Chapter 10: Harry Finds Out the Truth About Sirius Black

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Hope's POV:

Soon winter break is rolling around and the day before the train leaves there is another Hogsmeade trip. I am once again reluctant to go without Harry, but insisted that I go. Right now Hermione, Ron, and I are in Honeydukes picking out candy.

"I wonder what kind of things Harry like. We should bring him some back." Hermione says. "His favorites are chocolate frogs." I say instantly. She looks at me and smirks. What is she thinking about? It's probably not something good.

"You should get some for him then, we'll wait outside." She says, grabbing Ron by the arm and hauling him out of the shop. I roll my eyes. She's been obsessed with Harry and I getting together since this summer and it's honestly annoying. Harry doesn't see me like that. 

I grab a few chocolate frogs as well as some candy for myself before going to checkout Once I'm done I go find Hermione and Ron who are waiting outside the store. "Ready? Ron wants to go look at the Shrieking Shack." Hermione says.

"Oh don't act like you don't want to as well." He says, glaring at her. I laugh and wrap my arms around both other their shoulders. "Come on you two, let's go check it out." With that the three of us make our way to the fence which separates Hogsmeade shops and the Shrieking Shack.

When we get there we kind of just stand wait for one of the other two to make the first move towards the shack. No one does. I pull my large coat tighter around me. I kind of miss New Orleans winters. 

Right now I'm wearing a large sweater, jeans, boots, a scarf, ear muffs, and a large coat and I'm still freezing. "It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione asks. "Twice." Ron says. "Do you want to move a bit closer?" She asks. "Huh?" 

"She means to the Shrieking Shack." I clarify. "Oh, um, I'm actually fine here." Ron says, stuttering. I smirk at this. He's scared, that much is easy to see. I kind of want to get closer though. 

"Well, well, look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home? Is Mikaelson gonna buy it for you? Bit grande for you, isn't it Weasel-bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?" Malfoy asks. I roll my eyes. This guy is really getting on my nerves. 

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." Ron grumbles. "Oo, not very friendly." Malfoy says. "He doesn't have to be, you're an ass, you get treated like one." "Wait till-" "Your father hears about this? Go on, tell him. I'm not scared of him or whatever position he holds in the Ministry." I say. 

"Boys, I think it's time to show Hope here how to respect her superiors." Malfoy says. "Hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione snaps. "How dare you talk to me, you filthy little mud blood-" But Malfoy is cut off by a snowball hitting him in the side of the head. 

We all look around, but there is no one. What? Then another is thrown and it dawns on me. I smile. This should be interesting. The invisible force starts attacking Malfoy and her friends. It pulls Crabbe's pants down and then when he goes to pick them up it kicks him to the ground. 

The other guy has his beaning shoved snuggly over his eyes while Malfoy is knocked on his butt and dragged by the legs towards the Shrieking Shack. It soon let go and the three boys disperse. Hermione and I are laughing while Ron looks horrified. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder while one of Hermione's curls is bouncing. "Harry." I laugh. Hermione's curl falls and the hand is removed from my shoulder as Harry Potter himself removed the invisibility cloak. "Blimey Harry, it's not funny." Ron says. "Yes it was." I laugh.

Malfoy has had that coming to him for a long time. With Harry now here I feel like this is the best day off school ever. Everyone is here now. The four of us walk into the main area of Hogsmeade, talking and laughing the whole time. 

We're showing Harry around when suddenly we spot the Minister of Magic. "What's he doing here?" I ask. They are whispering and before I can use my enhanced hearing the woman yells something. "Harry Potter?" What? 

Fudge and McGonagall who is with him shush her before hustling her inside. I look to my left and Harry is gone. Hermione and Ron are frantic trying to find him as well when footprints appear in the snow. 

We chase him to the Three Broom Sticks, but when we try to go in we get yelled at about no underage wizards. Sighing we close the door and wait for him outside. After about ten minutes the door to the pub opens and no one walks out, but there's footprints. Harry. 

The three of us follow him out of Hogsmeade, to the the fence of the Shrieking Shack. He's sitting on a rock, keeping the cloak over him, but I can hear him crying. Hermione and Ron go to walk closer, but I stop them, gesturing for them to wait. He'll react better to me.

I slowly walk towards him and kneel in front of the rock. I pull the cloak off of him. His eyes are bloodshot and there are tear marks running down his face. "Harry what happened?" I ask softly. "He was their friend, and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" He yells. 

I can feel the pain in his voice. He's hurting. "I hope he finds me. When he does, I'm gonna be ready. When he does, I'm gonna kill him." I glance back at Hermione and Ron and tell them to leave us alone for a few minutes. They nod and leave. "Harry, I know you're angry, beyond angry, but you don't actually want to kill him." I say "I do." 

"No you don't. You do now because you're hurting, but trust me when say that murdering someone is giving the final say." "How would know? You've never wanted to kill someone before. He got them killed. They made him my godfather and he got them killed." He snarls.

"When my mom died it was because my boyfriend at the time led us into a trap. Then my dad and my uncle showed up and my held my dad down while my mother was killed." I say. Anger is still present in his eyes, but his face softens to pity. 

"I hated the two of them so much, I wanted to kill them, but in the end I decided that if I killed the two of them, it would make just like them. A murderer and that's not the person my mom or dad ever wanted or raised me to be." He goes to say something, but I cut him off.

"If you kill Sirius Black, you're becoming like him, and even though he's the reason your parents did get to raise you, they never wanted you to be like him." I say. He pulls me into a side hug and we just sit there holding each other. Finally he speaks. 

"He's the reason that I'll never know what they wanted me to be."

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