[Yingxing ship rp scene]

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(You may ask why his hair is white, well, his hair was originally white(though it sort of looks like a very light blonde in the fanart-) before Dan Feng made him immortal)

Small information before the plot:
[This rp scene will take place in the past, the rp scene can soon take place currently. The character you rp as can be canon or an oc, I really don't mind ^^ I'm still unsure of Blade's real name so he'll go by Blade until I know it]

The plot:
[You've always loved spending time with Blade, he always took you to places with beautiful scenery and would sometimes bring snacks, alongside with some tea. After training, Blade asked if you'd like to hang out with him, since the training was exhausting as always, you of course accepted.]

[It was around the time that you've agreed to hang out with Blade, since it was almost time, you started to get ready. 'I wonder why Blade always asks to hang out, it's not that I mind, but he usually doesn't hang out with people often' you thought to yourself as you left your house and headed to the location that Blade wanted to meet at.]

[As you arrived, you spotted Blade standing beside a tree and was watching the leaves fall from the branches, when he noticed you, he'd turn his head slightly to look at you, a small smile on his face. "I'm glad you could make it [your character].." he said softly.]

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