Chapter 23: Life Has Other Plans(Short Chapter)

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Hope's POV:

The next day we gather in the Great Hall in honor of Cedric. "Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know...exceptionally hard working...infinitely fair-minded...and most importantly...a fierce, fierce friend." 

Tears are already pouring down my face as I grip Harry's hand in mine like myeline depends on it. "Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see...Cedric Diggory was Lord Voldemort!" He calls to the room. 

I bow my head, but I don't close my eyes. If I close my eyes I see his dead eyes staring back at me. "The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory." I lay my head onto Harry's shoulder and his lays on top of mine.

"Now, the pain...we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever." I look up. 

"Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who's kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end." With that he dismisses us. Days pass and soon it's time to go home. 

Everyone is gathered in the courtyard, saying goodbye to their Durmstrang and Beauxbatons friends. I refuse to go there. Cedric and I alway hung out there. There was the bench where he asked me out, the spot of grass where he would help me study for exams. 

I know I'm going to have to go there sometime, but not now. The cut is too fresh. I sit on the steps leading out of the castle. Harry soon joins me. "Harry, things are changing aren't they." He nods. "I think so." I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"I don't want things to change. Too many things have already changed." He nods. "I know. I know." These past few days we've spent countless hours on our couch, just being with each other and reaffirming that the nightmares we now share are not true, but they feel so real.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do this summer. It'll be so weird with you at the Dursley's. More so than usual." "I know, but I promise I'll come and visit as soon as possible. I'll write everyday." "You better. You know the rule." He chuckles a little. 

"If I don't write, I've forgotten. I've told you this every year Hope, I could never forget about you." I nod and curl into his side. I wish we could stay right here, no interruptions, no pain, just us. But sadly life has other plans. 

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