Chapter 84: Port Ormos

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 (Port Ormos)

They arrived in Port Ormos after using the Wave Riders.

Rama: Come and have a good look yourself! Traditional spices of the highest quality, made with pride and experience!

Pooria: Haha, you've got a deal! I can't thank you enough for always looking after my business.

Jayant: Believe me, I'm not making this up. Several Eremite mercenary groups are nearly in open conflict, but does the Corps of Thirty care? *sigh* And that's not all, did you know that...

Paimon: Wow, talk about hurly-burly, this place is busy! Guess that's only to be expected for the largest port in Sumeru. Uh, maybe it's because of what Dehya told us earlier, but Paimon can't seem to shake the feeling that there's also danger lurking in these crowds.

Rozaliya: There could be someone suspicious in this crowd.

Liliya: Or someone in disguise.

Paimon: Let's get our bearings so we can start looking for leads.

Neptune: Right. We better start looking for clues and evidence.

Paimon: We know that whatever the Akademiya lost is related to the gods... But other than that, we don't have much else to go on. Hmm... Asfand told us to try posing as Akademiya students while asking around. Paimon checked the Akasha on the way here, and the Akademiya doesn't seem to have any research facilities in Port Ormos.

Kiana: So it would just be pointless to pose as students.

Paimon: Paimon doesn't get it... Won't we look even more suspicious going around saying we're Akademiya students AND asking about the stolen item?

Aether: Right, we should figure that out before doing anything else.

Fu Hua: Figuring that out could be crucial for the rest of our investigation here.

Paimon: Well, given all the people that come through here every day, if there's any information to be found, Paimon bets we could find it in the market. Let's ask around and see what we come up with.

Himeko: Alright. Let's split up in groups and find what we're looking for.

So they split up to find answers. Staying with Aether and Paimon were Patrick and the Valkyries Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Seele. They go up to one of the merchants.

Elham: Welcome, welcome! How can I help you seven?

Paimon: Hi there, we would like to ask you a question. Uh, do students from the Akademiya ever come to Port Ormos?

Bronya: That's what we'd like to know.

Elham: Hehe, of course, especially around this time of year. Students from Sumeru City that are about to graduate often come to Port Ormos to cut loose a little. Many people often talk about how hard it is to get accepted into the Akademiya, let alone graduate. But those who finish their studies and go on to become full-time researchers at the Akademiya have it even harder. Sure, we may not be Sumeru City, but Port Ormos offers beautiful scenery and a stress-free environment. Some even say it's good luck to come to Port Ormos, so students and researchers come flocking here when things get to be too much at the Akademiya. Ah, you see over there? Those are students from the Akademiya.

Aether: They look pretty serious.

Kiana: Maybe even a little worried.

Elham: They've been looking worried and miserable ever since they got here a few days ago. If you ask me, the life of a merchant is better. So long as the Akasha teaches us what we need, then life is good.

Paimon: Hmm, those students seem to be discussing something... Let's see if we can listen in.

They go eavesdropping on the conversation.

Sidhu: *sigh* It's no good... I've tried asking around, but I haven't been able to learn anything useful. Not to mention that a bunch of scary-looking Eremite mercenaries have been posted along the streets now.

Bandi: There's been a lot of fighting between the different Eremite factions in Port Ormos. If we choose to move on our own, then it would be wise to steer clear of them. Especially the group that's constantly shouting some stuff about "the Scarlet King" and some "resurrection." I've even heard that the Citadel of Regzar is starting to get fed up with them. What was that group called again...? Ayn something or other...

Kudari: They're called Ayn Al-Ahmar. Today I heard that the thing we're after might be in their possession at the moment.

Sidhu: Wait, come again?

Kudari: Don't you see? Many of the Eremites in Port Ormos deal with trading this kind of thing. They're usually pretty wary of outsiders, but not so with students of the Akademiya. It's because the kind of goods that students are looking for aren't the kind of goods the Eremites are after. As long as they know you're a student, then deals can be made. I've heard that Ayn Al-Ahmar likes to set up shop at the Djafar Tavern. Supposedly, if you're willing to part with half a million Mora, they'll give you info on anything.

Sidhu: Wa—Wait, did you just say half a million!? If information alone costs that much, then how could we ever afford to buy what we're looking for? *sigh* I guess we might as well give up on trying to graduate this way.

Kudari: I wouldn't worry too much. Our field of research is very niche. Who else could possibly be after that kind of shady knowledge? I bet it's practically worthless to anyone aside from us.

Sidhu: Oh, I guess that makes sense. Then the only thing left for us now is to find a way in. Why don't we all just pool our money together and pay for the information?

Paimon: Whoa, did you hear that? A niche field of research and shady knowledge... It all sounds pretty suspicious to Paimon. Is knowledge something people just buy and sell like that?

Bronya: It's very suspicious indeed.

Aether: Whatever was stolen from the Akademiya was also related to "knowledge."

Mei: We better get it back.

Paimon: So, what's our plan?

Aether: Let's go to Djafar Tavern.

Paimon: Wait! Didn't you hear what they just said? Buying information is going to cost us HALF A MILLION MORA!!! Have you lost your mind!?

Aether: Reliable information is worth the price.

Paimon: Oh, alright. Paimon never thought she'd agree to parting with that kind of Mora... But if you know what you're doing, then we should give it a shot.

They called everyone back then went to the Tavern.

Paimon: This is the place we heard those students talking about. Let's find a seat somewhere and see if we can spot the group they mentioned.

Mei: Just try not to draw in any attention.

They sit down at different tables and wait for some time till some suspicious men arrive.

Eymen: Oh, you've arrived. Please take a seat.

The two men sat at a table. The whole group listened in.

Tariq: So they think that they can go toe to toe with the boss? Hah, once we reclaim the power of the Scarlet King, they'll be the first that the boss punishes.

Tumart: They're nothing to be afraid of. Our main rival now is The Caracal Battalion. They've also amassed a significant amount of Mora this time, so we mustn't underestimate them.

Tariq: How can The Caracal Battalion compete with the boss when they're nothing but a bunch of money-grubbing opportunists out for a quick Mora?

Tumart: Yeah! With Boss's fervent devotion, he'll be able to use this power to bring our god back this time.

