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Shutout to:@EsmaSmith and @RainsDesire279 for voting and sharing. I owe u👍😁💖

Even though my parents had been piss poor excuses of parents, they had nevertheless done a good job. Well my stepmother did, my father....not so much. Which is why l am sitting at the back of Ingredients For Love five minutes before the meeting was scheduled.

Ingredients For Love is surprisingly homey for a top end restaurant. If you could even call it that. The restaurant was set in a classic ninety's style and complete with its weird throwback taste in music and accessories. I love it.

Its an important place for me, keep that in mind. This will come in handy later in the story.

After Cody Cummings revelation l had been too drained to feel anything. I had played around with my food, worrying Trevor and managing to annoy Carly who despite her slim figure was a foodaholic and hated seeing food going to waste.

At least she still let me sleep on her couch. Which is why l probably have trouble sitting upright right now.

Damned Gucci leather couch!

Seriously l can't remember how many times l almost suffocated whilst the damned thing sucked me deeper into its embrace.

I had dressed in what l deemed a professional and elegant way which Carly had dubbed my 'outdated ninetys grandma look'.

Why are clothes only considered fashionable if they expose thighs and breasts?

The sweet boy who owns Ingredients For Love placed a steaming mug of coffee onto the table and with a brief smile retreated behind the counter.

I blew on the hot liquid and took a sip when the door swung open and the doorbell rang. I looked up and my heart skipped a beat. The man standing in the doorway could only be Cody Cummings.

The light made the gold strands of his hair shine brightly and from the way he was scanning the room it was easy to see he was searching for someone. Searching for me.

He eyes roved over the place in a predatory manner and my heart raced.

This was a stupid idea. He's too hot for anyone to believe that he could by my boyfriend.

I edged towards the end of my seat and prepared to bolt out of Ingredients For Love through the back door. As if my movement had drawn his attention the dark pair of eyes snapped to me and l froze like a bunny caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

He smiled causing my heart to accelerate even more. He moved from the doorway and walked up to me. The room fell silent as every female, me included and l can bet some males checked him out.

"Are you Francine Mills?", he asked and l suddenly realised how close he now was.

I swallowed and answered in a ridiculously breathy tone" Yes ".

He leaned down to me and it seemed to take forever until he was level with me.

How tall is this guy?

"Well its a pleasure to meet you. I'm Cody Cummings."

His voice was deeper than it had seemed on the phone and l noticed that his eyes were a dark colour indistinguishable in the poor light. He leaned forward and before l knew it his lips pressed on my left cheek and and then on my right cheek in a French greeting. Effectively searing my cheeks and flustering me.

I was burning up and to hide my flustered expression l signaled Simon, the owner. Cody sat in front of me and turned to Simon giving him his order. Conversation in the restaurant/cafe was still at an all time low with everyone eyeing Cody.

One thing was for sure:Cody had seriously grown beefy. He turned to me and if he noticed my scrutiny didn't mention it.

"How have you been Francine? Long time since l last saw you. Its been what six...five years?"

"About six years" l offered in a low voice wishing that the people in the cafe would just mind their own business and stop staring at us.

He didn't say anything and l scrambled my brain for something to say.

" You look bi-"

"You look gre-"

"How about l start?", at his nod l continued, "You look bigger than l remember"

He looked down with a small smile and replied to the compliment "So do you".

I am a hundred percent sure that l was now a crimson color, l used my wavy dark brown locks to shield my mortified face.

He suddenly realised what he said and rushed out with an apology"I mean in all the right places!"

My face heated up and l must have turned a shade of scarlet.

Why am l behaving this way?

If l had been crimson before l was sure l looked like a clothed red tomato now. Luckily Simon chose that moment to return and saved both of us having to acknowledge his last statement. Cody thanked Simon and took a sip straight from the steaming mug.

His large Adams apple bobbed up and down and when our eyes met we both looked away. Well at least l did. Cody on the other hand scrutinized me and l did my best to seem unaffected. 

"I'm sorry."

The words startled me from my reverie and l raised an eyebrow before answering "Huh?"

He reached over the table and held my hands in his large warm hands. Strangely the gesture was more warming than coffee l was drinking.

"About your divorce and the way l talked to you yesterday. No one deserves that, especially you. You don't have to apologize to me, l deserve every bit of what you gave me. And more."

I mumbled something as l racked my mind to remember what l had said to him on the phone. The words came to me and l dropped my head in shame.

...maybe l wanted to fuck his brains out and when he wakes up do that over and over again.

Oh my Gahd! I said that?!

"You said you wanted something from me, what is it?"

I was on the point of brushing him off when Richards smug face flashed in my head thus strengthening my resolve. I took a deep breath and announced " l want you to be my boyfriend!"

I dared not look at him and when a minute passed by without him responding l thought he had already left. "Fine. Why not?"

This was certainly not the response l had been expecting. Nevertheless l was happy yet too confused and doubtful to admit it.

"That's it? Just a fine,why not? Do you do this regularly?"

Cody leaned forward and l caught a whiff of his scent. Fresh and dangerously intoxicating. Masculine, too masculine.

I leaned away as he spoke"l owe you for the help you gave me and if the only payment you'll take is me being your boyfriend then that's fine with me. Though l would like to know why? Is it to spite your husband and make him jealous?"

I remained silent and a smug smile lit up his face.

Just like that he had guessed the real reason why l had said his name. But l was never going to let him know that.

"No its just that the court won't grant me a divorce unless l can prove that both parties will be left satisfied after. That means l have to get a boyfriend. Well a fake one since l'm not looking for any more entanglements. Which is where you come in." I finished the last sentence with a flourish of my hands.

Cody leaned closer and locked eyes with me. "So in short we are going to deceive the court?"

"You seem to have a knack for making things bad." I stated bluntly.

He shrugged and leaned closer until l could feel our breath mingle. His dark eyes were still locked onto mine and the intensity in them made me powerless to move. I was trapped. With a simple look. Cody opened his mouth and raised his hand to the back of my head, bringing me closer to him.

Is he trying to kiss me?

He spoke looking directly into my eyes "Since l'm to be your boyfriend l need a little something from you. A compensation for putting my life on hold for yours. Its my only condition. Consider it a take it or leave it situation."

He looked dead serious.

Well if he says it like that l can hardly refuse. Especially when l'm forcing him to be with me.

I took a shaky breathe dropping his intense gaze and nodded.        "State the term."

Since l had been looking anywhere but him at the moment l failed to see something that would have warned me of upcoming troubles. Codys' smug smile. He smiled triumphantly as if he had just won something he had been waiting for.

This is one of those moments that l should have paid more attention then maybe l wouldn't have had to face the turmoil l will go through soon.

"You will sate my desires in every way l want, anytime l want. In short you will be my sex slave."

Now that Cody's here l can finally write the evil things trapped in my head. Special thanks to ē voters and sharers u are incredible. Before the meme read thy wattpad holy commandments:


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