Chapter 6: My Family and Blood on the Walls

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Hope's POV:

That night before dinner Harry and Ron take off towards detention and Hermione and I head to the library to get started on the work we were assigned for this week. Why do the teachers here have to assign so much work.

"I really miss my old school when the professors assign stuff like this." I grumble, finishing my second essay of the night. "Why? Do they not assign this much work?" She asks. "No. It's more hands on things. Also, the books in our library are way better than the ones here."

"Would you ever go back?" She asks me. "What?" "To your old school, would you ever go back?" She asks. I smile at her reassuringly, knowing in my mind that I would never abandon my family given a choice.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably not. I mean, I would love to visit my home again, but I wouldn't just leave you, Ron, or Harry. You guys and the Weasleys are my family now. To me family is Always and Forever. My dad taught me that." I say.

"Seems like you dad knew what he was talking about." She says. "Yeah, he did. No matter how bad things got, it was always family above all." "Tell me about them. I know your grandmother was a witch as well as two of your aunts, but what else?" I sigh.

"Well, my father had 6 siblings, all were born witches. One was taken and raised by my aunt Dahlia who is a very powerful witch, the others were raised by my grandmother and her husband, Mikael. Mikael is my father's step father." "Wow, that's a lot. You have a big family."

I laugh a little. "I know, right? Anyways, Mikael and my father never got along since my father was a product of my grandmother's unfaithfulness to Mikael." I explain. She nods her head in understanding.

"The oldest, the one raised by my great aunt, is Freya, then there's Finn, Elijah, my dad, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, although I never knew uncle Henrik, he died long before I was born. Werewolf attack." I explain. Her eyes widen.

"Really? I've heard how bad werewolf attacks can be, I'm sorry." She says. "It's fine, really. I never knew him. It was a really long time ago. Anyways, from them I have two more aunts and an uncle. Davina, Keelin, and Marcel." I finish. "Wow, like I said, big family." She says.

"Yeah, and that's on my dad's side. My mom was orphaned at a young age, but she eventually found a, uh, tribe which was her family. After she had me she married a man named Jackson. Eventually it was just her." I say. "I'm sorry Hope." She says.

"It's fine, I've had time to mourn. Three years almost, since my parents death. Kinda hard to believe. I've lost a lot. My grandparents on my mom's side, my grandparents on my dad's side, my uncle Elijah, my dad, my mom, my uncle Henrik, aunt Dahlia, my godmother, Camille." I list.

"I'm truly am sorry Hope, I didn't mean to bring it up." She says. "Don't worry, you're fine. Like I said, I've had time to mourn." I tell her. She nods, giving me a soft smile. "Well. I think that we've done enough studying for tonight. Come on, Harry and Ron should be out of detention by now."

I nod, gathering my things and stuffing them into my bag. Once everything is gathered we exit the library and walk round, trying to find our two guy friends. Plus I'm super hungry and it's past time for dinner. We find Ron fairly quickly. "You seen Harry?" Ron asks. I shake my head.

"He must still be in detention. Come on, it's time for dinner." Hermione suggest. We both nod and head towards the Great Hall. Thirty minutes into dinner I start to get worried. Where is Harry? "Guy, I'm worried about him." I say, voicing my concern. Hermione nods in agreement.

"Me too. He should have been here by now." She says. "I'm going to go look for him." I say. They both nod and stand. With that we exit the Great Hall and go off to search for him. I hope he's ok, it's not like him to miss dinner. We soon find him, but he looks frantic and disassociated.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "The voices, can't you hear them?" He asks. "Voices? What voices?" I ask him, concerned. He's not making any sense. Without replying he starts walking off in a random direction. Concerned and confused the three of us follow behind him silently.

That is until we come across an empty corridor. On the wall there is a message written in blood. I will never be able to mistake that metallic scent. Also, hanging there, is a dead looking Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat. I gasp.

Soon, there are a bunch of footsteps headed down the hallway and students and teachers crowd the scene. What happened here. I search deep within myself and the cold feeling I felt the night before the first day of school hits me like a pile of bricks. I feel cold. Extremely cold.