Vert: Bring their god back this time?

Paimon: Huh, all these guys talk about is the Scarlet King, so they're probably the ones we're looking for.

Durandal: It's gotta be them.

Tariq: Hmph, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata... That traitor and her followers must not be spared! The day will come when the Scarlet King exacts vengeance on Sumeru, and all of them shall be punished.

Aether: Greater Lord Rukkhadevata? A traitor? What are they talking about?

Paimon: Yeah, Paimon was wondering what they meant, too. We should ask about that if we get the chance later.

Aether stands up then goes up to the Eremites. Vert, Durandal, Blanc, Bronya, and Yumi do the same thing.

Tariq: Huh, who are you? What do you want?

Aether: We're students from the Akademiya.

Tariq: A student? Heh, what's a student from Sumeru City doing in Port Ormos?

Aether: We're looking for info about a certain... "something."

Tariq: Ahh, well if it's info you want, you've come to the right place. The question is: Can you afford it?

Vert: Oh don't worry, we can.

They added up their Mora and handed over 500,000 Mora to Tariq.

Paimon: (Ooh, Paimon can't stand to see so much Mora go, but there's no other choice right now...)

Tariq: Heh heh. Here, this is the merchant's address — whatever you're looking for, you'll find it there. ...Hmm? Well, what are you waiting for?

Aether: We just have... one more question.

Paimon: Oh, that's right. We heard you mention the Scarlet King just now. We're actually interested to know more, because... Uh, because we're... ah... archaeology students! Hehe.

Bronya: Yes. We're archeology students.

Tariq: ...Heh, fine. Since you've already handed over the Mora, I guess I can throw in a little extra info. As you can see, members of Ayn Al-Ahmar are devout believers of the Scarlet King. Years ago, the Scarlet King founded the great desert nation that was our homeland. It was an advanced civilization, far beyond anything you'll see in present-day Sumeru. The Scarlet King was the rightful God of Wisdom, but he was betrayed by a companion he trusted... She even stripped him of his title, "God of Wisdom."

Paimon: So you mean the traitor was...

Tariq: Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, yes! That shameless wretch destroyed the Scarlet King's civilization, and our ancestors were forced to flee to this land where we were made to suffer the tyranny of our enemies. Furthermore, she conspired with the Akademiya to cover up the truth of her actions and create the merciful and benevolent facade for which she is now known. Ugh, just thinking about it sickens me. But the story doesn't end there, oh no. The Scarlet King isn't truly dead. The voice of the Oracle has been heard in the desert, prophesying his resurrection! Mark my words, our god shall return. And when that day comes, all followers of the traitor and all the desert dwellers who have forgotten their true god will suffer retribution together. If what I'm saying makes you shiver with fear, it might not be too late for you to become a believer of the Scarlet King, hahaha.

Aether: Can you tell us more about the Oracle?

Tariq: Hmph, I don't have anything to say to you Akademiya people about that. I think this conversation has reached its end.

It is at this moment that a stranger comes up to you.

Alhaitham: Not just yet. This man is a fraud.

Paimon: Huh!?

Tariq: Ugh, you again! Tch... Deranged Akademiya lunatic!

Alhaitham: Yes, it's me again. I already warned you that if you weren't willing to sit and discuss things with me, I'd take measures to make things... uncomfortable for you. Listen to me. That address he gave you is fake — or at least, you won't find a merchant waiting for you there. This group has been boasting all around that they can provide information on a certain "item," as a means of luring people into their territory. Once you show up, they keep up the act until they have hard evidence that you want to purchase said item, then they use that to squeeze you for all the Mora you're worth.

Blanc: So... it was a scam!

Tariq: Hey! Shut it, Alhaitham! What are you playing at, trying to ruin our business like this, hmm?

Alhaitham: I told you the other day: I wish to discuss my terms with your boss.

Tariq: Hah! The boss made it perfectly clear that he won't negotiate with you!

Alhaitham: Yes, and in no uncertain terms. But that was then. It does not preclude him from changing his mind in the future.

Tariq: I'm warning you, don't push us, or this could get ugly! We don't usually get rough with people from the Akademiya because it just complicates things. For a lunatic like you, though, we might just have to make an exception.

Alhaitham: If you're suggesting that we escalate this from a verbal exchange to a physical one, I accept. After all, even the archons used war to negotiate the ownership of Teyvat. If, on the other hand, we can't agree on any means of negotiation at all, then I'm afraid my next course of action will sting a little more than the mere falling-through of a few business deals. I will jeopardize The Eremites' reputation, which I know you value above all else. I am quite confident that if I began to take such action, your boss would willingly approach me himself. However, I fear that by then, some things will have happened that cannot be undone. Also, a word of advice... I suggest you tell your boss exactly what happened here today. Otherwise, he might blame you for not telling him in the future.

Tariq: Wh—What did you say?

Alhaitham: Consider this: Have I ever failed to follow through on my word in the past?

Tumart: This guy is really out of his mind...

Tariq: Okay then, if you really have a death wish, let's meet a week from today... The pier in front of the Pharos Lighthouse, four o'clock in the afternoon, sharp. Don't expect us to hold back!

Alhaitham: Not so fast. First, you return the 500,000 Mora to them.

Tariq: Hmph.

The eremite puts down the pouch and leaves.

Durandal: Good riddance.

Eymen: Please, I beg you, don't provoke them. We can't afford any trouble with this crowd... They haven't even paid for their food yet...

Alhaitham: Ah, Mr. Eymen. There appears to be fewer staff in the restaurant recently. This wouldn't happen to be because they're all busy spreading the word to the students, would it?

Eymen: I, uh... W—Well...

Alhaitham: Someone who chooses to do business with a group like that really can't afford to get so flustered the instant someone confronts them about it. Consider the meal compensation for our silence — I'd say you're getting an excellent deal.

Paimon: Whoa, did you see that? He not only got us our Mora back, but sent the Eremites running, too...

Vert: He was good looking.

Paimon: Plus, he seems to know a lot about what's going on around here. Let's catch up with him and ask some questions! He went that way. After him!

The whole group went after the man. They managed to catch up to him.

