Chapter 22: My Secret is Out and I'm Out For Blood

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Hope's POV:

I see the bottom coming quickly. "Casso Tor!" I yell. We stop inches from the ground before falling the rest of the way with a grunt. "Thanks Hope." Harry grumbles. "No problem." I groan as we all stand.

Harry has the orb in his hand. "Department of Mysteries. They had that bit right, didn't they?" Ron asks. There's an arch in the center of the room. There's a type of mist in it and there are voices. "The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry asks.

"There aren't any voices Harry. Let's get out of here." Hermione says. "I hear them too." Luna tells them. "Me too. Must be like the Thestrals. You can only hear them if you've seen death." I mutter. "Harry,'s just an empty archway." No response. "Please Harry." She tries again.

He whips around. "Get behind me!" He yells. We all rush, but I stand right beside him, wand raised in one hand and my other hand raised in preparation. Suddenly darkness envelops us as the Death Eaters swarm around us.

I try to keep my hand on Harry's but I lose my footing and go flying through the air in someone's grip. When my vision returns. An unknown man has ahold of the back of my shirt with his wand pointed at me. I glare. There is no fear in my eyes like the others. Only anger.

Harry's eyes find mine when he realizes that he's now alone by the arch. There's worry there that I've seen more of today than I ever wanted to in a life time. He does't need to worry about me. Lucius Malfoy steps forward, chuckling.

"Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophesy now...or watch your friends die." He says, holding his hand out. There's an eerie bit of silence.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville calls out. Bellatrix tightens her grip. "I swear on everything in me. Hurt my friends...and hell will seem like a blessing." I snarl. The man's grip on me tightens. Hesitantly Harry places the orb into Malfoy's hand.

There's a bright light and a grin falls on my lips. "Get away from my godson." With those words Sirius punches the shit out of Malfoy, causing him to stumble, dropping the orb in the process. With that more white lights appear, taking out the Death Eaters one by one.

Sirius drags Harry out of the way. I bring my elbow out and elbow the man in the chest, catching him by surprise. I turn and knee him in the balls before  twisting and kicking his head, knocking him out. I rush over to Harry's side. "You alright?" He asks. I nod. "You?" "Yeah."

Sirius and I exchange a nod. The lights take form as Mad-Eye, Tonk, Kingsley, and Lupin. A Death Eater appears and starts firing spells at Sirius, Harry, and I. Sirius blocks them, but doesn't get the chance to send any back so I decide to step in.

I form a ball of light in my hands before shoving my hand forward, sending the man flying backwards, shocking him enough to give Sirius time to stun him. We move just in time to avoid being hexed. "Now listen to me. I want you two to take the others and get out of here.

"What?" Harry asks. "Yeah, no. We're staying with you." I say. "You've done beautifully. Now let me take it from here." There's another hex that barely misses us. "Black!" Malfoy yells, taking out his wand. Two more Death Eaters appear by his side. I raise my wand and aim at the man's feet.

"Confringo!" The ground underneath him explodes and sends him flying. He gets back up. "Expulso." He flies into a wall with a groan. "Ad somnum." With that he passes out. Harry and Sirius are doing very well with their opponents so I move onto another two Death Eaters.

"Vados!" I yell, causing the ground underneath them and the rocks around them to explode, confusing them. "Invidia." They cry out as cuts appear on their bodies. "Ad somnum." They pass out. "Nice one James!" I hear from Sirius. I turn just in time to see Malfoy go flying.

He lands at my feet. I glare. Don't do something you'll regret. "Ad somnum." He passes out. When I look back at Sirius and Harry to see Bellatrix finally take physical form. Before I can even do anything I hear those heart stopping words. "Avada Kadavra!"

A blast of green hits Sirius in the chest. He stumbles backwards into the arch way and then is carries off, disappearing. "NO!" I scream. I feel arms around me, but I don't care. I snarl, eyes glowing gold as I rip myself from his arms, sprinting after a feeling, taunting Bellatrix Lastrange.

I hear footsteps behind me and know Harry is right there. When we reach the main room of the Ministry I scream out, reaching out my hand and using it to grab onto her, flinging her through the air until she hits the corner of the wall with a sickening crack. I don't care.

She turns, maybe fear is in her eyes, but I only see red. I bring my hands down in a clawing motion. She cries out as claw marks appear on her body. When I'm finally close enough I bend over, shifting quickly before pouncing on her, snarling in her face. Her eyes widen in horror.

"Werewolf." She breaths. Before I can do anything Harry shouts out a curse. "Crucio!" She cries out in pain. I step aside, padding over to his side, snarling at the woman. One word from Harry and I pounce. He hesitates and it's almost like someone is talking in his ear.

Suddenly Voldemort appears, I whip around and growl at him. Bellatrix laughs. "Do it." Harry turns to aim his wand at Voldemort, but the older wizard disarms him immediately. I step in front of my mate. "I knew you couldn't be just any ordinary witch. A Hybrid." He chuckles.

I growl, taking a step closer to him. He then turns his gaze to Harry. "So...weak." I hear flames and turn to see Dumbledore step out of one of the fireplaces. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone, and you shall be dead." Both men raise their wands as I latch my jaw around Harry's jacket sleeve and yank him over to the side so that he doesn't get caught in the crossfire. We hid in one of the fireplaces.

Me standing in front of him protectively and him with a tight grip on my coat making sure I don't join in on the fight. I snarl as I see Bellatrix escape. The fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort is intense, but with every blow one deals the other counters perfectly.

Dumbledore eventually gets the upper hand on Voldemort and Harry goes to stand but I hold him back as Voldemort recovers. With a powerful scream all the windows burst and Voldemort sends the shards towards the three of us.

Dumbledore blocks them from hitting us, turning them into sand. Dumbledore stands and Harry andI flank him on either side. In a gust of wind Voldemort disappears. Dumbledore turns to me with the outer cloak of his robes. I take it in my mouth and go off to shift.

When I come back Harry is writhing on the ground. I rush to his side. "What's happening to him?" I demand, putting his head in my lap, trying to calm him. When he sits up his eyes are scary and when he speaks his and Voldemort's voices are mixed together.

"You've lost old man. Stupid girl." Harry screams in pain. "Harry." I breath, tears coming to my eyes. He grunts again. "Hope, speak to him. You know what he fears and you're the only one who can get through to him." I nod.

"Harry. It isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not. You're not alone. You're never alone. You never will be alone." I say, tears escaping my eyes. I hear footsteps and see my friends appear. "Remember all the good. That's what makes you who you are." I whisper. A bit of silence.

"You're the weak one, and you'll never know love...or friendship. And I feel sorry for you." He cries out one more time before flinging himself from my arms and laying his back. Black matter flies from his chest and when it stops he falls back down. I scoot over to him.

Voldemort appears above us. I flash my yellow eyes at him. "You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything." Before he can do anything I hear the fireplaces going off as Fudge and the Aurors appear. Fudge stops in his tracks, terror written on his face.

With that Voldemort disappears. "He's back." Dumbledore comes to my side as I cradle an unconscious Harry in my arms. There are camera flashes all around me, but I don't care. "Come on Harry, please wake up." I beg. His eyes flutter before opening.

I pull him into a bone crushing hug. "Please, don't ever scare me like that again. I can't take that again." I cry into his shoulder. He hugs me just as tight. "I won't." We don't let go of each other until Dumbledore hauls us to our feet.

There are more camera flashes, but I just bury my head into Harry chest, but I'm no longer crying. No, I'm angry now. Another father figure, gone. Voldemort know's my secret now. His followers know my secret. It's out that I'm a Hybrid, and I'm out for blood.

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