Chapter 97: Inversion of Genesis Part 2

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The group came back to Sumeru after investigating Inazuma. Nothing had changed except that Scaramouche was erased from the memories and that Il Dottore sabotaged Tatarasuna anyway. Before going back to the Sanctuary of Surasthana, they encountered Aqaba and Sawada whom Aether and Paimon have encountered before. Aether wanted to look at the texts and saw that the kabukimono was erased in the texts too. After that they went to Nahida.

(Sanctuary of Surasthana)

They returned back to the Sanctuary of Surasthana where Nahida was waiting.

Paimon: Nahida, we're here.

Nahida: Everyone, how have you been?

Vert goes in and rubs Nahida's head.

Vert: Unfortunately, not well, Nahida. Tell her, Paimon.

  Paimon: Ugh, where to start... Paimon hasn't had a moment's rest this whole time. That night, we ended up chatting and chatting until suddenly, the sun was up... And then, they decided they wanted to go back to Inazuma.

Neptune: Well duh. We had to check on some things.

Aether: We were investigating the situation with The Balladeer, Mei, and Patrick.

Nahida: The Balladeer... Hmm. Sounds like some kind of code name. And what did Mei and Patrick do?

Aether: (...Oh no...)

Kiana: (She really did forget.)

Neptune: (Everyone in Teyvat except us really got affected.)

Nahida: You look troubled... Is there something you need to tell me?

Vert: It's hard for us to explain.

Theresa: It's gonna sound crazy.

Aether: (Even Nahida doesn't remember... Just like last time, any changes to Irminsul affect her as well. The Balladeer, Mei, and Patrick acted quickly. They finished erasing The Balladeer before Nahida could stop them... Everyone not from this world are the only ones who still remembers the things that were erased. Once again... We the record-keepers.)

Nahida: Aether?

Paimon: Hey, what's wrong...? You look so upset.

Vert: There are things that have happened... that only us Descenders can remember.

Aether: We have to tell you the truth.

Seele: About what really happened.

With heavy hearts, Aether, the Valkyries, CPUs, and CPU Candidates piece back together the story that was broken and scattered across time... There once was one named Scaramouche The Balladeer, created by the Electro Archon. He was a puppet who lived among men. After a series of events in Tatarasuna, The Balladeer, thinking he had been thrice betrayed, left Inazuma to roam the world beyond. And was recruited by the Fatui. With no trust for humans, and only loathing for the gods, he bore his grudge for years as he grew in strength, then returned to Inazuma to take his revenge. He tried in vain to become a deity with a decoy Gnosis, and ended up losing everything. Finally, he entered Irminsul and learned the truth behind his betrayal. Knowing now that his entire life was built on lies, he did the unthinkable with Patrick and Mei in an attempt to reverse his tragic fate...

After finishing up, Nahida and Paimon were also saddened.

Nahida: ...That's quite a story. So this puppet known as Scaramouche The Balladeer erased himself from Irminsul... hoping that he could change the past. And he had help from Patrick and Mei.

Paimon: But how was he even able to do that?

Nahida: As Aether said, he very nearly became Sumeru's deity. Admittedly, I remember it a little differently... I don't recall finding anyone inside the machine after we defeated it. Nevertheless, it does make sense. If someone were to successfully erase themselves from Irminsul, the world would change to reflect the new reality.

Paimon: So you believe this person really existed, and we just don't remember him because... well, because he literally changed the world?

Nahida: Yes. Theoretically speaking, it is possible to do this, but I'm struggling to imagine the kind of person who would dare go through with it... Aether and everyone else in here come from worlds beyond Teyvat. That's why there's no information about them in Irminsul, and it also explains why any changes to Irminsul wouldn't affect them.

Neptune: We do come from different dimensions. Though I've been around different dimensions before like Aether has.

Seele: So have Bronya and I. And Patrick too.

Nahida: So, if there's anyone in the world capable of retaining memories from a past that has been rewritten, it's you. It's... quite incredible, when you think about it.

Aether: ...You can say that again.

Paimon: Paimon's having a hard time understanding this Balladeer guy's motivations... Why did he do it? And why did Patrick and Mei help him?

Nahida: I can only make inferences based on the information we've been given. As for what kind of person he was... only you remember that.

Aether: I... I'm really not sure.

Nahida: As for why Patrick and Mei helped him... I'm still trying to figure that out...

Aether thought in his mind about Scaramouche, Mei, and Patrick.

Aether: (We were enemies, after all. I don't know his perspective on all this, so I can't say why he did something so extreme or why Patrick and Mei decided to help him... Did they want to reset everything? Or save someone? Or prevent the Doctor from recruiting him by trying to stop him from sabotaging Tatarasuna? Or did they want to completely undo his existence? "We're going to do what we should've done in the first place". "The three of us have got one last thing to do. But the rest of you can't come with us". "Everything can be set right. It's time to solve this once and for all" "This is the only way to prevent Scaramouche from ever becoming the Balladeer" "We''ll be right back"... Maybe that's all there is to it. I still remember the question he asked. He asked us, specifically... and my hesitation gave him his answer. I hesitated because I witnessed  erase her own existence, but I can't tell Nahida that. But Patrick and Mei did not hesitate at all. Maybe because they knew what was going to happen and were willing to help him. To put it another way, I know why The Balladeer was so sure it could work... But I can't tell Nahida or Paimon that.)

Nahida: Something else worrying you? ...Something that you can't share?

Aether: I just feel... empty.

Kiana: We're afraid that he can't tell you. As we've said before. It's hard to explain.

Aether: He chose such a radical option, and yet...

Nahida: ...It couldn't change the fate of the ones who had died. Right?

Kiana: Yes.

Nahida: Once The Balladeer realized he hadn't been betrayed after all, it must have completely changed his view of the people of Tatarasuna. Now he saw them as friends again. He couldn't keep hating humans after that. And if he thought there was a chance he could save his old friends, it would be hard not to try.

Kiana asks Nahida.

Kiana: What about Mei-senpai and Patrick? Why do you think they wanted to help Scaramouche?

Nahida: Perhaps after what happened. And after seeing the truth with the Balladeer. They probably wanted to make everything up to him by helping him try to change the past.

Theresa added in.

Theresa: They did hate him the most out of all of us. And they wanted to prevent him from turning evil and prevent him from getting recruited by Il Dottore. So Patrick and Mei wanted to help him prevent himself from ever joining the Fatui as an alternative to killing him.

Kiana spoke next about Mei.

Kiana: Mei-senpai is the Raiden Shogun from an alternate reality/her distant relative. the same way how Yae Sakura is Yae Miko from an alternate reality/her distant relative. Patrick and Mei-senpai were angry at Scaramouche for everything he's done to us but because of finding out he was tricked and being used made them even more angrier. They probably wanted to forgive him by helping him change the past. The way Mei-senpai was angry at Scaarmouche and the way the Raiden Shogun was her in Teyvat and what happened with tricking Scaarmouche with the decoy Electro Gnosis still making her upset was like a family matter between three family members and something personal.

Then Vert spoke about Patrick.

Vert: Patrick being angry at Scaramouche is because of what's been happening to the Gnoses. Even though Sakura tricked him with a decoy, he was still upset. He saw Scaramouche using the crystal marrow haze to try to easily kill him, the Valkyries, Aether, and Paimon as cheating in the game of chess. Instead of being the mastermind behind the vision hunt decree he was only a lackey following orders and ran away with the decoy Gnosis not wanting to fight anymore and just let the Fair Lady get killed off.

Theresa: Because of what happened in Inazuma really made them want revenge.

Nahida: ...The story makes sense, every part of it. The Balladeer tried to achieve godhood with The Doctor's help. He was unsuccessful, but retained the power to connect with Irminsul. Perhaps he shared that power with Patrick and Mei so they can help him erase himself. That power then enabled them to change what was recorded in Irminsul and erase himself, even though he didn't have much strength left.

Paimon: Yeah, it does make sense, but... it still ended in tragedy for his friends. It just feels so hopeless... He gave everything to do this with help from Patrick and Mei, but it seems like he got nothing in return.

Aether: (Yeah. They changed the world in many ways, and yet the dead still didn't get a second chance. Those fated to a tragic end could not be saved. What exactly did he want to fight back against? The betrayals in his life? Or did he wish he'd never existed at all?)

Nahida: Please wait a moment. I want to check something.

Nahida closes her eyes.

Nahida: ...

Then she opens them again. Then something appeared above the palm of her right hand.

Nahida: Found it. This should be the one.

Nahida hands out a floating green orb in a translucent cube.

Blanc: What is that?

  Nahida: It turns out that... I have a strange way of confirming everything they have told us.

Paimon: What is it?

Nahida: A record from my personal collection. It was tucked away in a corner. You should take a look.

One at a time they took a look. Surprisingly, the information is presented to them in a way that resembles a fairy tale...

Paimon: Is this a fairy tale? Who wrote it?

Aether: This matches everything we said.

Noire: About Scaramouche.

Nahida: I authored this record myself.

Paimon: Huh? You... wrote a fairytale that somehow has something to do with The Balladeer?

Nahida: When combined with the Descenders' narratives, it's clear that this story is an allegory. Everything in it is a symbol for something else.

Paimon: Hold on, so this record survived from the... past-past?

Nahida: Yes. Any information about The Balladeer or the kabukimono in other records will have been changed. But I wrote this story in a way that means, it was left intact. Changing the information in Irminsul changes Teyvat. But Irminsul can't change information that was well hidden in advance. I guess I must've written this story as a backup before The Balladeer entered Irminsul with Patrick and Mei.

Paimon: That's incredible! What a great idea!

Vert: Great thinking for a little goddess!

  Nahida: And sending everyone into Irminsul with The Balladeer must have been a further precaution. I knew they'd remember everything. This story is abstract enough that it still resonates with the present information recorded in Irminsul. But if we connect all the different pieces together, the true story that emerges is the one they told us... the now-erased life of The Balladeer.

Nahida begins to tell the fairy tale of Scaramouche.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nahida finishes telling the fairy tale.

Neptune: Now that was tragic for a cat.

Paimon: We solved it!

Nahida: ... I remember now. This is not just The Balladeer's story... it is his very own memories. I made a backup so that it would be preserved, no matter what happened. To become a god, he was experimented on and modified countless times. It was brutal torture, and the only reason he was able to survive is that he was a puppet.