Paimon: Wait up! ...It's "Alhaitham," right?

Alhaitham: What do you want?

Aether: Thank you for your help back there.

Vert: We really appreciated your help back there.

Alhaitham: No need for thanks. My goal was to get to them, and you people gave me just the opportunity I needed. We're even. Oh, I advise you to keep your distance from them. Since they weren't able to make off with your Mora in the end, they might harass you again in the future. *sigh* Alright, goodbye.

Paimon: Hold your horses! We still have something to ask you about. Since you saw through their scam in front of them, you must know the real story about a... certain something, no?

Alhaitham: Who exactly are you, and why are you inquiring about that?

Aether: We're students from the Akademiya.

Alhaitham: Students? Heh, right. Look, you should know that those thugs conducting "business" with you had nothing to do with your lie.

Durandal: Perhaps we can also talk terms?

Aether: I know a thing or two about swordplay.

Paimon: Huh? Oh, yeah! He's really strong!

Kiana: We're all really strong!

Noire: We've beaten bad guys before.

Paimon: Weren't you saying something about a "physical exchange"? We can help with that.

Alhaitham: He doesn't even have a Vision. Forget it.

Paimon: Maybe not, but he/she can still use elemental energy! Otherwise, there's no way we'd go asking for info from Ayn Al... Al... hmm, from guys like that! Those hot-headed thugs are definitely gonna bring a lot of back-up for your next meeting. Even if you don't go alone, you won't regret taking us with you!

Theresa: You better take all of us. Or else you will have regrets.-

Alhaitham: Hmm...

Paimon: Uhh...

Alhaitham: Alright, I accept. Got a pen and paper? If you're searching for someone who sells that kind of merchandise, I'll give you one of their addresses, and you can try your luck.

Vert: Thank you, kind sir.

Alhaitham: We'll reconvene at the appointed time by the pier. It doesn't matter if you show up or not.

Paimon: Um... So, since you were happy to give us this merchant's information, does that mean you can tell us exactly what we're after?

Alhaitham: You were willing to part with 500,000 Mora for something, and you didn't even know what it was? Okay, well if you truly are as skilled as you claim, then you can beat the answer out of them when they become hostile. Look, if you've been making inquiries, then you have to know something by now. Tell me what you know so far, so I don't waste time repeating information.

Paimon: We know it's connected to the Akademiya somehow, and that not only do The Eremites deal in it, but some students wanna get hold of it, too. Umm, what else...

Aether: It seems like some kind of knowledge.

Alhaitham: You know almost everything there is to know, but you're unable to compile this information because you've never seen the object before.

Alhaitham shows them a peculiar item briefly before putting it away.

Alhaitham: This is what you've been looking for.

Paimon: Huh? Paimon can't tell what it is... It looks like some kind of ornament?

Alhaitham: This is a Knowledge Capsule. To put it simply, it's a vessel that can store a fixed quantity of Canned Knowledge. It's like a miniature Akasha.

Patrick: (And similar to the Matrix of Leadership which stores wisdom.)

Alhaitham: Anyone who links it to their personal Akasha Terminal instantly becomes privy to its contents.

Aether: Anyone?

Alhaitham: Correct, anyone. Unlike the Akasha, which heavily regulates who can access what information, Knowledge Capsules confer their contents without any requisites.

Paimon: That's amazing...

Blanc: And useful.

Alhaitham: It's essentially a convenient and harmless vestibule for knowledge. Unfortunately, it's illegal in Sumeru to privately possess or trade them. They were created as a means for scholars to transfer knowledge gained from Irminsul into the Akasha, and are intended to be destroyed immediately after use. But despite strict regulations, some of these Knowledge Capsules will always escape destruction. After all, there will always be those in this world who are dissatisfied with life as designed for them by the Akasha, and wish to change their fate. Over the past century, a wide variety of Canned Knowledge has been leaked from the Akademiya. Now, in Port Ormos, the valuable ones are a means to Mora for the Eremites. Meanwhile, those which the Eremites deem to be useless to them occasionally prove useful to the common citizens and hapless Akademiya students. Well, I think that about sums it up.

Aether: heard that the Akademiya lost something recently.

Bronya: Seems like it's a Knowledge Capsule?

Alhaitham: Ah, so that's your true objective...

Aether: We want to learn more about it.

Vert: Actually its a need that we know more about it.

Alhaitham: With our current arrangement, I don't believe I can offer an answer.

Aether: What do we have to do?

Alhaitham: *sigh* You're still resolved... Fine, let's talk somewhere with fewer people.

Durandal: Fair enough.

They go with Alhaitham to a more secluded spot to continue the conversation.

Alhaitham: Let's continue our conversation here. If you wish to learn more about the Knowledge Capsule that the Akademiya lost, then you must help me with something.

Aether: What is it?

Neptune: Just name your price and we'll do it.

Alhaitham: I need you to find someone named Dori, a traveling merchant.

Patrick: (Dori. one of the new characters of Sumeru with an Electro Vision.)

Alhaitham: Unlike the peddlers who hawk inferior Knowledge Capsules, she often has quality goods in stock. Some say that as long as there is profit to be made, there is nothing she won't dare to sell. She is guarded against people from the Akademiya because most of her wares don't comply with Akademiya regulations.

Alhaitham: I think she blacklisted me. I met with her informant, but it soon became clear that they had no intention of letting me get any further. Become one of Dori's customers and earn her trust. This is my condition for further collaboration.

Paimon: Why do you want us to meet with her?

Alhaitham: Until you complete this task, you don't have question privileges.

Vert: Very well.

Paimon: Uh... Fine. So how do we go about doing this?

Alhaitham: You all are outlanders who haven't been here for long, so Dori should view you as "safe" clients. I'll give you the informant's address and their contact password. Beyond the password, though, I have no way of knowing what other tricks she might have up her sleeve. You'll have to improvise.

Paimon: Aah, this is kinda nerve-racking...

Ram: But it has to be done.

Liliya: Exactly.

Alhaitham: The true challenge begins after you meet her. She has a keen nose for Mora and a shrewd eye for wares, and she only likes customers who she deems to have good taste. I'll prepare some funds for you. Buy her highest quality wares and earn her approval.

