Chapter 19: One Week Later...

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Hope's POV:

When I come around, it's morning, though I can't tell if it's the next day or if it's been several days. I feel a heavy hand in mine. I glance to my right to see Harry clinging tightly to my hand. I smile softly and and squeeze his hand lightly. His head shoots up from it's sleeping position.

He grins. "You're awake." He breaths in relief. "How long have I been out?" I ask. His smile falls slightly. This worries me. "Harry, how long have I been asleep?" "A week." My eyes widen. "W-what?" I stutter. That can't be right.

"You've been unconscious for a week. Ron woke up two days ago, but you just wouldn't." I look forward, trying to process this. I've only been sick once, and that was cause of the Hollow. What could have been in my system that could have taken me out for a week?

What if something happened while I was out? Harry must see the panic on his face. "Hey, everything's fine. You didn't miss much." As he says this, I glance around the infirmary. Malfoy is five beds down. "What happened to him?" I ask. Harry has a guilty expression on his face.

"Harry, what did you do?" I ask. He sighs. "There was this spell, in the potions book. I followed Malfoy, confronted him. I used the spell and it cut him up pretty badly." I sigh. "Harry, that need to get rid of it."

He hesitates, but nods, finally seeing what Hermione and I have seen all along. "I will." I think for a second. "When I get out of here, the two of us will do it together. Remember, we're in this together. You just have to trust me. Ok?" This time he nods firmly, more sure of his answer. "Ok."

"Good. Now, when can I leave." He chuckles slightly. "I'll go get Madam Pomfrey." With that he stands and walks off, only to return a minute later with the woman behind him. "Welcome back to the world of the living Miss Mikaelson. Gave us all quite a scare there." She grins.

I nod, giving her a tight lipped smile back. "When can I leave?" I ask her. "Well, I'm going to check you over to make sure you're completely fine, but after that, if everything checks out, I'll be able to send you home." I sigh in relief. "Thank you."

She nods and gets to work with my check up. Once she's done she clears me. Harry hands me a stack of clothes Hermione dropped off for me and I leave to change. Once I am presentable I latch onto Harry's hand and the two of us walk off towards Gryffindor Tower.

We walk slowly, mostly Harry's doing. I can feel his worry radiating off of him. "Hey, I'm ok." "But you almost weren't. By the time I got the bezores for the two of you, you weren't breathing and you had gone completely still. For a moment, I thought that I...I thought I had lost you."

He grips my hand tightly. I stop walking, coming to a halt in front of him. I place my hands on either side of his face. "Hey, I'm ok. I'm here. I'm alive. I'm fine. You saved me Harry." He takes a shaky breath, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other cups the back of my head.

"You're here." He breaths. I smile at him and pull his face towards me until our lips mold together perfectly. The kiss isn't rushed or extremely passionate. It's slow and sweet. Like I'm going to shatter if he holds me too tightly.

After a few seconds we pull away from each other, needing oxygen. "Are you ok now? We don't have to got back to the Common Room if you're not ready." I tell him. He shakes his head, bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it.

"The others will want to know that you're awake and it would be selfish if I kept you all to myself." He grumbles out that last part. I let out a full laugh at this. Despite all we've been through, I always seem to forget that we're only sixteen.

"Poor baby has to share. Don't worry, we can sit by the fire tonight and you can catch me up on everything I missed while I was asleep." He pretends to think about it before nodding and pecking me once more on the lips before the two of us continue our trek to the Common Room.

When we get there only our friends are there, sitting in our normal places. Their heads whip towards the door when we walk through the portrait hole. Hermione's eyes widen significantly as she immediately stands and sprints towards me.

She pulls me away from Harry and into a bone crushing hug. "YOU'RE AWAKE! Harry James Potter you were supposed to inform us the second she was awake!" She yells, pulling away from me and smacking Harry's arm before she hugs me again. I laugh at my best friend's antics.

"He didn't really have time Mione. I just woke up and Madam Pomfrey cleared me." "Should you even be out of bed." I sigh. "I'm fine Mione, promise." She nods before stepping away and letting Ginny and Ron have their turn. "You feeling ok?" I ask Ron. He nods. "All better, you?" I nod.

"Good." I turn to Harry. "Now, the book. It's time." He sighs, but nods, jogging up to the Boy's Dormitory. "You're actually getting him to give it up?" She asks. I nod. "And I'm gonna be the one to hide it so he's not tempted." She nods.

"That's smart. Good on that though. I assume you heard what happened to Malfoy?" I nod. "He learned his lesson about not listening to us I believe." I chuckle. "I guess so." As I say this Harry comes back down the stairs. "Ready?" I ask, extending my hand. He nods, taking it. "Ready."

With that the two of us exit through the door which we just came from, ready to be rid of this Half-Blood Prince for good.

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