Chapter 5: Classes

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Hope's POV:

The next morning is an early one. I actually forgot what is was like to have to wake up early for school. "Come on Hope, we don't want to be late for our first day of classes." Hermione says, beating me with one of her pillows. "Mione, it's too early." I groan. 

"No it is not, now get up." She snaps. Sighing, I finally find the strength to roll out of bed. "You happy?" I ask her. "Very. Now hurry up and get dressed, breakfast starts soon." She says, walking into the bathroom. 

Groaning I slowly make my way to the chest at the foot of my bed and grab the uniform. I wander into the bathroom and change into a black skirt, black tights, a white button up, my grey vest with red and gold cuffs, and my red and gold tie. 

After all of that is one I slip on combat boots and brush out my naturally curly hair. I then brush my teeth and wash my face and apply mascara before exiting the bathroom. I throw on my robe once I've grabbed it from my trunk. 

Grabbing my bag I load in my needed textbooks, quills, ink, spare parchment, as well as one of my grandmother's grimoires and my new one. I've been rewriting the spells so that there's a copy in case something ever happened to the old ones. 

Once I have everything and Hermione is finished getting ready, we head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. When we get down there I notice Harry and Ron are missing. "Do you think the boys are up yet?" I ask the bushy haired girl. "Most likely not. Anyways, that's their problem."

I smirk at her. Once we finish breakfast we head towards our first class of the day, Transfiguration. We're the first ones there and go towards the the from when we notice names on the desks. Guess we have assigned seating. I quickly find my name. 

Right next to my name is the name 'Harry Potter' and I smile. At least I'm not sitting by someone I don't know. I settle into my seat and since no one is around I pull out the grimoires and begin copying. I finish a few spells by the time everyone starts walking into class. 

When Professor McGonagall walks in she tells us to begin copying the text in the Introduction in our books. Then she turns into a cat and hops up on her desk. A few minutes after class has already started, Harry and Ron bust in. 

"Whew, we made it. Could you imagine the look on ole McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron asks Harry as they approach the front. Then McGonagall leaps off her desk and turns back into herself. It's funny to me because she is still clothed. 

If I had turned into a wolf, I would be stark naked. "That was bloody brilliant." Ron says. "Thank you Mr. Weasley for that assessment. Perhaps next time I should turn Mr. Potter into a pocket watch so that the two of you are here on time. "We got lost Professor." Harry explains. 

"Then perhaps a map. I trust that neither of you need one to find your seats." She says. They shake their heads then notice that the only two seats left are by Hermione and myself. Ron and Harry both make their ways towards me. 

However, Ron quickly stops when he realizes Harry's name is the one on the desk beside me. He mumbles something before walking over and plopping himself down beside Hermione. "What are we doing?" Harry asks. "Copying the text from the introduction." I say. 

He nods and grabs his things. The desk of class goes by quietly. Soon we are dismissed to our next class, one I am particularly excited for, Potions. Obviously I know Snape won't play favoritism, I just hope he doesn't nit pick at me. He knows that I know what we're studying.

From what we did this summer, he's come to the conclusion that I am naturally gifted at potions. We are all in our seats for potions, waiting for Snape to come in. In the row it is Ron, then Harry, the me, and finally Hermione.

Harry and I talked a little on the way to potions and I agreed to help him with it. I don't know why, but I find myself drawn to Harry. Yeah, he's nice, funny, as well as in sort of the same situation as me, but I don't fall for guys. 

I didn't when I was older in the other world, not even that human boy from the Grill, Landon. I don't fall because when I fall, I get hurt. But something about Harry Potter intrigues me and I can't quite put my finger on it. 

Suddenly the door to the bursts open and Snape strides in, cloak billowing. I tiny bit extra if you ask me, but ok. "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making." 

He continues. "However, for those select few who are in the possession of the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." He mutters. Now everyone is leaning in. 

I then see his gaze glance at Harry who is writing down everything he is says. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you  feel confident to Not Pay Attention." He snaps. Harry's head snaps up. 

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asks. My eyes bulge. That was sixth year stuff. Why was he asking Harry? He comes from a Muggle background, he doesn't know this. 

Then again, Hermione's hand shoots up on the other side of me. Harry just shakes his head. "You don't know? Let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a Bezoar?" He asks. "I don't know sir." Harry says. 

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolvesbane?" He asks. My eyes widen. Aconite. My mother debated taking that when she first found out she way pregnant with me. I look down at my hands. "I don't know sir." He says. 

"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything. Is it Mr. Potter?" Snape asks. After that Harry had enough. "Clearly Hermione knows. Seems a pity not to ask her." He snaps. My head shoots up and I elbow him. He's just gonna lose us points if he snaps. People across the classroom snicker. "Silence." 

Then Snape storms towards us and sits down right in front of Harry. "Put your hand down you silly girl." He quips to Hermione. She lowers her hand, sad that she was not given the chance to prove her intelligence. 

"For your information Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping draft to powerful, it is know as the draught of the living dead. A bezoar can be found in the stomach of a goat and will cure you from most poisons." I roll my eyes, he's just showing off now. I could have told you  this. 

"As for monkwood and wolves bane, they are the same plant that also goes by the name of aconite. Well, why aren't any of you writing this down?" He asks. Soon the room is filled with the sound of quills scratching notes onto parchment. 

"Ten points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your cheek." Snape says. I give Harry a look and go on to write down the information I already know. Once class is let out I try to hurriedl"Though you could use the company." He says. I smile at him. "Well then I am honored Mr. Potter." I say in a formal voice. 

"As am I, Miss Mikaelson." He says back in the same tone. We laugh together as we make our way back to the dining hall. When we get there we take our place next to our friends and go over this morning's classes. From just this morning, I can tell that this school year will be interesting. 

I can only hope it's a normal kind of interesting, but then again, when you're a mix of three different species and stuck in a strange world, what is normal?

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