Neptune: Now that's messed up. Normal humans could never survive things like that.

Kiana: Guess that was Il Dottore's punishment on Scaramouche for going rogue on the Fatui after leaving Inazuma with the fake Electro Gnosis.

Nahida: This memory was extracted from him by the scholars. Presumably, they kept it to have something to defend themselves with... Creating a deity was just the first step. Some of them wanted to be able to control it. That's why they backed up his memory for later use. I buried it deep inside one of my own dreams, and then hid it inside an allegorical story so that it wouldn't be altered.

Paimon now had a shocked expression which then changed into a saddened expression as she spoke.

Paimon: It's hard to believe that this person really existed, let alone that he tried to... get rid of us on more than one occasion...

Kiana: First back in Mondstadt when meteors crashed down, then in Inazuma when he tried to kill us with a haze he created from crystal marrow, and then the third time here in Sumeru when he had lots of power and a giant machine.

Paimon: Paimon has no memory of him at all. He completely vanished, like a puff of smoke...

Nahida: The Balladeer agreed to help me look for information about the Descenders, and although he was unsuccessful, he still helped you. Before he vanished with Patrick and Mei, he confirmed an important detail: that Khaenri'ah was where your twin first came into this world.

Blanc: And he also told us how Il Pierro the Jester number 1 of the Fatui Harbingers came from Khaenri'ah and lived with Lumine.

Nahida: ...We still don't know how the change to Irminsul will affect the senior ranks of the Fatui, but in all likelihood, they won't even remember their own Harbinger.

Bronya: Somebody else could be number six. Or they will only have ten Harbingers. or the Harbingers above 6 will change.

Aether: I've never had this feeling before...

Blanc: ...It feels like life is as insignificant as a feather.

Paimon: It sounds like Paimon wouldn't like this guy a whole lot if he was still around. But still, Paimon doesn't like the way it all ended that much better.

Nahida: This is why wisdom alone cannot answer all our questions.

Nahida turns around to face a different direction as she explains.

Nahida: We look, we see, and we comprehend, but the question still troubles us. So the answer is not everything. People yearn to find the truth and then conquer the troubles they face.

Nahida turns back around to face everyone.

Nahida: When you give someone the truth, you give them a chance to choose their own destiny. To others looking on, this may seem like a pointless endeavor. But for him, the chance to act on his desire to disappear must have meant a lot. Never forget that even when we walk beneath dark clouds along a road filled with suffering, the light of wisdom is always there, guiding us toward a better destination. And that is what you all have been doing all along.

This brought a tear to almost everyone. Paimon's mood changed into an exciting mood.

Paimon: Yeah, Nahida's right. Cheer up everyone!

Vert: You're right. Exactly right.

Nahida holds her arms out.

Nahida: Vert. I know how much you want a little sister. Now I'll allow a hug from you.

Instead of doing things instantly. Vert slowly kneels down and hugs Nahida which gives her a sense of feeling better and being emotionally healed.

Aether: Thank you Nahida.

Seele: We understand.

Theresa: Because we're not gonna give up.

Vert's hug lasted a few minutes before she decided to let go and stand up.

Paimon: How about we go get something to eat? We can pick up this heavy conversation again later!

Nahida: Good idea. Paimon, why don't you take them out for a walk to clear their heads?

Paimon: You got it! C'mon, guys, you need to get out of your heads for a while. You'll feel much better after taking a walk.

Neptune: Let's do that Paimon! I want some sweets!

Kiana: Same here!

Rom and Ram: So do we!

Paimon: Let's go get a snack from one of the stalls in the Grand Bazaar. That'll be sure to lift our spirits!

Uni: Great idea!

Paimon: It must be really tough being the only ones who remembers all that... But Paimon's always here to help cheer you up.

Kiana: Finding Patrick and Mei will have to wait. Let's just enjoy some great snacks!

Nahida: Vert. You can stay right here. I'm sure time with me will help you take your mind off things.

Vert puts her hands on her own cheeks as she gets excited.

Vert: Oh I would love to, Nahida! You understand me well!

Nahida: And you can help me with some things.

The group exits out of the Sanctuary of Surasthana leaving Nahida materializing a Dendro energy swing but extended for two people where she and Vert sit on as they swing together calmly.

(Grand Bazaar)

The Valkyries, CPUs, and CPU Candidates enter into the Grand Bazaar.

Paimon: We're here~ What should we eat first?

Theresa: Perhaps some of Sumeru's fruit?

Kiana: No! No! Let's have some Candied Ajilenakh Nut.

Neptune: Let's have some shawarma like the Avengers.

Paimon: So many choices. What about you Aether?

Aether wasn't paying attention as he was thinking.

Aether: (...I have a nagging feeling, like there's something I'm missing. Something important that I'm forgetting...)

Paimon: Hey! Are you gonna answer or what?

Aether: Sorry, it's just... Give me a minute. I'm still... processing.

Kiana: But we said not to think about Irminsul or the Balladeer.

Aether: It's not that. It's about something else. Let's go sit down over there.

Aether walks over to a table.

Paimon: *sigh* Alright, whatever you want... Well, Paimon will be right here when you've figured stuff out. Then we can get something to eat.

Kiana, Neptune, Bronya, Blanc, Noire, and Seele sit with Aether while everyone else just stood. Aether went back to thinking in his mind.

Aether: (Come on, brain. Let's dig this out... It's gotta be in there somewhere. It was something about Irminsul, and deleting oneself... Greater Lord Rukkhadevata... forbidden knowledge... Nahida...)

Paimon: What is it? Have you figured it all out?

Aether: (...! Yes, that was it! Greater Lord Rukkhadevata — she said that no one can erase themselves from existence, not even her. Otherwise, why would she need to create her own reincarnation in Lesser Lord Kusanali to do the deletion for her? There would be no point.)

Aether instantly jumps up so suddenly that some of the group members got frightened.

Rom and Ram: AH!

Neptune: WOAH!

Paimon: Uh, why'd you jump up all of a sudden!?

Aether: (...No, I can't tell Paimon. She doesn't know about Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. But I will tell the others. But this is a crucially important detail: It's simply not possible for The Balladeer to completely erase his own existence. In which case, the question is... What happened to him?)

Aether: Paimon, give us some time to talk.

Nepgear: Uni, Rom, Ram, and I will go with you to look for food.

Theresa: I'll go too.

Paimon: Alright.

Paimon goes with the CPU Candidates and Theresa while the other stayed to hear what Aether figured out.

Noire: So what did you figure out?

Aether: Greater Lord Rukkhadevata she said that no one can erase themselves from existence, not even herself.

Kiana: What do you mean?

Aether: why would she need to create her own reincarnation in Nahida to do the deletion for her? There would be no point.

Neptune: The records changed that instead of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata dying then reincarnating into Nahida, Nahida lost all her memories instead of getting reborn.

Bronya: It makes sense.

Aether: Perfect sense. It's impossible for the Balladeer to erase himself.

Blanc: Just where would have Scaramouche ended up if he was still alive?

Neptune: He probably ended up somewhere random with Patrick and Mei.

???: Excuse me, Boss, there seems to be a small problem with the last bill. Look, here...

Everyone: (!!!?)

Everyone was shocked when they saw the source of the voice as their eyes widened. This also caught the attention of the CPU Candidates and Theresa who were just coming back with Paimon. It was Scaramouche only his clothing was completely different. Instead of being black and purple, his clothing was white and blue. All of a sudden someone ran away from the merchant.

Merchant: Hey! Hey, wait...!

???: Hmm? You mean me?

Merchant: No, not you! That kid! Didn't you see!? Little rascal grabbed my last two fresh Sunsettias and ran off! Look. If you're gonna help out here, you can't keep spacing out, okay? What is it, the work's too boring for you? Or has the big city got too many distractions?

???: ...I wasn't paying close enough attention. Sorry, Boss. I think you're right, maybe it's the city. It's so exciting, it can be hard to focus.
The whole group got back together.

Paimon: Who's that guy? You know him or something?

Aether: That guy... is The Balladeer.

Paimon: ...He's WHO???

Kiana: Scaramouche the Balladeer. But he looks different. His color scheme is different.

Neptune: He's white and blue.

Merchant: You're a strange one, kiddo. You say you don't want any money for helping out here, and then when I actually give you some work to do, you keep letting yourself get distracted... I don't want to take advantage, so I'm happy to pay you what I'd pay anyone else, but if you keep acting like this, pretty soon I won't be able to afford to...

???: No, no, please, I mean it — you don't need to pay me anything. I'm just so thankful you agreed to take on an outsider like me. And besides, I have two companions with me.

Aether: (Two companions? Is he referring to Patrick and Mei?)

Merchant: ...You're welcome, I guess, but I got bigger things to worry about. Look — We're all out of Sunsettias. And I promised the lady down the street I'd deliver a fruit bowl this evening.

???: Leave it to me, I'll find some more. Just a moment, I'll be right back...

Merchant: ...Stop. *sigh* I'm gonna level with you, kiddo. I've never met a worker who said they didn't want a wage before, and at first, I got greedy. Couldn't believe my luck... But I figured you'd start asking for something in return eventually. You don't want money, you don't take days off, and in your free time all I see you do is wander around, taking in the sights... Are you a... a drifter or something?

Wanderer: That's right. I am. We can talk more about that later. First, let me get those fruits you needed — Sunsettias, was it? I'll be right back.

Scaramouche leaves while the group watched him leave.

Paimon: Hey! What do we do now?

Aether: Let's follow him!

Kiana: And find out more!

Paimon: Okay. Stay out of sight — don't let him see you! Our group is too big. He'll see us.

Neptune: Then we split up into smaller groups and follow him.

So they split into groups and followed him. They were careful so Scaramouche can't notice him. As they followed him, the CPUs and Valkyries explained to the CPU Candidates and Theresa what Aether was thinking and figured out. They kept following him till they reached the eastern exit of Sumeru City where they saw two more familiar faces approaching Scaramouche which shocked them.

Patrick and Mei.

Patrick: How has working with him been?

Wanderer: It's been fine.

Mei: You off work?

Wanderer: Not yet. I'm getting him a new batch of fresh sunsettas. Because the last few were stolen.

Patrick: The nerve of someone.

Mei: You want us to help you get some more?

Wanderer: No it's fine. I can do this on my own.

Mei: If you say so.

