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Assalamu Alaikum, y'all! It's been so long. Hope you guys are all great :)



It's become like this for me:

5:00-7:00 A.M. : Fajr Salah. Basketball practice.

7:00-8:00 A.M. : Go home. Shower. Breakfast.

8:00-8:30 A.M. : Back to Uni.

8:30 A. M.-2:15 P. M. : Lectures/ classes. Presentations/ assignments. Dhuhr Salah and lunch.

2:15-3:30/3:45 P.M. : Back home. Nap.

3:30/3:45-5:00 P.M. : Snack and be the family loafer that I am. Asr Salah.

5:00-7:15 P.M. : Assignment work with 5 minutes I-can't-do-this-anymore breaks after every fifteen minutes. Maghrib Salah.

7:15-8:00 P.M. : Studies and more assignment work.

8:00-9:00 P.M. : Dinner. Isha Salah.

"And you think your parents will let you wedge a job amidst this schedule?" Yusha asks with ill-concealed dubiety.

Yusha suggested that I work as an undercover intern in his company to make our frequent interactions less questionable. However, now that I have provided him the rough rundown of my current daily routine, he seems to backpedal on his idea.

"Are you doubting my convincing skills?"

"Yes," Yusha answers candidly, sounding suspiciously like Mom. "And, on the off chance that your parents do agree, and even if you can make room for the job between your downtime, the case will take up a fair amount of your mental capacity and you'll be over-exerting yourself. Need I rehash the health priority clause from our Agreement?"

"Don't bother, mother duck." I cross my arms.

"You're an important asset to this investigation," Yusha says, an amused look overtaking his features. "Just a few months. Then you can knock yourself out."

"FYI," I start, "I totally get that you're a patient person and that you've spent half your life waiting for this, and can proceed to do so for a few more months. But let me tell you this: I'm not exactly gung ho on solving this ten years stale case; not when I've finally come to accept the bitter turn of events. And in the near future? It might just hit me how utterly crazy, ridiculous, and pathetically delusional I was to let myself believe we might actually be able to dig up the truth."

"So, you're implying there's a possibility your self-confidence may plummet in the future. And that you may begin to underestimate and doubt yourself?" Then Yusha smirks. "In other words, you're afraid you'll chicken out."

"If you think I'll rise to the bait, I hope you stick around long enough to be disappointed." I respond with a tilt of my lips. "Sometimes waiting is just wasting time. I might change my mind for whatever plausible reason."

"Then I'll simply have to bring you on board once more." Yusha answers gamely.

"You say it like it'll be easy."

"If it is, then time saved. If not, I'm a sucker for challenge."

Yusha walks me to the elevator and clicks the down button for me.

As the elevator doors part, I am face to face with the person I was least expecting to see.


"Emad," I say, stepping back and allowing said person to exit the elevator.

"Wow. Fancy seeing you here."

I chuckle. "That makes two of us."

Next to me, Yusha clears his throat ever so indistinctly. It does the trick.

Emad looks at him, his eyes brighten and he smiles.

"Mr Zaber," He greets, thrusting his right hand forward to shake.

Yusha accepts his hand. "And you're supposed to be...?"

"Emad Ilyas. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Mr Ilyas, what business brings you here?"

"I applied for the internship program your company is offering. I'm here for the interview."

"Ah, one of selected."


Yusha gives Emad a once-over. "Am I correct in assuming you and Ms Ayat here are well acquainted?"

Emad cuts his eyes at me before answering. "We're cousins. Our fathers are brothers."

"Are you here for the interview as well?" The question is directed to me.

With a glance at Yusha, I am just about to say yes...

"No," Yusha replies before I could. "Ms Ayat has signed up to assist me in a project."

Apparently, my cover story has changed.

"A project?" Emad's eyes swivel from Yusha to me and back. "And what kind of project would that be?"

"That information is off-limits." Yusha checks his watch, then looks at me. "Aren't you leaving?"

"I... yes." I say after a moment's hesitation. "I'll get going then. Bye, Emad."

"I'll send a follow up email on the things we discussed." Yusha says as I board the lift.

"Sounds good." The lift closes.

As I stroll towards home, I wonder what's restraining me from telling Yusha that, in a few months, I might be packing my belongings to live elsewhere.

"And where, young lady, have you been loitering around alone?"

I blink rapidly a few times. "Mom?"

"You bet."

"What are doing here?" I ask.

"Out for a walk and decided to pick up some stuff." She lifts up both arms to show me the bags of groceries. Letting her arms fall back at her sides, she raises an eyebrow at me. "And you?"

"Me?" I bend down and take one of the bags from her and start walking, my mind wheezing with credible responses. If you can't tell the truth, tell a truth. "I met Emad."

"Oh? Did he tell you about tonight?"

"Tonight?" My brows furrow. "What's tonight?"

"I didn't get to see him since he came back," Mom says, "So your dad and I invited him and your aunt and uncle over for dinner."


At precisely five minutes past six, the email came.

to: mia1391

Hi Maha,

I'm Gwen, a developer from Aiden Tech.

