Chapter 12: The Death of Buckbeak

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Hope's POV:

It's been a couple weeks since the Peter Pettigrew incident and right now Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I are sitting in Divination, listening to Trelawney drone on and on. Honestly I stopped listening a while ago. Ron is asleep and Harry is close to it. Hermione looks annoyed as well.

Suddenly she comes over to us, causing Harry and sit up quickly and me to kick Ron under the table so he'll wake up. "Now, what do we have here?" She asks. "Oh, do you mind me trying?" She asks. Trelawney urges her to continue. She doesn't even look at the crystal ball.

"The Grim, possibly." I roll my eyes. "My dear, from the first moment you stepped into my class, I sense that you did not posses the proper spirit for the noble art of divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's."

My eyes widen. Hermione does not look happy. "Your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." Damn. Angry Hermione stands and knocks the crystal ball off the table before exiting the class. "Have I said something?" Trelawney asks. I roll my eyes at this.

Class goes on after that as normal and soon we are let out. "She's gone mental, Hermione has, I mean, not like she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see." Suddenly Harry stops. "Hang on."

He bends down and picks up the crystal ball that Hermione knocked off the table. "We better take this back." He says. "I'm not going back." Ron says. I smack him. "Come on Harry." "See you later." He tells Ron as the two of us climb the stairs.

When we get back in the room Trelawney isn't there. Harry sets the ball on her table and we go to leave when he suddenly stops, looking deeply into the crystal ball. What? "Harry? Are you ok?" I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly two hands grab both mine and Harry's shoulder. We turn to see that it's Trelawney. "Professor?" Harry asks, terrified. She has a glassy look in her eyes. It's kind of scary to see her like this.

"He will return tonight. Tonight the one who betrayed his friends once with murder shall break free. Innocent blood shall be spilt, secrets revealed, and servant and master shall be reunited once more." She says. Then she starts coughing. She looks up at the two of us.

"I'm sorry dear boy, dear girl, did you says something?" She asks. "No, nothing." I say, grabbing onto Harry's hand and pulling him from the room. We race down the stairs. "I did not like that." I say one we're out of the tower.

"Me neither, do you suppose what she said means anything?" He asks. I shake my head. "I don't think so. In my experience, prophesies just ruin lives." I say, thinking back to what my mom told me about the witch's prophesy of me being the downfall of all witches.

We quickly rush back to the Common Room. Buckbeak's execution is set for today so we're going down to Hagrid's to be there for him. When we get back to Gryffindor Tower Harry and I go to our separate dormitories to change. I quickly do so.

I brush out my hair as well before meeting my friends downstairs. "Ready?" I ask. "Of course we are. You took forever." Ron says. I glare at him and he shuts up. With that the four of us head down to Hagrid's. On the way we walk past the executioner who is sharpening his axe. 

Glaring Harry tugs me past him and drags me the rest of the way to Hagrid's hut. "I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak, it's just too horrible." Hermione says. "It just got worse." Ron tells us. I look where he and glare. Malfoy and one of his goons is there. 

Hermione and I exchange a look before storming past the boy up to the two Slytherin's. "You!" I snap. They turn to face us. "You fowl, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione growls as we both grab our wands and point them at their necks. 

Malfoy looks like he's about to cry and Crabb looks like he's about the pee himself. "Hermione, Hope no! He's not worth it." Ron says. Slowly we both lower our wands and go to walk away when then start laughing. That sets us off. 

We whips around and punch both boys in the face, sending them backwards into the stone pillars behind them. Groaning in pain and holding their noses they race off. We turn back the boys, both of us have satisfied looks on our faces. "That felt good." Hermione says. 

I laugh and nod in agreement. "Not just good, brilliant." Ron exclaims. "Defiantly." Harry adds, grinning at me. I blush slightly and turn away. With that we continue on our way to Hagrid's. 

When we get there we each get a cup of semi drinkable tea and take time to watch Buckbeak through the window. "Awe look at him. He loves the sound of the trees with the wind blowing through them." Hagrid says. "Why don't we just set him free?" 

"Ah, they'd know it was me. Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down you know, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when...when it happens. Great man Dumbledore. Great man." He says. "We'll stay with you too Hagrid." Hermione says. I nod in agreement. 

"You will do no such thing. Think I want you seeing something like that? No, you just drink your tea and be off. Oh, before you do. Ron..." He trails off as he opens a tin, grabbing something out of it. "Scabbers! You're alive!" He exclaims, grabbing the rat from Hagrid. 

"Keep a closer eye on your pets Ron." He tells him. "I think that means you owe someone an apology." Hermione says. "You're right, the next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know." "I meant me!" She snaps suddenly a vase next to me shatters. Then something strange happens. 

I double over as I get a splitting head ache. "AH!" "Hope? Are you ok? What's going on?" Harry asks. Then the pain is gone. What? What just happened? I look out the window. Nothing. Then I see them. "Guys, look." I say, pointing to Fudge, Dumbledore, and executioner headed this way. 

"Crikey, it's late, it's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night you'll be in trouble. Big trouble. Particularly you Harry." There is a knock on the door. "Be what you in a moment!" Hagrid calls. He then turns to us. "Quick, quick." He says. 

We rush out of the hut, hiding behind some pumpkins. Suddenly I hear a twig snap. Hermione does too as we both whip around to look behind us. Nothing. "What?" Harry asks. "I thought I just saw-Nevermind." She says. "Let's go." Ron insists. 

We nod and take off back towards the castle. We finally reach the stone pillars we stop and turn to watch. Hermione and I already have tears in our eyes. Harry is clutching my hand in comfort. When it happens I turn into Harry's chest and hide my face as the tears slip free. 

Harry holds me tightly to him, rubbing my back, trying to comfort me. He didn't deserve that. He didn't. I hold Harry tighter, seeking even more comfort than he's giving me. I hate death.

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