Chapter 1: My Boyfriend Appears In My Kitchen

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Hope's POV:

This summer wasn't like the ones before in this world. It was cold, and a tiny bit numb. I haven't seen Harry all summer. His aunt and uncle have him on lockdown back on Private Drive, but we talk all the time via a spell I found in one of my grandmother's grimoires.

Plus there's Hedwig, so. The spell allows me to project my consciousness wherever I desire. It's the only thing that has kept me sane this summer. I think actually knowing Harry is my soulmate has amplified my need to be around him.

Sure, Ginny, Ron, and the rest of the Weasleys have been trying, but they're not him. Hermione started staying with us a month ago and I'll admit, her presence helps. Another thing I've been doing to take my mind off things, has been helping Mrs. Weasley out in the kitchen.

Usually it's a no touch zone for her, but I've convinced her to let me teach her some of the cajun recipes that I learned with my mom back in New Orleans. I have to say, Mrs. Weasley's beignets are on an entirely different level.

Currently I'm helping her clean up after dinner when I feel the presence of magic. I've become more intuitive in these past months. All magic gives off a magical presence, no matter how faint. With my enhanced senses, I'm able to tell when dark or normal magic is preformed close to me.

This isn't dark, but it's still magic. "Is it alright if I go check on something Mrs. Weasley?" I ask her. "Of course dear. We're all finished up here anyway. Go on." She tells me with a kind, motherly smile. Smiling tightly back I exit the kitchen and head towards the living room.

In the middle of the room lies a very familiar trunk and an even more familiar bird sitting in a cage on top. "Hedwig?" I mutter, walking closer, opening the cage door. I stick my hand in and the snowy owl allows me to pet the top of her head.

"What are you doing here?" I mutter to myself mostly. No one in this house would hide the fact that he's here from me. I walk towards the stairs, knowing that I heard Mrs. Weasley head up them after I left her in the kitchen. "Mrs. Weasley?" I call up them. She leans over a rail.

"Hope? What is it?" She asks me. "When did Harry get here?" "What? Harry? Harry who?" Ginny appears beside me, already knowing what I mean. She must have seen Hedwig and the trunk as well. "Harry Potter, of course."

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Mrs. Weasley says, descending the stairs rapidly. "His trunk is here along with Hedwig." I state. "No, dear, I seriously doubt that." Hedwig chirps loudly and Ron appears on the stairs. "Harry? Did someone say 'Harry'?" He asks.

"Yeah, Hope and I nosy. Is he up there with you?" Ginny asks. "Of course not. I think I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I?" Then Hermione appears. "Is that an owl I heard?" She asks. "You haven't seen him, have you?" I ask her.

"Apparently he's wondering about the house." Ginny states. "Really?" She asks. Then I hear him. "Really." I whip around immediately, rushing through the house until I spot him standing on the other side the room.

"Harry!" I hear Mrs. Weasley call as everyone on the stairs starts down them. Ginny smiles and waves to him from beside me then smirks down at me. I feel my heart start to beat a little fast at the sigh of him and the smile that is currently growing on his face, I can tell, is mirror on mine.

Without thinking my feet move on their own accord. I'm soon rushing towards him and him towards me. We collide in the middle. His hands place themselves on my waist and my cup his neck as our lips crash together.

They move in sync, molding perfectly together as they have every other time we've kissed. I feel desperation in his kiss and I double it, adding in my own relief to be back in the arms of my soulmate. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, we pull away, breathing heavily.

We're both grinning from ear to ear. "You have no idea-" We laugh as we speak in unison. "I've missed you so, so much Harry." I mutter, touching my forehead to his and closing my eyes. "Words can't describe how much I've missed you love." He whispers back.

He moves his head from mine. I feel his warm lips press against the top of my head as my arms wind their way around his waist as he crushes me to his chest tightly. Neither of us want to let go, but eventually we do. I laugh as Hermione launches herself at Harry, wrapping him in a hug.

When she pulls away Ron takes her place. "What a lovely surprise." Mrs. Weasley calls. I can hear the happiness in her tone. Harry is another son to her like Hermione and I are her daughters. Finally she takes her turn hugging him.

"Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" She asks him. That's what I would like to know. Harry glances over her shoulder at me. I raise an eyebrow questioningly at him, smile still present. "I didn't know." He says before turning back to face Mrs. Weasley.

"Dumbledore." He explains. Huh, makes sense. "Oh, that man. But then, what would we do without him?" She laughs. All our attention turns to Ron and Hermione when Ron brushes a finger on the side of her mouth.

I raise my eyebrows at them as I walk over to stand next to Harry who wraps his arm around my waist, bringing me into his side. "You've got a bit of toothpaste." He explains. We all chuckle a little.

"Well, Ron will help you with your bags and you lot can spend tonight catching up." Mrs. Weasley informs us. We nod and set about getting Harry's things up to Ron's room. I feel like a smile is permanently etched onto my face. He's here.

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