I'm thrilled to inform you that you've qualified as one of the testers of our upcoming product I-Protech, an AI taking the form of eyewear glasses, seeking the protection of it's user. As a beta tester, you'll have early access to the product. The following attachment gives an overview of our product and also explains the terms and conditions which are imperative for you to abide by.



"I hear congratulations are in order, Emad!" Pop claps Emad affectionately on the back. "Your boss has an eye for potential, so I'm sure you'll do great."

I am really hoping Emad won't mention our brief encounter earlier today.

As my cousin smiles and thanks my dad, he catches my eye and raises an eyebrow very slightly.

"Say, Maha" Emad says, "do you think we'll run into each other?"

I freeze.

"You know, since you're doing that mysterious pr..."

Before I can interrupt him, Emad stops himself. Too bad though, he's said enough to raise curiosity.

"What are you talking about?" mom asks, her eyes narrowing and brows drawing closer.

I try not to panic

I look at Mom, look at Pop, look at Emad.

Emad looks at Mom, looks down at the floor, looks at me.

"Maha and I stumbled into each other while I was en-route to my job interview." Emad explains.

No, no, no...

"She's doing a project, and apparently her project partner lives near Aiden Tech's office."

Say what...?

"Oh, so that's where you were coming from when I intercepted you." Mom says.

Uncertain if answering yes would be a lie, I just smile.


"Two avocado breakfast bagel sandwiches and one Americano for takeaway, please." I read out Tan's text.

When I turn around, I almost collide into another customer.

"Sorry!" We say in unison as we both backtrack.

"Oh! It's you, Maha."

"Professor Kaify. Uh, good morni-"

"Yeah, hold that thought. One cappuccino to go, please." Rayman tells the barista. Then he turns back to me. "Yes, good morning to you, as well. Sorry, I'm in a bit a rush."

"No, I get it."

"Do you know today's my last class with you?"

"Wait, you're quitting? Why?" I ask, genuinely surprised.

"I don't know whether to be flattered that you overlooked the fact that I am way underqualified for a professorial position." Rayman chuckles, raking his right hand through his hair and letting it slide all the way down the back of his head. "Actually, your old professor had all the assignments and tests planned and prepared. So, I was basically hired to stick to the regime until they find another professor, so students don't panic. Since exams are nearing."

"Oh, I see. I don't think some of the students will take the news nicely. They really liked you."

"It appears that's not the case for you." Rayman says with a tilt of his head.


"Relax. I'm only teasing." He grins.

"Here is your cappuccino, sir."

"Thanks." Rayman picks up the cup from the counter. "I'll get going. See you around."


Helping myself to a table while I wait for my order to be prepared, I decide to check my emails.

"Assalamu Alaikum." I look up from my phone to find Emad smiling at me, dressed smartly in a suit, and balancing a cup on its saucer. "I noticed you from outside. Mind if I join you?"

"Walaikum Assalam. And, no. Knock yourself out."

"Just curious, who was your friend who just left?" Emad flicks a thumb in the general direction of the cafe's entrance. "Seemed somewhat older than you."

"My professor. You're starting work since today?"

"Yeah. I got sorta overexcited and left home early. Interns aren't expected before nine." Emad takes a sip from his cup. "By the way, I heard from Kaif he came over once. Mr. Zaber, I mean."


Emad seems to choose his next words carefully.

"So, I'm asking out of concern and not to be privy... what's the deal with you two?"

"Sorry?" I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"How did you and Mr. Zaber get close enough to be doing a project together? Did you somehow get on his bad side, so now you're working for him to make amends?"

Did Kaif also tell him I doctored Yusha's food?

"Or maybe you're indebted to him?"

I cock my head sideways and, with a straight face, regard my cousin carefully for a moment.

"So what?"

"Huh?" Emad blinks at me.

"What if it is any of the above?" I ask gamely. "Will you tell my parents?"

"O-only as a last resort." Emad answers, scratching his jaw with his forefinger. "Like, I don't want to put you in a tight spot. First, I'll hear you out and try to empathize with you."

I nod lightly. "Sweet."

"Order for Maha!" The guy at the counter calls.

"Wait. Where are you headed? I've still got some time, so I might be able to give you a ride if you like?" Emad offers.

"Thanks, but nah. Don't trouble yourself. Besides, walking would help drive any last vestige of sleep away." I stand up to take my order and then stop short. "Oh, and Emad? I'm not much of a stickler for rules myself, and I do appreciate your concern. But I would hate for your career to end before it's even begun. So, since you've got some time to spare, please review your employment contract. There should be such a clause that tells you to not meddle in another employee's work affair. Enjoy your coffee."


I toss the brown paper bag to Tan, who catches is deftly.

"You're a life saver." Tan says. Except, her mouthful of bagel made it sound like 'you a lipe shaber.'

I shove my hands into my hoodie pockets. "Why'd you skip breakfast?"

Tan swallows and sighs, her eyebrows puckering, before responding. "Forgot to save the latest draft of an assignment. Had to redo it. It's due today."

"Tsk. That's a bummer."

"Tell me about it."

I check the time on my phone.

"Go. You have a class now, right?"

I adjust the strap of my satchel. "I'll text you when I'm done."

Tan gives me a thumbs up.


I spin around at Tan's voice.

"Nice glasses."

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