Chapter 10: Late Night Chats With Sirius

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Hope's POV:

After talking in the Three Broomsticks Cedric and I head around to the little shops around Hogsmead. I luckily managed to buy almost everything else before Cedric even got his money out. Almost everything.

"I can't believe you would buy that! Please let me pay you back, it was too expensive." I tell him for the millionth time as we enter the castle. He bought me a silver ring that I had my parents initials etched into. A little gift to myself if you will. "Sorry, not happening."

I just grumble in defeat as we make out way through the castle towards the Great Hall where dinner is about to start. "So who are HM and NM?" He asks me. I twist the ring on my finger. "My parents. Hayley Marshall and Niklaus Mikaelson." He looks instantly regretful. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, you didn't know." He nods, still looking upset that he brought it up. We finally reach the entrance. "Thank you for today, I had a great time." I tell him before going in. "I did as well. Maybe we could do this another time."

I grin and nod before turning and walking into the Great Hall, instantly finding Harry sitting by himself. Hermione is currently sitting by Ron. She smiles gratefully, glad that Harry has someone so he's not alone. "Hey." I say, taking my seat next to him. "Hi." he grumbles. I sigh.

"Rough day?" "Yeah, you could say that." "Wanna talk about it?" I ask, grabbing his hand that is laying on the table. He squeezes my hand gratefully. Dinner goes by quickly and as we're headed back to the Common Room he pulls me aside.

"Snuffles is going to call tonight in the Common Room. I think you should be there too." He tells me. I nod. "Of course." He grins at me and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the Common Room. I feel my cheeks heat up at the contact. Stupid feelings.

When we get there we go to our normal place and sit, waiting for the room to clear out so that Sirius can call and not be caught. When the clock hits eleven the Common Room is completely empty. Harry and I stand from out spots. "Sirius." He whispers. Nothing.

I then spot something on a chair. I walk over and see that it's a copy of today's paper. Harry is on the cover so I open it up. 'Harry Potter, age 12, haunted by the ghosts of his past-' I can't read past that because Harry snatches the paper from my hands and throws it into the fireplace.

I sigh and walk over to him. I place a hand on his shoulder and go to say something when the fireplace sparks. We both freeze and look at it. It sparks again. It almost sounds like someone saying 'psst'. We get closer. Suddenly a face appears in the dissolving logs, gasping for breath.

My eyes widen. "Sirius. How...?" Harry trails off. "Hello Hope, I don't have much time Harry, so let me get straight to it. Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire?" He asks. "No." Harry says rather loudly, obviously tired of having to repeat the word.

"Shh. I had to ask. Now, tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room." He says. My head whips to face Harry. He holds up a hand to signal that he'll tell me later. "I don't know." "You didn't hear a name?"

"No. Um, Voldemort was giving him a job to do. Something important." "And what was that?" "He I don't know why, but he was gonna use this man to get to me." He reveals. Anxiety hits me like a truck. "Why didn't you tell me about this?!" I whisper yell.

How could he hide this from me? "I mean, it was only a dream, right?" Harry asks, giving me an apologetic look. No dream is just a dream. Especially not when it comes to the magical world. Dreams can be powerful.

"Yes. It's just a dream. Look, Harry, Hope. The Death Eaters at the World Cup, Harry's name rising from that goblet...these are not just coincidences, Hogwarts isn't safe anymore." Sirius tells us. "What are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff? He was a Death Eater. And no one, no one stops being a Death Eater. Then there's Barty Crouch. Heart of stone. Sent his own son to Azkaban." Suddenly it sounds like footsteps coming towards us. We glance back. Nothing.

We turn back to Sirius. "So you think one of them put Harry's name in the goblet?" I ask, curious. "Have no clue who put Harry's name in that goblet Hope, but whoever did is no friend to you. People die in this tournament." "I'm not ready for this Sirius." "You don't have a choice."

More footsteps. We turn and see a shadow coming this way. "Someone's coming." I tell them. "Keep your friends close, Harry. Hope, watch out for him. Help him." "Of course." I say without hesitation. We stand just in time to see that it's Ron coming down the stairs.

"Who were you talking to?" He asks. "Hope." Harry answers immediately. "I heard another guy's voice." He says. "Maybe you're imagining things. Wouldn't be the first time." Harry grumbles. I elbow him. "Hope's probably just helping you practice for your next interview I expect."

With that he heads back up the stairs. I sigh and look at Harry. He just rushes back to the fire place. When I look I see that it's empty. Sirius is gone. I walk up behind the boy and grab is hand with my left and place my right on his shoulder along with my hand.

"You're going to be fine Harry. I won't let anything happen to you." "But how can you be sure." "Because I refuse to lose anyone else. Besides, even if you're separated from me to where I can't jump in and help, you have my necklace that I gave you first year right?" I ask. He nods.

"Good, it'll transport me to you when you're in danger. You're not alone Harry, you'll never be alone as long as I'm around." Harry leans his head on top of mine. We watch as the fire engulf the newspaper from earlier. He heart beats quicker as I read the title. 'Teenage Tragedy'.

I'm not losing anyone else.

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