Even though he didn't want help, Mei and Patrick still followed him anyway. Just as everyone else did.

Scaramouche picked sunsettas from a tree.

Wanderer: ...Yeah, this'll do.

Paimon: Even though, as you say, he's The Balladeer... What are we planning on doing, stealing his Sunsettias? Isn't that a bit too cruel?

Aether: Shush.

Paimon: Oh, alright...

Neptune whispers.

Neptune: That's not what we're going to do. We're gonna keep watching them.

Wanderer: This should be enough. Umm... Ah, guess I should wash them before I take them back...

Aether smiles.

Aether: (...If I wasn't seeing this with my own eyes, I would never believe it.)

Patrick and Mei turned around.

Patrick: We know you're watching us. Come out.

This made everyone shocked and jump up in fright.

Paimon: Aah! They spotted us!

Paimon got behind Aether then he crossed his arms in disappointment at Paimon. Even Neptune crosses her arms.

Neptune: Coward.


Wanderer: Huh...? You people over there, is there something we can help you with? You've been following me all the way from the city. I'd have to be blind not to notice.

Mei: We sensed you at the exit.

Aether: ...You're right, we were following you.

The group goes up to the trio.

Wanderer: Uh, have we met before?

Mei: Yes we have. We know them.

Patrick: Both Mei and I know them. And so do you.

Wanderer: No, we haven't met... But you know me?

Aether: Yes.

Wanderer: ...I have no recollection...

Aether: It's complicated, but we do know you.

Mei: He's telling the truth. They do know you.

Paimon: Uh, are you absolutely sure?

Kiana: Yes Paimon, we're sure.

Wanderer: Sorry, but I can't just take your word for it.

Aether: We can prove it. ...You're a puppet.

Paimon: A puppet? What makes you think that?

Scaramouche was surprised.

Wanderer: ...!

Paimon: Huh!? You were right! The look on his face...

Neptune: You've also lived for hundreds of years.

Kiana: And you're from Inazuma.

Wanderer: I guess you people do know me after all just like Patrick and Mei. That is not something I share with a lot of people...

Wanderer: ...Look, I'm just a wanderer. But seeing as you've gone to all this trouble to track me down, I'm sure whatever it is must be important.

Theresa: It is Important.

Aether: There's somewhere we want to take you.

Wanderer: Okay, but please let me deliver these goods to my boss first.

Paimon: Are you really working for that guy? He said that you don't want any Mora for it. Is that true?

Wanderer: Yes. Patrick, Mei, and I ran into him out in the wilderness during a storm, and he let us take shelter in his cart. In return, I said I'd be his helper for a while.

Patrick: It's true.

Paimon: That's oddly nice of you...

Wanderer: Let me take these back, then I'll come with you. Okay? ...Alright.

Paimon: Then, let's return to the city.

Kiana: Patrick, Mei-senpai. You've got a lot of answering to do.

Patrick: We know. We know how angry you are with us. It was for his own good that we change...

Noire: We'll talk about it later once we take him to Nahida.

Mei: Yes. We will answer for what we've done.

(Sanctuary of Surasthana)

After giving the sunsettas to Scaramouche's boss they returned back to the Sanctuary of Surasthana where Nahida and Vert were still on the swing with a holographic control panel when they stopped swinging and stood up as the swing disappeared.

Paimon: Nahida! Nahida!

Nahida: What's wrong?

Vert: You were just going for snacks who did you suddenly come back?

Kiana and Neptune: Look who we found!

The group makes way for the missing trio to walk up to Nahida.

Nahida: Patrick? Mei? And...

Nahida and Vert's eyes widened at who they saw with Patrick and Mei.

Nahida: Huh? Are you...?

Wanderer: ...Hello, I do apologize for the sudden intrusion...

Paimon: We found this guy with Patrick and Mei in the street, but he doesn't seem to remember anything... So yeah, quite an eventful walk!

Patrick: Mei and I have got a lot of explaining to do. We apologize for what we've done.

Mei: We're both sorry.

Everyone tells Lesser Lord Kusanali and Vert what happened in the Grand Bazaar...

Nahida: You say that you are trekking across Teyvat to train yourself... Then a few days ago you met Patrick and Mei and they said that they know you.

Wanderer: Correct. I met them a few days ago. They say that they know me and already knew that I was a puppet and knew where I came from. And Mei here says that she's my distant relative and is related to the Raiden Shogun. I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth but Mei proved that she and I had the same blood.

Mei's hair glows purple then crimson red then stops.

Mei: Well I do have the Raiden Shogun's powers and abilities and her weapons.

Nahida: Many other Inazumans who describe themselves in this way call themselves "shugenja." Why do you refer to yourself as a "wanderer"?

Wanderer: Well, it seems more relevant in my case... To me, it sounds like a plant with no roots. But everyone here claims that they know me like Mei and Patrick did, and that I have a hidden past unknown even to myself.

Nahida hesitated to explain. Everyone hesitated.

Nahida: I wouldn't call it the "past," but rather... Uh, this is a difficult one to explain

Vert: It's hard for all of us to explain. You won't understand if we tell you.

Nahida: I don't like to rely on using terms like this often, but in your case it seems that it ought to be called a "previous incarnation."

Paimon: Oh, like a past life or something?

Neptune: Or a reincarnation?

Nahida: Yes. Something far more distant than the past. So far away that you cannot perceive it.

Wanderer: Okay, I have to ask... what was I like in my previous incarnation

Paimon: Ummm...

Nahida: ...

Everyone couldn't figure out how to explain it to Scaramouche.

Patrick: It's hard for us to explain... as it's complicated.

Mei: It's something you don't want to know.

Wanderer: ...Oh, okay, I see. You want to tell me, but you can't bring yourselves to say it. Looks like I didn't have the most wonderful existence in my previous incarnation.

Mei: Something like that.

Aether: We're just trying to think where to start...

Wanderer: If it's that difficult to talk about, I have no doubt it will be just as difficult to hear.

Patrick: It is going to be hard and difficult to hear. We don't think you can handle it.

Wanderer: I know how hard it is for you all to explain.

Scaramouche puts his hand on his chest.

Wanderer: But I'll be able to handle it. Please, tell me the truth.

Nahida: Is truth something you care a lot about?

Wanderer: ...Yes.

Vert: Alright. If you say so. But be warned that once we tell you the truth. There's no turning back.

Nahida begins to explain Scaramouche's past.

Nahida: Then I'll be straight with you. In your previous incarnation, you did many things that would be considered evil.

Then Mei chips in.

Mei: In which you actually did turn evil.

Nahida: You nearly died because of what other people did... and many died because of you. As a non-human being, you hated gods and humans alike. You drifted from place to place, never able to settle, even where you found status and identity. You adamantly believed that you were missing a heart.

Then Patrick also chips in.

Patrick: And you get recruited by evil forces so they can use you for your power and trick you into working for them.

Scaramouche just scowled.

Wanderer: ...

Nahida: ...Actions rooted in persistence sometimes bear bitter fruit. Sometimes, you have to let parts of yourself go, or you'll never be happy.

Nahida, Mei, and Patrick tell the Wanderer about his past...

When they finished, Scaramouche had mixed emotions.

Vert: Now you know everything. Now it's too late to turn back now that you know the truth about your past.

Wanderer: I gave everything I had, but it barely changed history at all.

Mei: Even with help from Patrick and I. History did not change... Well... except history about you that is.

Patrick: Mei and I wanted to prevent you from turning evil in which it kind of worked but the history of Tatarasuna and other events did not change at all.

Nahida: In terms of the outcome alone... that's true.

Wanderer: ... ...I don't think I can judge everything I've heard purely in terms of right and wrong. Each choice a person makes belongs to a specific place and time, a chain of cause and effect... a cycle of karma and consequence.

Nahida: That is the nature of truth. If one thing is right, its opposite must be wrong, and yet dichotomies like this are not enough to explain the world in all of its complexity.

Wanderer: Seems like my previous incarnation wasn't the most likable individual.

Mei: You can say that again.

Paimon: Haha... we're not trying to hurt your feelings, or anything... But yeah, we weren't your biggest fans.

Aether: We were each other's enemies.

Wanderer: If we were enemies, why are you trying to help me find the truth?

Aether: ...

Aether couldn't answer but Vert and Patrick did.

Vert: ... Because Nahida wants us to.

Patrick: And because we feel it's the right thing to do.

Paimon couldn't take it anymore and snapped.

Paimon: Aah, this is so frustrating! This guy's supposed to be our arch-enemy, but now he's just some random stranger we met on the street!

Mei: Paimon!

Paimon: Don't tell Paimon to calm down! This is just so frustrating!

Her angered expression was replaced with a saddened expression.

Paimon: He's got so much to answer for, but we can't make him talk because he doesn't remember anything... Ugh, what a weird situation...

Patrick: It's already too late to punish him and to scold him because of losing all his memories from being evil, Paimon.

Wanderer: Lesser Lord Kusanali. As the God of Wisdom, I trust that everything you, Mei, and Patrick told me must be true?

Nahida: Yes, it's all true. I can even show you the memories themselves, if you're willing.

Wanderer: Please. I want to see them for myself. I want to experience my own transgressions.

Nahida: Even though it will cause your present self great mental anguish?

Vert: We're deeply concerned about your well being.

Mei: As Vert said before. There is no turning back once you see your memories.

Wanderer: I'm just a puppet, with no heart and no name. There is nothing in this world for me to cling to, to fill the void within me... except maybe these sins that can never be undone.

Nahida: ...Very well. As you wish.

Paimon: Wait, shouldn't we go with him!? This one's kind of on us for bringing him here...

Mei: She's right. We better go with him. Because I'm his creator from an alternate reality, I feel that I should go. Because of what happened back in Inazuma Patrick and I have been angry at him and refused to let go of what happened because of being stubborn.

Patrick: Mei is right. Because of everything he's done to us and everything we've done to him. We each must make it up to each other. As Mei said before: I refused to let go of the past because of my stubbornness. And I don't want more people to get mad at me. So I also have to go with him.

Vert: As much as our goddess to goddess time was cut short. I'm willing to go too.

Wanderer: Don't worry. Whatever danger I might face, it's my burden to bear.

Nahida: Everyone, could I ask you to supervise him on my behalf?

Aether: ...Okay.

Mei: You can count on us.

Neptune: We're in.

