Chapter 18: Stop Hiding Behind Your Playthings

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Hope's POV:

Harry read the words and his face pales. "You, you're the heir of Slytherin? Voldemort." "Surely, you didn't think I would keep my filthy muggle father's name." He's a half-blood? His superiority complex says otherwise. 

"No, I fashioned myself a new name. One wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world." "Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world." Harry snaps. 

"Dumbledore has been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me." "No, he was driven out of the castle by your play thing, you all you did was hide behind it." I snarl. "Be quiet you useless little girl." He snaps. 

"Dumbledore will never be gone. No as long as those who remain are loyal to him." Harry says. Suddenly I hear an all too familiar bird caw. Then Fawkes is flying overhead. He drops something into Harry's hands before flying away. It's the sorting hat. 

"So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defenders. A songbird and an old hat." Tom says, walking towards the giant head at the end of the chamber. He snarls something in Parseltounge. The sound makes me flinch. 

"Let's match the power of the great Lord Voldemort, heir of Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter." He says. "You already did that and he beat you as a baby." I snap. "Well this time it won't be me he's fighting." 

The mouth of the head opens and out pours what I assume is the basilisk that Harry was talking about. So this is the creature petrifying people? "Hope, go invisible, I can take care of it." He says. "But-" "Do it!" He yells. I nod hesitantly. "Invisique." I mutter. 

"Making yourself invisible won't help either of you Mikaelson." Tom says. He says something else in Parseltounge. "Parseltounge won't save you now Potter, it'll only obey me." Tom says. The Basilisk slithers past me. Harry starts running, but before he can get too far he trips. 

The basilisk gets closer and closer, until something stops it. I hear a caw and know it's Fawkes. I look to see  what he's doing and see that he's tearing out the basilisk's eyes. Good bird. "NO! The bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you." Tom says. 

With that Harry runs off, the basilisk follows. "Where are you Mikaelson, I know you're in here." He says. I calm my breathing. I glance over at Ginny. I need to remember the spell that reverses this, but I also need to give Tom a little pay back both Hermione and Ginny. 

I remove my invisibility spell. "Will you stop hiding behind your play thing and actually fight a twelve year old girl?" I ask. He whips around to face me. "Fighting you is below me." He says. "Ok, I'll just kick your ass instead." He looks confused. "Silencio." I say. 

Tom's mouth closes shut as he tries to breath. He can't use verbal magic now. He flicks Harry's want towards me. A jet of green comes towards me. "Projectium deflecto." The stream of light flies to the left. He glares even more. "Dimitar." I say. 

Tom flies backwards and lands on his ass. "Prohibere." I say. He struggles to move his arms and legs. "Next time you want to over hype your abilities, come find me, I'll gladly sleep through the presentation. One more thing." He simply glares. I snatch Harry's wand from his tight grasp. 

I also dig mine from the inside of his robes. "If you even tough another hair on any of my friend's head, I'll kill you myself. I'll shred your soul so there's nothing left." With that I hear crashing behind me. I turn to see Harry running back towards us. 

He kneels back beside Ginny and tries to wake her up again, still nothing. "Hope, try to find a way to reverse it." He says. Then the basilisk appears from the tunnel he came from. Something shimmers in my eyes. "Harry, look." I say. 

He does and sees what I do, the hilt of a silver and ruby sword inside the sorting hat. Harry reaches over and grabs it. "Run." I tell him. He nods and takes off, sword in hand. The basilisk hears his splashing and chases after him. He then begins to climb the giant head. 

What is he doing? He'll corner himself. He swings at the basilisk, but misses. It dives for him, but misses. Harry then begins climbing again. I pull my head away from the battle. I need to save Ginny. I glance at the journal. What will stop this? Then it hits me. 

What if I destroy the magic item. That's a simple spell, but I need one more thing. I hear the basilisk wail in agony. Turn to see Harry driving the sword through it's head. It hits me when he pulls his arm back, a fang stuck in it. As the basilisk falls dead. 

Harry quickly makes his way down the head and towards us. He's clutching his arm in pain. "Harry, the fang. Give it to me." I say. He tosses it to me. I have to use all my power to do this so I release Tom. "NO!" He yells as I grab the journal. He runs towards us, but I've already started. 

I raise the fang above my head. "Un look au net fer mal au temium. Un look au net fer mal au temium. Un look au net fer mal au temium!" I yell, bringing the fang down into the journal. Tom yells before exploding into golden light. There is a giant hole in the middle of the journal now.

Suddenly Ginny shoots up. She looks around until she sees Harry and I. I don't give her a chance to talk. I pull her into a bon crushing hug. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?" I ask, not letting go. 

"I'm sorry, I wen towards the Common Room like you told me, but then everything wend black." She says. "I'm not blaming you. I'm just glad you're ok." I mutter. I finally pull away and she looks at Harry sheepishly. 

"Harry, I'm sorry. It was me, all of it, but I couldn't control it." She says. Then she sees his arm. "Harry, you're bleeding." She says. I look and my eyes widen. "Is it poisoned?" I ask. He nods, giving me a sad smile. 

"Ginny, you and Hope need to get yourselves out. Follow the chamber and you'll find Ron." He says. "Yeah, I'm not leaving you here. Just give me second to think." I say. He shakes his head. "There's no time." My blood. My blood will save him. 

I don't care at the moment if I expose my werewolf side because if I don't, Harry dies. I raise my wrist up to my lips when Fawkes lands on Harry's shoulder. "You were brilliant Fawkes, I just wasn't quick enough." He says. 

Then Fawkes leans his head down and I see tears start to fall on Harry's wound. It starts to close and my eyes widen. "Phoenix tears have healing powers." I remember, smiling. Soon the wound is gone and Harry is smile. I tackle him in a hug. 

"Never ask me to leave your said again, do you hear me?" I ask. He nods, smiling. With that we make our way through the chamber to find Ron struggling the shovel giant rocks and a weird looking Gilderoy Lockhart sitting on the ground, knocked out. "What happened to him?" I ask. 

"He's a fraud and uses memory charms. He tried to erase our memories with Ron's wand and erased his own." Harry explains. I laugh. Sounds like him. "Ron, move, I'm going to get rid of the boulders." I say. He nods and moves out of the way. I raise my wand. 

"You're using your wand?" Harry asks. I smile. "I just destroyed a powerful magical object, I'm resting." I look back at the rocks. "Reducto!" I yell. The rocks explode, flying everywhere. Ginny runs into Ron's arms and he hugs her tighter than I've ever seen him hug her. I look at Harry.

"We did it." I say. He smiles. "Yeah, we did." "Come on, I'm tired." I say. He nods. Fawkes grabs onto Lockhart's robes and lifts him easily. Ron wraps Ginny in his arms and grabs Lockhart's leg. Fawkes rises a bit higher so that Ron and Ginny's legs are at Harry's eye level. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and one of his goes to my waist as he grabs Ron's leg. With that we are lifted into the air and we are taken out of the Chamber of Secrets.

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