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Maha could have located some serene place in the campus to take a nap the one hour she will be spending without her best friend, who is attending her Biology class. The library has always served as the best spot. She could have found herself a comfortable, secluded nook there and napped until Tan is finished with her class. Then they could have headed for basketball practice together. That would have been a classic Maha thing to do.

But she didn't.

Instead, she went to the computer lab, her bag slung across her back, with the intention of completing the Economics assignment that is due the next morning. If she can bite the bullet now and finish it, she will be able to go to Professor Kaify and hand it in today.

And also get to ask him if he is really Rayman Kaify.

The guy who attended the same university as her brother.

The guy who used to come by the house frequently.

The guy who used to be her brother's best-friend.

Yes, that's her ulterior motive.

The lab is mostly vacant. Maha settles down in front of one of the computers and boots it up. She then opens Microsoft Word and begins to work. For the next fifty minutes, her fingers hammer away on the keyboard. Occasionally, the keystrokes break when she stretches or cracks her knuckles or yawns. Surprisingly, she is so engaged in her task that she almost doesn't notice her phone beeping with a text. Because her phone is right next to her on the desk, the illumination of it's screen catches her attention.

T: Where u @? meet u at the cafeteria?

M: Wrapping up some work. c u in 10, I S A.

Maha prints out her work, manages to staple the papers in order without impaling her fingers before collecting her possessions and exiting the lab. She then sets out for the room which previously belonged to Professor Fraser. Upon reaching, she knocks twice but receives no response.

"Here to see the new professor?"

Maha spins around. It's Joe, one of the cleaning staff.

"Uh, yes." Maha gives him a genial smile and looks down at the wad of papers in her hand. "Needed to submit this."

Joe returns the smile. "I'm afraid he already called it a day."

Disappointment courses through Maha. So much for completing her assignment.

"Oh, is that so? Thanks. I'll give this to him tomorrow then."

Maha waves Joe goodbye, thrusts the papers into her bag and steers for the cafeteria.


Natalie's pin-straight, strawberry blond hair is braided. There's something different about her lately. Her jersey is baggier and full-sleeved and she's wearing black tights under her shorts. Just like Maha and Tan. She stares at her teammates, her blue eyes glinting with the excitement of the imminent declaration she will be making.

"I am thrilled to announce that the inter-university basketball tournament has been decided to take place this October!"

A moment of silence elapses as the girls absorb the news. Then there are enthusiastic hoots and exclamations from the girls basketball team.

"I'll upload the details in our chatroom, including our practice schedule. Thanks to Coach Riley, I've got my hands on some videos of some of the previous games played by our opponents. They'll be uploaded in our chatroom also. I want each of you to watch each of them a few times at least. Familiarize yourselves with their moves and techniques so you don't get caught off-guard in the game."

"Let's practice hard. I'm looking forward to an outstanding performance from you girls." Coach Riley says cheerily.

Forty-five minutes through practice later, Coach calls for a recess.

"What's with the distracted look?" Tan asks, as she and Maha slouch down on the court.

Maha takes a swig from her flask. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before muttering, "Professor Fraser."

Tan sighs. "I know right."

"Don't you find it weird?"

"Which part?"

"How they could find a replacement so soon? I mean, we saw him like two days ago!" Maha sets down her flask and spreads her legs, wriggling her toes inside her shoes.

"Funny. Shouldn't you be worried about the nonexistent 'mental health day'?"

Maha waves her hand dismissively. "If Kaify can't take a joke he's no fun."

"True that." a voice above them says. Tan and Maha tilt their heads back and see Natalie. "Can I join you guys?"

"Sure." Tan smiles.

Natalie sits down. "So... remember I said I'll tell you two something exclusively?"

"Yes, honey, spill the tea." Maha props her arms behind her.

"Well, my dad and I went to a local mosque last Friday," Natalie begins, "and we said the shahada."

Both Tan and Maha blink a few times and exchange a look before their eyes widen as realization seeps into them.

"You converted?" Tan finally asks after seconds of silence.

Natalie nods. "Everyone will find out eventually but I wanted to tell you guys first."

Maha gives a suppressed squeal and throws her arms around Natalie. "That's wonderful, Masha Allah!"

Tan joins the hug, fiercely welcoming the new Muslim among them.


A sky-blue car slows down near her home. Maha slows down her own pace and observes as the driver parks the car and steps out. She tenses at the disturbing familiarity of the figure. The man locks his car, turns around and spots Maha. The latter does not stop and the man walks towards her.

"Founder of Mental Health day." He says, once they are within earshot. His thick, dark eyebrows knit in mild surprise. "Wasn't expecting to run into you here."

"Ditto, Professor Kaify." Maha cocks her head slightly sideways. "If it's not my misdemeanor that brings you here to share a few austere words with my parents, then may I know what?"

"Your house is on this street?" Rayman asks, and Maha nods. "I wasn't aware. I'm actually here to see my friend's family." He jerks a thumb in the general direction of the house. "Do you know the residents of this house? The Ayats?"

A knot forms in Maha's stomach. "Oh yes. Very well, as a matter of fact."

"Oh?" He stares at Maha keenly. "Are you perhaps a friend of Mrs. Ayat's daughter?"

"I stopped by your office earlier," Maha unzips her bag and pulls out her Economics assignment, ignoring his question. She holds it out to him. "To give you this."

With slightly furrowed eyebrows, Rayman accepts the papers. The top most sheet has MAHA IFA AYAT typed in bold. He lifts up his head and his eyes hover over Maha from her covered head to brown and white converses and, for nearly half a minute he is rendered speechless, before a smile creeps up his face. "Ah, you've had me at a disadvantage. Allow me to start over. I'm Rayman Kaify. Do you, perhaps, remember me?"

Maha's face adopts a thinking expression.

"Hmm, not quite. Care to refresh my memory?"


Assalamu Alaikum!

And Ramadan Kareem!

This will be the last update until Ramadan is over.

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