Asuka: Alright. Shouldn't be too hard.

Paimon: But we only just saw a Knowledge Capsule for the first time! We don't know how to tell which ones are good and which ones are bad. Uh... Is that something we can learn quickly?

Alhaitham: Hm, that's true... Have you heard of Elemental Sight?

Kiana: Yes we have.

Aether: We can use it.

Alhaitham: Oh? That's a surprise. Guess I'll have to hold you in higher regard. Anyway, that ability should resolve your issue. Here are two Knowledge Capsules. Tell me, can you detect any difference in their quality?

Paimon: Umm... They look the same to Paimon.

Alhaitham: Try inspecting them with Elemental Sight.

Aether used elemental sight and saw that the one on the left was glowing brightly. The others used their elemental sight.

Paimon: How'd it go? Did ya see anything?

Aether: The one on the left shines brighter.

Alhaitham: Rumor has it that higher-quality Knowledge Capsules generally appear brighter when viewed through Elemental Sight. That's because knowledge originates from Irminsul, the root of Dendro power itself. The more powerful the knowledge, the richer it is in Dendro energy. However, some Canned Knowledge with a high concentration of Elemental Energy is of little use in contemporary times, so those capsules are of little value. Using Elemental Sight is merely a stop-gap measure, but it should suffice for earning Dori's trust.

Patrick: Right. Use elemental sight to pick the right Knowledge Capsules and earn Dori's trust.

Paimon: That sounds pretty impressive...

Alhaitham: Here's a sheet with the informant's location and contact password, and here is the Mora for purchasing Canned Knowledge. Don't be cheap. You'll need to spend to catch Dori's eye. If there's any Mora left over, just keep it.

Himeko: Not to worry. As long as we add up our Mora, we should be fine.

Alhaitham: Oh, and be sure to exercise some caution. There have been matra present in Port Ormos lately. Your efforts will be for naught if they catch you.

Paimon: Matra?

Kiana: What are matra?

Alhaitham: They belong to the Akademiya's regulatory body. They also handle cases of illegal Canned Knowledge transactions. Like I said, the Akademiya has banned both their trade and possession. The matra are razor-sharp — you're in for nothing good if they lock their sights onto you. If you want to back out, now's the time.

Aether: We're willing to take that risk.

Rom: None of us will back out.

Rozaliya: We're in!

Everyone steps forward.

Theresa: We'll help you find Dori.

Alhaitham: Okay, then we have a deal. If you succeed in your dealings with Dori, come find me at the Wikala Funduq. We'll have an open discussion then.

They obtained Bag of Transaction Funds and Informant Code Chart then walk away.

Paimon: Looking at what Alhaitham wrote, Dori's informant is a trader near Old Ormos. Let's follow these instructions and try to get in contact with him.

They went on then they spoke with Dori's informants and managed to earn Raunak's trust.

Raunak: Okay, everything has been confirmed. Miss Dori is waiting for you up a— Shoot, it's the matra! Run!

Paimon: What, the matra!? Where? Alhaitham said we're done for if they catch us — we gotta get outta here!

Shinobi: Right!

The Shinobi used their smoke bombs and the whole group disappeared in the smoke. Then followed after the informant.

Paimon: We don't know this area, so let's follow that informant!

They followed him up.

Paimon: He ran that way!

They kept following after him p.

Paimon: Look, he's over there!

???: Hey! If you're hiding from the Rishboland Tiger, come this way!

Paimon: Another password! Oh, that voice came from behind the building on the right!

They approached where the voice was coming from. And at the spot was a little girl in pink and purple with an Electro Vision.

Dori: Here, over here! You can stop running now.

Paimon: So you were the one who was calling out to us just now. But uh, are we definitely gonna be safe here?

Raunak: These good customers wish to buy some Harra Fruit, Miss Dori, and if there's nothing else, I'll just excuse myself.

Dori: Oh, very good. Thank you!

Paimon: Huh, wait... You're Dori? Paimon sure thought you'd look a whole lot scarier...

Dori: Hey, whaddya trying to say, Princess Peabrain!? I can be scary enough when I need to be, believe you me! If you don't watch what you say, then you can forget about doing any business.

Bronya: Baka Paimon.

Dori: But it seems you have actually done pretty well so far... Not only did you manage to find the informant, your reactions were also pretty sharp. You don't really look like criminals or anything, but I bet my Mora that you've been involved in some shady dealings, haven't you?

Neptune: Uh... Not exactly.

Paimon: Uh, Paimon's not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment, but we'll take it.

Dori: I can't risk doing business with people who start huffing and puffing after just a few paces — no matter how much Mora they might have. Not only will they get caught by the matra, but they'll also get us into trouble. As decent folks trying to run an honest business, we don't need any of that. Wouldn't you agree?

Miyab: We agree.

Homura: Yes we agree.

Dori: So that's why I prefer to have customers like you. It's your first time here, but don't worry, I won't ask too many questions. Even if you wish to buy enough Knowledge Capsules to decorate your house with, please — knock yourself out! As long as you have lots of round, shiny Mora, then we're all good.

Aether: Can you show us your products?

Dori: Ah yes, of course, of course! Go ahead, help yourselves — voila!

Dori She brought out lots of Knowledge Capsules.

Paimon: (Wow, she has a trove of Canned Knowledge! Whew... she'd probably be in serious trouble if the matra caught her with all this.)

Dori: What kind of products do you seek, my dear customers? Don't worry, I'm not interested in your reasons for buying — I can, however, offer some suggestions. Take this one, for example... "An Analysis of the Sociological Ideology and Dialectics of the Hilichurls." Only three people in all of Teyvat have ever studied it, making it extremely rare! It's on sale now for 350,000 Mora!

Paimon: (Yeesh... Who would wanna be an expert in that topic?)

Seele: (Maybe that little girl who studied hilichurls in Mondstadt would want this.)

Dori: Or how about "The Architectural Styles and Construction Methods of Teyvat in the Early Archon War Period"? With this one, you can become an expert in historic architecture preservation and find an excellent, well-paying job in nearly any nation!

Paimon: (Now this sounds like it could be useful...)

Dori: Two million Mora and it's yours. No discounts.