Paimon: Oh, good point, given your, um... unique situation, w—we'd better keep an eye on you!

Wanderer: Understood.

Nahida: Thank you. Now, prepare yourselves, everyone.

Patrick, Aether, Paimon, the Valkyries, the CPUs, and the CPU Candidates raised their right fists up.

Everyone: YEAH!

Nahida: It's time to get ready.

Wanderer: No matter what lies ahead, I'll face it. Whatever it takes. I'm just sorry that you have to join me for the whole thing.

Mei: It's fine, Wanderer. We are willing to join you. Now let's go.

Mei grabbed Scaramouche's hand then they walked to the panel then touched it together then they disappeared into the Reminiscent Drift.

Patrick: Let's go.

One by one they each went into the Reminiscent Drift. Vert was the last one.

Vert: Nahida. After this is over. Let's have some sweets and tea.

Nahida: Good idea, Vert.

Then Vert went into the Reminiscent Drift.

(Reminiscent Drift)

Everyone safely arrived in the Reminiscent Drift. It looked a lot like Inazuma. Patrick, Mei, and Scaramouche were at the front of the group.

Paimon: This looks like Inazuma...

Mei: It does look a lot like Inazuma.

Nahida: Right now, you're in a dream I created using information extracted from your memories. These memories will show you the raw truth, but be aware that enemies may react just like in the real world. Please be careful.

Patrick: Don't worry Nahida. We will.

Paimon: Sounds like an immersive experience. It's a good thing we came along...

Wanderer: ...You don't need to do this for me. I don't deserve your protection.

Mei: Yes you do. Because we have to.

Paimon: We never give up halfway. Well, we had to once... But that was your doing.

Aether: And now we're just finishing the job.

Wanderer: Alright, thanks.

Patrick: You're welcome.

Nahida: Wanderer, this is the Shakkei Pavilion. In your Balladeer incarnation, this is where the Electro Archon placed you after your creation. You had a great many memories here.

Paimon: Is that because this is kind of like his birthplace?

Nahida: You could say that, in a sense... You'll see why shortly.

Wanderer: ...I hear footsteps.

Everyone turned to the source of the footsteps and saw someone walking through a hallway.

???: This place is huge... I can't believe the landslide didn't fill it in. I wonder who built it? The Crystal Marrow miners?

It was one of Scaramocuhe's old friends. Katsuragi. They saw him walk up to someone passed out on the ground.

Katsuragi: ...No, there's no way. Look at this exquisite construction work, and so well-preserved, too... No mining crew would be capable of this.

Katsuragi: ...Hmm? There's someone passed out on the ground...

???: ...Who are you?

They recognized the voice to be Scaramouche's.

Katsuragi: Y—You're awake!? What happened? How'd you get stuck here? Are you injured? Huh, not a scratch... and these fine clothes... Who are you...

Nahida: This man is Katsuragi, deputy to Torachiyo's adopted son, Mikoshi Nagamasa. He found The Balladeer in Shakkei Pavilion and took him back to Tatarasuna.

Paimon: ...And the rest is history... Well, it used to be...

Mei: Until we changed it.

Patrick: Actually we erased it.

Nahida: In the original version of events, Katsuragi was ultimately killed by Nagamasa.

Katsuragi: Let me get you out of here. Our people are nearby. Hang in there!

Nahida: During the Tatarasuna incident, Niwa was murdered by The Doctor, disguised as a mechanic.

Some of the group members got angered expressions hearing that name.

Patrick: Il Dottore.

Nahida: The Balladeer, then known as the kabukimono, disappeared not long after. As the second-in-command at Tatarasuna, responsibility for what had happened fell to Mikoshi Nagamasa. But Katsuragi had sworn lifelong loyalty to Nagamasa after the latter had once saved his life. At Katsuragi's insistence, Nagamasa killed him to put an end to the Tatarasuna incident.

Wanderer: ...

Paimon: Katsuragi seems like he was a good guy.

Wanderer: He looks like a warrior, but he has a kind face. ...Why couldn't he live a long and happy life?

Mei: Because... Nagamasa felt like it had to be done... Let's move.

There was a large cracked hole in the floor so everyone jumped down and entered into the lower level and continued to explore the domain. then they jumped down into another lower level and entered into the  second room.

Katsuragi: Nagamasa, I found this young guy in a cave sealed off by a landslide. He doesn't remember his name.

Mikoshi Nagamasa: ...Well, we need to call you something. I hear the workers are calling you "the kabukimono"?

???: That's fine with me.

Mikoshi Nagamasa: Katsuragi, report to Niwa. Tell him we have someone new joining us.

Mei: That's when he was named the kabukimono.

The group continued to explore the domain.

Mei: Then After Il Dottore caused the Tatarasuna incident, Scaramouche left Tatarasuna because Il Dottore killed Niwa behind his back.

Patrick: Il Dottore tricked and lied to Scaramouche and that wasn't the end of it.

They went down some stairs to a lower floor and saw a strange green manifestation. It was a green teleporter.

Wanderer: What is that?

Neptune: There's only one way to find out.

Nepgear: Neptune. Don't do anything stupid.

Wanderer: We have to.

Nepgear: Alright.

All at once they went to the green teleporter and found themselves teleported back to where they started.

Paimon: Huh? What are we doing back here?

Aether: I hear voices!

In the hallway was a child.

Child: Whoa... This is where you were born? It's pretty! But there's nobody here... *cough*

There was also Scaramouche back when he was called Kabukimono.

Kabukimono: I was abandoned, like you. I lived here for a while at first, but... There's nothing for us here. We can't stay...

Child: ...Okay. I heard my mom and dad used to make swords, but the factory manager died, and then my dad got sick... *cough* He kept coughing all the time, just like me. Then, Mom started coughing too...

Kabukimono: But you can't. You promised me.

Child: Yep, we're family now. We're gonna be together for ever and ever!

Mei got sad.

Mei: Unfortunately you won't...

Nahida: This child didn't have a name. Or rather... The Balladeer didn't know what to call him. His father died before he could name him.

Nahida: After his mother died, the child stayed in their straw hut alone. Some of the neighbors helped to raise him. After leaving Tatarasuna, The Balladeer ran into this child who didn't have a name, just like him. They made a promise to live together.

Paimon: What happened to the child then?

Nahida: He died from his illness while he was still very young. The Balladeer came home one day and found that he had stopped breathing.

Patrick: And that was the final straw which caused Scaramouche to turn evil.

The screen changed into more red and a bit of distortion. Everyone turned to one of the trees to see the kabukimono with the child already dead.

Kabukimono: ...Hey! Wh—What's wrong...? Say something!!! ...You promised me we could be family! You're no different from Niwa and all the others... You betrayed me too. Haha...

Everyone got really disturbed. So disturbed that Scaramouche face palmed. But Mei and Patrick were disturbed the most out of everyone that they got sad.

Wanderer: ... The voices have gone. It looks like the memory ends here.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Patrick and Mei were saddened that they walked up to the tree where the child and the Kabukimono were.

Mei: And that was the final straw, Wanderer as Patrick said before... Because of the child's death... You went insane and turned evil... Because of three betrayals... the first where your creator wanted you to experience life which the Balladeer saw as abandonment... the second of them caused by the Fatui... and the third caused by someone dying from illness... If Ei or Miko had just kept you... None of this would of ever have happened... Or if Ei's sister Makoto never died... maybe none of this would of ever have happened... I was so angry...

Patrick: So was I... I was so angry at the Fatui for turning you evil that... I want to kill them all... And make them pay...

Tears started to come out of their eyes.

Mei: I was also angry at Ei for cutting ties with Celestia and not wanting her Gnosis anymore... Then creating you as a prototype before locking herself away in the plane of Euthymia... I saw all that as a disgrace to her duty as an archon...

Patrick: So did I... If she and Miko had never abandoned you... maybe her Electro Gnosis would still have been under Miko's position at her shrine... Though... a different Harbinger would have still showed up and tried to kill us with the crystal marrow haze then Miko would of still handed it over even though we tricked them with the decoy Gnoses...

Mei: The Fatui been really rotten towards us and played dirty just to get what they want.

Patrick: Just like this evil man I and the Valkyries fought against... He was pure evil and rotten to the core and tried to kill us... I wanted revenge on him... For a year I hunted him down... I wanted him dead... I got what I wanted after I killed him and prevented him from getting what he wanted...

He remembered something he said.

Patrick (flashback): AND THIS TIME STAY DEAD!

Mei summoned the Musou Isshin.

Mei: I also want to make the Fatui pay for everything they've done to us.

Patrick summoned one of his Dragon swords.

Patrick: Even after killing one of the Fatui Harbingers: the Fair Lady. It didn't make it better. Even after finally being rid of her for good...

Kiana instantly went up to them and hugged them both to make them stop rambling and crying.

Kiana: Don't cry... You have us.

Patrick and Mei hugged back.

Patrick and Mei: Kiana-chan...

The hug ended after a few minutes.

Kiana: We know what you're feeling but there is nothing we can do about it. Even after altering the records there is nothing we can do about the fates of those who met their tragic ends. Makoto, Niwa, Katsuragi, and the child. All gone.

Kiana turns to Scaramouche.

Kiana: The previous incarnation of you wanted to change the past but didn't work. We get how much you three would do anything to change their fates. But they're gone.

Kiana turns back to Patrick and Mei.

Kiana: So the only thing we can do now is help our Wanderer friend regain his memories back even if he will turn evil again.

Kiana turns to Scaramouche then to Aether and Paimon.

Kiana: For a year back in our world I, Patrick, Mei-senpai, and Bronya went through so much but we've grown up and got through the darkness together. So right now we better keep going and help Scaramouche or as he's called The Wanderer now get his memories back. No matter the cost or the price.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Patrick and Mei looked at each other then back at everyone else. Neptune speaks up.

Neptune: She's right. Even though this guy turned evil because of getting tricked and being used, we have to forgive him for everything he's done.

Kiana turns back to Patrick and Mei.

Kiana: And besides. Remember when Fu Hua, Rita, and Durandal were like that too? They were also tricked and being used. Only the Overseer was tricking and using Fu Hua more than Rita and Durandal. And do you remember what you said, Patrick-kun? You said that you would only forgive them unless if the Overseer decided to get rid of them. In which he did try to get rid of them but failed. And you were able to forgive them.

Patrick spoke up.

