Chapter 25 - Traitors...?

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How many people have to die before we can stop suffering?


The elevator was silent, as per usual. They all just stared silently at the floor or each other. Ding! Time to step out into hell.

"Welcome to the trial room~" Monokuma hummed.

"Shut your trap, perra." Jay snapped.

Monokuma crossed his arms,"Fine then, I'm in a good mood."

"Well yeah, someone died." Daiko rolled his eyes.

"No, I just-" Monokuma sighed,"Just get on with it."

"Well, she was caught with a trap." Stevie began,"Who could've set that up?"

"Well, I'd say that Jeff is the smartest here." Ash pointed.

"Wh- Me?" Jeff blinked,"Sure, I'm an ace at strategy but I'm no good at putting things together."

"H-how can we prove that?" Sancia asked.

"We cannae, but I don't think it could be him." Scott shook his head.

"Why's t-that?" Sancia asked him.

"Dimitri and I were wae each ither last night after he visited Stevie, there wid be no time for him tae make a trap." Scott explained.

"Is this true, Stevie?" Jay turned.

"Mhm, Jeff paid me a brief visit last night to ask for... Relationship advice." Stevie nodded.

Jeff's face went red and he looked away.

"I see.." Daiko nodded,"Well, what if he made it this morning?"

"Not possible!" Akira crossed her arms,"I didn't see anyone leave their rooms before breakfast aside from Yūrei."

"Hm, I see.." Jay sighed.

"Maybe you missed him." Ash spoke quickly.

"Are you doubting me?" Akira raised a brow.

"Maybe, you're just trying to defend your boyfriend." Ash pointed.

"Hey! Jeff goes by they/them pronouns." Akira shot back.

"Wait, really?" Jay blinked.

"You didn't know?" Stevie raised a brow,"Did you not tell anyone else Jeff?"

Jeff looked down.

"You've been awfaw quick tae throw oot accusations." Scott pointed out.

"How could I assemble something like that!?" Ash shouted.

"You're just making yourself seem more guilty." Jay hummed.

"Monokuma, can you help out with murders?" Akira asked.

"That depends. I can't directly kill anyone unless you break the rules but if I'm asked nicely, I may help by making traps." Monokuma answered.

"Since when!?" Daiko looked up at him.

"Oh, not for regular students. Only for the traitors." Monokuma added.

"The... Traitors?" Stevie's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Monokuma grinned,"The Mastermind has three assistants, two of which are playing the game with you!"

"The way you say 'The Mastermind'... You're not them, are you?" Jay crossed their arms.

"W-what are you talking about-" Monokuma was taken aback.

"You're one of their assistants." Daiko pointed.

Monokuma was silent.

"You're gonna give in just like that!?" Ash snapped at Monokuma, quickly covering her mouth.

"Was that... An admission?" Jeff raised a brow.

Ash muttered something under her breath.

"Hm?" Akira tilted her head.

"They said that if I worked with them... They'd keep Kira safe." Ash looked down.

"What?" Sancia looked at Monokuma.

Monokuma sighed,"You were wrong to trust them... And betray your friends by joining us."

Ash scoffed,"Please, I only needed his help for the trap. Besides, nobody was going to miss Yūrei."

"That's not t-" Stevie began.

"Don't deny it, Stevie. With that fake attitude of yours. Yūrei was a stranger, to all of you! To everyone!" Ash yelled across the courtroom.

"Well, at least we know who to vote for." Jay shrugged.

"Aye." Scott nodded.

And one by one, they all placed their votes for Ash.

"Do I even have to say anything?" Monokuma asked,"They already admitted it and you're correct. The person who killed Yūrei Kitsune was none other than Ash Rosenberg."

"Just take me." Ash held up her hands,"I just want to see her again..."

"Any objections? No? Alrighty!" Monokuma pressed a button.

Ash was dragged away with a chain and placed in... A garden. Her garden. Ren, her younger brother was there, waving. Ash turned away from him and started running, running from what she knew was coming. She knew it wasn't him. That's when she was pierced through the heart by a large, thorny rose stem.

"Brutal, as always." Stevie sighed.

"Why do you always bring siblings into it?" Sancia asked.

"Eh, I don't know." Monokuma shrugged,"The Mastermind came up with the executions, not myself."

"Let's just stop wasting our time with him, come on." Jay walked off, the others soon following.

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