Paimon: Whoa! That's a lot of Mora!

Dori: Of course, you are free to pick whatever your hearts desire. The contents and price of each Knowledge Capsule are indicated in small text on the body of each one, down at the bottom.

Paimon: (All right, let's try the method that Alhaitham mentioned.)

Aether used elemental sight and selected the capsules.

Aether: We'll take this one. And this one. As well as this one.

Dori: Ahhh... You've really got a good head on your shoulders... and quite the eye for quality.

Neptune: Oh you better believe it.

They pick and choose a variety of Canned Knowledge...

Paimon: We'll take these, please and thank you!

Dori: My, oh my, you are blessed with a taste for both the exquisite and the extravagant... Customers like you are a rare breed — one in a hundred... No, one in a thousand, even! Listen, I have a special offer for you. If you spend just 100,000 Mora more, you can pick any Knowledge Capsule of your choice up to a value of one million Mora!

Paimon: Say what now? Hey, did you hear that!? Spend another 100k and we can get a capsule worth a whole million!

Aether: Calm down, Paimon.

Patrick: Don't let her trick you into spending more.

Paimon: But all the Canned Knowledge we just bought is easily worth half a million Mora. If we spend just a little more, we can get something worth one million Mora. Isn't that a fantastic deal?

Durandal: We can't be too sure about that.

Paimon: Think about it, we've gone to all this trouble to get this Canned Knowledge, and so far everything we've bought belongs to Alhaitham. Aren't you even the least bit curious about how this whole Canned Knowledge thing works? We're talking instant knowledge here! Don't you wanna try it yourself?

Aether: I think you're the one who's curious.

Paimon: C'mon, c'mon! We still have around 100,000 of Alhaitham's Mora left, so let's put it to good use by finding something useful for you. You've got a deal, Dori! We'd like to spend an extra 100,000 Mora.

Durandal: Fine, Paimon.

Dori: Excellent, then please select from this fine collection of Canned Knowledge over here.

Paimon: Uh, hold on a second. Paimon thought we could choose whatever we wanted? Why can't we choose the ones from over there?

Dori: Oh, but my dear customer, the Knowledge Capsules over here are worth one million Mora each. I'm sure discerning customers like yourselves will be able to find something to your liking. Please, take your time.

Paimon: Uh-oh, Paimon has a bad feeling about this... Let's use Elemental Sight again to check these.

Aether: Alright, I'll have a look.

Aether used elemental sight again.

Paimon: So, what did you see?

Aether: They all seem to be equally bright.

Paimon: So they're all worth about the same amount? Hey, we're getting a capsule worth a million Mora here. Don't be such a party pooper! Well, anyway, the Mora's already been spent, so let's at least try to find something useful.

Paimon: Let Paimon take a look here... "An Introduction to Traditional Sumeru Brewing Techniques," "The Art of Growing Spices," "An Overview of Ancient Runes"... Oh! How about this one? "Swordfighting Techniques VIII"! Not sure where we'd ever find volumes one through seven, but at least this knowledge should be useful, right? Let's go with this one!

Aether: Fine by me.

Vert: Very well.

Paimon: Dori, we'll take this one!

Dori: Alright, very good! I'm expecting some new goods in the next couple of days, so be sure to check back again soon! Whether it's Canned Knowledge or anything else you need — bring your Mora to Dori, and doors will open!

They obtained Canned Knowledge "Swordfighting Techniques VIII" and Package of Canned Knowledge.

Rita: It was pleasure doing business with you.

Patrick: We hope to see you again.

Nepgear: Let's go.

Uni: Can't wait to use them.

They began to walk away.

Dori: Hee-hee-hee, Mora, Mora, shiny Mora... Hee-hee-hee... ...Oh! Uh, please come back any time you need something!

Neptune: You got it!

Paimon: Our dealings with Dori went smoothly enough.

Vert: At least we have what we need.

Paimon: Let's head to Wikala Funduq and meet up with Alhaitham. Hopefully now, he'll finally tell us about what the Akademiya lost.

They go to Wikala Funduq and find Alhaitham.

Alhaitham: You made it. And from the looks on your faces, you were successful.

Neptune: Oh you bet we were.

Vert: We were successful alright.

Paimon: Whoa, there's so many people from the Akademiya here! Why would you pick this place as our meet-up spot?

Alhaitham: Well, Wikala Funduq is under the Akademiya's control, so naturally, the Akademiya has people working here. I came to Port Ormos under the pretense of conducting official business.

Paimon: You're a pretty daring guy...

Alhaitham: Relax, no one here is interested in anything we say, and the matra won't come here. Okay now, tell me how your encounter with Dori went.

They bring Alhaitham up to date and give him the Canned Knowledge they purchased...

Paimon: Okay, we did what you asked. So, can you tell us about the Knowledge Capsule that the Akademiya lost now?

Alhaitham: Before that, I have to ask — why are you two so intent on tracking it down? You don't have to answer, of course.

Aether: We want to meet with the Dendro Archon.

Paimon: Yeah, he just wants to meet the God of Wisdom and ask her about something important. We've been in Sumeru for a while now, but we still haven't found a way.

Vert: We really need to meet the Dendro Archon.

Paimon: When we heard that the Akademiya had lost something that might be related to the gods, we came here in case it turned out to be our lucky break.

Alhaitham: In that case, you're on the right track. A short while ago, the Akademiya lost a Knowledge Capsule in the desert. It's supposedly a Divine Knowledge Capsule — use it, and you'll gain the wisdom of the gods.

Paimon: Wow, there's really such a thing as that!? Hey, if we find it, do you think we could learn how to meet the Dendro Archon? Ooh, or how to find your sister?

Neptune: Or learn more secrets from the gods?

Alhaitham: I highly doubt it has any mystical properties, but it does indeed exist, and it's right here in Port Ormos.

Paimon: So... where exactly?

Alhaitham: That's what we need to find out next.

Aether: Your goal is to find it, too?

