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"Listen. It's alright if you don't like me back. I would... understand it but," he pauses and holds both of your hands in his. "I don't want to let go of you. I won't."

His words made you want to trust him. You wanted to. You really really did. But after everything, your mental health isn't the best because if him. If it were a different case, you probably would have said yes. But no. You can't.

His gaze on you tells you that he's waiting for a response. He wants you to say yes. It would be a dream come true for him. But he knows you won't. He doesn't want to think that but it's almost obvious what your answer will be.

You sigh and look away from him. He takes it as a no. But that's when you speak.

"I... I'll let time tell."


You were walking down your hall where your apartment was. You breathed in and out trying to get yourself calmed down.

Pressing your lips into a thin line, you don't know what to do anymore.

Do I like him or not? Who knew this would be such a tough answer?

Closing your eyes, you sigh and unlock your door. Your thoughts kept going back to his kiss. Well, kisses. Two on the lips and one on your forehead.

Right after you said "I'll let time tell", he felt so giddy and happy that he kissed your forehead and hugged you tightly. You didn't know what to do so you kinda just stood there until you placed your hands onto his back.

Mark was going back home and he felt so happy. He felt almost accomplished, like he finally did something right in his life. There wasn't a way to describe his feelings. The word like or love didn't even begin to cover how he felt towards you. He accepted his feelings now.

I li- I love her.

He was so happy he could get it off his chest. Now he just had to wait patiently for your response. He was glad you gave him a chance. It wasn't just a complete no form the start. It was a maybe. And he would rather take that maybe than no.

You had been thinking all about him. You couldn't get your mind off of him.

Laying down on your bed in your pajamas, wrapped up in a blanket and watching some tv wasn't helping getting your mind off of him. Your thoughts were stronger than whatever idol show you were watching at the moment.

Shortie jumps onto your bed and lays down on your lap. He curled up there as you pet him soothingly. He moves a bit as he likes it when you pet him. It almost reminded you of Mark. Wait it just did.

Why does that boy have to cause me such confusion with my feelings and emotions. Why can't he just be a friend or something.

You were about to go crazy by thinking of him. You needed some advice, and stat.

You pick up your phone aggressively and text a friend of yours who would know about relationships and gives actually good advice, contrasting their free and super weird personality. Steven Yoon. May's older brother.

He has the exact same age as Mina and Jacob but is still a single Pringle who's been in more relationships than the amount of braincells he probably has left.

Even though he's the weirdest human on this earth, he has great relationship advice to give. And he's never awkward about it or ever lectures you. You've asked some stuff to him before, knowing he's open minded and will guide you into the right way without putting up a fight with you.

You start to text him and you griw even more nervous when he finally reads it.

Yo I got like a serious question here. Care to answer?

Cheeky Cheerio:
I do mind but since it's you I don't as much. Shoot.

Your heartbeat sped up as you typed each and every word. You debated on sending it and just did it since there was nobody else you could ask.

So like there's this dude. And like he kinda sorta bullies me and teases me right. But he's hot and he's actually nice once I got to know him. And like, he just told me he likes me and I freaked out and said something retarded. How do I fix that?

Cheeky Cheerio:
Ima need more details than that. What exactly did you say and what happened?

You continue to tell him the whole story of what happened between the two of you as Steven keeps asking some more questions to deepen his understanding.

Cheeky Cheerio:
Ima be real wit u chief

Go ahead

Cheeky Cheerio:
I think you shouldn't. If he's been mean, maybe he just wants to like keep picking on you. Or he's gonna do something and you'll regret it. Of course, if things progress and he seems legit, then idk. It's really up to you sweetie.

Sighing, you shut off your phone before thanking him.

"I don't feel like going out later today. I'll tell the guys that."

You then text the Got7 members saying how you were kinda busy. They said it was fine as they had to do a shoot anyways and want to meet up on Saturday.

You close your eyes as you were exhausted of thinking about today's events. It was all so much for you to comprehend.

Mark likes you and he knows about your mental illness. Something a lot of people don't know about.

You then drift off to sleep to help you with your exhaustion and get over your problems. All problems are solved by naps when it's you.

Waking up from your nap, you check the time to see how long you slept.

It was only an hour. It wasn't one of your long ass naps that last like 4 hours.

Realizing the tv was still playing softly behind you, you have nothing better to do than watch some.

An idol show was on and it was Got7. Those weirdos.

You roll your eyes and watch most of the show and part of it you scroll on your phone.

"So Yugyeom, I heard you have in laws right?" Your attention from your phone was taken away as you look up at the tv and wait for his answer.

"Yes! My older sister is married so I have in laws. One in particular used to be one of my old friends that I hadn't seen in a while. Now we hang out a lot." The interviewer looks interested and continues to ask questions.

"Have all of the Hyungs met this person?"

