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"Stay the night, please. I've been having nightmares recently." You mumbled. you didn't have to look at him to know that he had a frown on his face.

"I will, princess. We can cuddle tonight and for the next 10 days we'll be in Paris." He smiled, kissing you deeply when he parked at your dorm. You smiled, hands trailing up to his soft brown locks. "I love you."

"I love you too, Mark."

I love you more. You'll see.


"Why do I feel jet-lagged?" Mark yawned.

"Deadass we just got here." You rolled your eyes, holding his hand as you two strolled through the streets of Paris. You had some time and needed to get used to time change, so taking a calm stroll would be nice.

"I'm still tired." He yawned out. You sighed, smiling as you two walked through the wonderful and starry night.

"Mark, it's Paris. We can't miss anything." You said to him. He chuckled and nodded, giving a kiss to your hand. You blushed, even though he had done that gesture millions of times.

"Aw~ My baby's still shy~" He teased. You rolled your eyes and pulled him to follow you down the streets.

"What time is it?" You asked him, swaying your head as the street was filled with music. The pretty street lights illuminated the sidewalk you two were on, holding each other's hands in the comfortable atmosphere.

"Late. Let's sleep." He yawned, dragging you in the direction of the hotel. You sighed and just agreed to follow him, knowing he probably won't stop bugging you until he's curled up besides you and being able to sleep peacefully.

You both eventually make your way to the hotel, yawning as you both make way to the room. He playfully wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you as he wanted to fall asleep with you in his arms.

"Let me change." You yawned, getting up and changing into better clothes as he laid down on his stomach, his head buried in the pillow. He only yawned, flipping over onto his back when he felt you coming closer to the bed to snuggle under the covers with him.

"Let's just sleep." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you protectively as his head nuzzled by your neck. He breathed in your scent, loving how warn you felt. He couldn't help but nuzzle close to your warm body next to him.

"Goodnight." You smiled, caressing his face. He smiled sleepily, opening his eyes, just to get a good look at you. You were the most precious thing to him. He could never let you go again.

He smiled, leaning in to give your lips a kiss, when you slowly fluttered your eyes shut. His lips slowly pressed against yours, grasping tighter onto your waist. You smiled, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer.

He smiled into your sweet kiss, beginning to act all silly, by planting kisses all around your face, hearing your giggles.

"You're so fucking cute, you know." He smiled, his nose nuzzling closer to your neck in search of warmth.

"I do, only because you won't shut up about it." You said, giggling right after, feeling how he littered small kisses across your skin. He was always touchy at home, especially when he would have you all cozy and wrapped up in his arms like he did right now.

"It's not my fault I can't help but point it out. It's just the truth." He smiled. You rolled your eyes, kissing his lips quickly, being taken aback when he deepened it. He was going really hard on you, gripping tightly onto your waist and hovering over you.

You gasped for air, feeling him trail down to where your nightgown had exposed your collarbone and your neck. His teeth grazed while his lips let hot and wet trails against the peachy skin. Your hands twiddled strands of hair on his head, as he went up to your right ear whispering sweet comments.

"I love you so much, baby. I'm so happy to be here with you in my arms, you know." He smiled. You sighed, feeling so content and euphoric to be here in Paris with Mark Lee, your one and only love. 

"I love you more, Markie. We just need to sleep for tomorrow." You said, caressing his face with your thumb, smiling at his reaction. He cuddled up closer to you, smiling. And he eventually did, feeling exhausted and just sinking into the bed, holding you tightly as he fell asleep.

The rest of the nights went by like that. Mark usually cuddling you, kissing you, hugging you and something a little friskier on some nights. You and him couldn't deny that you were enjoying yourselves on the trip, going to places like Disney, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and so many more places that you two went to, taking a train to get to your destinations.

It was already your second to last day and you were sad. Tomorrow would be your last day before going to the airport and going back home during the really early morning.

"Rise and shine!" Mark said as you groaned. 

"Baby no. Just a little longer, please." You frowned, hugging his body and nuzzling close to him.

"We can't. We're gonna go to a castle today and we need to catch a train." He smiled, hugging you back and trailing his hand soothingly up and down your back. "C'mon baby." 

"Okay." You sighed, sitting up and yawning, getting out of the covers to walk sleepily into the bathroom. Mark smiled at your cute actions, following behind and kissing your lips quickly as the two of you got ready for the last touristy day as tomorrow you had planned to just walk around and probably sleep in.

"Ready?" He asked, back hugging you as you finished putting on a tad of makeup. You hummed and slipped on your shoes by the door, holding his hand as you two headed out to the train station. He kept you close to him, letting you take the lead when walking through narrow spaces, usually placing his hands by your hips just to tease you.

Eventually getting on the train, you were headed out to see a castle, smiling and just talking about anything with Mark, switching from English to Korean and sometimes slipping in a word or two of Spanish. Mark had surprisingly learned quite a lot of French over his past school years in New York, Canada and taking some classes in Korea. You two got by easily.

"Ready to get off?" He asked you, making sure you had your belongings all in hand. You hummed and nodded, getting excited to see this castle. Taking in his hand in yours, you make your way out of the station and close to the entrance of the castle, seeing the towers peek above the trees.

You gawked at the building that stood in front of you. mark giggled and teased you by mimicking your reaction. You frowned and rolled your eyes, getting tired of how he always teased you. You walked away without him, seeing how he nervously laughed at times.

"Baby, I'm just joking. Look, I'll buy you a crepe to make up for it." He smiled, seeing how you stopped and let him catch up to you.

"I'm suddenly interested." You said, seeing him smile. 

"I knew you would be." He giggled, kissing the side of your head and leading you to the entrance. He grew nervous for some reason, seeing how some people took a double-take on you guys, probably too afraid to approach you guys.

He held you close and followed you wherever you went, not really paying attention to the audio guide that was provided. It had been about a good two or so hours in the castle, finding a small cafe and snacking on some crepes and coffee. 

"What do you wanna do now?" Mark asked, seeing how it was getting closer to lunch time.

"I'm not sure." You sighed, pulling Mark into another cafe to eat some late lunch. It was already 2 pm or so and you were hungry. Mark was as well, so by the time you two finished, it was late afternoon and you wanted a nap, so you took one on the train, heading back to Paris.

"I feel energized. I took the best power nap ever." Mark sighed, seeing how you patted down his hair since he looked like he just woke up from the dead. You giggled a little, seeing him kiss your cheek quickly as you finished fixing his hair.

"Let's take a stroll, okay?" You asked, seeing him nod and walk with you, fingers intertwined.

"I love you." Mark smiled, hand around your waist as you strolled through the streets in the sunset.

"I love you more." You smiled, seeing how empty the roads were. He took you to a bridge where you two took photos and he kissed you sweetly. That was, before something happened.

Mark got down on one knee so suddenly, seeing how you smiled brightly and he did too. The empty streets soon began to fill as people filmed this.

"I love you so much and I care about you a lot. I know we're kinda young for this, but I'm ready and I hope you are too." He took in a deep breath before pulling out the ring. "So my wonderful empanada," he began, making you giggle and sniffle. "Will you marry me?"

"Of course!" You smiled, seeing him slip it on and having him hug you while people around clapped. You were gonna cry. It was just amazing to be able to spend the rest of your life with the one and only Mark Lee.



fuck you she said yes
im engaged fuckers :P
get on my level

get on the group facetime right fucking now

im gathering the kids dw

and yall said i wouldnt do it
but im engaged to the most wonderful person ever
im living my life

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