Alhaitham: I won't deny that. I am investigating because I'm curious as to what the Divine Knowledge Capsule truly is. As you know, the Eremites in Port Ormos also have their eyes on it. It is an extremely precious item. The knowledge contained within may bring great power or wealth to whoever has it in their possession. Several brigades have been vying for ownership of it as of late, but there is still no victor. My personal finances and connections cannot compete with those of the Eremites. After attempting various methods, I finally managed to reach a tentative agreement with several brigades. I agreed to forego ownership of the Divine Knowledge Capsule in exchange for the opportunity to study it. After all, there's no harm in understanding what it is. However, there are those who are less amenable to negotiation, such as those from Ayn Al-Ahmar. They adamantly believe that the Divine Knowledge Capsule contains the Scarlet King's power, and that he will return to this world when they obtain it. They refuse to let anyone from the Akademiya tarnish their deity's soul.

Paimon: So you kept hounding them because they refused to cooperate with you?

Alhaitham: Yes. Ayn Al-Ahmar isn't exactly wealthy, but its members are determined to get that capsule by any means necessary. To that end, they've resorted to many methods more foul than fair in order to amass sufficient funds.

Durandal: They really want to steal it.

Alhaitham: So, I've been sabotaging their business to force them into negotiating with me. The Divine Knowledge Capsule should be up for a secret auction within the next few days. Each brigade will place their own bid, and the prize will be covertly given to the winner. To ensure the capsule's security and to evade the matra's notice, the winning brigade will not publicly disclose their victory. Unless I know whose hands the Divine Knowledge Capsule ends up in, my agreements with them will fall through. Dori is the most reliable source of information, but that avenue was previously closed to me. With you on board now, the situation is different.

Paimon: In other words, you wanted us to befriend Dori so you could find out where the Divine Knowledge Capsule is?

Alhaitham: Yes, you can say that, but this arrangement harms none of us. The day after tomorrow, go back to Dori and try to purchase information on the Divine Knowledge Capsule's whereabouts. If she has no information, wait two days and approach her again.

Vert: Ok, we'll do that.

Mei: It's worth a try.

Alhaitham: If I get the opportunity to study the Divine Knowledge Capsule, I will relay my findings to you. Will that suffice as compensation?

Aether: That's exactly what we want.

Kiana: Thank you.

Alhaitham: Okay. Then we'll meet up in two days.

Paimon: Alhaitham, before you go! We actually bought a Knowledge Capsule for ourselves, but we're not sure how to use it.

Alhaitham: You want to try using a Knowledge Capsule? Sure, I can teach you. Doing so right under the Akademiya's nose is a bit problematic, though. What do you say we head to the outskirts of town.

Bronya: Sure thing, friend.

They go outside of Port Ormos to go test the Canned Knowledge.

Alhaitham: Alright, this place works. Show me the capsule you purchased.

Paimon: Here.

Alhaitham: Hm, Swordfighting Techniques VIII... A combat-class Knowledge Capsule. This class is something of a rare find these days, since most have been taken by the Eremites to augment their battle capabilities.

Paimon: Really? Aw yeah, what a great buy!

Alhaitham: If you want to determine the efficacy of this capsule, I can evaluate your combat ability. However, effects will likely be minimal if you already possess a high amount of strength. We can conduct a controlled experiment where you fight two battles: one before using this Knowledge Capsule, and one after. While you fight, we can use an Akasha Terminal to monitor your various physical parameters. There may be variances in your physical strength between the two tests, as well as a disparity in your opponents' abilities... But don't worry, I'll run statistical analyses afterward to mitigate any confounding effects.

Paimon: Wow... Alhaitham, you must've been one of those guys at the Akademiya who got top grades on everything!

Bronya: Very smart.

Blanc: And wise.

Paimon: Paimon's curious about something, though. You definitely weren't one of those students who needed Canned Knowledge to graduate from the Akademiya, right? So why are you risking getting caught by the matra for this capsule?

Aether: We're also curious about this.

Theresa; As a principle, I worry about you.

Alhaitham: When you are unable to understand a researcher's actions, most cases can be attributed to curiosity. This is but one theory.

Paimon: Hmm... Sounds like you're trying to avoid the question.

Alhaitham: Alright, let's begin the test. Just fight as you normally do.

Aether was the one selected to do the test so he goes off to the closest monsters then kills them in a fight. Then he returns.

Alhaitham: Alright, I'll link your Akasha Terminal to record data. The next step is to use this Knowledge Capsule. Hold it in your hand. I'll help you establish a connection with it so you can activate its power.

Aether takes the Canned Knowledge and uses it.

Aether: (I feel like I just had an epiphany... As if I saw countless sword-wielding figures fighting one moment, and then in the next, they disappeared into the recesses of my memory.)

Paimon: Hey, how are you feeling?

Aether: Whatever was inside the Knowledge Capsule became a part of my memory.

Paimon: You mean that it worked?

Alhaitham: Alright, time for round two. Fight with the same composure as before.

Monsters appeared again then Aether fights them and beats them. He returns back.

Alhaitham: Now, I'll start recording data again.

Paimon: Alhaitham, how's it going?

Alhaitham: Well, the Knowledge Capsule you purchased did improve his combat capability. During the second fight, his overall fighting performance increased by 0.073%.

Paimon: Wait... how much?

Aether: 0.073%.

Himeko: That's basically zero.

Theresa: No differences.

Paimon: Aaarrrgh! Dori's such a jerk! She totally scammed us! One million Mora? This thing isn't worth a tenth of that amount!

Neptune: So she really did scam us.

Alhaitham: Of course, this could be because he is so powerful that the capsule's contents were unable to produce a substantial increase. At the very least, this test allowed me to gain more insight into you two. Our deal seems increasingly worth my investment. I'm heading back to the Wikala Funduq. I await your response in two days' time. This is Mora for when you ask Dori for information. Pay her as much as she requests.

They obtained the Bag of Intel Transaction Funds. Then Alhaitham leaves.

Miyabi: Two days.

Vert: What should we do?

Kiana: Might as well see more of Sumeru.

Everyone: Ok.

(Serenetea Pot, night)

Everyone was gathered around the meeting table and as usual, Aether and Paimon were not there because they did not want them finding out about the fourth wall.

Neptune: So now we're in Port Ormos. Ermites are the bad guys just like the Ronin from Inazuma and the Treasure Hoarders from Mondstadt and Liyue.

