(Early) Sneak Peak...

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Note by Author 

This is the Prologue for my Little Passion project I had thought of maybe a month ago, if none of you read the Beta version, (which you possibly didn't upon which I can understand since most on Wattpad don't wanna read original stories..) that version is just me trying to get out the idea that I'm making a Book, and not just a Fanfic, an Actual, Hard copy and readable Book. It might take me a Year before I can finish it, maybe more, but I'll see how far I can do this. Plus, it gives me something to do in the mean time. I promised someone though that I make a Crossover, and I'll get around to that in the late future, and I'll think about trying to make that collaboration with JuanDeleon198 for his Neon-Project series if I have the motivation, but for now..I'll just be busy making this book, and making as good and as epic as I can make it.  

The Possible Publication for this Book is unknown, But I'll possibly publish it (if I can already get it done and edit it, possibly get someone to edit it for me) would be about..2026??? I don't know, But I'm making it, and before I die, I wanna at least show off my Talents to the world somehow. Even if it might not turn out good, which could be a possibility, or will. At least I got some sort of Work out there with my name on it, and that's okay because at least I know it exists, and it's out there for people to read. 

But anyways..this is a Preview of the Entire Prologue. Hope you enjoy.  



A Knight's Journey

Sir Mal Strout's onto the back of his noble steed, which he likes to name his 'Companion'. For hours now, or maybe a Day, Mal ventured deep into the Black Woods, The Ground, icky and moist. The Radiant light from the sun. His Armor boils, becoming tortuous in every word that he could think of. But yet, Mal pressed on, hoping in some way, somehow, he can reach his salvation in one piece.

"Alright my Friend.." He says proudly. "..If what I am told is correct, then we are just about to our location, if we just travel on for a Few more days..and get out of these woods with a lot of luck..we will finally get to our destination."


"What is it you mean? Of course I know where we're going. This Map we were given by the lady is the Map of the entire Black Woods. It's helped out so far."


"Okay..for the record..I had NO idea the Woman was a cons-lady, and took most of our MOST of our Valuables behind our backs..But I'm sure the Map she gave us is a Legit. I'm rather glad we have a Map to this place, thank you."


"But..I am nervous if the Map could just be a scam all to itself, I mean..don't get me wrong, I'm still sure it's real, but it's just a feeling you know."


"Okay!! I don't trust it. Are you Happy Now?! We've been on the road for so long now, I can't even remember what day it is now. From all I know, We could be going the wrong way! It's hot, It's Humid, and I am getting really tired of this entire journey as a Whole!!"


"I mean, If this mission is so important to the Counsel, Why would they send off their best Soldier, Me Of all The Knights? I'm Holy Knight for pete sakes, Holy, My Skills are for other things like Helping Non-believers join the Church, read the Bible and all that Crap!! The Most Important Things!! I mean there was Jerra, she's also a good candidate, why not not her? Oh yes, Right! Because I am the BEST Knight, The Honorable One!! (Sighs)..this is what I get for acting so Heroic all the Time."


"Not only that, I still have no clue what this blasted Note they gave me is from. Our ENTIRE trip, No Idea."

In his Hands, a small flimsy piece of Paper brushes in the Humid winds. If you looked from afar, You wouldn't be able to tell whether what was written was even words, he certainly couldn't tell. He could remember when his Superiors gave it to him, telling him that it came from an old Ally of theirs, and then..nothing else.

This was the following that was Written, At least from what he can read:

'Of Whoever reads this report, if the Order are reading this right now, then I must tell you that I have some information beneficial to your Empire. After many years of study from guidance of my master, Hethdrew, a Man I deeply admire, My Teacher, and a man who is sadly no longer in the Mortal plain had tasked me to record and monitor all possible threats that could or will someday become a serious issue in the long run, right now, there are reports of beasts and monsters roaming the lands, from Green to even the Black Zone. If you have the Resources, you can come meet me in a Small Town in the very tip of the Green Zone, where you can send one of your most trusted soldiers to do what needs to be done. This is Important, and I hope you think it is too.'

