Chapter 3: Where the Hell are Harry and Ron?!

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Hope's POV: 

The week finally passes and the day to head back to Hogwarts comes. Let's just say we slept in. "Hurry up everyone! We need to get going!" Molly yells. We all rush towards the barrier. "Hope, Hermione, take Ginny with you, go!" She yells. 

Hermione and I each take a hold of the younger girl and go through the barrier. Once we're through we decide that Harry and Ron can find us when they get here so we go off to find a compartment, Ginny following quickly on our heals. Once we're on the train it starts moving. 

"Gin, you can stay with us or you can go off and try to get a compartment with other kids your age." I say, giving her the option. She smiles at me. "I'll see you two later!" She says, excitedly, running off down the hallway. Hermione and I just chuckle after the girl. 

Hermione and I quickly find an empty compartment and wait patiently for Harry and Ron to arrive. About halfway through the journey they still haven't shown up. "Ok, where the hell are Harry and Ron?!" I ask, more like growl. I'm worried. Did they not get through? 

Did something happen to them? Why haven't they found us yet? "Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine." Hermione reassures me. It doesn't help. I sigh and we spend the rest of the journey wondering if they will ever show up. They don't. 

When we get to the Great Hall I search frantically for them, but I cannot see them. "Mione, I don't think they're here." I say to her. "What? What do you mean. Why aren't they here?" She asks. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's not good. Something bad happened for them not to be here."

"Well, can't you do that locator spell you showed me from one of your books?" She asks. "No, first off it's hard and it would be messy. Second, we can't do anything about it." I say. She sighs. "Well, what do you think we should do?" She asks. 

"If they don't show up in the Common Room then we'll go to Dumbledore." I say. She nods, taking a shaky breath. With that the Sorting Ceremony begins. It's exactly like last year. Ginny gets into Gryffindor which is not a surprise to me. 

After the feast Hermione and I head straight for the Common Room. We're the first ones up. When we burst through the portrait hole. There they are, sitting by the fire place in our usual spots, eating food. Hermione and I race towards them. 

"Where the bloody hell were you two?" Hermione asks, agitated. They both seem taken aback by her statement. "What?" Ron asks. "Don't play dumb, we were both worried sick for you two." Hermione whisper yells as we take our seats. "We're sorr-" 

"You're sorry, you're sorry. Ronald what happened?" She asks. As the two continue to bicker I turn to Harry. "What happened?" I ask him softly. With that he tells me what happened. "So, the barricade just closed itself?" I ask, completely confused. "Yes, we ran straight into it." He says. 

I nod, processing everything. "I'm just glad you two are ok." I say, running a hand through my hair. With that the two of us turn back to Hermione and Ron who are still arguing. I lay my head on the scar headed boy's shoulder. "Do you think they'll ever get along?" He asks me. 

I smile slightly. "I think they'll shock us with how well they'll get along in the future." I say. Once the two of them stop their fighting the four of us carry on talking like we normally would. Around midnight Percy comes down to tell us that we have to go to bed. 

After saying goodnight to be boys, we head up to the Dormitory. "What was that down there?" She asks me after we've both showered. "What was what?" I ask. "You know what I'm talking about, downstairs, with you and Harry." She says, taking a seat next to me on my bed. 

"Ok, you're going to have be more specific." I say, sitting up straighter. "Oh come on. You were basically asleep on him, does that not mean anything to you?" She asks. I sigh and shake my head, a grin spreads across my face.

"Mione, I love you, but you're looking way too far into this. Harry is one of my best friends, one of our best friends, same goes for Ron." I explain. "Sure, keep telling yourself that Mikaelson." She says, smiling widely, getting up and walking over to her bed. "I will Granger." 

With that I lay down. I lay awake for several hours, not really able to get any sleep. I've missed Hogwarts, but I have a very bad feeling about this year. It's like something has awakened, something old. I sit up and run my hands though my hair. 

Quietly I climb out of bed and head downstairs to the Common Room. "Invisique." I mutter, quickly cloaking myself. I exit the Common Room. "Post tenebras spero lucem." I mutter again. This'll give me light with out giving myself away. Better than lumos. 

I walk around the castle, just to clear my mind. I find myself in the Astronomy Tower. There's a clear view of the night sky. The moon is full and I smile, glad that I am not forced to turn. Turn. Maybe that'll help me sleep. I quickly rush down and head straight for the Forbidden Forest. 

I wonder what kind of creatures are out here minus unicorns and centaurs. Once I'm a good ways into the forest. I drop the invisibility and the light, making it pitch black. Once that's all settled I strip down. Making sure I know where my clothes are I shift. I race through the forest.

It feels amazing. I've only shifted a few time since I've been this world. I didn't shift all last school year because I didn't know if anyone would catch me, but I now know how terrifying this forest is to the students here. 

I don't encounter any strange creature while I'm out here, but when I shift back, dress, and head towards the entrance of the forest I run into the Albus Dumbledore. "Sir." I say, worried that I'm in trouble. He chuckles a little. "Do not worry Miss Mikaelson, you are not in trouble." He says. 

I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for being out here sir, but something was unsettling me and I needed to release." I say. He smiles kindly at me, his eyes gleaming over his half moon specticals. 

"Of course Miss Mikaelson, it is understandable. I'm glad that you decided to come out here to shift, but I do believe that you could use someplace that is more controlled. There is a hidden room underneath the Whomping Willow. It was made for a student many years ago." He says.

"Sorry, but my wolf likes to run free and I'm in full control." I say. "Of course, whatever you're comfortable with. Now, off to bed, there is only a few more hours before breakfast and you need all the rest you can get for classes tomorrow." He says. I nod, walking back towards the castle. 

"Invisique." I say, heading back into the castle. Maybe now I can get some sleep. 

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