Chapter 4: Why is There Always Blood?

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Hope's POV:

Not too long after the day at Diagon Ally, we're all off to Hogwarts for yet another year. This year feels different. Darker, more eerie. It doesn't really feel like Hogwarts anymore. Even if I've only been on the train, it makes me sad that the best part of my childhood is slowly slipping away.

"You alright?" Harry asks, noticing my distanced look. I quickly snap back into reality and give him small smile. "Yeah, just thinking." He nods, but I know he's gonna ask me about it later. I both hate and love how he can read me so well.

"So, what was Draco was doing with that weird looking cabinet? And who were all those people? Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation." Harry says once he's satisfied that I'm once again in the conversation and not in my own head.

"Stop it Harry. I know where you're going with this." Hermione warns. I do too. Draco Malfoy a Death Eater? Wouldn't surprise me. I mean, Voldemort could be recruiting since so many got captured at the Ministry that night. "It happened. He's one of them." Harry insists.

"One of what?" Ron asks. "Harry is under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater." Hermione informs him. "You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?" Ron asks.

"Well then what was he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry asks. "It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron offers. I shake my head. "His father was a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it with her own eyes." Harry tries again.

"I told you, I don't know what I saw." She reiterates. "I'm not saying he is, but it would make sense. Voldemort is trying to rebuild is followers and he lost several at the Ministry, including Malfoy's dad. He could be his replacement or something."

Harry nods at my words, but I continue. "Now that's not to say he is one, but it is a possibility. We just need to be more careful around him this year." I suggest. Hermione seems happy with my middle ground, but Harry seems frustrated. "I need some air." With that he stands.

"Want me to come with you?" I ask, going to follow him. "No, I'll be fine. Be back in a minute." And then he's gone. I sigh, turning back to face Hermione and Ron who both have sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Your logic is sound Hope, he'll come around eventually." Hermione assures me. "That's the thing. Harry is stressed and angry and he's not looking for logic, he's looking for someone to blame. I think he's chosen Malfoy. He's reasons are there, but they're skewed by his emotions."

She nods at my words, agreeing with me."I'm worried about him guys." They nod, understanding where I'm coming from. "We all are. All we can do is be there for him right now. You especially, you know, with the bond." I nod.

"But I don't even know how the bond works. We just figured out what it was." "I'd say give it time. We're not in too much of a rush yet Hope." Ron tells me. I smile at my friends. As close as Harry and I are, Hermione and Ron aren't too far behind.

I mean, Hermione is my best friend and Ron is like my brother. They mean the world to me and have always helped me keep a sound head when it comes to Harry and what we have been through as a team. I don't know where I'd be without them.

The rest of the train ride we leave out talk of Draco, Harry, and Death Eaters and just have a normal train ride like normal friends. It was almost like a breath a fresh air. It's only when we pull up to the station that I realize something. Harry hasn't come back.

"Where could he have gotten off to?" I ask them as we stand to get off the train. "I have no idea." Hermione shrugs. I sigh. "You two go on without me. I'm gonna go find him." They nod and take off while I begin searching the train. By the time I find him, everyone else is off the train.

He's in the Slytherin's compartment with Luna. "So this is where you got off to?" I ask, making my presence known. Both Harry and Luna turn to look at me. Luna gives me a kind smile while Harry just gives me a sheepish look. "Sorry." He mutters. I shrug.

"It's ok, though you did worry me quite a bit there." I reply, walking over to stand next to Luna, in front of him. There's blood all over him shirt. "Why is there always blood?" He shrugs. Sighing, I take my wand out, deciding to clean him up before we get on school grounds.

I flick my wrist slightly, muttering the cleaning charm under my breath and soon the blood is gone. "Thanks for that." He mutters. I shrug. I can fix the broken nose later, when we're in Gryffindor Tower.

"No problem, now come on, all the carriages are probably gone by now, but we might as well see if we can snag one." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit. Luna follows quickly behind. When we reach where the carriages normally are, I see that I was right.

We missed the carriages. "Sorry I made the two of you miss the carriages, by the way." Harry apologizes as we finally reach the castle gates. I shrug. "I don't mind." "That's all right. It was like being with a couple of friends." I furrow my brows. "We are your friends Luna." She smiles at me.

"That's nice." I just mirror her soft smile. Luna is that person who has no care in the world and I envy that. I guess it's why I like hanging out with her so much. Professor Flitwick finally sees us was we approach. "Oh, about time. I've bee looking all over for you three. Right. Names?"

What? "Professor Flitwick, you've known me for five years." Harry says, incredulous. "No exceptions, Potter." "Who are those people?" Luna suddenly asks. I look up to see people going through the luggage. "Auror. For security." He informs us. I look to see one talking to Malfoy.

"What's this cane here?" "It's not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick." The blonde snaps. I look more closely at it. It's Mr. Malfoy's. I remember that day back in second year when he pulled his wand out and tried to attack Harry and I when Dobby stopped him.

"And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick. It could be construe as a weapon." "It's alright, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy." Snape says, appearing out of nowhere. Malfoy rips the cane out of Filch's hand and then turns to see us.

"Nice face Potter." He spits before turning and walking away. I turn to Harry. "You were spying on him?" I ask in a hushed whisper so no one could hear me. He just nods slightly. I sigh. "We'll talk about this later."

"Would you like me to fix it for you? Personally, I think you look a bit more devil-may-care this way, but it's up to you." She says, reaching for her wand. "Um, well, have you ever fixed a nose before?" Harry asks. "No, but I've done several toes and how different are they really?"

I smile at this. "I've got him Luna, thank you though." I say. She nods, grinning at me as I turn Harry to face me. "Will this hurt?" "Yep." I raise my wand again. "Episkey." "AH!" Harry yells as his nose snaps back into place and heals. "How do I look?" Harry asks.

"Exceptionally ordinary." Luna tells him. I laugh at this as I loop my arm through his, kissing his cheek. "I think I like you better this way." He smirks down at me, pressing a kiss to my lips quickly before Flitwick approaches us again for our names.

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