At the end, Their Signature was engraved, all that was written was a 'H' and the Name of the Town they lived in, 'Oreland'. Looking at this Letter now made him ask questions, One of them being the fact that this person is a supposed 'Student' who was taught by Hethdrew the Great, a powerful wizard that was the Founder and Creator of the CFO, The Church of Order. Hethdrew never had a student..at least not one he knew of, plus, the Guy had died way before anyone could even know what he was hiding, so there was no way that would be discovered, and even if someone did know, would you believe it?

Mal may have been the Top of his Class in the academy, and he may have studied every single page in the Bible and every incantation, and may be a master of many fighting styles and historian buff, but never good at solving mysteries, wasn't his thing. It was best for him to keep his questions to himself in the meantime, wait until they were necessary to bring back up again, besides, he was glad that his journey would be over.

"..I hope we figure it out soon though.." He sighed. "We have so far, and so close to knowing the answers. I can just feel it."


If you knew as much as Mal did in the academy, then you wouldn't even begin to imagine how prepared he was to learn as the things he knew now. On the first day, 23,000 Students, 345 Candidates that enrolled in the Program, and only 5 Passed. One of them being Mal himself. It was very hard to tell what his motives were for being a Knight, it was probably fame, possibly for the fights, or for something far more grand than just those two options alone. But in the end, Mal proved it wasn't ANY of those options, and instead had one thing in mind, to be Prophet Knight, A Holy Knight.

But what Mal didn't expect for the Role was that as a High Rank, he was to carry out commands given to him by the Counsel, who were obviously the ones running everything, and he had to obey. Now he is out here, In the Woods, Many Miles away from the Main Capital, and is..about to die from heat exhaustion.

He wasn't alone either, for his Horse felt the same way, sticking out its tongue as the Mucky Swamp Air filled their lungs and other organs. They Eventually find themselves in a Open Field, covered by a Green grass and the strong winds that made the Grass move as though to a rhythm, The Smell of Flowers were also very prominent the more they walked, with the sights of daisies, roses, sunflowers, the tulips and the tickseeds. Far out, Mal could see valleys of Hills and Mountains, each one different in size and scale, the sun shining down in a brightly chipper way.

"Ahhh..this is nice. Hope the rest of our Journey will always be like this."


"Of course you won't, You just can't appreciate the beauty of nature can you? I mean I wouldn't expect much from the same horse who would always run from a battle."


"That's right I said it, and you know it's true. How many times have I stuck my neck out for you this whole journey? Like that when you were Kidnapped by a Group of Succubi, and I had to go save you from them..and in order to do so I had to..have passionate love with their leader. Elh! I will never forgive you for that."


"Or-OR! That time you ran and abandoned me to the mercy of a group of Trolls, I had to fight 205 of them, alone, with a stick!"


"Okay, perhaps there weren't 205 of them, there were 207 of them, that's more accurate. But the point is.." Mal tries finding the words. "..The point IS is that You are always hiding or running away when danger is near, and I get stuck doing the dirty work, while you..well..do whatever a spoiled horse does when not helping and being useless."


"I'm sorry but it had to be said, besides, during our entire trip, you're the one who has it easy, So I don't see why you are so tired. For all I know, you should be thanking me for the sacrifices I made to help us get through this journey alive-WOA-OoF!"

Mal soon finds himself on the Floor, his Bottom deep inside of a pond of mud, watching as the many critters living in it retreat and run for cover, the sounds of Toads echoing as they jump away, hiding behind a Large Tree within the forest nearby.

"Ah Bollocks, my shiny Armor."

The Sound of high pitched neigh's could then be heard by Mal's 'Noble' Steed. He watched as his Companion laughed hysterically at his Misery, oblivious to where their loyalty was for him. He shrugs, and gets out of the puddle, cleaning himself off, giving his Horse a glare while doing so.

"Haha, you must have thought it was SO funny didn't you? Well perhaps it won't be so funny when I prohib myself from ever giving you a Carrot during the rest of our journey?"


"That's Right, No more snacks for the rest of the trip. That is my word!"


"Oh yes I do MEAN IT! And there's nothing you can do to change my mind about it."

