Chapter 6: Something Epic

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Hope's POV:

After the final announcements we are dismissed to our Common Rooms. Harry and I walk a bit in front of Ron and Hermione and get there quickly. When we walk in Seamus is glaring at us along with his friends. Everyone goes quiet. They're all reading the Daily Prophet over Harry's trial.

This isn't going to end well. "Dean, Seamus, good holiday?" Harry asks. "Alright. Better than Seamus's anyway." Dean says. The Irish boy slams down the paper and stands, walking towards us. "Me mum didn't want me to come back this year." He tells us. "Why not?" Harry asks.

"Let me see...uh, because of the two of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about the two of you, Harry, Hope, and about Dumbledore as well." He says. "What? And your mum believe them?" Harry asks.

"Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died. I mean, we don't even know how Hope got there." "Oh, well, I guess you should read the Prophet then, like your stupid mother." Harry snaps. I place a calming hand on his arm.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that." Seamus growl back. "I'll have a go at anyone who calls me and Hope liars." Seamus goes to talk again, stepping forwards. I step in front of Harry, glaring. He shrinks back instantly under the heat of my glare.

"Enough. Seamus, drop it. Arguing clearly won't change your opinion and it isn't do anything so quit before anything happens." I glare at him. I look around to everyone in the Common Room. "Anyone else have a problem? No? Good." I grab onto Harry arm and drag him towards the stairs.

We go into his dormitory to escape everyone. We'll go down to our usual spots when his roommates come up and everyone starts clearing out. "There's no way to prove the truth and it's so infuriating." He growls, pacing back and forth while I sit on his bed calmly.

"Hey, breath, Seamus's opinion doesn't matter. Those people down there, their opinions don't matter. The ones that matter are the ones of your friends. We all believe you. Seamus will eventually see that we're telling the truth, no matter how dense he is.

Everything will turn out how it's supposed to. It might just take time." I tell him. He tosses his tie and outer robe onto the bed behind me before taking a seat next to me and laying his head on my shoulder.

My arm instantly goes around him and I start messing with his hair, calming his anger down. He's been so angry recently and I hate it. This isn't Harry and I'm unsure as to how to help him. "It feels like it's never going to end." He mumbles. I sigh and lean my head on top of his.

"I know. Trust me, I know. I've been dealing with this for a long time. I mean, this is my second time I've been fifteen and my last go round wasn't all that great." I tell him. This causes a brief smile to flit across his face.

"What happens when Dumbledore finds you a way back to your world?" He asks. I freeze. I've thought about this, but I never truly decided what I was going to do. "I don't know. I don't know if there's even a way for me to get back." He doesn't look at me when I try to meet his eyes.

"I mean, Dumbledore has been searching for a way to send me home for six years and even he's come up with nothing. I don't think it's something we have to worry about, and if it is then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's just live moment to moment." He finally looks at me.

"If we keep thinking about our future then we're just going to sike ourselves out." I explain to him. He just nods, not saying anything and I can tell that he's thinking about me one day leaving this world.

"Sirius told me something this summer and I've taken it to heart. He said, 'No matter what happens, be grateful for the time you have and don't waste a moment of the precious time that is slowly slipping away'." He nods, smiling a little again.

"He was talking to you about my parents, wasn't he." He says. I nod. "Yeah. You're lucky to have him Harry. He's a good man." He nods, a smile coming to his face at the thought of his godfather. I smile a little as well.

"I may not know what it's like to lose both your parents at such a young age, but I didn't have my dad for most of my life and when I finally go him back he died. My Aunts Freya and Caroline helped my mom raise me and in a way I was closer to them than my dad." He glances up at me.

"Having that someone in your life is important." I explain. "I'm closer to you Ron and Hermione than I am him." He says, looking away from me, back towards the door blocking everyone down stairs who has chosen to not believe us.

"Then we're your people. Harry you have so many people who care about you. Don't take the words of those who don't know you to heart. It's letting them win and feel their small hearts will with pride. Don't give them that satisfaction. You're strong. You'll get through this."

He doesn't look like he believes me. "You're not alone, your friends will help you." He lifts his head from my shoulder before pulling me into a hug. "Thank you Hope, for everything." He mutters. I hug back just as tight.

"Of course Harry. You're part of my family now. And that means Always and Forever. I'll always be here for you." His hug gets tighter and I can't help the fluttering that erupts in my chest. I don't know how much longer I can keep my feelings for him a secret.

My crush is slowly evolving into something else and it scares me, but a good scare. Like something is about to happen. Something epic.

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