

Yun Jin: Not everyone gets the privilege of meeting someone so knowledgeable and discreet as Mr. Zhongli. You are indeed well-connected, Travelers.

Zhongli: I am flattered, Ms. Yun. It is an honor for an ordinary person like myself to have met the Travelers.

Paimon: Whoa, did he really just say that...

Aether: (I wouldn't dare reveal his true identity.)

Fu Hua: (A line like that makes others suspicious of you.)

Yun Jin: I'm sure you must have matters to discuss. I have an appointment with Xinyan, so if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave.

Zhongli: Very well. Goodbye, Ms. Yun.

Paimon: See you around, Yun Jin!

Yum Jin leaves.

Zhongli: So, tell me, what have you learned from your trip?

Aether: We asked around, and...

The party tells Zhongli about everyone's views on work-life balance...

Zhongli: Hmm, I see. Well, Travelers, what do you make of all their opinions?

Everyone tells Zhongli what they make of all the opinions. Aether went last.

Aether: I think we can weave them into a story.

Paimon: Yeah! Paimon already started creating her own story on the way here. The goal is to convince Keqing to rest more with just a simple story, right?

Fu Hua: Right.

Paimon: If that's the case, then Paimon thinks we can use food as our theme!

Kiana: Food!

Paimon: Think about it, who doesn't like delicious food? And when it comes to eating, everyone has an opinion. It's the perfect angle for our story!

Aether: Simple but deep.

Patrick: Classic Paimon wisdom.

Paimon: Hehe, Paimon knows just what to write! Let's say there's a chef in Liyue who's very talented at cooking. He opens a massive restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and lots of customers come every day, so he's always super busy. Then, well... hmm... How should the story go from there?

Aether: His food starts getting worse and worse?

Paimon: Oh, that's good! But wait, didn't we say he's really good at cooking? That wouldn't make sense...

Aether: It's up to you, it's your story!

Patrick: He couldn't get enough done and had to hire some help?

Paimon: Good theory! But he doesn't do that!

Zhongli: There's no need to jump to the conclusion. Why don't you elaborate more on the chef?

Paimon: More about the chef... You mean both good and bad things?

Zhongli: Yes. To gain one's empathy, there must be familiarity. I would like to understand this chef character of ours a little deeper.

Paimon: Hmm, Paimon didn't think this far... Why don't you take it from here, Aether?

Zhongli: Since you've spoken with others familiar with Keqing, why don't we integrate their thoughts into your story? That will allow it to become all the more convincing.

Paimon: Okay! Let Paimon think... What did Cloud Retainer say? "As one sows, so do they reap, and the joy of reaping is what one yearns for."

Zhongli: That was quite poetic, Paimon. Bravo.

Paimon: Hehe! Oh! Now Paimon remembers! Cloud Retainer said that if she spends all her efforts working on a machine with no time to test the outcome... Then she'd be like a chef who doesn't get to try their own food. Problems are bound to pop up.

Zhongli: Yes, it is most unwise to put the cart before the horse.

Paimon: Uh-huh, that's exactly what she said! So let's make that happen to the chef in the story... He's great at cooking, but he can't enjoy his own food.

Zhongli: Hmm, but there must be a reason why he doesn't partake in the delicacies he makes.

Paimon: Right, it's because he's super busy! He receives the customers, he takes the orders, and he does all the cooking himself... Hehe, that should keep him busy enough. He's so busy every day that he doesn't even have time to take a break, which obviously also means he doesn't have time to eat.

Aether: That sounds a bit extreme...

Paimon: Hey, it's just a story! Besides, it's supposed to leave a powerful impression, kinda like fireworks!

Zhongli: Yes, the chef is unwilling to delegate tasks to others. He's overconfident about his own cooking abilities, and tries to accomplish everything on his own.

Paimon: Paimon already kinda feels sorry for him.

Party: "Many hands make light work!"

Paimon: Oh, right! That's what the chef doesn't understand! And there's another saying... erm... What was it, again? Oh yeah, "A rested worker is an efficient worker!" That's what Yanfei said. So the chef gets busier and busier. To the point where he can't stand up straight anymore and has big dark circles under his eyes. The customers tell him to take a few days off to get some rest, but the chef won't listen.

Zhongli: His judgment is clouded by the chores before him. He is oblivious to mountains in the distance, the bigger picture.

Paimon: Eventually, the chef falls ill and his cooking becomes far worse than when he started. The customers can't convince him to rest and they don't like his cooking anymore, so they stop coming to his restaurant.