Vert: So much time passed and still no Loli Archon.

Kallen: After we couldn't connect to Irminsul, I got us an incense so we can connect to Irminsul.

Neptune: That's great. We can see what the tree looks like.

Kallen: Ok. Now everyone, hold each other's hands.

Everyone held each other's hands then Kallen activated the incense and the same substance came out which caused everyone to fall asleep as they all collapsed down on the meeting table.


They found themselves at the giant tree.

Vert: Irminsul.

Kallen: Looks like we were able to connect with Irminsul after all.

Asuka: The giant tree.

Durandal: This is what the Traveler saw.

Vert: I wonder if Kusanali's voice is here too?

???: World... forget me.

Noir: There it is.

Vert leaped closer to the giant tree. She whispers.

Vert: Don't worry, Kusanali. We promise to prevent the Fatui from stealing your Gnosis. And soon you'll meet me. Who will be your big sister.

Then everything flashed as they returned back and woke up.

Kallen: In two days, we go back to Dori, get the Divine Knowledge Capsule back and get it back to Sumeru City.

Vert: The sooner we'll get to meet Kusanali.

( 2 days later.)

They got back together.

Paimon: Let's go see Dori today and ask her about where the Divine Knowledge Capsule is.

They came back to Dori.

Dori: Here, over here! Welcome back, my loyal patrons. What can I do for you this time? You name it! Canned Knowledge, supplies, or anything else you need, I'll find a way to get it... Where there's a waterfall of Mora, there's a way.

Paimon: Can you really get us anything we want? Anything at all?

Neptune: Like anything~

Dori: Aha! So it appears that Canned Knowledge alone is no longer sufficient for your opulent appetite? Then please, oblige me, tell me what you have in mind!

Aether: We'd like to buy info on the whereabouts of the Divine Knowledge Capsule.

Vert: That's what we need to know.

Dori: Oh, hehehe! I knew customers with pockets as deep as yours would undoubtedly crave something more profound than ordinary Canned Knowledge. But you know, that kind of information isn't going to be cheap. After all, I had to work really hard to weasel my way into the auction site. Not to mention that if anyone found out that I was the leaker, I would be in big, big trouble.

Paimon: But how can we be sure your information is accurate? Paimon's curious how you just happen to have this kind of info the moment we need it.

Noir: It's hard to trust people.

Dori: Hehehe... Because to me, anything of value is what I consider to be my supply. Therefore, I must always be aware of what's hot on the market in order to secure more sales. As for the information's authenticity, well, you've no need to worry about that. I used a Kamera to take a picture of the transaction. That way, no one can dispute it.

Aether: Name your price.

Dori: It's always a pleasure doing business with such sterling patrons. Ahem, now that you've paid in full, here's the scoop: The Divine Knowledge Capsule was purchased yesterday by a certain Mizri, the leader of Ayn Al-Ahmar.

Paimon: Ayn Al-Ahmar? You mean the Eremites who worship the Scarlet King?

Dori: Ah, so you're already familiar with them. The group has done everything in their power to obtain the Divine Knowledge Capsule. After all, they believe it contains the power of the Scarlet King.

Blanc: It probably doesn't.

Durandal: That might be true.

Dori: That Divine Knowledge Capsule is unlike any other Canned Knowledge I've seen before. It was glowing bright red. The capsule is clearly visible in the picture I took. You can look for yourself.

Paimon: Thanks for the info, Dori.

Kiana: We appreciate it.

Dori: Please, it's my pleasure. It's all thanks to discerning customers such as yourselves that my efforts yesterday were not in vain. Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything else in the future — Mora for Dori opens doors!

They obtained the Picture of the Transaction. Then they leave.

Dori: Remember to bring a token of our friendship the next time we meet, okay? I like to think it's build on a firm foundation of solid, shining Mora...

Theresa: Don't worry, we will!

Paimon: Well, we figured out where the Divine Knowledge Capsule is! It turns out it ended up in the hands of Ayn Al-Ahmar. Let's go back and talk to Alhaitham!

Vert: Another step closer to meeting Lesser Lord Kusanali.

They find Alhaitham at Wikala Funduq.

Paimon: Alhaitham! We got the info you wanted!

Alhaitham: Really? Alright, let's hear it.

Aether: It's in the hands of Ayn Al-Ahmar.

Paimon: Dori even gave us evidence to verify the intel. Have a look!

Alhaitham: Huh, look at that... clear as day. It must have taken some guts just to infiltrate the scene of the Eremites' transaction. But then to get close enough to take a picture like this... Bold move, Dori. Very bold move. Alright, the person in this picture is indeed Mizri, the leader of Ayn Al-Ahmar, and the glowing red capsule he's holding appears to be the Divine Knowledge Capsule.

Noire: So now we just need to find him and take the capsule back.

Alhaitham: In which case, if we play our cards right, when we confront them next week, we should be able to force them to show their hand.

Paimon: At first, Paimon didn't get why you were provoking those Ayn Al-Ahmar guys, but now it sorta makes sense. Everything's playing right into your hands. After we defeat them, we can finally have a serious talk with their boss and get him to lend us the Divine Knowledge Capsule!

Neptune: YEAH!

Noire: YEAH!

Rom and Ram: Yeah!

Homura: Let's burn them!

Kiana: We can do this!

Blanc: Let's go trash those Eremites!

Alhaitham: Thank you for your time and efforts. Take a few days off while I make some preparations. Let's meet up again on the afternoon of the arranged date, three o'clock sharp.

Aether: We'll be there.

Bronya: Ready to beat them up.

Bronya summoned Project Bunny.

Alhaitham: See you then.

Alhaitham leaves them.

Miyabi: Now we have to wait again.

Yumi: Now. Now. We should use this time to get stronger. Just incase.

Uni: Alright.

Nepgear: And we can do other things.

(A few days later, on the day of the meeting with Ayn Al-Ahmar...)

Neptune: Today's the day.

Paimon: Alhaitham sure is taking his time. Where could he be? Oh, there he is!

Alhaitham: Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's head to the pier in front of Pharos Lighthouse.

Paimon: Yep, let's go!

Asuka: We're ready.

They went to the pier in front of the lighthouse where there were Ermites.