Patrick: That was different, Kiana. Fu Hua didn't know that he was gonna cause the fourth impact but Rita and Durandal did and didn't care if it would kill half of humanity. That's why I wanted them both dead. for helping him murder half of humanity.

As they talked, Scaramocuhe was confused.

Wanderer: What are they talking about?

Theresa: It's just some events that happened in the world Patrick and us Valkyries came from.

Aether: They told me and Paimon about their pasts in their world.

Bronya: Let them finish.

Kiana: At first you and I refused to forgive the class monitor for everything she's done even though she was tricked and being used and even though the Overseer tried to kill her. In which he did but her spirit remained but after what happened in Arc City, she helped us and we were able to forgive her. Then after the Overseer tried to get rid of Rita and Durandal, you were able to forgive them.

Mei: But unfortunately because of how stubborn he is. He is never gonna forgive the Overseer for everything he's done to humanity and to us.

Kiana: I know that. But right now we have to forgive Scaramouche The Wanderer for everything he's done to us.

Patrick and Mei looked at Scaramouche then back at Kiana then at everyone else... They closed their eyes for a few seconds then opened up again and finally smiled.

Patrick: You're right, Kiana. Exactly right. We have to forgive after this is over.

Mei: I agree with you. We have been really cruel to him after trying to kill him and using the Musou No Hitachi on him.

Kiana: Now that's what I'd like to hear. Now let's keep going.

Paimon: Yeah! Let's keep going!

Kiana takes hold of Mei's hand as they started to walk. Vert takes hold of Patrick's hand.

Vert: Hold hands with me. You need it.

Patrick blushed but accepted.

Patrick: Alright, Vert.

With that the group continues on the move.

(Music ends).

Wanderer: Who is this evil man you were talking about?

Bronya: You don't want to know.

Blanc: They'd rather not talk about it.

Theresa: My creator and my grandfather.

Wanderer: You're creator and your grandfather?

Theresa: Unlike you I was not a puppet. I was a clone of someone. That's why he created me. But he also threw me away like trash and tried to get rid of me just to get what he wants.

Patrick: All you need to know is that he is rotten and pure evil and someone who I have a serious score to settle with.

Kiana: You mean who "we" have a serious score to settle with.

Patrick: Yes, Kiana. "We." That too. And we don't say his name unless if we want to. But enough about our past. Let's keep going into yours, Wanderer.

They went into the next room and approached another green teleporter. Instead of getting teleported back to where they started they got teleported into somewhere else. They were in a room with a hallway of traps and in the room after the hallway were Fatui soldiers.

Vert: Nahida was right. There were gonna be enemies.

Kiana: Let's kill them.

As they were gonna approach the hallway, they heard two voices.

Kabukimono: You do realize you're blocking my path?

???: I come not to obstruct you. I have been waiting.

Patrick: That voice. It's Il Pierro The Jester.

The Jester: What you are, truly, is a weapon, one that could be wielded with an iron will... or, you could continue to drift aimlessly.

Kabukimono: ...Are you trying to win me over?

The Jester: The long-fated rebellion has begun. Why not take your place at the banquet and join those who shall feast?

Mei: And just like that. Il Pierro recruited you the same way how he recruited La Signora the Fair Lady.

Kiana: Let's keep moving.

They went down the hallway and dodged the traps then they killed the Fatui soldiers. After doing that, the doors to the next room opened.

Seele: Wait. Are those crates of crystal marrow?

Uni takes a closer look and takes hold of a piece.

Uni: You're right. They are crystal marrow.

Paimon: You don't think this is...?

Mei: There's only one way to find out.

Uni puts it back then everyone drops into the fog-filled room

Wanderer: This place is dark.

Nepgear: It is dark.

Paimon: Ugh, Paimon knows this place... It's the Delusion Factory in Inazuma!

Patrick: The one where we broke into. After our friend Teppei was killed because of Delusions. I can never forget the disgraceful events that happened in here.

Mei: Neither can I.

Patrick: Aether gave into his anger because of things Scaramouche said and because of what happened to Teppei and that's what allowed the haze to try to kill Aether.

Nahida: In the original version of events, Aether, Paimon, Patrick, and the Valkyries once encountered The Balladeer here.

Kiana: It was the second time we met him.

Paimon: Such a creepy atmosphere... and so familiar...

Aether: ... (I remember this... It was an unsettling place.) I also could never forget what happened here and what happened before breaking into this place.

Mei: This was where he tried to kill us with haze created from crystal marrow and where Sakura and Miko tricked him with the decoy Gnosis.

Kiana: And went rogue on the Fatui after believing he had the real Gnosis just to keep it for himself.

Neptune: And where he should have been the master mind instead of Signora which caused lots of people to get angry and get intoxicated because of not getting what they wanted.

Wanderer: What are you talking about? Why would someone want me to be the mastermind?

Nepgear: AHH!!

Nepgear panicked and instantly went to Neptune and shushed her.

Nepgear: It's nothing, Wanderer! What she meant was that instead of you being the mastermind it was a different Harbinger who was the master mind instead. And you were just a lackey following orders. And the Fatui soldiers wanted you to be in charge because of how Inazuma was your home turf.

Neptune broke free of Nepgear.

Neptune: Certain people wanted you to be the mastermind because of how you came from Inazuma and masterminds are supposed to be masterminds in their homelands but instead after getting the decoy Gnosis you just took off and went rogue on the Fatui.

Wanderer: I went rogue on the Fatui?

Mei: Yes you did.

Paimon: Hey, look over there!

Two people entered into the room which made Patrick and the Valkyries angered and their skin crawl.

The Balladeer: Well, well, my fair lady, is this run-down factory and these incompetent fools all for me? Wow, you shouldn't have.

Signora: Hah. What do you have to gain from belittling your subordinates? You might not want to admit it, but you are a part of this plan.

Patrick: Signora.

He said with venom in his voice.

Patrick: I could never forget her ugly mug.

Kiana: neither could we after what happened in Mondstat and Liyue.

Signora: Perhaps you find fighting in the Abyss to be a more meaningful use of your time? Oh, but of course, even this pales in comparison to being experimented on by The Doctor.

The Balladeer: ...Heh, what a sharp tongue you have.

Wanderer: Who is that?

Patrick: Because you don't remember her. We're going to explain for you. That's La Signora the Fair Lady. Number 8 of the Fatui Harbingers. Real name: Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohfalter. She's really rotten and pure evil. I don't care if she is attractive and beautiful. She's our enemy and she's been causing nothing but trouble to Teyvat. Or she was till we killed her. She's someone who we also have a serious score to settle with.

Kiana: She's caused us so much trouble for us since we first met her back in Mondstadt.

Paimon spoke next with her angered expression and cheeks puffed.

Paimon: Yeah! And she froze Paimon when we first met!

Kiana: She forcefully stole Barbatos' Gnosis then she took advantage of Morax's contracts and took his Gnosis too. Then she and the Balladeer tried to steal the Raiden Shogun's Gnosis. Of course we stopped them from doing so and killed her as Patrick said before.

Mei: Only the Raiden Shogun was the one who killed her with the Musou No Hitotachi after we beat her in a battle and held nothing back.

Patrick: Though I'd rather kill her myself instead of letting the Raiden Shogun do it. But of course the Raiden Shogun wouldn't let me and instead does it herself. Of course I came close to killing her during our battle but she caught my strike and nearly tried to kill me before getting saved by the Valkyries.

Neptune: Of course us CPUs and our little sisters weren't with them yet. Including Asuka, Homura, Yumi, and Miyabi.

Patrick: I'd rather kill her than let her get off scot free. However, she's already dead. But by our hands and the Raiden Shogun's hands.

They continued to watch Signora and Scaramocuhe.

The Balladeer: Funny how negotiating never seems to be your strong suit. For the task ahead, I suggest you keep your true feelings to yourself.

Signora: Hmph, save your breath. I know what I have to do.

The Balladeer: I'm sure you think so, but I still think you need to hear it: Don't start thinking you're invincible. And don't let your emotions get in the way.

Signora: Surely you're not worried about me?

The Balladeer: I just can't have you getting in my way. You and Childe never fail to find ways to complicate things.

Signora: I'm merely lighting a little fire in this chaotic nation, but you... Being tossed out like trash must make you want to destroy it completely.

Patrick: After your creator killed her. We were just glad to finally be rid of her for good. Good riddance.

Neptune: That's how he strongly feels about her. Never falling in love with her because of how she's evil and an enemy.

Kiana: In the end. We got our revenge.

Paimon: And got rid of her for good.

Aether: As much as it was terrifying seeing the Raiden Shogun kill her with the Musou No Hitotachi. We were just glad to finally be rid of her for good.

Mei: And we kept her mask as a trophy.

Signora: Do you remember the last time you were here? That was a lot of swordsmiths you killed. I'm sure the descendants of the Raiden Gokaden are still suffering the consequences now. Look at you... Aw, don't get so sentimental. Now, give that poor little tongue of yours a rest, and stop pretending like you're above everyone else. Bye, then. See you at the victory feast.

The Balladeer: ..."Poor little tongue"? Hahaha... She's playing with fire talking to me like that. Who does she think she is? ...Forget it. Someone might find me here any minute now. I should prepare to give them a warm welcome.

Aether: ...

Wanderer: ...

Patrick: ... I was hoping to never see Signora again. But that's what we get for believing that we were never gonna see her again.

Aether goes up to Patrick and puts a hand on Patrick's shoulder.

Aether: I know how you feel, Patrick. I was also hoping that we would never see her again. But now we just did.

Paimon: Same here. Paimon was also hoping that we would never see her again.

Patrick: But thankfully she's dead and we never have to worry about her again.

Wanderer: Is that how you all feel about her.

Patrick: Yes, Wanderer. That's how we strongly feel about her. As Neptune said before.

Theresa: Pretty much.

Bronya: Pure evil and really rotten.

Neptune: She had a tragic backstory like you did, Wanderer. With losing a loved one. That's why she turned evil and got recruited by Il Pierro just like you did.

Mei: And after what happened here between you and Signora, we met the second time but Patrick made the first move and tried to kill you first but because of how the crystal marrow haze feeds on anger you used it and tried to kill him instead then a fight broke out and you said insults to us just to get us angry.

Kiana: Of course some of us escape before the fox girls show up and trick you with a the decoy of the Electro Archon's Gnosis.

