Chapter 10: Cursed

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Hope's POV:

Soon the day is coming to an end and so the four of us head back. We find ourselves behind Harry, Hermione, and Ron. A decent ways back because I make the others walk slower even though it's cold. I don't feel like talking to Harry after such a good day.

That might sound harsh, but all we do now is fight. I just wish he would get rid of that damn book. Suddenly I hear a blood curdling scream. Without thinking I sprint forward. When I reach Ron, Hermione, and Harry they're stopped, staring at a motionless Katie Bell.

She's a fellow quidditch player. Besides me and Ginny, she's the other chaser. Katie's friend turns to us, horrified. "I warned her! I warned her not to touch it." She insists as we reach her side. I go to walk forward, but Harry's sudden hand in mine pulls me back. 

He squeezes my hand tightly. I look at him and he just gives me a nervous look. I squeeze his hand back in reassurance. Suddenly Katie appears to be pulled side to side, like someone has a rope attached to her. That's when she starts to float in the air. Ok, that's it. 

I can practically hear the possession spell placed on whatever object did this to Katie. Despite there being an active audience with someone who doesn't know I'm a sine witch, I step forward. After giving Harry's hand one more squeeze I let go a raise a hand towards Katie. 

I prepare myself. Usually there's a whole ritual for this and it usually requires two witches, but I have to try. "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Uenes Phasmatos Et Sonos. Ex Tutam Exum Lamia Matus." I chant. Suddenly Katie's body drops. I race forward and manage to get under her. 

I grunt at the effort of slowing her fall. Letting us gradually since to the plush snow so she's not hurt. Thank God for werewolf strength. "Hope back up, no one get any closer. Get back all of you." I hear a voice call. I turn to see Hagrid making his way towards us. 

I lay her gently down and back up until I hit Harry's chest. He instantly wraps his arm around me, holding me tightly. Once Hagrid has her in his arms I spot the thing that possessed her. It's an old necklace. I walk over to it, Harry right behind me. We squat down beside it. 

"Do not touch that, except by the wrappings. Do you under stand?" He asks. I nod and raise a hand. "Vitae." I mutter. The necklace floats off the ground and I get a good look at this. It's old, but well preserved. 

"Who ever cursed this necklace is extremely powerful. I mean, this is one of the most potent curses I've ever felt before." I tell Harry, glancing over at him. He's staring at it intently. At his silence I carefully lower the necklace into the box it came in and close it with magic. 

Once that's done I take out my wand a swish it. The box rewraps itself. "Come on, we should take this to McGonagall she'll know what to do." I say, putting my wand back into my coat and grabbing the package carefully. With that my friends nod, and we make our way to the castle.

When we get there I hand Professor McGonagall the package and she opens it slowly, studying it. "You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" She asks Katie's friend. 

"It's like I said. She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it." "Did she say to whom?" "To Professor Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall lets out a stress filled sigh. "Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go." 

The girl nods and quickly scurries out of the room. McGonagall then turns to the four of us. "Why is it, when something happens, it is always you four?" She asks. "Believe me Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Ron mutters. 

McGonagall then spots something behind us. "Oh, Severus. Have a look at this, would you?" She calls. I turn to see Snape making his way swiftly into the room. He immediately spots the necklace before proceeding to use his want to pick it up in order to examine it. 

"What do you think?" McGonagall asks once she's explained the situation. "I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive. If Miss Mikaelson hadn't performed that dispossession spell when she did...well, I would hate to see the outcome." He says. 

There's no empathy in his voice at all, like usual. A girl almost died and he acts like it's a minor inconvenience. "She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie, Hope does too. Off the quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly." Harry vouches. 

"He's right. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly." I state. "Yes, she was cursed." McGonagall says, grimly. "It was Malfoy." Harry suddenly says. My eyes widen and I whip my head around to stare at him shocked. 

I know that he thinks Malfoy is a Death Eater, but I thought that was just a theory. I didn't expect him to just blurt out his suspicions just like that. "That is a very serious accusation Potter." McGonagall says. "Indeed. Your evidence?" Snape asks. "I just know." He says. 

"You just...know." Snape drawls out. "You astonish with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One." He mocks. Harry's jaw clenches at this. I quickly grab his hand in mine to calm him down. 

It seems to work because his shoulders are no longer tense. "I suggest you go back to your Dormitories. All of you." McGonagall says. With her words I gently pull Harry from the room, though his jaw is still tightly clenched. 

As we walk back I give Hermione and Ron a look to keep going while I slow Harry and myself down enough so that we can talk without them over hearing. It's quiet for a bit before I break the silence. "You really think Malfoy did it?" I ask. 

I've never had to second guess Harry's gut feelings before. I don't intend on starting today. "I do." He says firmly. I nod, silently. "Ok." "Ok?" His tone is that of surprise. Like, since we've been fighting for a while, I would suddenly be against everything he says, and I hate it. 

"Ok, I believe you. We keep an eye on him, gather proof to show Dumbeldore, but we can't call him out like that again, especially in front of Snape. We need to be smart with this." I explain. He nods, a grateful look crossing his face. 

We walk in silence for a bit, basking in peace that has settled over the two of us. "I'm sorry, about pushing you away and getting so caught up in the book. I don't really have an excuse, and there is none." He says, pulling me to a stop and stepping in front of me. 

Harry isn't tall, standing at a short, 5' 5", but I stand at a short 5' 3". "I hate fighting." I admit. "So do I. How's bout I promise you something." My lips quirk up in a small smile at his words. "Oh?" I ask in a teasing tone. 

"I promise to not let this, or the mission with Slughorn, or the book get between us again. You're my main priority Hope. These past few weeks have forced me to see just what it would be like to push you away, and I never want to experience this again." I'm smiling fully now. 

"Good, took you long enough." I tease, wrapping my arms around his waist, his already wrapped around my own. He leans towards me and I close my eyes as our lips meet. The familiar feeling of his lips on mine is nearly addicting as I deepen the kiss. Finally, we pull away. 

"Come on Potter, I'm cold and tired." He chuckles, but removes his hands from my waist. He grabs my hand in his and squeezes it tightly. Maybe we'll be alright. With this thought Harry and I back to the Common Room, the two of us joking and teasing each other all the way back. 

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