"Um..excuse me Lads..." A Gruff voice interrupts, causing Mal and his 'Not so Noble' Steed to look and see who it was talking to. It was a Dwarf, Small, Facial hair that went down to his legs, merely touching the ground, wearing the standard civilian attire, carrying a Bag filled with unknown contents.

"Oh.." Mal freaks. "Um..Hello! I..didn't think there were other people around. How'd you do?"

"Uhh..Came back from filling up this sack with water, what about you?"

"Oh nothing much.." Mal answered. "..I was just having a 'PLEASANT' conversation with my horse...who is..being a utter as-"

"I actually don't care."

"O-well..sorry for assuming you wanted to know." An awkward silence soon fills the conversation, until Mal decides to open his Mouth again to ask. "So what brings a Dwarf like you out here?"

"Uhh..I live here?"

"You live here..that's..nice. So..what do you do?"

"I have a Shop in a Small Town far out of these woods, Few days away, but nothing too problematic for me, My son mostly runs the shop now, I've Retired."

"How has it been?"

"Okay for the most part, What about you? Are you some kind of Guard or something?"

"Well kinda, I'm a Knight, a Holy Knight."

"Huh..Never heard of ya. Whelp! I'm gonna go-"

"Wait! Hold up!"


"Erm..we have been traveling for awhile, and I just wonder if a town in the name of..Oreland is any chance around these Valleys? were kinda lost."

"Eh? Oreland? Yea, It's where my Shop is. Why do you ask?"

Mal thinks for a moment. "You see, I was sent here by my Superiors to find someone that has written this note, they go by the name of 'H', I suppose you might know this individual?"

Mal then hands the Flimsy Note to The Dwarf, The Dwarf speeding through the words to see what was written inside.

"Hmm..Nope. Never heard of this Lad."

"Oh..well thanks anyways."

"Don't mention it..Oh, and I would quiet down if I were you. These woods are filled with spirits, and other nasty things."

"Got it..Thank you."

As the Dwarf left, Awkward Silence again fills, Mal and his Steed's eyes both turning away as to not pay mind that they existed with one another.

"You know that I meant it when I say no more snacks right?"


The Moon soon peaks itself out of the grievances of Night, The sounds of crickets and frogs chirping and croaking all throughout the Woods, The Breeze of the cold soft wind blowing throughout the swampy woodlands. Below, Mal stares silently as the flickers of ember jump off the main flame, which had already burned through most of the wood that he prepared for it, throwing in one more just for safe measure. On the Opposite side, His Steed slept, snoring away like there was no tomorrow, or even an end.

Mal lays back onto a nearby Tree, looking dazingly at the fire as though he was googling eying a pretty woman. He becomes curious of what he would expect from this little Town, Or if he would even be able to find the town. If he was honest with himself, he was kinda saddened for this quest to be over, all this way and still wishing it kept going, but, from all that he's learned in his life, it was best to let the Past go, and continue forward.

"Just a few more days..only a few." He says with Optimism, sleeping well this night for the knowledge that he was coles for his Adventure to be Over. But Miles out, deep within the Forest, A Man wanders the Woods, An Ax in Hand as he was preparing to chop down some wood for his family to use when the Winter comes. Unknownst to the terror that would take place, as he is watched by something in the shadows. The shadow itself, smiling.

It watches as its prey walks alone in the Woodlands, It stalks him, waits, waiting for them to be in the right spot, at the right time. It watched with silence, creeping up as it saw its prey chopping down the weak area of a Large Tree before them, bashing at the bark as hard as they could swing it. They ignore the facts, the fact being that as he chopped, the more the predator gets closer, and closer, and closer until...nothing.

The lantern now stood on the Ground, alone, the Fire from inside it beginning to fade out, and then in, fade out, and then in, and fade out, and went dark.

It was a Beautiful Night for sure, so beautiful, so stunning, that you couldn't hear or acknowledge the screams. The Sounds of Ravens croaking out into 'Nevermore' and into the darkness, the Wolves Howling and roaring in pack and a Spider sitting peacefully in its Web, it was just another night in the Black Woods, and every Summer and Winter, another Person doesn't return from out of the Swampy lands.        

To be Continued...

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