Chapter 4: The Original Order of the Phoenix

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Hope's POV:

A few days later it's the day we head back to Hogwarts. I'm excited like normal, but something is different. I have a feeling that it's not the same. What happened last year marked the beginning of something I can't explain.

Something I'm not sure we're all ready for, but have to be in order not survive. I'm walking with Harry and Moody when suddenly a black dog appears next to us. My eyes widen. "Padfoot, are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation." Moody whisper yells.

He goes into a little seating area. Harry and I exchange a look before following him in. "Sirius, what are you doing here? If somebody sees you-" "I had to see you off, didn't I? The both of you of course." He says, grinning at me. I smile back. "What's life without a little risk." He adds.

"We don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban." I tell him as we it next to him. "Oh, don't worry about me. Anyway...I wanted you, Harry, to have this." He says, handing Harry a piece of paper. Harry opens it to reveal an old photo. "The Original Order of the Phoenix." He explains.

I spot Sirius beside someone who looks a lot like an older version of Harry and next him is a red headed woman. They must be Harry's parents. Lily and James. Sirius points to a woman at the edge of the photo.

"Marlene McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family." He tells us. I look at the kind looking woman sadly. He shows us two other people. "Frank and Alice Longbottom." My eyes widen. "Neville's parents." I mutter.

"They suffered a fate worse than death, if you ask me. It's been fourteen years...and still a day doesn't go by I don't miss you dad." He tells Harry. I look down. It's been six years since my mom and dad died and I was shipped here.

Six years since I became an orphan, but at least I knew them. Harry never knew his parents. "Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asks his godfather. "It feels like it did before." Is his vague answer. Harry goes to hand him back the paper.

"You keep it. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now." We both smile at this. I check the time. "We have to go so we don't miss the train. Won't want a repeat of second year, now, would we?" I ask, smiling at Harry. He chuckles a little as we stand. He hugs Sirius first and then I do.

"Protect him, will you?" "Always." "See you soon little Moony." I smile at the nickname he gave me in third year as we pull away. I grab onto Harry's hand and pull him out of the waiting room and toward the barrier.

When we're on the train and in our usual compartment Harry soon falls asleep. Huh, must have been more tired than I thought. Hermione, Ron, and I just chat about random things as the train makes its way towards Hogwarts. About half way Harry jolts up from his sleep.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You ok?" I ask. He just nods, sending me a reassuring a smile. I don't believe him, but I let it go. We all have to find a new 'fine'. He's quiet for a little bit of the way, not really engaging in the conversations Hermione, Ron, and I are having.

Well, I'm barely contributing to them. The anxiety making it's way through me at the thought of being at Hogwarts again is daunting. While it still feels like home, there is now a darkness over it. I'm afraid the darkness of the Triwizard Tournament was only the beginning.

I don't want to lose Hogwarts as a home, but I feel like it's inevitable. "Are you ok?" Harry asks me. I had been quiet for quite sometime. I nod, giving him a tight lipped smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking." "About what?" He asks, concerned.

I make sure Ron and Hermione haven't noticed us not paying attention before turning to him. "Just about Hogwarts and what's going to happen this year. It's always something." I explain. He nods. "We'll be fine. I know it." I nod back.

"I know we will. I won't let anything happen to you..." Red starts to taint his cheeks. I feel my own start to heat up. "...or Ron or Hermione." Definitely embarrassed at this point. "What are you two talking about?" Hermione asks. I didn't realize how close we had gotten as we jump apart.

"Oh, nothing. Really." I say, not meeting her eyes. When I finally look up at her she's smirking at me. I glare at her. Her smirk turns into a smile as she continues conversing with Ron. I glance at Harry once. His face is very red. Great, I just embarrassed myself.

The rest of the train ride Harry and I are silent while we listen to our friends talk. The last thing I want to do is lose Harry as a friend, no matter what feelings that I've had since third year. I can't lose him. Last year taught me that I can't have someone that close to me.

Cedric was my first attempt at dating since Roman. Life keeps reminding me that I'm not meant to be happy. Every chance I get at happiness is taken away from me, but I'm close to Harry, Ron, and, Hermione, mainly Harry, than I ever was with Cedric or Roman.

I'm closer with every part fo the Order than I was those two and that's scary. They've become my family and I can't lose them like I lost my mom and dad. I refuse to. I'm afraid that I'm not done losing people, especially with the upcoming war. Soon the train stops and my friends all stand.

"You coming Hope?" Hermione asks. I shake out of my thoughts and nod. "Yeah." I have to protect them. No matter what it takes.

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