Aether: The consequences of not getting enough rest are pretty serious.

Zhongli: Rest is always of great importance. Although we may come across various difficulties in our lives, pushing ourselves is never a good modus operandi. The story is simple without embellishment, yet deeply meaningful. If our listener is sensible, then she should quickly grasp the meaning contained within.

Paimon: You're saying... Paimon made a good story!?

Zhongli: Sincerity can allow one to see clearly, and earnest advice can provide sound direction. The story is indeed good. The Yuheng is an adroit leader. I am certain she will understand the message you are trying to convey.

Paimon: Really? Score one for Paimon!

Zhongli: Given that the case involving the Treasure Hoarders has come to an end, she is inevitably tired. Now will be the ideal moment to speak with her. If all goes well, I think your story will be a success.

Paimon: Hear that? Zhongli says Paimon's story has what it takes! If anyone knows a good story, he does! Quick, let's go find Keqing!

Zhongli: I wish you luck, Travelers.

(Ministry of Civil Affairs)

Keqing: The matter has finally come to an end, but we mustn't lower our guard. Increase patrols around Qingce Village and coordinate our people at other fireworks locations to prevent any further theft.

Jingcheng: Yes, Lady Keqing.

Keqing: And by the way, the Ministry has requested the Millelith to increase security along travel routes. How is that proceeding?

Jingcheng: It's all been taken care of. However, due to various reasons, there are still some blind spots in the city.

Keqing: Have we drafted a new patrol map? Please give me a copy and I'll look it over when I have time. Understood! The patrol map is still being drafted, but it will be ready soon.

Keqing: Okay. Also, I...

Jingcheng: Oh, excuse me, Lady Keqing... Your friends are here.

The party arrives.

Paimon: Hi Keqing, still working? Aren't we going to see the fireworks?

Keqing: Oh, yes, but I thought we'd meet at the
Jade Chamber. Why have you come here?

Aether: You told us to walk and have a look around.

Paimon: Yeah, we walked around the city just like you told us to, it's very nice. But, it would be even nicer if you could join us! Do you still have work to do?

Keqing: It's nothing urgent, really, just some trivial matters. But I wish to get it done as soon as possible...

Jingcheng: You can leave it to us, Lady Keqing. You've been working hard for a long time, so you should get some rest. If I'm not mistaken, the Travelers are here to remind you to take a break.

Aether: And we have something to tell you, Keqing.

Paimon: That's right! Something so important that we must speak with you personally, right now!

Keqing: Oh, really? In that case... Jingcheng, I'll let you take charge, thank you.

Jingcheng: Understood, I'll handle things from here.

Keqing: Traveler, St. Freya Knights and Valkyries, and Paimon, let's go to the Jade Chamber. The view there is nicer and it's much more private, perfect for talking.

They go up to the Jade Chamber with Keqing...

Keqing: Well, here we are. What was it you wanted to talk about?

Aether; We have a story to tell you.

Fu Hua: Please listen to it.

Paimon: Yeah! We want to tell you a story from this beautiful view. Whaddya say?

Keqing: Alright, I'm listening.

Paimon: So, it turns out we just heard some big news in Teyvat! A very talented chef is in trouble!

Keqing: Oh? Is the chef from Liyue? From Liuli Pavilion or Xinyue Kiosk, perhaps?

Paimon: No, no. Uh, the chef is from... Mondstadt! Yeah, and he's really, really good! He had a restaurant right next to the city gate. He was super efficient and his cooking was really delicious, so his restaurant had been getting more and more popular. In fact, he became so busy that the worker from the florist next door asked him, "Sir, why don't you find someone to help you in the restaurant?" But the chef brushed the idea aside, saying that he's the only one that can turn top-quality ingredients into world-class dishes, no one could help him.

Keqing: Hmm. Well, confidence is an essential trait for a good chef. He must be an excellent cook.

Paimon: That's what everyone was saying... But surprisingly, after just six months, no one would dine in his restaurant anymore.

Keqing: Oh?

Paimon: Shocking, right? Do you have any guess why?

Keqing: Hmm. Maybe the chef had fallen ill, or...
Paimon: Wrong answer! You tell her, Aether!

Aether: Because he was too stubborn.

Paimon: Ding ding ding! Yep, it's because the chef was too stubborn!

Kiana: Yeah! Stubborn!

Book of Fuxi: And refuses to listen to people!

