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Name: Soundwaver

Surname: None publicly known

Age: The same as Silver Wolf

Gender: Male

Height: 1 in taller than Silver Wolf

Weight: Average for someone his age

Weapon of Choice: Two pistols he has in holsters on his belt at all times

Element: Quantum

Personality: In public Soundwaver seems bubbly, upbeat, and ready to be your friend. But in private he's a sass king who thinks he owns his own space station (mostly because he does).

Appearance: Soundwaver is basically an identical copy of Silver Wolf but a male version.

Occupation: IPC's personal super hacker, Radio Show host

-Soundwaver has a good knowledge of combat just in case his space station/studio is broken into. His E skill allows him to hit all his opponents with strong hit of Quantum DMG. His ultimate allows him to combine his guns and turn them into a large bazooka and launch a large blast dealing Quantum DMG to all opponents

Lore: Grew up being a master of rhythm games on his home planet Punklorde and was the only one who could beat Silver Wolf-his twin sister-at them. He also learned how to hack and master Aether Editing. Though unlike most Punklordians he enjoyed music more than video games and wanted to be the host/DJ of his own radio show heard all across Punklorde. So he started working a bunch of different jobs to get Credits. Enough to pay for the building of his own space station to use as a studio. He then started his show 'Soundwaver's Street Beats' and live broadcasted all across Punklorde. Eventually the IPC on Punklorde heard of his show and hired him and spread his show all across the galaxy making him famous. He also started working as the IPC's personal hacker to hack villain organizations such as the Stellaron Hunters. Though only he and the Astral Express crew know about him and Silver Wolf being twins.

Love Interest: None

Backup Love Interest: None

Likes: music, doing his show, play rhythm games especially with his sister, hacking with his sister mess with her

Trivia: -Soundwaver doesn't mind that Silver Wolf is in the Stellaron Hunters

-Soundwaver and Silver Wolf haven't had communication for two years

-Keeps a picture of him and Silver Wolf in his recording booth where he live broadcasts his show

-Doesn't like it when people make him take a break from his show with something that wastes his time

-Is very, very, VERY wealthy

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