Nahida: The plot does not end here. There is more of this story to come. Wanderer, are you able to continue?

Wanderer: ...Yes, please don't worry about me.

They looked back at Signora and Scaramouche from the memory.

Signora: Why are you staring at me in silence? Can't you think of a nicer way to express yourself?

The Balladeer: I'm under no obligation to be nice to you. Besides, I thought nothing mattered to you except results and your own interests. Isn't that right... which?

Signora: Hehe... Muddle-headed puppet, you're only No. 6 because you can take more abuse than other humans. Do you really count that as an asset?

The Balladeer: You're about as much fun to be around as a raging inferno. But before we murder each other, it'd be best if we finish our duties.

Then Fatui enemies appeared just like the last time.

Everyone summons their weapons.

Mei: Stay back Wanderer.

They fight against the Fatui. Neptune swings her great sword while Noire swings her spear. Bronya and Blanc casted spells with their catalysts and did healing. Mei used Electro Attacks. Everyone else fought except Scaramouche and Paimon. It didn't take long before all Fatui were dead then another green teleporter appeared.

Seele: Onto the next memory.

They approached the green teleporter and teleported again. This time it was a memory in Sumeru.

Paimon: Looks like we've arrived in Sumeru!

Patrick: This was where we were going to find you and defeat The Balladeer.

Paimon: Uh... Is that...

They saw an Akademiya Researcher with Scaramouche back when he was still the Balladeer. But the other two people with them were Il Dottore and Azar. Which made Patrick, the Valkyries, the CPUs, and the CPU Candidates angered and their skin crawl.

Akademiya Researcher: Considering that Amurta's sage, Naphis, refused to join this project, I'll take part in the experiment in his place.

The Doctor: Welcome. I look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Now both Patrick and Vert spoke with venom in their voices.

Patrick: Il Dottore.

Vert: Azar.

The Balladeer: ...Hmph. When do we start?

The Doctor: You seem impatient? You should know that becoming a god is far from a trivial affair.

Azar: The biological transformation is a lengthy process. As such, I too would recommend that we commence as soon as possible. In the event that a successful connection is established, his body will become permanently bound to the machine, and he will be unable to move independently of it.

The Balladeer: Nothing worse than what I've been through before then, Doctor?

The Doctor: You were the most resilient test subject I ever came across. Thanks to you, I was able to garner a great deal of information.

The Doctor: Alas, after that, you were under orders to remain in the Abyss. We barely saw each other, and it became difficult to further refine the knowledge I had gained.

The Balladeer: That was gracefully worded. Ever wonder what they'd think if they knew that nothing matters to you apart from your crazy experiments?

The Doctor: I suggest you speak to me in a more respectful tone, Scaramouche. The mere fact of your utility does not make you indestructible.

Paimon: ...The Doctor again... That was uncomfortable to watch.

Vert: Azar too.

Wanderer: That person gives off a very sinister energy.

Patrick: That mongrel is Il Dottore. One of the Fatui Harbingers. Specifically number 2. He's a mad man and is also rotten and pure evil.

Aether: He's The Doctor. He's behind all of this.

Paimon: It's normal for him to give you the creeps! He scares the bejeebers out of Paimon...

Patrick: Just seeing him makes me angry and want to kill him.

Vert: Same here. After what he and Azar did to Nahida, he also makes me angry.

Patrick: After what happened. Vert and I killed Azar with our weapons and vengeance was ours. But we were unable to kill Il Dottore.

Patrick turns to the Wanderer.

Patrick: I gave him a piece of my mind then I punched him in the face in anger. I tried to kill him but he used a sound wave that affects all living beings' hearing and forced us to hand over the Dendro Gnosis only we tricked him with a decoy because we anticipated that he would come back then I punched him in the face again then Kiana sent him away with her Void portals before he could even notice that the Gnoses we gave him were fakes.

Wanderer: ...

Patrick: Of course the next time we meet him. I'm going to kill him. And the other Fatui Harbingers too. Including Columbina, Arlacchino, and Sandrone. I really don't care if they and Signora are attractive and beautiful or if they are Waifus . They're our enemies and they've been causing nothing but trouble to Teyvat.

Neptune slides over to Patrick and whispers into his ear.

Neptune: I don't think that's a good thing to say. Lots of simps will get angry at you.

Patrick fired a death stare at Neptune scarring her and causing her to take a few steps back instantly.

Patrick: They have no right to tell me what to do what I can't change.

Neptune: Alrighty. If you really do feel that strongly about the female Harbingers including the male Harbingers. You really are hard boiled like a detective.

Nahida: If you are done talking. Let's move on.

They approached the green teleporter that and teleported to where they fought against Scaramouche's boss battle.

Wanderer: You're a god... Do you think I'm evil?

Nahida: If you accept that he is you, just as you are you, then yes — you are evil.

Patrick: As much as we don't want to say it because of finding out that you were tricked and being used. But we have to. You are evil.

Mei: Because of getting tricked and being used. You are evil.

Neptune: And rotten too.

Wanderer: In your eyes, are there any differences between humans and puppets?

Nahida: Do you think there are any differences between your present self and your previous and future incarnations? If not, then what are the differences between humans and puppets? Whoever has tasted the joys and sorrows of life in the human realm is human. Whoever has loved and lost, cried with grief, howled with rage at the tragedy of death that eclipses the miracle of life... they are human, too.

Wanderer: ... I've seen enough of my past. If possible, I'd like to reclaim the sins that are mine to bear.

This shocked everyone.

Wanderer: No matter the consequences, I won't run from blame or punishment. Whatever I am due, let it come to pass.

Aether: Are you saying...

Wanderer: Can you return my memories to me?

Paimon: Huh? But won't that mean you'll lose your current identity?

Wanderer: I've always believed that human lives follow a set of rules, with each person being a collection of past experiences. As a puppet living in the human world, my life is subject to the same rules.

Nahida: Regaining your memories means reverting completely to your previous incarnation. All the emotions that you discarded will return to you. Are you sure you want to do this?

Vert: Because if you do. There's no turning back.

Mei: It could mean that we would have to fight you again.

Wanderer: I've lived with a void in my chest my whole life. My creator didn't need me, and ever since I awoke, I've just drifted from one place to the next. But then I met all of you, including you Mei, and I finally realized that reclaiming my missing sins might be my one opportunity to become my true self.

Aether: (...Is this the true meaning of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's words? A person can't erase themselves, and even though the original Balladeer has gone, this person will live on in his place... Are a person's sins an inescapable part of their destiny too?)

Wanderer: I've always felt I have an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people... But for all my soul-searching as a shugenja, I've never fully understood it. Looking at it now, it seems that I brought this curse upon myself. So I beg you... grant me this opportunity to gain a purpose. To change my destiny and end my wandering.

Nahida: Very well.

The same green energy cube appeared above. Mei stands next to Scaramouche.

Mei: Be prepared, Scaramouche.

Nahida: Since your mind is made up, I will return to you that which is yours.

Scaramouche's memories floats down to Scaramouche.

Nahida: You have made your decision. Now... take this.

The Wanderer reaches out to the memory. When he touched it, it plunges into his chest. Then his eyes widened and he grabs his head.

Wanderer: Aah...!

His time as The Balladeer flows into his mind, and the shock of it causes him immense agony.

Everyone got worried.

Mei: Scaramouche!

The Wanderer sees a memory of Raiden Shogun at the Grand Narukami Shrine.

Yae Miko: Set him free?

Then he sees a memory of a man at the Shakkei Pavilion.

Katsuragi: A puppet? What's he doing here...

The Wanderer continues to be in agony

Wanderer: Argh! It's...

Then he sees a memory of Niwa at the forge.

Niwa: You're a human as far as I'm concerned

Then he sees a memory of Escher.

Escher: Everyone's here. Wonderful

Then lastly he sees a memory of a man holding the Katsuragikiri Nagamasa.

Miyazaki: What a fine blade! Nagamasa will be thrilled!

The Wanderer drops to his knees in agony. Everyone else just stares at him in worry.

Wanderer: This is... my...

Mei knees down and hugs Scaramouche like a family member to try to soothe him.

Mei: Yes Scaramouche. These are your memories. Now that you have them again. It's now already too late to turn back.

Wanderer: Mei...

Paimon: Is he alright...?

Neptune: Does he look alright to you?! He's literally screaming in pain!

Behind them something was rising up. A giant hand crashes down gaining everyone's attention as they turn around in shock. It was Shouki no Kami. The false god that once posed a massive threat to Sumeru, re-emerges from the depths of Scaramouche's memories.

Paimon: No way!

Patrick: Not again!

Kiana: Now we have to fight against this evil machine twice in a row?!

Shouki no Kami raises a fist and attempted to slam them down only for them to dodge. Everyone look back at Scaramouche and Mei after they land. Mei lets go of Scaramouche and stands up.

Mei: I guess we're gonna have to fight this thing one last time.

Patrick: If that's the case. Time to transform.

Neptune: You got it.

Several split screens appeared with sets of eyes from Patrick, the Valkyries except Theresa, the CPUs, and the CPU Candidates all saying...

Everyone: HENSHIN!

Then transformation sequences started and finished when everyone transformed.

Patrick: We've got this we just have to beat it again then destroy it again.

Purple Heart and Kiana: Let's go!

Everyone transformed and Aether charges in at Shouki no Kami with their weapons as it raises all its arms and attempted to strike them all only of them to dodge and they all strike it all at once pushing it back. Theresa stood by Scaramouche with Paimon and wore her Divine Key and held two spears attached to chains from her weapon.

Shouki no Kami recovered from the attacks and sends a Cryo attack at them but they dodge again only to see a large block of ice heading towards Scaramouche. Theresa cats it with her spears and it gets split into smaller pieces. Everyone jumps back to Scaramouche while facing against Shouki no Kami.

Paimon: Hey! Are you done yet!?

Shouki no Kami charges up an Electro Beam.

Purple Sister: Not good!

Then it shoots the beam towards them. Patrick summons his Dragon Shield ready to block it. As he was ready to block the beam, the camera zooms in on Scaramouche then turns black. The Wanderer, in his mind, reaches towards the light

Wanderer: All worthless dross will be purged. That's why... ...This won't be the end!