Fu Hua: Continue, Paimon.

Paimon: He would keep himself busy every day, and try to make the most delicious dishes for all his guests. But, he forgot that he's only human and needs time to eat and rest. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat and couldn't even taste his own cooking. He was unwilling to seek help even when he's tired, because he thought he's the only one capable of cooking the best dishes. Eventually, the people around him felt like they couldn't help him anyway, so they just left. And because he had forgotten the original taste of his dishes, he was no longer a good chef. In the end, his restaurant had no choice but to close for good.

Keqing: Oh... I see. He's overly confident, which disappoints the people around him, and he's so impatient that he ends up losing sight of his original purpose. *sigh*... So, that's the whole story?

Paimon: Oh, umm... Yep, that's the whole thing.

Aether: Sorry, it's not a very good story.

Kiana: Please don't laugh at us.

Fu Hua: We understand if you didn't like it.

Paimon: Hey! Didn't you just say that Paimon made a great story!?

Keqing: Hmm? Did you come up with that story?

Paimon: Oh! N—No, we just, uh...

Keqing: Heh... Hmm, how should I describe it... The story is very simple, and I suppose the ending isn't really surprising.

Party: Huh!?

Keqing: Think before you act and don't overexert yourself. Of course, I understand these concepts in theory, but when tasks come to me personally, it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.

Aether: It's as if "your judgment is clouded," right?

Keqing: Yes. Up in the mountains, we can see the mist in the clouds. Out in the ocean, we can see fog on the sea. That's why from time to time, we need to examine where we are, remove the fog, and feel our heart.

Paimon: So, how do you feel now, Keqing?

Keqing: How do I feel? Hmm... Deep down inside, I wish I could slow down time. That way, I could finally take the opportunity to walk around the city, see the people I wish to see, and watch the fireworks. Thinking back, I used to be even more impatient. My colleagues would resign after just three months of working with me. You're completely right. It's important to know your boundaries. But, I am getting better! You can tell, can't you? And I did make a promise with you, didn't I? We agreed to enjoy the fireworks show together this year. So...

Aether: So...?

Keqing: Happy Lantern Rite, everyone, I'm very happy to be here and enjoy this moment together with you all. I've poured all my best effort into this fireworks show. And now that we're here, I sincerely hope you will enjoy it. I feel very fortunate to be right here, enjoying the fireworks, and enjoying the view of Liyue Harbor.

Fu Hua: Happy Lantern Rite, Keqing.

Patrick: Happy Lantern Rite.

Kiana: Happy Lantern Rite.

Aether: Happy Lantern Rite, Keqing.

Paimon: Happy Lantern Rite!

Keqing: Happy Lantern Rite. And... thank you.

(A cutscene plays)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The Millelith changes guard at Liyue Harbor then the camera shows Yi Zhu and Yi Xian runs among the crowd. Then the camera goes back to the Jade Chamber.

Fu Hua: Just like last year.

Patrick: Just like last year.

Baishi: Lady Keqing. The item Lady Ningguang prepared for you. Has arrived.

Kiana: What has arrived?

Keqing: Guys. Wait here for a moment. Don't go anywhere!

Book of Fuxi: Font worry we won't!

Keqing goes into the Jade Chamber.

Paimon: Huh? Must be something important!

???: Hello!

A cloud of smoke appeared and appearing from the smoke were all the crossover characters that were joining the party. And Zhuge Kongming.

Theresa: Kongming! Everyone! You're here!

Kongming: We wouldn't want to miss this kind of event now would we?

Neptune: We spend this moment together!

The camera changes scenes and shows the two Fatui, Vlad joining Nadia at the festival. It also shows the people of Liyue doing other things to enjoy the festival.

The camera goes back to the Jade Chamber again.

Keqing: Guys.

Keqing walks out wearing her new skin outfit, Opulent Splendor.

Keqing: Ningguang had her personal tailor. Make it for me. Said it's an imported style... Huh? Where did all these other people come from?

Fu Hua: More of our friends.

Keqing: Anyway. Well? Do you like it?

Fu Hua: We love it.

Paimon: Wow, it's beauuutiful!

Keqing: It's time. Everyone. Please enjoy. The grand finale of this year's Lantern Rite.  The Fireworks Show!

Fireworks shoot into the sky.

Neptune and Nepgear: Wow!

Theresa and Kongming: So many lanterns and fireworks!

The camera shows Xinyan and Yun Jin running past Ningguang wearing her new skin outfit, Orchid's Evening Gown.

