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Dear Readers

I would like to thank u for the support but as of now l will not tell u to vote or comment. (Do that if its genuine not coz I'll hound u if you don't [NOT SAYING DON'T VOTE,SHARE OR COMMENT].

However u will receive the occasional meme here n there.



"You my dear. You in my bed."

I didn't need any more provocation. My raised hand swooped down and connected with Codys exposed cheek. The loud whacking sound echoed in the empty room. Moments later l felt a sting in my hand and knew l was going to need some ice later on.
At least a red flush was appearing on his cheek.

He locked his gaze with mine and slowly raised his hand to his flaming cheek. His dark eyes narrowed and l cringed as a smile appeared on his face. I don't know Cody that much but from the few times I've seen him smile like that, l knew no good would come after this.

"Guess l was right when l said you like it rough," he calmly stated whilst rubbing small circles on his cheek.

"What's wrong with you? What was that all about? I never cheated on my husband. Especially not on our wedding day!" I cried out.

Cody shifted beneath me and l suddenly remembered that l was sitting on his lap.  I tried to push myself off him but he still had an iron grip even with one arm.

"Of course you didn't, l'm the guy you turned down just a few days before the wretched wedding. I said it to make Richie jealous and angry. Isn't that what you want? To make him angry and regret leaving you. So that he'll come crawling back spewing undying love." He said.

I stopped my futile attempts to get off him and tried to relax. Not that easy since his eyes were now publicly undressing me. I crossed my hands over my chest.

True l do want Richard to realise he made a mistake in leaving me for Susan but hurting him was never in the plan. If there was even a plan.

"Of course that's what l want. Sleeping with you...not so much." I admitted still fuming.

"How does sleeping with you help me in any way. That will only hinder the nonexistent progress  I've made so far." I said.

"To be frank with you Francine, l don't really care one way or another if you get the toad back or not. My only concern at the moment is whether or not l'm going to fuck you in this chair or not."

I raised my hand to slap him but he caught it in midair. "One slap per day is more than enough. Don't you think so?"

"What in hell is wrong with you?," I screamed out.

"You know what's wrong with me. After all, you are the one who helped me get over my...affliction."

"Really? Well you're not acting like someone who's mentally stable right now."

"Oh Francine. You never understood it did you?" Cody said pinning my arms behind my back. He tugged causing me to thrust my chest out. His face neared my chest as he spoke.

"W-What are you doing?" This was not a comfortable position to be sitting in, much less with a mad man.

"I told you the day we parted that regardless of my then condition, what l needed was you. You Francine are the itch l never got to scratch and now... I have you all to myself."

He brought his head to my protruding bosom and took a deep breath as if he was smelling an enchanting aroma. Suddenly Cody thrust his head in between my breasts.

I screamed and shook my body trying to get away from him. Sadly this achieved nothing but a low throaty chuckle that vibrated across his throat, making my nipples tighten.

Shit!! This is no time to get aroused.
Why am l even aroused?

I tried to free my hands but they were effectively locked in his grasp. So l did the next best thing. I stopped struggling and leaned into him to bring me closer to his neck. I took a deep breath his scent momentarily confusing me and clamped my teeth over the exposed skin of his neck.

I felt rather than heard him draw a surprised breath. His massive chest expanded and tensed before shrinking. I expected him to release me but his next action was beyond my expectations.

Cody closed his mouth over one of my hard aroused nipples and...nibbled it.

Unwillingly l gasped and my body quivered. He sucked on it and l tensed. I opened my mouth to shout at him when he released it and looked into my face. We eyed each other.

Me extremely pissed off and with a murderous look on my face.

He with an amused and mischievous look.

He grinned and l immediately returned to my helpless struggle for freedom. No good would come from his next actions. Cody lowered his head to my chest and blew a cold breath onto the nipple that he had been sucking on.

I released a sharp surprised gasp as my nipple hardened.

"Sorry to disturb you but this is government property and we do not condone such wanton behavior. Especially in public." A tight irritated voice said.

Simultaneously Cody and l turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was an old lady wearing a gray pencil skirt and white shirt that screamed formality and seriousness. Her expression was just as cold.

Maybe she can help me.

"I-Its not what it looks like!" The woman arched an eyebrow and l continued " He's rapping  me. "

She tsked and said" That's not what it looks like to me. Clean up and leave before l call security. "

Frowning l looked down and did a double take.

When did Cody open my shirt and remove my bra?
How did l not feel it?

She walked away.

Cody released my arms and looked at me. He smirked and l rushed to cover myself.

Where's my bra?

"Its over there." Cody said pointing to behind me.

I leapt off him and almost fell as my stiff limbs refused to regain stability. In a flash he righted me, holding me for a moment too long. I tore myself from him and put on my bra.

I turned around and said" Don't ever touch me again."

"That will be hard since we are going to be living and sleeping together. Remember?" He said, the ever existent smirk on his face.

I ground my teeth to stop myself from shrieking and turned away." Find your own way home " l said walking out.

I stomped past the secretary who kept giving me queer looks and went to the parking lot. It was only then that l realised Carly had driven me here on account of my being 'suicidal'. Her car certainly wasn't here.

"Looks like you need a ride." A pleased voice said from behind me.

Why Lord? Why?

I turned around and bit out " Let's go."
[First time writing smut. Bear with me.]

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