Chapter 1: Harry James Potter!

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Hope's POV:

Two freaking months. I have not heard a word from Harry since this summer started. Despite his promise to never forget about me, I can't help but wonder if he did. He hasn't written Ron, Hermione, nor myself since we split at Platform 9 3/4. 

It is currently 3 in the morning and I feel someone shaking me. "What?" I snap, rolling over. "Nothing, Fred, George, and I were just wondering-" "No, now let me sleep." I snap, rolling over and shutting my eyes again. "Whatever, fine." With that he leaves my room. 

The next morning I wake up to Ginny shaking me. "What?" "Get up Hope, there's someone here you're going to want to see." She says. "Ok, I'm up, now leave so I can change." I tell her. She nods her head frantically before leaving the room. 

Sighing I roll out of bed and change into a grey long sleeved shirt, black shorts, and back vans. I quickly throw my hair into a pony tail before jogging downstairs. When I get down there I freeze at who is here. "Hope?" Harry asks. Everyone turns to look at us. 

"Harry, may I speak to you outside for a minute." I say cooly. "Sure." He says. As I'm leading him out I hear Fred and George whispering with my werewolf hearing. "He's screwed." Once we're out in the garden I turn to face him with an angry look on my face. 

"Dis." I chant and Harry stumbles back and falls. "What was that for?" He asks, getting up. "I cannot believe you Harry James Potter!" I yell at him. "What?" He asks. He looks completely confused.

"You knew that if I didn't get a lettter from you all summer then I would think that you had forgotten me and you knew what that would do to me." I cry, angry tears streaming down my face. "Dis." I say again and he falls over once more. 

"Hope, I swear, I didn't mean to. I promise I sent you letters, but some house elf named Dobby took them so none of them arrived." He says, getting up and raising his hands to show he meant no harm. "What?" I ask, utterly confused. 

"I was visited by a house elf named Dobby the other night and he told me not to go back to Hogwarts this year so he stole all the letters I sent and the ones being sent to me to make me think I had no friends." He says. My eyes widen in realization. I pull him into a hug. 

"Oh Harry, I am so so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." I say. "No, it's ok. I completely understand. With what you've gone through I understand your hesitation to trust someone." He says. I pull away and kiss his cheek. 

"I really did miss you Harry. Now come on, no one misses Molly's breakfast." I say, dragging him back inside with a huge grin on my face. Once we're seated at the breakfast table with food in front of us Ron hands me my Hogwarts letter. I quickly scan through it. 

"We're going to Diagon Ally after breakfast, so be ready to go." Molly says. "Sounds good." I say. After breakfast we all line up at the fireplace. Harry looks utterly confused and I know from that that he has never flued before. "Molly Harry has never flued before." I inform her. 

"Well then dear why don't you go with him so he isn't so nervous." She tells me. I nod and step into the fireplace. Harry soon joins me. "Now be very, very clear." Molly says. "Digonilly." Is what I hear before I am engulfed in green flames. 

Harry and I fall out of a fireplace that is defiantly not in Diagon Ally. "Hope? You alright?" He asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say. "Where are we?" He asks me. "No idea." I say, accepting his hand up. We're in a shop, I can see the front from here. Where exactly we are, I cannot tell you.

We walk around for a second before we see someone familiar enter the shop. We quickly hide at the sight of Draco Malfoy and who I can only assume to be his father. Mr. Malfoy exchanges a few words with the shop owner before leaving. 

Once they leave though we wait for the shop keeper to go into the back room before making our exit. When we get out into the main ally I get a terrible feeling creeping up my spine. People look at us strangely and all of these people look like bad news. 

Some lady grabs my arm, but I quickly wrench it from her grip. She insists that she can help us, but Harry and I know that all of these people are bad news. "Harry, Hope, what are you doing down here?" We hear, whipping our heads around to see Hagrid at the top of the stairs. 

We basically run to him and he escorts us to Diagon Ally. I let out a breath of relief. I feel safe once more. Then I see Hermione run out of one of the shops. "Hope!" She says, we run at each other and engulf each other in a tight hug. She then turns to the other two behind us. 

"Harry, Hagrid." She greets. "Hello Hermione." Hagrid greets with a friendly smile on his face. "It's so good to see you." She says, turning to look at Harry and myself. "It's great to see you too." Harry says. "Defiantly." I agree. 

"What did you do to your glasses?" She asks Harry before pulling her wand out. "Oculus Reparo." She says, waving her want in Harry's face. His glasses instantly repair themselves. "Thanks, I defiantly need to remember that one." He says. "Yes you do." I tease. 

"Oh shut up Hope." Harry says. I just giggle a little bit. "You two will be alright then Harry? Hope?" Hagrid asks. I nod. "I'll leave you two it then." He says. "Bye." We all say as he walks away. 

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