Chapter 7: I Believe You, I Will Always Believe You

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Hope's POV:

Finally Thursday rolls around and we're all seated in the Great Hall, waiting for Dumbledore to announce the Champions. "Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The Champion selection." Dumbledore announces. He places a hand to the Goblet then backs away.

The flames turn red and a piece of paper flies into his hand. "The Durmstang Champion is Viktor Krum." He calls out. I clap politely as Krum's school mates cheer him on. He stands and shakes Dumbledore's hand before going into the back room. Another piece of paper flies out.

"The Champion from Beauxbaton's is Fleur Delacour." Again we all claps and she goes to shake Dumbledore's hand before following in Krum's footsteps and going into the back room. Another piece of paper. "The Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory."

I grin as we all cheer for Cedric as he follows after Fleur and Viktor. As he passes me he sends me a friendly smile. "Excellent! We now have our three Champions." The clapping finally ceases as Dumbledore goes to continue his speech.

"But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this Chalice of Champions. This Vessel of Victory. The Triwizard Cup!" He exclaims. The tarp is removed to reveal the most beautiful trophy I've ever seen. A glowing crystal chalice. We all clap again.

Suddenly the Goblet starts acting up again, like it's about to spit another name out. But that's impossible. The flames turn bright red again and a final piece of paper flies out and into Dumbledore's hands. "Harry Potter." He reads. My heart stops and my eyes widen. No.

"Harry Potter?" He calls again, louder this time. Harry is shaking next to me. I grab his hand and squeeze it. He squeezes back just as tight. "Harry Potter!" He yells. "Go on Harry. It'll be fine." I say, trying to reassure him. Thing is, I don't know what I'm reassuring him of.

They already have their three Champions, they won't possible make Harry compete. They can't. He stands and walks off towards the back room. Ron looks furious while Hermione just looks concerned. "He's a cheat!" Someone yells. "He's not even 17 yet!' Another calls. I stand.

"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!" I yell out. They all turn to look at me, just I don't back down in fear. No one says anything after I speak. Everything is eerily silent. "Alright, time for you all to return to your Common Rooms." Dumbledore says. Everyone makes a hasty exit from the Great Hall.

"Did you help him do it?" Ron asks, coming up to walk next to me. "Me? You are dumb? Why would I help him enter something that is clearly extremely dangerous." "Oh come off it, you clearly fancy him, you'd help him with anything if he asked."

That's it. I lash out and slap him. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again Ronald Weasley. You may be one of my best friends, but right now you are way out of line. I've lost a lot of people, I would do anything that would put Harry's safety on the line, ever."

With that I storm the rest of the way up the stairs to the Common Room. Everyone can feel my anger because they make room when I pass. When I reach the Common Room I go over the couch and sit down to wait for Harry. No one bothers me.

Finally, when everyone else is back in their rooms the door to the Common Room opens. I turn to see Harry walk through the door. "Hey." I call softly. He looks shocked to see me there. "Hope, you waited up." "Of course I did. I thought you might want to talk."

"I didn't put my name in, I swear." He says, taking his usual seat next to me. I grab his and hand squeeze it softly. "I know you didn't." "You believe me?" "Yes, I believe you, I will always believe you." He visibly relaxes.

I place my head on his shoulder and he lays his on top of mine, pulling away his hand and wrapping it around my shoulders. We sit there in our usual silence. There's nothing to say, just a mutual agreement to just be there for the other.

Finally when the bell tower chimes midnight Harry pulls away. I'm immediately cold. "I'm going to sleep this off." "Ok, I'll see you in the morning." "Goodnight Hope." "Night Harry." With that he disappears up the stairs to the boy's dormitories.

Sighing I stand and walk to my own dorm where Hermione is probably waiting for me. When I get up there I see that my suspicions are correct. "Hey, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" "Well I know what Ron said hurt you."

"He was out of line. He has no right to insinuate such things about me. He should know me better than that. How could he possibly believe that I would willingly aide in putting Harry's life in danger?"

"He's just angry. I mean, from what I can tell, he's tired of just being the Boy Who Lived's best friend. He wants to be known as himself. Harry's his best mate, don't get me wrong, but I can see where he's coming from." She says. I nod.

"I get that he's angry, but that anger is going to have some serious consequences if he keeps it up." She nods. "I agree with you on that one." I nod. "Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day for all of us. I'm just sure of it." I tell her.

"I agree with that as well. Night Hope." "Night Mione." With that she climbs in bed and I head towards the bathroom to shower. Once I'm clean and the day's events are washed away I head back into the dormitory and climb under my soft comforter.

I lay there thinking for a while, unable to sleep. I have no clue how I'm going to help Harry with this. I can only aide him where I can and hope that he'll be ok. Please let him be ok through all of this.

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