The Wanderer reaches out and grabs onto The Balladeer's hand, only to notice that the Balladeer has reached out for his other hand. Then everything flashes around him. The Wanderer comes to his senses as the beam reaches them and as Patrick was about to block the beam. In the aftermath of the attack, it seems that something had deflected the beam. But it wasn't Patrick and his shield that blocked the beam. It was someone else and something else. Everyone see the Wanderer standing in front of them wearing his hat again as it was him who blocked the beam instead of Patrick. And the thing that has helped him block that strike... was a Sumerian Anemo Vision. The Wanderer resonated with Anemo as the Vision descends in front of him.

Paimon: Balladeer!?

Mei: Scaramouche!?

Patrick: A Sumerian Anemo Vision?

Purple Heart: Now why couldn't it have been an Inazuman Electro Vision?

Scaramouche snatches the Vision from the air and a familiar grin appears on his face.

Wanderer: Die!

Then he puts the Vision in his front ornament then he summons his catalyst, Tulaytullah's Remembrance. Mei walks up to Scaramouche holding her sword, Seven Thunders of Retribution: Narakami.

Mei: Are you well now?

Wanderer: ...This is trying my patience.

Paimon: Have you got all your memories back now?

Wanderer: Have you got any more stupid questions!?

Kiana: NO!

Wanderer: Good. Because I'll take it from here.

Scaramouche turns to Mei.

Wanderer: This is my battle now. I suggest you stay out of it.

Mei: No. I will join you. Because we're relatives.

Patrick steps up.

Patrick: I'm joining in too. I let my stubbornness get the better of me. And we tried to kill you before. So now she and I must make it up to you and this is the moment.

Wanderer: So be it. But don't get in my way.

Scaramouche turns to Mei.

Wanderer: Let's go, relative.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The trio powered up with Anemo, Electro, and Pyro. Scaramouche stayed in the middle while Mei was on the right and Patrick was on the left.

Patrick: Go ahead and attack first with your best shot.

Wanderer: Alright. HA!

Scaramouche shoots several Anemo blasts. Patrick and Mei follow up with Pyro and Electro blasts causing elemental reactions overloaded and swirl. Shouki No Kami strikes back by slamming its fists down sending several Cryo attacks at them but they dodge by flying up. Everyone else was just watching.

Black Heart: He can fly now?

Green Heart: Of course he can fly now. He's got an Anemo Vision. So you can fly with the air element.

Kiana: That is true but you can still use the other elements to fly like shooting fire from your hands and feet or levitating pieces of land or shooting water from your hands and feet like with fire or carrying yourself in the air with water etc.

White Heart: But sometimes you don't need the elements to fly. Most Deities can fly without the elements.

Patrick: HA!

Patrick materializes swords covered in fire and shoots them at Shouki No Kami dealing lots of damage. Scaramouche follows up with a charged up Anemo attack and they trigger another swirl reaction.

Mei activate's the Raiden Shogun's burst and does a series of Electro attacks. Scaramouche joins in by using his burst, Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays. The combination causes a heavy amount of damage on the machine. Shouki No Kami's health meter was low.

Patrick: Mei. Scaramouche. How about you finish it with a combined attack?

Wanderer: That's not a bad idea. Let's do it, relative.

Mei: Yes. let's do it.

Patrick steps back as Mei and Scaramouche powered up with their elemental energies bursting out. This time Mei summons the Musou No Isshin from her chest just like Ei. Then both of them charge in spinning around each other.

Mei and Scaramouche: HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Then their attack goes though Shouki No Kami as explosions came off of it as it's health meter hit zero. Then it explodes but is still intact.

Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: ...!!

The giant machine falls to the ground. Mei and Scaramouche came back.

Wanderer: Imbecile! Get out of my sight!

Patrick and Mei: OUR SIGHT!

The giant machine disappears as it turned into Electro Particles. Everyone transformed changes back.

Paimon: ...It disappeared... Did we win?

Patrick: Of course we did. We won, Paimon.

Mei: It's finally over.

Wanderer: What did you expect? I'd never lose to that.

Paimon: Ehh, there's that tone of voice again. You're definitely back to your old self...

Neptune: Such a shame that we can't do anything about that.

Mei: That's how he's always going to be.

Paimon: Wait, but it was you inside that thing, too. What have you got to be smug about?

Wanderer: Sorry, I'm harsh on myself and everyone else. Just the way I am.

Aether: Now you've recovered your memories... The past will catch up with you.

Wanderer: Haha, you sound like you're concerned about me.

Patrick: Well because of how you're no longer part of the Fatui we should be concerned about you.

Mei: He does have a point. You're slightly changed and now you're on our side.

Wanderer: But don't worry. Thanks to you, even if I didn't change a thing... at least I now know the truth.

Neptune: Thanks to us.

Nahida: The memory recovery seems to have been a success. This dream has served its purpose.

Wanderer: Come on. Let's continue this outside.

They exit out of the domain and return back to Nahida.

Nahida: Welcome back, everyone.

Paimon: Whew! It feels like we just went on a really long journey... Paimon's exhausted.

Vert: So am I.

The Wanderer just grunted.

Wanderer: ...

Nahida: You don't like being addressed by that name?

Wanderer: It's fine. But I was just thinking, I should probably change it.

The Wanderer turned away from them.

Aether: You won't go by "The Balladeer" anymore?

Mei: Why is that?

Wanderer: After learning about everything The Doctor did, there's no way I can carry on using a name connected to him. I'm not planning on returning to the Fatui, and they wouldn't take me back anyway. Recent events will have affected a lot of people, and they might not even remember who the sixth is.

Patrick: I guess that you do have a point. They don't remember you anymore. And anything could have happened. Like somebody else could be six.

Mei: Scaramouche...

Wanderer got annoyed at hearing that name.

Wanderer: ...

Mei: Sorry.

Neptune: Is that not like the time when you went rogue on the Fatui, believing that you had the Electro Gnosis?

Wanderer: At first I did go rogue but The Doctor made me make a deal with him just so I can keep the Gnosis.

Kiana: What about handing it over to the Tsaritsa?

Wanderer: I had no intention of giving it to the Tsaritsa. I wanted no part in the Tsaritsa's cause anymore as I wanted to keep the Gnosis to myself. And after finding out that I was tricked and being used, a shadow of disgrace has been cast upon the Fatui. It is a cause I no longer wish to be a part of.

Neptune: (Way to quote Dreadwing.)

Patrick: That's what he said when Mei and I interrogated him.

Paimon: So you're quitting the Fatui for good?

Aether: Let's call it a tactical retreat...

Neptune: Sounds more like a betrayal. But it's more like a retirement or giving up on them.

Wanderer turns back to them.

Wanderer: ... It's like you said, Lesser Lord Kusanali. Everything may look futile, but it wasn't completely meaningless. At least I made a lot of people forget about me.

Nahida: But that doesn't mean your own past has disappeared.

Mei: Even when Patrick and I helped you.

Wanderer crosses his arms.

Wanderer: Of course.

Nahida: And your main goal, for which you gave up everything you had... you weren't able to achieve it.

Nahida crosses her arms too then she turns away from everyone. Then she puts her right hand on her chest.

Nahida: I hope you can see and understand that. Changing the world, changing the past, changing the fates of other people... These are not simple things to accomplish.

Nahida turns back to everyone. Wanderer looks at his right hand. Then the image blurred as Wanderer was in his old clothing again. But as Nahida was explaining, the camera moved and as it went past Nahida, Wanderer was in his new clothes after the camera blurs.

Nahida: What you were looking for is complete annihilation... But this is just a fantasy. Even if The Balladeer is removed from existence, the world will not heed your will.

Wanderer: ...Indeed. Haha, how ridiculous.

Paimon: Do you regret doing all that, when you've gotten so little in return?

Patrick: Like do you regret trying to kill us and regret everything you've done for the past 500 years?

Wanderer: Even if I'm completely worthless, there's nothing in the world worth regretting. Lesser Lord Kusanali, you purposely left that information in Irminsul, didn't you?

Nahida: Yes, and I took pains to make sure that you'd acquire that information naturally.

Wanderer: Why would you go to such lengths? You trying to win me over too?

Nahida: In all honesty, your past experiences have made you a useful asset to Sumeru and to me. Winning you over was indeed a part of my plan.

Nahida crosses her arms again.

Patrick: That's why she had us spare you.

Mei: Because you're important at investigating Irminsul.

Nahida: But before that, I wanted to tell you the truth about your past. If all I wanted to do was use you, then I'd be no different from The Doctor.

Wanderer: ...Very clever.

Nahida: I guess you could say that's one of my virtues.

Wanderer: Utility to others is what gives me worth. So if embracing my sins is what it takes to make me useful again, so be it.

Aether: Nahida doesn't see you in that way.

Vert: She's a very cute and excellent goddess, Wanderer. So she would never see you that way.

Wanderer: Oh right, I almost forgot... you're the good guys. You're into justice and all that.

Neptune: You can say that again.

Kiana: That's pretty much what we do. Beat the bad guys.

Patrick: And make sure that they pay the price.

Wanderer: Sorry if I have a slightly different perspective on things. But, I don't feel like I've been duped. The wisest leaders are fated to end up with the best helpers... I can live with that.

Nahida: I'm glad that you're able to think of it in that way.

Nahida: Aether, everyone, in the future, I'll continue to search Irminsul more deeply, and see what secrets can be uncovered. Including the beginning of your twin's journey recorded in Irminsul. What exactly happened before and after that point? I want to know as well.

Patrick: Same here. We also want to know. But the only thing we can do now is come up with theories.

Aether: Thank you. Let's hope you can find some answers.

Nahida: I will try.

Wanderer: Aether.

Aether: Yes?

Wanderer: After Patrick, Mei and I dove into the information torrents in Irminsul, why did you and the rest of your friends go to Inazuma?

Aether: Because we wanted to know what you'd changed.

Neptune: And to check if there were any consequences or anyone not born.

Wanderer: ...So that's how you found out whose fate had changed, and how. Well, whatever your reasons, you did me a favor, and I'll do everything I can to pay it back.

Aether: ...We didn't do all of this for a reward. Please don't make it sound like we're extorting you.

Neptune: Yeah, we just wanted to see whose fates had changed.

Wanderer: Borrowing and returning are the only real relationships between individuals. I'll balance the books one day, don't you worry.