"Oh of course. She's like his long lost sister." Jackson says while letting out his laugh.

"So it's a girl, eh?" The interviewer wiggles his eyebrows as all of them start saying how it's not like that.

"She's like our sister honestly. She's like super talented in music." JB compliments you, something he's never done in your face.

You take out your phone and record a video of him saying that and keep it to yourself for blackmail purposes.

"Well that and she's just as annoying as a sister." Jinyoung says, causing laughter to erupt from the staff.

You record the video again and text him saying "EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME. SQUARE UP JINYOUNG I SWEAR!!!" You roll your eyes at them and,continue watching the show for a while before switching it off

Soon enough, you got bored with the television and turn off the tv while getting up. Shortie had eventually moved onto your side instead of on your lap. He was too cute. Just like another dude. And it's not your nephew we're talking about.

Your thoughts go back to a certain boy from school today. You still can't seem to recollect your thoughts. No matter what, they always returned back to him. And why even? It's not like you like him back or anything...

Sighing, you dress up as you really need to buy some groceries. If not, you wouldn't have any food by Thursday. Actually, you pretty much had no more food at this point. Buying groceries for you was easy said nice you planned what to eat each day for the week and just bought the necessities along with a couple of extra things you might want like chocolate or chips.

You just put on some sweats and a hoodie and slid on some shoes along with your black bomber jacket. Something basic. Or at least basic enough for going grocery shopping.

It was pretty cold outside. And some how, it was supposed to be abnormally hot tomorrow. Around the low seventies (in Fahrenheit).

Maybe I should wear my Harvard sweatshirt with my white shorts. I could put on my white high top converse that I bought last week too. And maybe some mauve lipstick would go nice with it.

You were so bored on the way walking there that you had to think of possible outfit ideas for tomorrow.

You finally arrive and grab one of the shopping carts while deciding to go to the produce aisle first as it was the nearest thing to the entrance.

While there, you felt like somebody was watching. Or maybe you were just being paranoid. Maybe you weren't. While grabbing your container of raspberries, you look around and see nobody you recognize. That was, people in front of you.

"Hey sis." A voice says beside you as you flinch.

"Oh my god! Jacob what the heck bro. You scared me." You place your hand on your chest from the skip your heart just did. He laughs at that and rolls his cart with you as you two spend some quality sibling time.

"Stupid annoying brother." You stick your tongue out at him.

"Good for nothing younger sis."

"Ugly moron of a brother."

"Crybaby sissy." You lightly kick his shin as he cracks a smile for once. "I miss hanging out with you."

"I don't." You say to him as you reach for a gallon of milk and place it neatly in your cart.

"Meanie." He sulks while grabbing something in the aisle right next to the milk. You sneeze really loudly and and start coughing.

"Jeez I think I'm getting sicker by the day." You groan as your voice really hurts.

"The weather is wack these days man. One day it's hot, one day it's cold, one day it's raining and the other day we have a drought. Like Korea, what the heck."

"Yeah that's probably it." You sniff as you really do feel sick. "Either that or the stress finally got rid of my last braincell."

"It's probably the second option then."

"It's more probable." You crack a smile and continue walking with your brother. It was weird how it wasn't Mina that went out and you decided to ask him why. His response made you die.

"Because she said that I don't do anything right so I said I would prove to her that I can do some things right."

"You're dumb bro."

"Thanks sis. Appreciate the optimism." He rolls his eyes while you giggle like crazy.

Walking to pay for your groceries, you only had 4 bags full while Jacob had around 5 bags.

"You sure you got everything there?" He asks you. You nod and say yes as you know you didn't forget anything.

"I'm just Gucci."

"I- (Y/N) never say that again." You laugh and ask why he just sighs in disappointment as you continue to laugh.

He approaches his car and you continue to walk away.

"Sis where you going?" He calls out to you as you stop and return to him.

"Did I give you one of my bags? I have them all." He shakes his head and points his head towards his car.

"Need a lift?"

"This is the only time I will say that I love you."

"I'm gonna cry."

"Never mind I think I'll just walk then."

"(Y/N) get in the damn car."

"Okay mom."


i already have 100 followers?

I already have 100 followers? I already have 100 FOLLOWERS?!

I HAVE 100 FOLLOWERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

y'all are legit the best omg

I can't believe this omg. I love y'all so much. You guys make me smile everyday oof UWU

Anyways, quick reminder that on December 25 I will be posting a special and not a regular chapter.

Sorry if you guys wanted another chapter but you'll just have to wait. Sorry not sorry \_(•__•)_/

But I hope you guys really do enjoy my chapters and you sent me a lot of questions for the special I wanna do that is, surprise surprise, on Christmas :D

But thank you guys. I worked really hard to answer all of your questions into 25 (i think they were 25 at least lol) questions.

So I'll see you in the next update *wink wonk ;)*

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