Yun Jin: Isn't it beautiful?

Xinyan: Whoa...!

Then Beidou shows up on camera.

Beidou: Hey, check you out... Looking pretty fancy!

Ningguang: Only a true treasure catches the eye of Captain Beidou. Seems I've struck gold
Ningguang: With this one.

Fireworks continue. The camera shows Shenhe watching the fireworks. Madame Ping, Yanfei, and Ganyu are sitting at a table watching the fireworks. Ganyu stands up to join Shenhe at the railing.

Then the camera shows Xiangling and Guoba running to join Xingqiu and Chongyun.

Then the camera shows Zhongli watching the fireworks while sipping a cup of tea. A hand taps on Zhongli's shoulders.

Hu Tao: Boo!

It was Hu Tao.

Hu Tao: Did ya see that? Way over there, a firework. That looks just like a pig!

Zhongli: So it does

Then the camera shows scene with the Dragon-Queller and a gravestone with three cups of wine offered.

The camera moves on and shows Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper returning to Cloud Retainer.

Then the camera shows Xiao watches the fireworks atop Wangshu Inn then the camera moves down to show Smiley Yanxiao serving food.

Smiley Yanxiao: Hey everyone, time to eat. Food's ready!

Huai'an: Ooh!

Smiley Yanxiao: No better way. To celebrate. Hahaha!

Then the camera shows The Millelith setting off fireworks at Qingce Village. Then the screen fades to another scene showing Qiqi and Baizhu.

Granny Ruoxin: Dr. Baizhu. Sorry to trouble you. Again this year.

Baizhu: No trouble at all

Qiqi: Lantern Rite...

Finally the camera returns back to the Jade Chamber.

Keqing: Happy Lantern Rite.

Then the camera zoomed out to reveal everyone which included Ningguang, Beidou, Xinyan, and Yun Jin.

Everyone: Happy Lantern Rite!

(Later that night)

The party was back in the Serenetea Pot in their beds and futons. The camera showed Fu Hua in bed while Jingwai's Wings and Book of Fuxi were in their own beds. Her hair was back in the grey color.

Fu Hua: What a Great Lantern Rite it was just like last year.

Book of Fuxi: Yes it was.

Jingwai's Wings: It was splendid. First we helped Beidou get Ningguang's stuff from the previous Jade Chamber that was scattered then we helped prepare for the Lantern Rite.

Fu Hua: Let's go to sleep now. See you both in the morning.

With that they fell asleep.

(Next morning)

Fu Hua and her two ELFs could see people cleaning up after the Lantern Rite. They saw Keqing by herself and go over to her.

Fu Hua: Keqing!

Keqing: Oh hey Fu Hua.

Fu Hua: Last night was great.

Keqing: I know it was. I got to enjoy this year's Lantern Rite with friends. I will take your advice and try to take breaks.

Fu Hua: Thank you. There was something I've wanted to ask you regarding the Traveler.

Keqing: What is it?

Fu Hua: What do you think of him really?

Keqing: I think he's strong, brave, and very nice too. Something like that.

Fu Hua: Thats not what I mean, Keqing. I... I... I want to know if your in love with him!

That's when it hit Keqing. She blushed deep red and took a few steps back screaming.

Keqing: AHHHHH!!!!!! In in in love! Wait wait! What are you talking about! There's no way that I'm in love with someone like him! That's absurd!

Fu Hua: (Just look at her. From the way she's blushing and reacting, she definitely has some feelings for Aether. Those fan made comics by a certain someone show how Keqing was madly in love with Aether and doesn't want anyone touching him. This Keqing is not like the Keqing in the fan comics.)

Fu Hua: Sorry, Keqing. My tongue must have slipped. I asked without thinking.

Keqing: It's ok. It's ok. That was too sudden and I overreacted.

Fu Hua: I'll see you around some other time.

Keqing: Yes and you as well.

Fu Hua and her ELFs walk away.

They turned and saw Xingqiu talking to Compa.

Xingqiu: Great nurse you are.

Compa: And great guild leader you are.

Fu Hua: We should probably meet up with the party.


Some of the party members were meeting.

Seele: With Lantern Rite done, what should we do now?

Mei: We go back to Inazuma. Ei and Miko's side quests are coming so we better be there.

Theresa: Some of us are going back to Mondstadt. However we'll all get back together in the next Enkanomiya quest.

Patrick: All right. It's decided then.

Everyone: Yeah!

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