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"Yeah, But he's good looking though. And nice." You wink at Yugyeom as he frowns.

"And here I thought we would start dissing him. But never mind." He rolls his eyes.

"But you gotta admit that he's hot." Aira interjects as everyone starts laughing at her.

(Y/N) and Aira think I'm hot. And did it seem like I'm quiet? I don't think I looked like that? But... she thinks I'm hot?

He walks away, a smirk on his face. He catches up to Jaehyun and his smile never leaves his face.

I think asking her out might be easier now.

He smirks and walks away with his friends over to the exit. His smile never leaves his face as he already forms a plan in his head to try and make you his.

He passes your group of friends. You see him smile out of the corner of your eyes and you look further away from him as you grow a bit shy. You immerse yourself back into the conversation, your cheeks having a fresh pink glow to them.

"Why are we still here? Let's get to lunch." You say to them as they laugh at you. "Well excuse you but I'm hungry as fuck so let's get going." David sends you a glare for your language and you stick out your tongue. It's not like he doesn't swear. Well he barely does, but still.

Walking to the cafeteria was a mess. It was totally wild.

You met May half way and she was ecstatic to see Sori but her face fell when she saw zYugyeom.

"Great. Another pain in the ass." She rolls her eyes and walks next to you, you being in between the two of them. Yugyeom starts to stutter as he doesn't know what to say back. Sighing, he gives up and just keeps walking.

"Whatever man." He manages to say.

Aira walks inside to your regular table and sits down. Your table always had a lot of open seats as people didn't like to sit in the corner you were at. Or maybe they just didn't like you guys.

You did get a lot of hate for just being talented. Makes no sense. If they want to get better, might as well study their asses off like you until you get accepted into the best music school in Seoul. Or become a trainee. Either one works.

Most of the people in the school only got accepted because of the stupid amounts of money their parents paid the school. Or how people's parents had connections that could benefit them. Not you. If anything, the only connection they might get is Yugyeom or your mom's famous restaurant back in Miami. You had met many famous artists there and actors even. It was the only reason you used to help your mom there.

Opening up your lunchbox, Yugyeom stares at it, drool escaping his mouth.

"(Y/N)," You look at him and he smiles a bit. "Can I have some of your f-"

"No." You then scoop some food into your mouth and chew on it. It tasted good and you ate some more, a smile on your face.

"Meanie." He frowns and turns back to his own food, chewing on it aggressively.

"You and all of Got7 owe me dinner. I'm not gonna give you guys any food until y'all treat me out." You say as you continue to eat your food.

"I will text the Hyungs right now to tell them that." His phone suddenly starts buzzing. "Speaking of which," he shows you the caller ID and it's JB. Picking up his call, he puts it on speaker so you guys can listen to him.

"Yah! Im Jaebum! You still owe me dinner." You say to him. You hear Jackson's laugh in the background and you start to laugh along with the people at your table.

"Yugyeom?" He asks, totally confused.

"No it's Britney bitch." Ten says next to you as you all start laughing.

"Wait. Pause. Who the heck is talking?" A voice that sounds different to JB's says.

"It's us!" Sori exclaims.

"Us does not specify a thing." The leader's voice says.

"Yah. JB, you have to be retarded to not know who we are." Yugyeom says into the speaker.

"Kim Yugyeom! Don't say that kind of stuff!" Jinyoung's voice says in the back.

"That was Johnny!" He defends himself.

"Hey, that's not cool to blame me bro." He says while everyone laughs.

"(Y/N)! Wanna go out for dinner today." Jackson's voice says.

"Only if you pay. I'm gonna purposely forget my purse this time." You tease as he laughs through the mic.

"We should all go tonight." Another voice in the phone says.

"LA MORK TUNAAA." You say into the phone.

"Hey (Y/N)." He deadpans as everyone laughs yet again.

"But I'll hit y'all up tonight. Where?" You ask them.