Nahida: That's not true. A relationship between two people is not simply a ledger that can be reset to zero. I think, deep down, you realize this. People who show up in your life don't just evaporate like water drops and leave nothing behind. There is no such thing as "balancing the books." Some things in this world can never be brought back, and they can never be changed, which is why there is emotion in the human world. Everything that you feel is real and lasting, and whatever is missing in you will not be made whole. To be human is to live with imperfections. You can choose whether or not you want to be human.

Vert: She's right. nobody is perfect. Even deities have flaws.

Wanderer: ... But humans can't live without a heart, can they? Anyway, I gave up trying to become a human a long time ago.

Nahida: You understand what pain is perfectly well, even without a heart. You're just burying your feelings. The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life.

Wanderer: It sounds like you've got a future planned out for me.

Aether: I hope you can give Nahida a chance.

Patrick: And the rest of us too.

Mei: Including me. You and I are both blood related but from separate worlds. I also hope that one day you can reconcile with the Raiden Shogun.

Wanderer grunted again.

Wanderer: ... reconcile... pathetic... it is already useless.

Mei: No it's not.

Paimon: Everything's ended up being pretty darn complicated, Paimon doesn't even know where to start... But the most important thing now is that you need to follow Nahida. Otherwise, all our efforts will have been for nothing!

Patrick: You also need to follow Mei too.

Wanderer just turned and walked a few steps away from them. Then he looked up at the ceiling.

Everyone looked at each other and Aether shook his head no.

Wanderer: ...Then I guess I'll be helping you from behind the scenes from now on.

Wanderer looked back at everyone while also crossing his arms.

Nahida: I'm glad that you've accepted our proposal. Why don't you choose a new name to celebrate?

Paimon: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Paimon wants to pick an ugly nickname for you too!

Wanderer: Why?

Paimon: Because... because Paimon still doesn't like you that much!

Wanderer: Hmph. Then I hope we don't see much of each other in the future.

Patrick: And I'm still not feeling bad for you. But I forgive you for everything you've done. It was hard for me to forgive you at first but after you redeemed yourself, I finally do. But it's still hard to let go of the past.

Mei: I also forgive you, Wanderer. As a Raiden... I have to...

Wanderer: Hmph...

Nahida: "A name is life's first gift." You didn't say it out loud, but I know that's what you're thinking.

Wanderer: ...

Nahida: Patrick, Mei, Aether, Paimon, and everyone else here have helped you a lot. If you can't decide on a new name, maybe you can ask them for ideas.

Aether: Huh? You want us to decide?

Paimon: Nope, Paimon only does nicknames! If it's a serious name you're after... it's all yours!

Neptune: Guess we should huddle up.

Mei: Before we come up with a name. Have you got any preferences?

Wanderer: Yes I do. I do not want to be called any of my old names. I also don't want to be named after any of the Harbingers or the Archons.

Mei: Alright, Wanderer. If you say so.

The Valkyries, Paimon, Patrick, Aether, the CPUs, and the CPU Candidates got a distance and chatted on what to call The Wanderer. After a few minutes they came back.

Wanderer: Have you got anything?

Mei: We've decided what we should name you. We've decided to name you "Zephyrus".

Wanderer: Are you sure?

Aether: Yes. We think this will do.

Theresa: That name comes from a deity in one of our world's mythologies.

Wanderer: ...Ah, Alright, if you say so.

Nahida: There, now you have a name of your own.

Wanderer: What about a nickname? Are you done yet?

Paimon: Uh, uhhh... still thinking... Stop rushing me...

Wanderer: Take your time. I don't need to see you again until you've thought of one.

Aether: What do you plan to do next?

Wanderer: Everyone who manipulated me and made me suffer will have to pay the price.

Paimon: You mean, the Fatui?

Wanderer: The Doctor, at least.

Patrick walks up closer to him.

Patrick: You can say that again. I also intend to kill him and the other Fatui Harbingers too. I'm going to make him pay the price for you. The next time we meet him. I'm gonna wipe that smirk off his face. And after we beat him in his boss battle. That mongrel is dead.

Wanderer: You should know how strong he and the other Harbingers are. They can't be beaten.

Patrick: Yes they can. Don't forget that some of us can transform and we've beaten Signora, Childe, and you. So we'll be able to beat him and the other Harbingers too.

Wanderer: Don't get too confident. Because you'll end up dead thinking you can beat them all.

Patrick then offers the Wanderer an appeal.

Patrick: Because you're against the Fatui now, I appeal to you: help us stop the Tsaritsa and the Fatui from getting what they want. I really don't care if the gods are the real enemies. The Fatui have been causing nothing but trouble to Teyvat. And I just don't want them to be the ones to bring Celestia down or defeat the Heavenly Principles. The key to bringing Celestia down and defeating the Heavenly Principles is Aether, his missing sister Lumine, and Paimon.

Wanderer: Denied. I intend to fight against the Fatui in my own way.

Nahida: Now that your stance has changed, I believe your future path will change accordingly, but it won't be immediate... You still need some time to compose yourself.

Wanderer: ... One more thing. There are still some descendants of the Raiden Gokaden living in Inazuma. Some of them know... Well, they ought to know about the connection between the Raiden Gokaden and myself. I don't plan to leave Sumeru for the time being. If you see them in Inazuma, please tell them that I was the one responsible for the Raiden Gokaden's downfall. ...Even though the events have been erased from the world, they still deserve to know the truth.

Nahida: I see... That is up to you.

Paimon: Huh? But if we do that, then...

Wanderer: It's fine. Let them stab their blades into my chest if they so desire. ...Maybe that's how it always should have been.

Aether: ... Fine.

Mei: If you say so.

Paimon made a saddened look on her face.

Wanderer: What's that look for? Don't make that face, I know what I'm doing. ...That day will come. Alright, we're done here. Goodbye, wise deity, and the rest of you. Especially to you, Raiden Mei. My dear relative.

The Wanderer walks to the door and exits out.

Paimon: He's gone...

Nahida: What he went through today would have been like living an entire lifetime in an instant. He'll need some time to calm down.

Paimon: Yeah, true. But even so, after everything that's happened, he doesn't seem quite as fierce anymore. There were some bumps along the way, but it's all over now. So can we finally go eat? Paimon is starving!

Kiana: Yes, Paimon. We can go eat.

Paimon: YAY!

Vert: And I hope you haven't forgotten Nahida.

Nahida: Of course Vert. I remember what you want. To make up some time with me. Thank you all. I hope you will find somewhere nice to go and relax for a while.

Vert picks up Nahida and carries her away and held her acting as a big sister would act to a little sister.

Everyone except Vert return back to the resting place where they were gonna set up the Serenetea Pot.

Paimon: Whew! It's about time we had a break! As soon as you stop, all the tiredness and hunger comes rushing back...

Kiana: I am hungry too.

Theresa: I also want snacks too.

Aether: We'll buy some delicious treats as a reward.

Paimon: Wow! Great!

Paimon notices the broken vase.

Paimon: ...Huh? Look at that vase...

Aether: ...What about it?

Paimon: Did someone break it while they were cleaning the room or something? But Paimon doesn't remember there being a cleaner...

Aether: (That night we stayed here, Paimon bumped into the table after being startled by something to do with The Balladeer and broke the vase. But The Balladeer erased his existence. He changed the world... So why is this vase still broken?)

That's when a mysterious voice appears.

???: You sound lost and confused.

This causes everyone to get shocked.

Everyone: HUH?!

Aether: ...Who's that?

Kiana: Who's there?!

???: I know why you are troubled. Any who knew of this would find their mind overwhelmed.

Paimon: Huh? Is there someone here talking to us?

Patrick: Someone is talking to us!

???: Unfortunately, the fate of Teyvat cannot easily be changed. Perhaps a god may have a slim chance, but for anyone else... who can say. When a small animal runs into a tree trunk, though the tree may sway, it is not displaced. The same is true of fate. Like a vase that falls to the ground. Whether it is broken by a cat or by a bird, the result is still a broken vase, is it not?

Paimon: Wh—Who are you!? How do you know about all this?

Neptune: Tell us who you are!

???: History does not change easily, but human hearts can. Believe your own eyes. Only that which you see is true. What is unseen is but an illusion.

Then the voice disappears.

Aether: ...

Kiana: Wait! Don't just disappear on us!

Paimon: The voice has disappeared...

Patrick: And just like that. Another mystery is created.

Paimon: And who the heck was that!? And what were they doing, coming out of nowhere and saying all of that scary stuff...

Aether: (Believe my eyes? Does she mean... I should trust my memories?)

Patrick's eyes widened at a starry thought.

Patrick: You don't think that was the Goddess who calls herself the sustainer of the Heavenly Principles do you?

This causes everyone to get frightened and stare at Patrick.

Mei: It can't be!

Patrick: What if she isn't actually asleep? What if she's been watching us this whole time. And Nahida said that she isn't from Teyvat. So it makes sense that she would also still remember the events that were changed... What if she tries to strike us...

Paimon screams at Patrick.


This causes Patrick to put his arms up in a blocking position.

Patrick: AH! Alright! Alright! Better save this talk for a meeting tonight in the Serenetea Pot then.

Paimon: Ugh. Anyway, that vase is still lying there broken on the ground. Should Paimon go get someone to clean it up? ...Feels wrong just leaving it there. Just a moment, Paimon'll be right back!

Paimon goes to get someone to clean up the mess.

Aether: (... I wonder what else awaits us in the future?)


When they had their meeting in the Serenetea Pot discussing the mysterious voice, everyone had went to their rooms to sleep for the night. But Mei went with Patrick to his room as she felt that it was her turn to sleep with Patrick. They sat down in his room's couch wearing their night clothing.

Patrick: So much has happened. First Scaramouche The Balladeer changes into the Wanderer and now we hear a mysterious voice.

Mei: I know. Just when we were going to relax, another mystery opens up and we get stressed again.

Patrick: The Heavenly Principles could be watching us now.

Mei: It still could have been someone else.

Patrick: Maybe. But the way the mysterious voice spoke sounded like she hasn't forgotten Greater Lord Rukkhadevata or Scaramouche's past.

Mei: We need to get stronger so we can be ready for stronger boss battles. Like for the top 3 Fatui Harbingers, any gods or goddesses we might meet, and the Heavenly Principles.

Patrick: And hope that we can win the game of chess.

The scene fades into a new scene where Patrick was sleeping with Mei with the full moon's light shining over them through the window. With what's soon to come. They have to be ready for.

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