It almost feels like a possession spell. Maybe...never mind. Filch shoves his way though the crowd. Once he's through he glares at Harry. "Potter? What were you...?" His question trails off at the end. He looks up to see Mrs. Norris. Oh no.

I raise my hand a little in case I need to work fast against Filch if he tries to attack Harry. "Mrs. Norris? You murdered my cat." He accuses. "No, no." Harry protests. I'll kill ya. I'll kill ya!" "ARGUS!" Filch is stopped by Dumbledore making his way through the hallways.

He stops when he sees the message. "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." He says. We all go to leave. "Everyone except you four." He says, pointing to me and my friends. Oh boy. "She's not dead Argus, she has been petrified." Dumbledore explains.

"Though so. So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the counter curse that couldn't spared her." He says. Liar. "But how she has been petrified I cannot say." Dumbledore says. "Ask him. It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Filch says. I roll my eyes.

If Harry wrote on the walls then he would have blood on his hands. Trust me blood isn't easy to get out of things. "It's not true sir, I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris." Harry says. "Rubbish." Filch sneers.

"If I may Headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." Snape suggests. Why is he helping us? He hates us. We all exchange looks of confusion. "However..." Here it is.

"The circumstances are suspicious. I for one don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." He says. "I'm afraid that's my doing Severus." Lockhart says, stepping forward. Snape whips around to face him. "You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail." Lockhart says.

"That's why Hope, Ron, and I went looking for him Professor. We just found him when he said..." Hermione trails. I hold back a scream. Why is she telling them that he heard voices? "Yes...Miss Granger." Snape prompts. "When I said I wasn't hungry." Harry says, thinking quickly.

We all turn to look at Snape. "We were all heading back to the Common Room when we found Mrs. Norris." Harry says. I nod, trying to make Snape believe us, but I can tell he doesn't. He turns to look at Dumbledore. "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." He says.

I inwardly let out a breath of relief. "My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!" Filch cries out. "We will be able to cure her Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Madrake. When matured we will make a potion which will revive Mrs. Norris."

Filch looks relieved. "And in the meantime. I strongly recommend caution. To all." He says. Dumbledore turns to the four of us. "I wish to speak to Miss Mikaelson for a moment. You three are dismissed however." He says. They look concerned at me.

"I'll be fine. I'll meet you in the Common Room later." I tell them. They nod hesitantly before walking away. "Come with me Hope." He says. I nod, following him away from the other teachers. Once we're away I realize we're headed towards his office.

When we get inside he goes straight over and sits behind his desk. I sit in front of it. "Now, tell me, what did you sense when you came upon the scene?" He asks me. I scrunch my eyebrows. "How did you know about that?" I ask. "I am very old Hope, and observant." He explains. I sigh.

"I felt cold. I felt the presence of evil. It sort of feels like it did last year, only, I didn't realize it last year. If I had maybe I could have figured out it was Quirrel, but I brushed the feeling off. I won't make that same mistake this year." I say. He nods.

"And you didn't feel that when you found Harry?" He asks. I shake my head. "No. Just when we found Mrs. Norris." I say. "Thank you. You may return to your Common Room now." He says. I nod and stand, exiting the office. When I reach the Common Room, Harry is the only one left.

I get it, it's late. I go over and sit next to him. "Are you ok? What did Dumbledore want?" He asks, concerned. I smile at him. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I felt something when we found Mrs. Norris and he was curious." I explain. He scrunches his eyebrows. "What did you feel?" He asks.

"I'm not exactly sure what I felt, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing." I say. He nods his head and I'm glad he dropped the subject. We sit there for a while in comfortable silence. I've missed this. After awhile I grow tired and lean my head on his shoulder. I've missed this.

Soon, I feel my eyes droop and I am fast asleep.

A/N: Hey Guys!! I've decided on a schedule for uploading on this story! I'll be uploading every Friday! It may be one chapter or two but ever Friday you will get a new chapter. Also, I've decided that the next Hope Mikaelson crossover will be Lord of the Rings! I'm thinking of doing either the new Charmed or Avengers. Hope everyone is doing well in these times.


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