Chapter 7: She's Worse

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Hope's POV:

Today is the first day of classes and I couldn't be less excited. Starting off with double Potions and ending with Defense Against the Dark Arts. Now, usually I would be excited about DADA, but Umbridge doesn't seem like someone I'll get along with. 

Potions just finished and now my friends and I are walking towards Umbridge's classroom. After listening to the three of us complaining for the past five minutes Hermione chimes in. "You three do know we haven't even had her class yet. She might not be that bad." I roll my eyes. 

"Trust me Mione, over the past few years, I've learned to trust my just and Umbridge definitely rubs me the wrong way." "I think you're over reaction. She can't be that bad." "I look forward to your face when she's just as bad as I think she is." I tell her as we enter the class room. 

Hermione and Ron share a desk while Harry and I have our own. I turn to the boy who looks absolutely exhausted. I know he was practically falling asleep during potions. "Hey, are you alright?" I ask him. He nods, but doesn't say anything. "Harry." 

"I'm fine Hope." He snaps before sighing. "Sorry, just didn't get much sleep last night is all." I nod. "I can always brew a dreamless sleep potion for you." "I'll keep that in mind." Neville rushes in and takes the other seat next to me. He looks nervous and out of breath. 

"Are you ok?" I ask him, concerned. "Yeah, I just think I've forgotten something." He says. I just shrug and turn back to the front when I hear Umbridge clear her throat loudly for the class to be quiet. 

"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. More commonly known as O.W.L. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences my be severe." She says.Her voice is annoying. Ok, maybe I am nit picking, but I don't really care at this point. 

She points her want to the stacks of books at the beginning of each row and they start to distribute themselves out to us. "Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven." That's an understatement. 

"But you'll be pleased to know from now on you'll be following a carefully structured, Ministry approved course of defensive magic. Yes?" She asks when she sees Hermione's hand in the air. "There's nothing in here about using defense spells." She explains. 

"Using spells?" She asks, laughing a little. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." "We're not going to use magic?" Ron asks. "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way." 

"Well, what use is that. If we're going to be attacked, it won't be risk free." Harry tells her. She turns back towards the front. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." She snaps. I glare at her. I get the feeling this'll end badly. 

I hear her take a deep breath before turning back to us. "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all, is what school is all about." "And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I ask. 

"There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine would want to attack children, like yourself." "Oh, I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort." Harry quips. Everyone around the room starts muttering quietly. 

"Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie." "It's not a lie. Hope and I saw him! We fought him!" Harry snaps. "Detention! Mr. Potter." I stand, angry now. 

"Look, just because you think you can keep us quiet so you can remain on your high horse doesn't mean what you're doing is right! You're doing what Voldemort wants! Keeping them in the dark is going to be the reason people get hurt and killed just like Cedric!" I yell at her. 

"Detention for you as well Miss Mikaelson! Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." "IT WAS MURDER! VOLDEMORT KILLED HIM! YOU MUST KNOW THAT!" Harry yells. "ENOUGH!" I shake my head and raise my voice even more. 


She lets out a fake laugh before continuing on with the lesson. I take my seat and turn to Harry. "You didn't have to do that." He mutters where Umbridge can't hear him. "Yes, I did. She was attacking me as well." He nods, gripping my hand under the table. 

After class Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I head toward the Common Room, still quite a while before dinner and detention. "Fighting her will not solve anything." Hermione tells us. "Yeah, I know that, but them discrediting us is going to get people killed." I tell her. 

"I know, but we have to be smart about this. Alright?" She asks. I just shake my head. "Being smart is one thing, what you're asking me to do is be quiet until the time arises, but the thing is, by then it'll be too late." She sighs at this. 

"People will have been hurt and more people will have died and I've been around death long enough to know that you don't wait. You make noise and you become what your enemy fears." She doesn't say anything after this, knowing that I'm right. 

I sigh and move from my usual spot beside Harry over toward her. I pull her into a side hug and she hugs me back. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose anyone else." "I know." She mutters. I pull away and turn to her. "And I was wrong Hermione. She's worse."

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