"I'll reserve a place for all of us." Jinyoung's voice suggests.

"Thanks mom." David says into the speaker.

"Alright. We'll send you guys the address later." Youngjae's voice says.

"Cool. We'll see you later. Bye bye." Yugyeom says while they all scream their goodbyes, getting slightly cut off as the line ends.

"What a bunch of dorks." May shakes her head, disappointed she is affiliated with those monkeys.

"No kidding." Aira scoffs, as she stuffs her face with food.

David taps your shoulder and signals you to give your ear to him as he had something to say.

"Yo. Lee's been looking at you for a while." You then glance at him to see he looked a bit pissed off. "I'd be careful." You nod your head at him and raise your guard just a bit.

Walking off from lunch to your next class was a bit boring. There was nobody to walk with you since you were all mixed up. You decided to plug in your headphones and listen to some music as the halls were way less crowded than normal.

It was nice and peaceful as you actually had a study period and we're heading to the media center. It would be a nice time to work on your new project. It was to take an old or a classic genre and give it a modern day twist to it. It was something you enjoyed doing.

Your idea was to take a modern spin on jazz. It was easy to do for you and it would turn out cool, in your opinion at least.

Walking inside the media center, you pick up one of the attachable piano keys and one of the plugs for your MacBook. You then walk over to one of the empty tables and set all of your stuff down. Laying out your papers, sheet music and then you set up your laptop to start recording your song.

There wasn't enough time to be able to finish the project but it was more than enough time. Looking around, you see that your table was the only one empty. There were lots of people in the media center as some had been reading books or studying and some had the materials you had, all splayed out on the table.

People were coming in and out all the time and were searching for places to go. One of them happened to be Mark. Noticing how he hadn't yet noticed you, you put on your hoodie so that you were a bit less noticeable.

Somebody suddenly sits in front of you.

"Hey beautiful. Is this seat taken?" Looking up, you see some guy you've never seen before.

"Uh..." You can't make any response as you don't know what to say.

"Yeah it is." Another voice behind him says.

Looking over it was Mark.

"Oh? And you are?" The guys asks Mark.

"Her partner for a project." He replies back to him as the dude backs down.

"Oh. Sorry then, I'll just move." The dude was salty and he moves away.

"Thanks." You choke out. He turns and sends a smile your way.

"No problem." He then looks at you hesitant to do his next move. "C-could I sit here?" He points to the open chair next to you.

"I mean yeah, sure why not." You were a bit unsure if it was the best thing to do. David did tell you to be careful of him.

He sets down his stuff and gets to work. He tried to immerse himself in his song without you distracting him. That kinda failed.

He kept glancing at you and loved seeing you work. He noticed every time you sigh, it's because you messed up.

Both of you guys started to actually work on your projects and were once again distracted as somebody left a piece of paper on your desk.

Looking behind you, you only see a girl that was looking at a bookshelf. But she was there for like a minute now. Turning around again, Mark notices something off with you. He looks you at you as you try and find somebody around. You shrug and eventually give up.

What could this note even say? And who's it from?

Unfolding the paper, you read it in your head.

Back off bitch, he's mine. I'd watch my back if I were you... The fuck? Did somebody piss in her cereal or something.

Knowing she was probably watching, you grab the paper and rip it up into pieces. Then you get up and throw it away.

Who the hell is this girl even?


Guess who's back from Hiatus!

Yes indeed my friends I will be going back to my regular updating schedule since I got to prewrite a bunch of chapters in case I can't update from school or something.

I'm feeling way better now, concerning my mental health and I'm super excited to continue writing this amazing story which I'm touched by getting 2k reads on.

You guys congratulated me on it and it only made my day better. I'm so glad y'all are enjoying my story.

And I love it when you guys comment on my books. I like commenting back and interacting with all of my readers so if you laugh ir smile at this book or cry at one point, like comment it. I love talking to all of you guys :)

So until the next update!

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