Tariq: Alhaitham... I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were crazy enough to actually show up.

Alhaitham: It was I who demanded that these negotiations take place. I was more worried that you might go back on your promise, but to your credit, it appears that you're sticking to your word. This is turning into quite an occasion. I also brought some backup — I assume you don't mind.

Neptune: We're his back up. And we've got you outnumbered.

Vert: You should just give up.

Tariq: Backup? Aren't you the brats from the restaurant the other day? You've come to support this lunatic because he helped you out? Hmph, fine, your funeral.

Himek: Don't underestimate us.

Tariq: I'm not going to mince my words: once we're done with you, you'll be nothing more than fish food. Get 'em, boys!

More Ermites show up in bigger numbers then charge at them.

Paimon: Uh oh, here they come! Uh, good luck you guys!

They summon their weapons

Patrick: Let's go!

Group: YEAH!

They charge in too and engage the Ermites. Weapons clashed.

Yumi whacks away the Ermites with her fans.

Yumi: This is nothing. These men are weak. HA!

She summoned icicles from the ground and stabbed some Ermites with them.

Vert: HA!

Vert uses Jean's attack and sends some Ermites into the water.


Kiana punches and kicks the Ermites away then uses her Neko-Charm to whack away the Ermites. Yumi does a spin ice tornado attack while Himeko does a Pyro slash then Aether uses his Dendro attacks defeating some Ermites. Uni shoots the Ermites with her guns.

Uni: Stay down!

Mei slashes through them with her sword.

Mei: Torn to oblivion!

She uses one of Ei's moves and electrocutes the Ermites. The fighting went on and they were winning. The scuffle between them and the members of Ayn Al-Ahmar begins. Tariq gets thrown back. The party got together holding their weapons.

Tariq: Ugh!

Tariq was angry.

Tariq: Akademiya scum...

Paimon: Hmm!

Aether: Hmm!

Vert: You should just surrender now. You're outmatched and can't win against us.

Tariq: Never!

Tariq gets back up.

When they are about to defeat them, a man shows up.

Tariq: Boss... Finally!

Their leader, Mizri, finally shows up.

Tariq: Did you use it? Great! Now we can...

But he seems to have fallen into madness. He continues walking to the group while using his terminal.

Teriq: ...Boss?

Blanc: Something's not right.

Bronya: Correct. Something is definitely wrong.

Mizri's sight turns red. Then he collapses to the ground holding his head tight. Then he screams out.

Tariq: Boss!

Tariq tries to help him but gets pushed away and Mizri attacks him.

Tariq: Boss... What's wrong?

Paimon: What happened to him?

Neptune: i think he's gone mad.

Durandal: And his terminal has turned red.

Mizri throws Tariq to the group which thye dodge.

Alhaitham: We have to cut his Akasha connection — now!

Alhaitham faces Mizri then subdues him immediately. Meanwhile, the Matras of the Akademiya have also arrived to arrest Mizri.

???: Target acquired. Arrest him.

One of them scans Alhaitham.

???: Do not impede our work. Is that understood, Alhaitham?

Alhaitham: Of course. I was only trying to help.

Alhaitham takes the Divine Knowledge Capsule away while checking on the Any [sic] Al-Ahmar leaser, but neither the group nor the Matras notice his action.

???: Take him away!

The Matras then bring the maddened Mizri away, but when they walk past them, they hear the man uttering: "World... forget me."

Mizri: ...World. ...Forget me...

Blanc: Good riddance to him.

Neptune: He'll be in prison for a LOOOOOONG time.

Himeko: In a cell.

Paimon: Huh!? What in Teyvat just happened? It's like that big guy suddenly lost his mind...

Patrick: He was going berserk.

Alhaitham: It looks like he used the Divine Knowledge Capsule.

Paimon: You mean, the Divine Knowledge Capsule did that to him?

Aether: Speaking of which, Haypasia did mention...

Paimon: Oh yeah, you mean how some researchers go insane after getting knowledge from Irminsul?

Sakura: Exactly.

Alhaitham: I've heard of numerous incidents of researchers in Satyavada Life going insane. The state that man is now in suggests that this is a similar situation. This Divine Knowledge Capsule does appear to be linked to the gods, but beyond that, it doesn't seem anything like the rumors suggest. Possessing it doesn't grant you divine wisdom or power. Did you hear what he said? "World... forget me..." What could that possibly mean?

Aether: (That's exactly what I heard before at Irminsul...)

Vert: Maybe it means that someone wants to be forgotten from the world.

Paimon: If the matra took him away, then that means the Akademiya got the Divine Knowledge Capsule back, too. What a shame, we were so close...

Vert: Mission failed.

Paimon: Still, Paimon didn't expect the Divine Knowledge Capsule would be so dangerous. Imagine if we'd tried to open it... Who knows what would've happened to us...

Alhaitham: As things stand, there is no reason for me to remain in Port Ormos. I believe our collaboration has also reached its end.

Paimon: Oh, we were so busy trying to find the Divine Knowledge Capsule that Paimon forgot to ask you something! Since you're a member of the Akademiya, do you have any idea how we can go about meeting Lesser Lord Kusanali?

Alhaitham: Truthfully, I don't. Lesser Lord Kusanali appears to exist outside of Sumeru's entire administration. Most of the time, you wouldn't know she exists at all. Moreover, since the Akademiya possesses the Akasha, a symbol of our deity's wisdom, scholars have no reason to desire to make contact with the deity herself anyway...

Paimon: *sigh* Everything about Lesser Lord Kusanali is such a mystery.

Alhaitham: I'm heading back to the Akademiya. How about you people?

Paimon: Aah, it's almost the day of the Sabzeruz Festival! Maybe we should head back, too. We've been rushed off our feet over the past few days, so maybe a little rest and relaxation will do us good.

Aether: Let's return to Sumeru City.

Vert: We better get back.

Durandal: For Nilou's sake and Dunyarzad's sake.

Paimon: Then we'll part ways here, Alhaitham. Until we meet again!

Once they all leave, Alhaitham brings his attention back to the Divine Knowledge Capsule.

Alhaitham: Hmm... Now, do I deal with this thing first, or should I produce the report that the higher-ups require?

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