Chapter 3: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Hope's POV:

Two days after Harry got to the Burrow we all go on our annual Diagon Ally trip, this year is special. "Step up! Step up!" Fred and George yell from one of the many platforms in their huge shop. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes has been a massive success since it opened.

I guess people just need something to smile about now a days. "We've got Fainting Fancies!" "Nosebleed Nougats!" "And just in time for school!" "Puking Pastilles!" I grin at them as I begin to browse the many shelves for something.

I'm not really a prank person, but their products are interesting. There's nothing like this in the other world. I mean, the witches are pretty nasty on their own. I don't even want to know what they would do with tools such as these.

My life would have been even more of a hell than it was shaping up to be at the Salvatore School. I find something interesting as I'm browsing the shelves. "Hey Harry, check this out." I call out to him. He's at my side in an instant. Fred and George are there as well.

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder." Harry reads. "A real money spinner, that." "Handy if you need to make a quick getaway." The twins explain, tossing us each a chunk of rock before walking away.

"What do you think? Just a precaution if you don't have the cloak." I explain, looking at him. He nods. "Good idea. One for each of us?" I shake my head, smiling slightly. "I have my own form of invisibility, remember." He chuckles slightly.

"Right, I sometimes forget you can do stuff like that." "Well, don't worry about it, now come on, we better check out. I can hear Ron trying the haggle with the twins from here and I know he'll want to leave after he looses that fight." "Haggle?" "Barter. Come on."

With that I lead him towards the cashier. Once we've paid we go over to stand by Hermione who is already waiting for him. "Come on, let's go." He calls to us. We nod and make our way out of the shop. I shake my head slightly when we're outside. "You ok?" Harry asks, worried.

I nod, giving him tight lipped smile. "Werewolf hearing. It was loud in there and a bit disorienting." I explain. He nods, squeezing my hand in reassurance. "How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Ally's closed down." Hermione says as we walk down the street.

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron explains. "I reckon he's right." Harry agrees. I freeze when I spot one of the closed down stores. "Guys." I say, halting them in their tracks. They all turn to look at what I am looking at.

"Oh no. Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's." Hermione mumbles sadly. "I never understood how he got a white oak wand. The one thing my family was afraid of and it's protected me since I've been here." I explain.

Harry looks down at me sadly, once again squeezing my hand. I walk towards the door of the abandoned building, pushing it open and stepping inside. My friends quickly follow me and we walk around the sad looking room. "Harry, Hope." Ron calls.

I turn to see him looking out the window at Draco Malfoy and a woman I assume is his mother. "Is it just me or do Draco and his mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed." He points out. I nod. "Let's go."

The four of us exit the remains of Ollivander's and quickly walk into the ally Draco and Mrs. Malfoy just went down, careful not to be seen. We see them go into Borgan and Burkes and so we make our way onto one of the slanted rooftops overseeing the sky light of the building.

When we get situated Harry turns his head towards me. "Can you hear them." I shrug, focusing on the building. All I hear is muffled voices, no words. I sniff the air. Obviously magic. I shake my head at Harry. "There's some sort of muffing charm on the building. I can't hear in." I explain.

He nods and we continue to watch the actions of the people inside the building. Inside Draco seems to be checking out a cabinet. Furniture shopping? I've learned to never take household items as just normal items here. There's something special about that cabinet. But what?

Harry tries to get a closer look, but someone steps in front of our view. We all gasp. "Invisique." I mutter, making the four of us invisible just as the man, that I now recognize as Fenrir Greyback, turns around. "Thanks." Ron mutters. I can hear his heart beating fast. "No problem."

When Greyback can't see anyone eavesdropping he turns around, dropping the blinds and blocking our view of what is going on in the shop. "Come on, we're not gonna get anything out of this and we're supposed to head home soon." I tell them.

They nod and with that we climb down the roof and head back towards the twin's shop. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley are waiting for us by the time we make it back. Mrs. Weasley is searching for bus when we find them.

"Now where did you three wonder off? It's not safe to be doing that in times like these." Mrs. Weasley tells us in a worried tone. "Sorry Mrs. Weasley, we just got carried away talking, that's all." I quickly lie.

"Well please, just be careful. Now come on, we best be getting back home. We nod and with the she apparates all of us back to the Burrow. When we get back Hermione, Ron, and Ginny wonder around inside while Harry and I talk a walk outside while the sun sets.

"It's beautiful out here. Peaceful." I say as we walk through the fields. "Would you like to live out here one day? You know, away from everything?" I nod, thinking of the possibility of one day living out here, either alone or with Harry. The Weasley's are amazing, but it does get a bit loud.

"It's a good break. Back in my old world I grew up out in the middle of nowhere before attending the Salvatore School. It was to protect me since no one knew I survived birth. It's quiet out here." "Yeah, it is." He agrees.

"Sometimes, before Fred and George moved out, I would come out to these fields just to sit and think." "So you would, you know, like to move out here after all this is over with." I turn to face him, looking away from the beautiful sunset in front of us. "You mean just me or-" "Both of us."

Red paints my cheeks at the thought. I've known Harry was the one since third year and just last year I found out about the soulmate bond, which fueled those thoughts. To know that he's thinking about a future for not just himself, but the both us of together...I smile at him.

"I love you Hope. I have for a while, and when all of this is over with...I'll follow you anywhere. Whether it's to the middle of nowhere, in the center of a major city, or even across the world. I'll follow you." My heart speeds up at those three words. I love you. He loves me. I smile up at him.

"I love you too, and when this is all over with, when Voldemort is dead and the world makes sense again...we'll figure out the rest of our lives. Right now, let's just live in the moment. Ok?" He grins, stooping in and kissing me softly. "Ok." He mutters as he pulls away.

With that we turn to face the sunset once again, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his'. This's perfect.

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