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"(Y/N)!" Chan calls out. Mark's eyes widen when he sees the girl with the beautiful hair turn around.

"Yeah?" You asked him. Your eyes trailed to the person across from him. They widen in shock and you feel mute. The smile you had immediately dropped.

"M-Mark..." You breathe out while he whispers a hi.

"Oh you guys know each other? Well that's expected since you go to the same school." He laughs and then awkwardly shuts up as he notices the tension build up. "You guys alright?" He asks, awkwardly awaiting for your answer.

"Y-Yeah... we do..." You say, avoiding his eyes and looking down.

He was looking stunning and you couldn't help but look at him and stare at him. His white button down shirt had some buttons open, showing off his upper chest. He had a red and blue plaid blazer on top and some back skinny ripped jeans. His brown locks falling out of place from their styled form, causing him to look even hotter. You felt dirty looking at him as he stared at you and your outfit.

He couldn't help but see how revealing of an outfit it was. He had never seen this side of you. And was even more shocked to see your new hair. It suited you so well he felt like he didn't know you before you changed the hair color. He was even more attracted to you.

You looked away and listened to Johnny explain the rules, his gaze still on you and a blush visible on your cheeks.

Of all people at all times, he just has to appear looking that goddamn handsome and make me question my feelings even more? Reality sucks.

"Alright so," Johnny slammed his hands onto the table, silencing everyone. "Do or Die is an easy game. Firstly, I need all of y'all to download the app if you don't have it downloaded already."

Johnny was in front of a projector screen, his laptop AirPlaying what was going on for the game master. He waited for everyone to download it and opened a new game.

Everyone entered his game. As he awaited for people to put in their names he played some music in the background.

"Everyone done?" He asked and heard a chorus if people agreeing. "Now take the quick 10 question survey. It's only so the computer can generate questions for each of y'all." He informs you all, while doing some weird Fortnite dances to the music.

The questions were pretty basic. It was questions like "Have you had your first kiss? How old are you? What player is your best friend? Do you have a crush on anybody in this game?" And so on.

On the crush question you were scrolling down to the option that said "None in particular". While clicking the answer, you press the player's name above it.

"No! I clicked the wrong option!" You freaked out loud and people laughed at you.

"Oh shut it June!" You frown at her as she laughs in your face.

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

"Boi! I swear to Jesus that I will yeet you into the sun." You threaten her and she snorts.

"I'm quoting that." She smiles as you frown at her.

"Thanks." You wink at her and you both burst into giggles.

"Everyone finished?" Johnny asks once again and you all nod and respond to him. "Let's get this started!"

He clicks something on his computer and the screen shifts, showing the logo of the game.

"Last time on Do or Die," He dramatically says. People giggle while seeing him act all dramatic.

A little animation appears on the screen describing what happened last time.

"Our player (Y/N) was so close to winning her first game. But unluckily, I, Johnny, swept past her and won with the last dare of going into the streets and asking somebody if they had a pad because I was on my period."

People snicker and Johnny shrugs.

"It was worth it." He smirks and you frown.

"I was boutta win for my first time." You frown and huff.

"Anyways," Johnny says. "First we begin with seating chart! Go!"

A diagram of seats pops up on the screen as people move to their seats.

"And the first dare is given by David and our lady June has to complete it!" Johnny smiles.

David checks his dare options on his phone as he picks one while smirking. Tapping on his phone, he chooses it and it appears on the projector screen.

"Okay!" Johnny says. "June. You have to stick a Flaming Hot Cheeto in your nose for a minute. Do or die?" He asks her.

She deadpans and shakes her head. "Die! Die!"

"Alright. Penalty time." He smirks.

She sighs and the penalty goes on the screen.

"One person has to share their most embarrassing video of June. And that person is," A wheel spins with names of players on the wheel. It spun onto Ten's name but missed it as it landed on yours.

You smirked and checked through your camera roll for a video of her.

"Oh my god! This is a good one." You smirked while sending the video first.

"Let's watch!" Johnny cheers as he plays the video.

"June what are you doing?" You screamed at her as she was on top of a fence.

"My parents locked the door so I gotta go in the hard way." She shrugged.

She jumped off the fence and her shoe got caught on the fence as she hung upside down.

"(Y/N)!!! HELP ME I'M STUCK!!!" She screamed in the video as everyone laughed at the table, masking the laugh you had in the video.

The video ends and all of you laugh except for the poor girl.

"Bro! I still remember that day. That was in Busan when I stayed over her house for vacation.
You said while laughing.

She threatened you and you didn't care as you laughed.

"How did you get down?" Somebody asked June.

"Oh (Y/N) climbed over and had to get me down. One of our neighbors was literally about to call 911. It was a bad day." She laughed at herself since there was nothing else to do.

"No point for June as she took the penalty." Johnny shows the scoreboard with June on the top of the board. 0 points just like everyone else. "Next up!" He screams.

The screen shows that this time the computer will choose.

"Alright! And the computer will generate a question based on the survey. Computer generated ones give you no choice. You can't bail on them." Johnny explains to people.

The question had to do something with a first kiss.

Everyone ooed and awed at this, waiting to see what would happen.

"And it seems that May will have to kiss... Jaehyun?" He questions as he reads this out.

"Wait what?" She says aloud. Her face showed that she was about to cry.

"Rules are rules." Jaehyun sighs as he approaches May.

"W-wait. Guys I ca-" She was cut off as Jaehyun leaned in to kiss her.

Everyone screamed and people were shook.

"Holy shit!" You scream out.

The timer still hadn't stopped and Jaehyun didn't stop. May tried to push him away. The timer rang and she pushed him away from her with all her might.

"Ooooh. Is it getting hot in here?" Johnny asks while fanning himself as people whoop in the crowd.

"Jaehyun what the heck?" Mark asks his friend as he sits back down next to him.

"It's just a game..." He trailed off.

It was both May and Jaehyun who had never had their first kiss.

Jaehyun didn't wanna admit it since it would be embarrassing. He kept quiet about it and so did May.

"Well then. You both earned a point making you both tied for the lead." Johnny continued to MC the game.

The gane continued on and you had the most points.

"Wow! And with that Felix still hasn't beaten our girl (Y/N) who's in the lead with 9 points out of 10!" People clapped for you as you giggled.

"I want my dare to happen already!" You frowned as you whined.

"Lucky for you, it's time for your dare!" Johnny smiles as you holler randomly.

"Yes queen! Show these bitches who's boss." You giggled as Ten screamed that out randomly, earning a slap on the shoulder from David.

"Thanks boo." You winked at him, a small giggle escaping your lips.

"So," Johnny reads on his laptop. "If you choose to do this dare, you win this game for the first time." He reminds you and you nod. No matter what, you needed to win.

Everyone else had won once and you were the only one who didn't.

"Alright. So apparently, there's a little crush here~ It doesn't say who likes who but," He pauses and looks at you instead. "The dare is to play 7 minutes in heaven with this person."

You were scared to hear who it was. There was a god chance it would be Mark and you would die if it was him.

"And that person is..." A spinner appears. Meaning more than one person liked you. The names were blurry and you couldn't read who it was.

But as it landed on a person, you had a bad feeling.

"And it's Mark!" Johnny reads out as people ooh.

Your insides flipped and twisted.

"(Y/N)." He looks sternly at you as he speaks.

People looked at you awaiting your answer. Everyone was shook. Their weaves flew out if this universe by now.

"To win this game, you need to play 7 minutes in heaven with Mark. Do or die?"


I'm sister screeching after writing this chapter. My book is actually getting good now what the heck.

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